


一、 常用文章开头、展开及结尾的句式:

   1. Summary:  

1).In this passage, the writer (author) explains/writes about......

   2).The passage/article points out/presents/states/compares/introduces/mainly tells us......

   3).We can learn from the passage that......

   4).The passage tells us a story of......,  who....... .  Through the story, the author presents an idea that...... (记叙+寓意)      

5).As can be learned from the passage,

6).The passage compares the benefits of A with B. Some argue in support of A, believing that..., while others prefer B, stating that......(议论文)      

7).The writer sets some examples to tell us……

2. 过渡句:

   1).I can’t agree more with the author.           

2).I agree with what is presented above.

   3).The view sounds right /reasonable but it is hardly practical.(议论文)   

4).Personally, I prefer ......

   5).Different people have different opinions on this point.  

Some...,..   Others.....


   6). In my opinion, it is right for sb. to do......  

7). This story reminds me of an accident that I witnessed.

   8). Another example that jumps into my mind is......         

9).I have a similar (the same) experience.

   10).What Peter did reminds me of a story that happened two years ago.(记叙文)

3. 结束段(句):

   1).In conclusion/short/brief,...   

2).As is stated above, sth.has both advantages and disadvantages. My opinion is that...(呼应文章主题或标题)

   3).In a word, we have to strike/achieve a balance between A and B.

Only if/when/after/by/in......, can we do......(谈论两种事物时常用)

   4).From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that...

   5).Taking all the above-mentioned factors into consideration,……..

4. 解题技巧:

A.  标题:一般要有,07高考写信没法再拟标题。要求要写标题的而没写会扣分。


(2)实词首字母大写,如How to Educate Children,  My View on Happiness;


(4)两个“万能”标题:  An Unforgettable Experience;        My View on※※※;

(5)注意文章的要求,如果是以“Is Failure a Bad Thing”为标题,就只能用这个;如果以它为主题,可自拟标题。

B. 概要:信息获取与加工的过程,读和写的过程。

















1、概括的要求:   简洁明了,主题突出。




2)、议论性或论说文,概括时则要尽可能客观简要地转述阅读材料的观点。 概括对方观点首先是要转换视角,即以“第三人称”或“无人称”来概括。




1)、寻找关键词。文章的关键词可结合“写”的任务中的“就……”主题发表自己的看法的要求来确定。如,要求你“以约120词谈谈你理想的大学生活”,那么所阅读的文章的主题词就应是“college/university life”。




4、概括的形式:“主题句+支撑句” 即“主题+主题的什么”。


记叙文: “主题+故事简述”,其主要句型为:The story tells /emphasizes /focuses on the importance/ necessicities / advantages, disadvantages, reasons, ways, ideas, …

议论文: “主题/论点+论据”,其主要句型为:论点/主题:The article mainly conveys the idea /discusses the problem/ reasons/ways/ideas, importance/effect…/focuses on the idea/ tells us the fact that… 论据:For example,… /such as…

说明文: “主题+解释/分述”,其主要句型为:主题:This article points out/ talks about/tells about the common phenomenon that… 解释/分述:for example,…


读写任务属于具有一定开放性的写作命题,它要求学生先通读一篇短文,然后用30字左右概述短文的大意,再按要求进行作文。不少学生在概括短文大意这一环节就觉得难以下笔,据了解,困难之处包括: (1)缩不短;(2)抓不住重点;(3)不知道哪些内容该删减;(4)概括不全面。


1. 综合归纳法

   如写事的文章。记叙文一般包含有时间、地点、人物和事件(主要经过)四要素。找出文中的四要素,并合理组织它们,这就是主要内容。 (如果有故事的启示,要再加这一要素。)

2. 段意归并法


3. 抓重点词句(中心句、中心段或过渡段)


4. 取主舍次法即重点归纳法




Learning to study is not difficult. The first thing to remember is that you must be willing to learn. It doesn’t mean that you must always like the subject. It does mean, however, that you must be willing to learn whatever is necessary. Try to understand why it is important and how it will help you now and later. Knowing mathematical facts will be useful in your whole life. Knowing how to spell words makes any kind of writing easier. Sometimes the subject that you think is going to be uninteresting will be attractive when you begin to work on it. Learning things can be fun if you can try your best.

