


一般情况下用第三人称,不说“we must to??”或“you should??”而应该写成“All the xx are requested to be??”




All the monitors meet in the fifth classroom on Friday,Auguest 28,at 10:00am to discuss the question of ??.

The Student Union Auguest,23,2011 先写地点、后时间(从小到大,从短到长)

短语:be requested to,attend the meeting,meet in,in the college conference room(大型会议)/meeting room(小型会议)



ladies and gentlemen,boys and girls,dear xx

2、开头通知套语: May I have your attention,please?I’m glad to tell you sth. important.


Everyone is asked to be there on time.

Make/Be sure not to be late.

Please take your notebooks with you and be sure on time/You’d better take?? Those who are interested in it are warmly welcome.


That’s all.Thank you very much/Thanks for listening.


We will have a meeting about it after the sixth class.

There will be an English film in our school tonight.

The match will be put off to next week.

We are going to hold a meeting to discuss the problem.


Dear classmates:

Attention, please.I have sth. Important to tell you. there’ll be an important lecture in Classroom 302,at 1:55 on Tuesday afternoon.Professor Li Na will give us a talk on English learning.After it you may ask him questions on English learning.Please get prepare and express your opinions and thoughts when you raise question.Thanks for listening.



A Jacket Lost

In the playground, /morning on April 10,a jacket,Kitty cat cover lostTom.Room 205,Dormitory 6/Tel:16486548.




inside of which are a pen, a dictionary and some money. The finder is expected to return it to the me. I’ll be much thankful and thank him with a gift with his face.


Li Xiaoping

The Guang Ming Bookstore.(丢失地点)




Found a handbag with some money and a notebook left in the school garden this afternoon. Will the owner please come to Room 302 to .


Volunteers Wanted

UNIVERSITY 2011 SHENZHEN will be held in Auguest.Volunteers are being skills at English listening comprehension and the ability to speak Chinese and English fluently. Students with relevant professional experience are also preferred. If you are interested in it. Please email to university@.szu.edu.

The Students ‘Union of Shen Zhen University


1、邀请信一定要写清楚时间(年、月、日、钟点)、地点、场合“I’d like you and Tom to come to dinner next Monday”应改为“I’d like you and Tom to come to dinner next Monday, May the fifth at 6 o’ clock.p.m.,at the Locus Hotel”。



Will you come to??

May I have the honor to invite you to ??

I’d like to invite you to??/I’d like you to come to??

2、I hope you are not too busy to come.

I’m looking forward to seeing you/hearing from you.

We sincerely hope you can attend.


Please let me know as soon as possible if you can come and tell me when you will be able to do so.


Dear Mrs. Benton,

Tom and I would be very happy if you and Mrs. Benton could come to dinner with us on next Monday, May the fifth at 6 o’ Yours Li Lei.


1、 接受邀请的回复信中应重复写上邀请信的时间地点等。“I’ll be

delighted to attend your luncheon next Monday, May the fifth at 6 o’ clock.p.m.,at the Locus Hotel.”

2、 回信中要明确表示接受邀请还是不接受,不能写“I’ll come if I’m in




1、Thank you for inviting us to dinner.

2、We are delighted to accept your invitation.

3、I wish I could be there, but I ??

4、I’m writing to apologize to you and give you gifts to you.Plaese forgive me.

5、I’m very sorry to tell you that I’m unable to attend??

6、I’m very sorry that I can’t take part in your??


第一行左边写上日期、星期几,右边写天气(cloudy、windy、rainy、fine) 按给出内容写,不可以随意发挥。一般用第一人称,多用过去时态。如果是写感想或者评论,可用一般现在是或者将来时态。

May 17,2012,Tuesday Sunny


六、事假 private affair leave


May 6, 2012 Dear Mr.Li,

grandma’ birthday. She’s already seventy. I want to go home to celebrate it for her with my family.

Yours, Li Fang.

七、病假 sick leave

May 6, 2012 Dear Mr.Li,

and ask you for sick leave of two days.

Yours respectfully, John.


