


授课教师:潘雪琪   沈琛



一、 教学模式


二、 学期目标

1、 让一年级学生对英语产生学习兴趣,愿意参加英语活动。

2、 听懂教师用英语发出与日常生活有关的简单指令,并能用动作做出反应。

3、 能记住自己的英文名字,能说出同伴的英文名字。

4、 准确地学会一些简单单词和短语的发音,如常见的动物和水果的英语名称。 

 5、 学会一些有趣的英语歌曲、儿歌,提高一年级学生听说兴趣。

 6、 锻炼学生能在日常生活中大胆地用英语进行简单交流。

三、 教学内容





 年级19班  执教者:潘雪琪   沈琛




英语短剧《Listening to the sound of blooming》




Listening to the sound of blooming

主要角色:小雨,父亲、母亲、 李老师、吴老师(班主任),吴老师的女儿、


Xiaoyu Dad Mum Miss Li Miss Wu Daughter Miss Zhang Four studerts



Mum: Come here! Come here!

Dad: Hi!

Mum: What’s wrong?

Dad: I have to go out to work in a few days.

Mum: Oh! I know.

Dad: I’ve thought a lot. You’d better go with me.

Mum: I’d love to. But what will Xiaoyu do without us?

Dad: That is what I’m worrying about! If only we could go together. We can work for two more years to build our house. Then we needn’t go. Mum: But, Xiaoyu?

Dad: Oh, yeah!I’v got it. There may be some boarding schools.

Mum: I’ve heard of it. Tongtong, our neighbor’s daughter, is studying in

our country. I remember the name of the school seems to be Songlin Primary School.

Dad: Let’s inquire it before we decide tomorrow. If that didn’t help there would be other ways

Mum: Enn, OK!


(小雨的父母到县城打听寄宿制学校的情况,来到了松林小学。) Dad: Excuse me. May I come in?

Miss Li: Come in, please. Can I help you?

Dad: I want to send my daughter to study here.

Miss Li: Where are you from?

Dad: We are from Xiao’ an village.

Miss Li: Well, our school is only for the students whose household registrations are in country. I’m sorry to tell you she can’t.

Mum: Can’t she really come? We will both go out to work in a few days. She is left alone at home. We are worried about her.

Miss Li: What? Go out to work!

Mum: Yeah!

Miss Li: Oh, If that so, you’re lucky. We could receive the children whose parents have gone to the cities to do business and find jobs since last year. Dad: Is that true? Thank goodness.

Mum: By the way. What if she can’t take care of herself at a very small


Miss Li : Rest assured of that. There are some special life teachers in our school. Even at night, they will be on duty by turns.

Dad: How about studying?

Miss Li: Don’t worry. Our school pays more attention to the teaching of cultural course, as well as offers 5 featuring projects of English, reading, writing and so on.

Mum: Oh! It’s good news!

Dad: Let’s go home quickly and tell Xiaoyu about it.

Dad and Mum: Thank you! Bye-bye!

Miss Li: Goodbye!



Miss Wu: Good morning, class. Today, There is a new student in our class. Her name is Xiaoyu.

Xiaoyu: Hello!

Ss: Hello!

Miss Wu: Her parents are also working outside. From now on, she will be one of us. Let’s welcome her.

Xiaoyu, This is your seat. Sit down, and we’ll begin our class.

Boys and girls, books can lead to growing up, Reading can enlarge our life. Let’s join in the New Education Experiment and have a meaningful

study life. Let’s read a poem: A Book.


没有一艘非凡的战舰, 能像一册书籍把我们带到浩瀚的天地 There is no frigate like a book to take us lands away

也没有一匹神奇的坐骑,能像一页诗扉带我们领略人世的真谛 Nor any coursers like a page of prancing poetry

即令你一贫如洗,也没有任何栅栏能阻挡你在书的王国遨游的步履 This traverse may the poorest take without oppress of toll

多么质朴无华的车骑,可是它却装载了人类灵魂中全部的美! How frugal is the chariot that bears a human soul

Miss Wu: Class is over.

Ss: Goodbye! Miss Wu.



(晚上十点左右,吴老师家。吴老师的女儿刚刚睡着,生活老师张老师打来电话,小雨发高烧需要及时送往医院,但张老师正在值班。) Miss Wu: This is Miss Wu. Who’s that?

Miss Zhang: This is Miss Zhang. I’m sorry to call you so late. Miss Wu: What’s up?

Miss Zhang: Xiaoyu has a fever. I’m on duty. Can you come to school now?

Miss Wu: Oh!

Miss Zhang: Can’t you come? Have you got anything to do now? Miss Wu: It doesn’t matter. I’m going at once.

Miss Zhang: Oh! I will wait for you in the dorm.

Miss Wu: All right.


Miss Wu: My baby is asleep. Her dad isn’t at home. What if she wake up at midnight. What am I going to do?

Come to school first. just hope she wouldn’t wake up.


Daughter:Mummy, mummy! Where are you? Where are you? Mummy, mummy!

Miss Wu: Oh! My baby.

Daughter:Mummy, I’m frightened.

Miss Wu: Sorry. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.

Daughter:Where did you go? Mummy.

Miss Wu: I went to school.

Daughter:I couldn’t find you. Mummy.

Miss Wu: My baby. Sorry. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. My baby. From now on, I must tell you if I go out.

Daughter:I feel sleepy.

Miss Wu: Go to sleep now.


S1:How are you feeling now? Xiaoyu.

Xiaoyu: I feel better. Thank you!

S1: Do you know what festival it is today?

Ss: No.

S1: Let me tell you. Today is Thanksgiving Day.

S2: Thanksgiving Day? I heard people should say the prayers according to custom. And should say a few words about what they are the most thankful for .

S1: Yeah! That’s right. I think I should thank Mum for telling stories every night. What about you?

S3: I thank Dad for reading with me.

Xiaoyu: I think we should thank our teacher. I stay at school without my parents. But I don’t feel alone.

S2: Yeah! You’re right. Our teachers are like a mother to us.

S3: I think so. Xiaoyu. When did Miss Wu leave school?

Xiaoyu: About one o’clock.

S3: Oh! It was so late. I heard Miss Wu left her child alone last night. S2: What about her husband?

S3: I heard he was on business outside.

S1: Really! Her daughter is only five years old.

S2: I think Xiaoyu is right. We should thank our teacher.

Ss: En.

(一起上场扶起老师,为学校和老师献上一首歌《感恩的心》。) 感恩的心 My thankful heart.

感谢有你 Grateful to you.

伴我一生 Keep me company,

让我有勇气作我自己 let me brave to be myself.

感恩的心 My thankful heart,

感谢命运 Grateful to fate.

花开花落 blooming of fading,

我一样会珍惜 I’ll still cherish them.

Ss: Thank our teachers! Thank our school!

