Here’s some advice for you. Have a certain time each day and a quiet place with good lighting for study, so that you can concentrate on your study without interruptions. Have everything ready before you sit down to study, a dictionary, paper, a pen and books. Be sure you understand what you should learn before you start. Read carefully and pay special attention to the most important things. When memorizing, find out the main parts and then recite the whole thing. Check your homework after you finish it. Never forget the importance of review and preview.

该短文分为两个自然段,第一段的第一个句子提出观点:Learning to study is not difficult. 第一段的其余部分都是在阐述分析该观点的前提条件。于是,在这一部分提炼主要意思并用"if"连接起来就是第一自然段的段落大意:The writer tells us that learning to study is not difficult if we are willing to learn and enjoy it. 第二段非常明显,第一个句子即是本段的主题句。其余部分是具体内容,应删减。但应提醒学生不可照搬,应该用自己的语言换一种说法,如:He also gives us advice on how to learn well.然后把两个自然段的大意归并一起,得出短文的大意:The writer tells us that learning to study is not difficult if we are willing to learn and enjoy it. He also gives us advice on how to learn well.

最后,在概括准确、全面的标准上,学生可以互相交流,感受多种表达,比如:In the author’s opinion, if you are willing to learn and try your best, you’ll find learning not difficult but fun. And some suggestions are put forward to help us to learn well.  (33 words)


    Many people go to school for an education. They learn languages, history, geography, physics, chemistry and maths. Others go to school to learn a skill so that they can make a living. School education is very important and useful. Yet no one can learn everything from school. A teacher, no matter how much he knows, cannot teach his students everything they want to know. The teacher’s job is to show his students how to learn. He teaches them how to read and how to think. Much more is to be learned outside school by the students themselves.

    It is always more important to learn to study by oneself than to learn every word from the book. Great scientists, such as Einstein, Newton and Galileo, didn’t get everything from school. But they were all so successful. The reason for their success is that they knew how to study. They worked hard all their lives, wasting not a single moment. They would ask many questions as they read and they did thousands of experiments.

    (概括范例: People can get knowledge and skills at schools. However, teachers’ job is not to teach students everything but to teach them self-study. Many great scientists succeeded because they knew how to self-study and use knowledge in practice. )  (36W)


    The UK is currently in the early stages of introducing a National Identity Card scheme(制度). A debate concerning the issue is going on across the country.

    Those in favor think that it benefits the society. Identity cards will help to fight crime, terrorism, and fraud. If the police are able to check rapidly the identities of the people near a crime scene, their investigation will be both quicker and effective. It benefits the user as well. We need to establish that people are who they claim to be. Identity cards provide additional security in a modern society.

Those who are against hold the view that introducing identity cards would threaten one of the most important rights of any man and woman---the right of privacy. A widely used identity card allows the state to watch closely the movements of its citizens. Identity cards for specific purpose (e.g., driving licenses) are permissible because these are limited and essentially voluntary. A compulsory universal card is not. It is inconvenient as well. It is unreasonable to expect people to carry a specific card at all times---sunbathing at the beach, dancing at a club etc. Perhaps worse, failure to present your card when asked could bring you in unnecessary trouble.              

概括范例:The UK’s National Identity Card scheme has caused a debate. Supporters believe it will make the country safer and users easier to trust each other, while opponents worry it will threaten people’s privacy and bring people inconvenience and trouble.) (39 words)





We all love new inventions. They are exciting amazing and can change our lives. But have all these developments really improved the quality of our lives?

     Picture this: you’re rushing to finish your homework on the computer. Your mobile phone rings, a QQ message from your friend appears on the screen, and the noise from the television is getting louder and louder. Suddenly the computer goes blank and you lose all your work. Now you have to stay up all night to get it done. How calm and happy do you feel?

     Inventions have sped up our lives so much that they often leave us feeling stressed and tired. Why do you think people who live far away from noisy cities, who have no telephones, no cars, not even any electricity often seem to be happier? Perhaps it is because they lead simple lives.


   参考答案:The author discusses whether new inventions really improve the quality of our lives(主题句). While new inventions have brought us much convenience(从第二段得出的支撑句), they can also get us into troubles(从第三段得出的支撑句). (28 words)


Sept.4th, 2008   Thursday

It was raining outside when I got up early in the morning. It’s too bad, so I had to go to school by bus. I said to myself. It was almost seven o’clock before I left home. I put on my raincoat and ran to the bus stop in a hurry, for I thought a lot of people might be waiting there. Hardly had I gone there when a bus was coming. I got on the bus immediately, hoping it was possible for me to take a seat. I saw an empty seat and took it. But I found an old lady standing behind me. I stood up at once and was about to ask her to take the seat when a young girl I a modern skirt made a dive for it. I could hardly believe it. I glared at her, thinking, “What bad manners! She cares for nobody but herself. Won’t she grow old in the future?”

