








参考词汇:国家体育馆 National Stadium  国家游泳馆 National Swimming Stadium Dear Peter,

Welcome to Beijing.

I am looking forward to the day you come to Beijing. See you then.

Yours truly,

Li Hua







参考词汇:希腊古奥林匹亚遗址ancient Olympia, Greece 火炬 torch

3. 通知






Attention please, everyone:

Now I would like to tell you the arrangement for the journey.

That’s all. Thank you. 

4. 郊游日记






May 20th , Wednesday                                      Cloudy and drizzle
















参考词汇:地方剧:local opera  清朝:Qing Dynasty 剧团:troupe



参考词汇:拉萨 Lhasa  冻土 frozen earth  高原 plateau





(佛山市南海区石门中学狮山校区 王 跃)

11. 介绍广东气候


1. 相对北方而言,广东的气候冬不寒夏不热,春秋连在一起,适宜居住。

2. 全年温暖湿润,冬天最低温度为7摄氏度,最冷的1—2月份平均气温也有14摄氏度。

3. 夏天最高温度只有36摄氏度,最热的6—8月份月平均温度才28摄氏度。

4. 每年的5月到10月是雨季。

5. 但是,随着大气层二氧化碳的增多以及环境污染的日趋严重,跟全球一样,广东也时不时受极端天气的影响。

(汕头市潮阳区城郊中学 陈秋彦)

12. 如何面对困难与挫折



1. 每个人都会遇到许许多多、各种各样的困难和挫折;

2. 每个人对待困难和挫折的态度不同,乐观者会冷静地找出原因,然后想法解决问题;悲观者后悔、抱怨、甚至放弃;

3. 遇到困难和挫折时,要说“太好了!” 因为你抓住了锻炼自己的机会。看到他人收到挫折时,应该说“你有困难吗?让我来帮助你吧!”

13. 一个有修养的人

古人云:“君子不可不修身。” “正心以为本,修身以为基。”某英文报纸以“一个有修养的人”为话题开展征文活动。请根据以下要点写一篇短文。

1. 一个人不能够没有修养(culture) 。一个富有修养的人,对待他人始终都彬彬有礼,面带微笑,并且尊重、理解、关心别人,并且言行一致。

2. 他认为扶贫助困,爱护公物,保护环境的社会公德是每个公民的责任。

3. 修养将使我们大家和睦融洽,使我们的未来更美好。

(佛山市顺德区龙江中学 晓月)

14. 讨论奥运主题歌后的日记


1. 奥运会将在今年的八月份在举行;

2. 奥运会是国际事件;

3. 奥运主题歌应混合有中英文;

4. 奥运主题歌应全世界人民都能听懂;

5. 奥运主题歌应充满力量与勇气。

6. 奥运主题歌带有中国特色,

7. 奥运主题歌能听出和回忆起是为北京奥运而作。

参考词汇:奥运主题歌the Olympices theme song

(广州市番禺区市桥第二中学 何永志)

15. 介绍我国去年冰灾的情况



(广东广雅中学 李建军)

16. 学校体育课与体育锻炼



1. 你校每周有几节体育课?

2. 体育课的内容;

3. 你校另外还有哪些体育锻炼形式;

4. 谈谈你或的同学对体育锻炼的看法和做法。

(江门新会市梁启超纪念中学 唐金妹)


Dear Peter,

Welcome to Beijing.

Beijing is the capital of China, with a history of more than 3,000 years. There are many famous places of interest, such as the Great Wall, the Summer Place, Tian’anmen Square and so on. The 20## Beijing Olympic Games will be held between August 8th and 24th. We have built several stadiums, among which the National Stadium and the National Swimming Centre are the most famous. The opening and closing ceremony will be held in the National Stadium, while the National Swimming Centre will be the main stadium for swimming games.

I am looking forward to the day you come to Beijing. See you then.

Yours truly,

Li Hua


The 20## Beijing Olympic torch was lit by the sun's rays in ancient Olympia, Greece on March 24. After a reception in Beijing on March 31, the Olympic flame began its global tour of 135 cities around the world on April 1. The relay will cover 137,000 km in 130 days before the flame finally arrives at the National Stadium in Beijing on August 8th, 20## for the opening ceremony. In China nearly 20,000 torchbearers and over 70 cities will join the torch relay.

The Beijing 20## Olympic Torch Relay will travel the longest distance, cover the greatest area and include the largest number of people in Olympic history.


Attention please, everyone:

Now I would like to tell you the arrangement for the journey.

We will arrive in Guangzhou Guangdong Province on the morning of Jauary 30th (Day 1), and later that morning go to Xiangcheng by ship, the capital of an island city. On arriving Xiangcheng, we will meet home carers at the short reception and then leave with the carers. From February 1st to 14th (Day 2 to Day 15) , we will study in Xiangcheng Language College in the morning, and in the afternoon we will travel around the island, such as going to the Natural Park to have a walk in forest and viewing the beautiful tall trees. On the 15th and 16th (Day 16 and Day 17) we will be back to Guangzhou, where we will climb Baiyun Mountain, and have a picnic there. On the 17th (Day 18) we will fly back to Syndey form Guangzhou International Airport and arrive about 9 pm Australia time and greeted by parents at the airport.

That’s all. Thank you.