   上文讲述了作者一次雨天让座给老妇人但被一个穿着时髦的年青女人抢占(make a dive for)的故事。作者对此事感到遗憾(bad manners.)和愤怒(glared at her. Won’t she grow old in the future?) 。

   参考答案:On a rainy day, the writer saw a young lady making a dive for a seat on a bus, leaving an old lady standing aside. She felt very angry and sorry about such bad manners in our society.  (38words)






学习过程中要注意归纳总结。学生可以把一些常用于写作中表示各种句子关系的词或词组及一些语篇衔接标志(如连接词)进行归纳。区分它们的用法,并对不同关系的连接词进行归类,这样写作时可信手拈来。如递进关系(besides, what’s more, in addition, moreover, to make matters worse, what’s worse, furthermore等);转折关系(however, but, while, in spite of, otherwise等);个人观点(in my opinion, personally, as far as I’m concerned, as for me, from my personal point of view 等);总结(in short, in a word, on the whole, all in all, to sum up briefly, in general, in conclusion等)其它(for one thing, for another, last but not least, each coin has two sides, according to, compare to, on the one hand, on the other hand, as a matter of fact 等)。


(5)、关注重点语言知识和一些比较地道的英语表达方式,并把它们进行整理,学会使用。(如fail to do sth, sth occurred to sb, available, obtain等的使用)


五、20072011 年广东高考真题



Dear An,

As you sleep in my arms, I'm amazed at how light you feel. I stare at your tiny body, so fragile that a sudden wind could lift you up into the air. I love this feeling of protecting you and dreaming of all I have in store for you.

I intend to bring you up to be brave and successful in an often difficult society. That's why your mommy and I have named you Ari, which means “lion”. It’s our hope that you will grow strong and eagerly grasp even' opportunity to do well for yourself and others.

Before you came into the world, we had spent months imagining what you'd be like. Would you be a boy or a girl? Would you look like Mommy, Daddy or your elder brothers? Anyway, we would find out soon.

Finally your mother's labor came. And several hours later, we met the first time. I held you high up in the air. I then was able to cut your umbilical cord (脐带) and put you in your mother's arms. She still had enough energy to radiate the love while she pressed you to her face.

And here we are tonight. As I hold you close, you sleep so peacefully. 1 press my ear to your chest and hear your strength. I am listening to the first beats of a lion's heart. Welcome to the world, Ari.

Love, Daddy





   (1) 读信后的感受;  (2) 以你自己成长的经历说明你的感受;  (3) 表达你对父亲的感激和祝福。


Dear Dad,

In your letter, you wished me to be strong-minded and successful. You were looking forward to seeing me fight for my future bravely and do well for myself and others.(30W)

    After reading this letter, I feel quite shocked at your expectation on me. I also feel ashamed for not having performed well to meet your demand.

    I still remember when I was in primary school, I failed to apply myself to studying. I was addicted to computer games. As a consequence, I soon became the last one in my class. You didn’t abuse me at all. On the contrary, you taught me that studying was the most important object at the moment and encouraged me to study hard. Only when I have read your letter did I realize that I behaved so badly at that time and you were so sad to see I didn’t do well for myself.

I can’t help expressing my gratitude and sending my best wishes to you, wish you healthy and happy. I promise that I will spare no effort to satisfy you demand of being a brave and successful person.

2008年读写任务 (共1小题,满分25分)


    Hi, I am Mike. I just went through my first year of college. The toughest part on me at first was the general adjustment.1 went to a very small high school where my mom was a teacher and she did practically everything for me. But at the college I needed to know some basic life skills. such as balancing a check—book, laundry, and the things you have to be able to handle that I never thought of in the high school! It was really tough for me at first and I got badly homesick.

Once that first semester was over and I got used to the college life, I loved it—good facilities, helpful instructors, and a good library. The Students’ Union organizes various parties every week. I also go to cinemas and concerts, and often spend Saturday nights in pubs and clubs.

One thing I think is important is to get yourself active in things. I was on the dance team in college and met a ton of people that way ··· it was so much easier to make friends when you had a common ground.


    学校最近组织了一次中美学生交流活动,你参加其中的“大学校园生活”讨论。听完Mike的发言之后,你准备写一份发言稿,题目是“Preparing Myself for College Life”,内容要点包括:

1. 以约30个词概括Mike的发言要点;

2. 然后以约120个词谈谈你理想的大学生活,内容包括:

(1) 对中学生活的感受;(2) 理想的大学生活; (3) 中学生活和大学生活的差别,及你打算如何适应。

范文:                    Preparing Myself for College Life

      At first Mike didn’t adjust himself well to the college life because of the lack of basic life skills and homesickness. However, he got himself active in things and gradually enjoyed his new college life.  (35Words)

     It is obvious that high school life is quite different from college life. We generally study the basic knowledge and seldom work out a project by ourselves. Additionally, most of us live with our parents and we aren’t independent enough to live alone. High school life is simpler than college life.

    However, college life is more challenging and colourful. An ideal college life is meaningful and full of challenges. Students not only study their own majors but also learn how to realize their dreams. They meet more new friends and gradually go into the real society.

     I enjoy my high school life a lot, which provides me with lots of skills and valuable experience. But I discover that I still lack some important life skills, which requires me to improve myself. In order to adjust myself to the coming college life, I decide to gain more knowledge about the society and life skills. I will try my best to become an independent and mature college student.

All in all, I’m looking forward to the new college life. I will prepare myself well and make improvement bit by bit.



    Jackie is perhaps the most easily annoyed koala(考拉)at the Featherdale Wildlife Park in southern Australia.All the koalas there are unhappy and complaining.You would be too if you were used to night activities and someone kept waking you up all day while you were trying to sleep it off.That’s right--sleep it off.The average koala is always half asleep because it feeds on the leaves of a special kind that makes it sleepy.

    The reason Jackie and her fellow koalas are repeatedly awoken from their deep sleep is so they can be hugged and photographed by tourists,who make the trips to Featherdale and an increasing number of other national parks for just that special experience.Whatever department in the Aussie government in charge of such things is now moving to make the practice illegal,which is understandable.How would you react,my friend,if you were trying to sleep off a dozen times and some round,furry creature smelling of grass kept waking you?




    (1) 人们在参观动物园时为什么喜欢和动物拍照;

    (2) 假如你处在那些动物的处境,你会有什么反应;

    (3) 你认为是否应该禁止游客和动物拍照。

范文:The passage narrates that koalas who are repeatedly awoken from their deep sleep are unhappy and complaining for tourists taking photos. The author appeals to us to be more kind to animals.  (32words)

The reasons why tourists like taking photos of the animals in the zoo perhaps vary from people to people. Some think it a happy reminder of their visit to the zoo or the animals, while others may consider it just sort of fun to have. But anyway they may not share the deep feelings of the animals.

If I were in the same position as the animal in the zoo, my reaction would be very severe: strongly against being photographed. No having peaceful surroundings to sleep in, don’t you suffer restlessness and fidgets. No doubt we do and so do the animals.

I think it necessary to ban tourists’ taking pictures with animals, making a comfortable environment for them to live and regarding them as our friends, so as to found harmonious relations with animals.



In junior high school, one of my classmates, Ethan, was addicted to TV. This boy simply knew everything about such pop shows as Who’s the Boss?

Then one day Ethan’s mother made him an offer in order to draw him back to his school subjects. She promised that she would give him $200 if he could go a full month without watching any TV. None of us thought Ethan could do it, but he did quit TV. His mom paid him $200. He went out and bought a TV, the biggest he could find.

      In recent years, hundreds of schools have carried out experiments with paying kids with cash for showing up or getting good grades. All school kids admire this trend. But it upsets adults. Teachers say that we are rewarding kids for doing what they should be doing of their own will. Psychologists warn that money can actually make kids perform worse by making the act of learning cheap. The debate has become a typical battle over why our kids are not learning at the rate they should be despite decades of reforms and budget increases. w_w w. k#s5_u.c o*m

       [写作内容] W_w w.k*s*5 u.c@o m

       1. 以约30词概括上文的主要内容。

       2. 以约120词对用金钱鼓励孩子学习的现象进行议论,内容包括:

         (1) 你对用金钱鼓励孩子学习的看法;

         (2) 你的父母(或其他亲人)是如何鼓励你学习的;

         (3) 你认为怎样才能更好地鼓励孩子学习。W_w w.k*s*5 u.c@o m


The passage mainly tells us that parents give money to their children so that they can show up or get good grades recently by taking the example of Ethan and his mother.(32)

What should people really do to encourage their kids to concentrate their time and energy on studying lessons and doing well? People’s opinions differ from each other about this problem.