May 20th , Wednesday                               Cloudy and drizzle

    Yesterday my classmates and I went to West Mountain and had a picnic.

    All of us set off at seven o’clock from our school gate and rode to the foot of the mountain. After an hour’s climbing, we reached the top of the mountain and enjoyed the beautiful seneary. Running, singing, jumping, playing chess and taking photos, we had a wonderful time there.

After the picnic lunch at three o’clock, we felt very tired, so we went down the mountain and came home.


Solar cars are cars that use sunlight for power while common cars use gas or petral as their fuel. Both of them have advantages and disadvantages. Solar cars are safe and clean, but they have low power, they are slow and they cannot run at night. Common cars have strong power and they are convenient to use, but they pollute the environment.

I think we need to develop future technologies to improve the power for solar cars and to use clean energy for common cars.


Recently some Chinese educational experts did a survey to find out which festivals are the most favourite ones among middle school students. More than 1,000 students from Beijing and Chengdu participated in the activity. The result shows that over 80% of the students are familiar with our classical festivals. About 50% of the students choose the Spring Festival as their most favourite. Next come Chiristmas Day, Father’s and Mother’s Day and Mid-autumn Day, with 20%, 10% and about 8% respectively.


Beijing Opera, with a history of more than 200 years, is very popular in China.

During the Qing dynasty, the emperor had a strong interest in local operas. In the late 18th century, to celebrate the emperor’s 80th birthday, local opera troupes from different parts of China came to Beijing to perform for him. Four famous troupes from Anhui province remained in Beijing after the celebration and gradually a new type came into being known as Beijing Opera.

Now is the performance.


Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the world's highest railway, extends 1956 kilometers from Xining to Lhasa. It has set up a number of world records in the history of railway construction. It has 550 kilometers of track laid on frozen earth, the longest distance anywhere in the world. It also has the highest railway station on the route , Tanggula Station, which is 5068 metres above sea level. And Kunlun Mountain Tunnel, running 1,686 meters, is the world's longest plateau tunnel built on frozen earth.


Advertisements are very common in modern society, and they are now playing an important role in our life.

Advertisements can tell people a lot of information about new products – quality, prices, where to get and so on. What’s more, they can also attract potential customers’ interest and help increase the selling quantity.

However, we shouldn’t trust advertisements too much because sometimes the products are not really like what the advertisers claim to be. It is best to check the products before we decide to buy them.


Coaching books are now very popular among middle school students, and they are playing an important role in our school life.

Coaching books can help us review, summerize and consolidate what we learned before, and they can also guide us how to learn in future. Good coaching books are just like good teachers, which are a great help to us learning.

     However, we cannot depend too much on coaching books, because the best way of learning is to learn by ourselves. What’s more, some coaching books are in poor quality, so we need to choose and judge by ourselves.


The Climate in Guangdong

Generally speaking, the climate in Guangdong is neither too hot nor too cold compared to the north, and autumn comes after spring, which is suitable to live in. The whole year is damp and warm, and the average temperature  is 14°C in winter with the lowest one  7°C in both January and February; in summer, the average temperature is only28°C with the highest one 36°C in the months from June to August . The rain season is between May and October. However, as people put more and more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and pollution gets more and more serious, Guangdong is affected extreme weather now and then, the same as other places on the earth.


Everyone can meet with all kinds of difficulties and frustrations in life, but everyone takes a different attitude toward them. Some are optimistic while others are pessimistic. Optimistic people will calmly look for the causes of the difficulties and frustrations, and then try to solve the problems when they are faced with many difficulties and frustrations, however, pessimistic people will feel regretful,complain of others, and even give up working hard. In my opinion, we should say “It is very good! ”, because we seize the opportunity to train ourselves. When we find someone in trouble, we should say with concern “Do you have any difficulty? Let me help you out! ”


A Man of Rich Culture

Culture is necessary for a man. A man of rich culture politely treats others with smiles on his face from beginning to end, and he respects, helps, understands and is concerned about others. What's more, what he says agrees with what he does. He thinks it their responsibility for every citizen to help the poor and those in trouble, take good care of public property and protect the environment. Culture will bring us all into harmony and make our future better.


Olympics, which will be held in august in Beijing this year, is an international event. Therefore, the Olympics theme song is understandable to people around the world. I prefer a mixture of English and Chinese. I hope to hear a song that has Chinese characteristics so everyone can recognize and remember that it was created for the Beijing games. At the same time, I think the song should be filled with strength and courage.


This winter was a specially unforgettable winter for all Chinese, who have faced a great challenge from nature, the extremely freezing weather. It has stopped a good many people from returning home because of icy roads and trapped cars on highways. But during that period, our government was doing everything to provide relief and ordinary people were also helping each other to overcome the difficulties together. We all felt that our hearts were linking together closely, even though it had been so cold and cruel. It is generally believed that we are sure to be led to success and achievement for the simplest reason that we are always fighting together.


Nowadays people focus more and more on the physical training, and the students in the school especially enjoy more physical training. We high school students have two PE classes every week and we have many forms of training, such as running, playing basketball, football, table tennis, and so on. Besides, some students get up early in the morning to run, some even run to school every day, many boy students often play basketball or football and after school or at weekend. In fact, we students all like to have PE classes very much. But sometimes we are so busy with our studies that we have little time to take part in sports.

责任编校 蒋小青







高考英语作文 范文集合

