Some sclools, teachers and parents give their students or kids money as a stimulating means in order to encourage them to do what they should do effectively.This phenomenon is common in recent years and it is welcomed by most of the young. I don’t think it is an effective way; on the contrary it may lead to the opposite result.

My parents and family often tell me some encouraging stories in ancient or modern times such as Li Bai, Zhou Enlai and so on. Each time I make a little progress in my study, they always praise me with open arms, and whenever I am confronted with difficulties my family always stand on my side. I feel comfortable and warm in my heart for what they do for me. I make up my mind that I’ll live up to my family and my homeland.

I think, as a student myself, school and parents should educate their kids through teaching them to study for their family and their motherland rather than giving them money to let them passively do something. Only by building up some noble and long-range aims can they study on their own initiative.


The passage mainly tells us that parents give money to their children so that they can show up or get good grades recently by taking the example of Ethan and his mother.

Ethan’s mother failed to stop Ethan watching TV, so she rewarded him with cash to achieve her purpose. This kind of action is common, and even become a trend, which is concerned by many adults.

From where I stand, I am not in favour of encouraging kids with cash just because they have got good marks.

My parents used to encourage me like this. Whenever I made progress in my studies, they bought me my favourite books, which not only made me motivated to learn, but also helped me get along well with my studies.

To get kids motivated to learn, I think we should not treat every child in the same way. To some students, oral praise is essential. Don’t save the praise for only the top score. If possible, involve other adults in praising them.However, this method may not work well with other kids. What is more important to them may be to watch a movie or go on a trip together with their parents. It just depends.



When Sam first got to his boarding school with his parents, he was very happy. He thought he would be able to go home every weekend. When he was told he would not, he started crying because the thought of not seeing his parents was driving him crazy.

He was given uniforms and all other things that he would need for the term. He started crying when it was time for his parents to leave. He was then taken to the dorm, where he saw other children happy. He tried as much as he could to fit in but could not because his mind was at home. He started feeling homesick (想家) and wanted to go homes as soon as possible.

He got sick soon because he could not eat the school food. He could not concentrate in the classroom. All he could think was being at home with his family. He had no mobile phone or other means to get in touch with his parents. He was angry and felt lonely. He thought his parents hated him and that was why they left him in a boarding school.


    1. 以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。

2. 以约120个词讲述一次你(或你的朋友)想家的经历,内容包括:

 ⑴ 时间、地点和起因;(2) 想家给学习和生活带来的影响;⑶ 你(或你朋友)是如何应对的。

范文:The story is about what Sam felt about his first boarding school life. He never left his parents, so he was homesick, lonely and angry. Also, he didn’t get used to dealing with everything in school independently. (37words)

      Once I had a similar experience. I finished my junior middle school in a boarding school. At the age of 13, I never dealt with the daily things, such as washing clothes, taking care of money etc. Especially I felt lonely because I hardly knew any people. At first, I could not get on well with my classmates and I always looked forward to being on holiday to meet my parents. I could not concentrate on my subjects. As time went by, I gradually adapted myself to the school life. I made several friends with our classmates and often took part in the activities, in which I improved my communicating skills. As I had a lot of interesting things to do, I finally enjoyed my school life.

      Now, whenever I think of my first boarding school life, I think it instructive and unforgettable.

附:1、 辩论式议论文常用模板:


Some people believe (think, argue, maintain,) that 观点1. But other people take an opposite side. They firmly believe that 观点2. As for me, I agree to the former/latter idea.

    There are a dozen of reasons behind my belief. First of all, 论据1. More importantly, 论据2.  Most important of all, 论据3.

In summary, 总结观点.  As a high school student, I am supposed to 表决心.

或: From above, we can predict that 预测.


People hold different views about X. Some people are in favor of the opinion that 观点1, while others point out that 观点2. As far as I am concerned, the former/latter opinion holds more weight.

    For one thing, 论据1. For another, 论据2. Last but not least, 论据3.

    To conclude, 总结观点. As a high school student, I am supposed to 表决心.

或: From above, we can predict that 预测.

2、Preparation for writing a summary

1)Find the main idea   

2)Find key sentences  

3)Find key words

3、Steps for writing a summary(步骤)












高考英语作文 范文集合

