用第三人称表述 第一行右侧写钟点、星期几。第二行写称呼。


You’ve happened to be out when your friend Dick called at 9:30 this morning. He said he had sth. Important to consult you .He hopes that you could find time to favor/reply him with a call as soon as possible/as soon as you can.


无称呼语,称呼一般是:to whom it may concern

兹证明,this is to certify that+人名??

特此证明,Best regards.

May 6, 2012 To whom it may concern,

This is to certify that Mr. Wang Jamming,(male),?? Our conclusion is that he is able to ??.

Best regards.

Xx hospital

九、介绍信 一般现在时+一般将来时

1、 公务介绍信 介绍被介绍人的姓名、重要资格、能力和经历。提出希


2、 私人介绍信 作者和被介绍人的关系。介绍的理由或被介绍人可能引


兹介绍,this is to introduce sb.

你对她的一切帮助我会衷心感谢,any kindness to her will be duly appreciate by me.

我很乐意回报,I will always be happy to reciprocate.


1、 表明感谢之意

2、 交代感谢原因。说明对方的帮助、关心和礼赠所起的作用,以及对自


3、 最后可表示希望答谢对方,以及向对方表示再次的感谢。Again with

many thanks.

在写信时,第一句可以写How are you?来表达自己的问候,在写自己的近况。 在结尾时,可写上Best wishes (to you)!表示祝福。

也可写上Remember me to??,表示代我向??问好。


Thanks for your concern about??/thank you for??

Thank you very much for your letter in which you asked me to??

I’m very please to receive your letter in which you asked??


I think you can do it well, just try it!

Never give up whatever happens.


I am looking forward to hearing from you.


第一次模拟英语试卷 总分150

姓名:_______________ 班级:___________ 学号:________ 成绩:_________ I、单项填空 (35小题,共35分)


B 从A、B、C、D中找出句中划线的单词或词组的意义。

A. 接受 B. 缺席 C. 发送 D. 生病

A. 争取 B. 曾经 C. 登陆 D. 获得

8. Do you know Mary’

A. 地址 B. 名称 C. 家庭 D. 电话 A. 特点 B. 好处 C. 优点 D. 买点

A. 与…..通信 B.与……聊天 C. 与……保持联系 D.接触

A. 总之 B. 实际上 C. 也就是说 D. 换句话说

A. 迫不及待地 B. 好奇地 C. 期待地 D. 焦急地

A. 交流 B. 谈话 C. 合作 D. 谈判

A. 尊重 B. 问好 C. 请教 D. 鞠躬

15.So far we have learnt 3,000 English new words.

A. 所以 B. 已经 C. 目前 D. 迄今为止

C 从A、B、C、D中选出可以填入空白处地正确答案.

16. Two years ______ enough for them to finish the buildings.

A. is B. are C. were D. has

17. After supper Tom _____ down in bed and soon fell asleep.

A. lied B. lay C. lie D. lain


18. Mary ______ a very shy girl. She didn’t like talking to strangers.

A. is used to B. used to be C. is used to be D. used to being

19. I knew I had not studied enough as soon as I _____the exam question.

A. see B. saw C. have seen D. was seeing

20. We bought a _____ house in the country because there air there is fresh and clean.

A. new red wooden B. red new wooden

C. wooden red new D. red wooden new

21. It was more than 100 years ago _______ Tomas Edison invented the electric lamp.

A. that B. since C. what D. where

22. She didn’t have a _____ sleep last night. Did you sleep _____?

A. good; good B. well; well C. well; good D. good; well

23. Many a child _____ reading “Harry Potter”.

A. liked B. likes C. like D. liking

24. The boy was made ______ sorry though it was not his fault.

A. say B. to say C. saying D. said

25. We got up early _______ we could catch the first train.

A. since B. so that C. so…that D. in order to

26. _______ you are happy, it doesn’t matter what you do.

A. as long as B. since C. only D. although

27. Jay had a car accident ______ a rainy night.

A. in B. on C. at D. by

28. As an adult, you have to tell the right _______ the wrong.

A. from B. with C. to D. off

29. They felt _______ when they heard the wonderful news.

A. exciting B. excited C. to be excited D. to excite

30. Tom will go for a picnic with his classmates if _______ this Sunday.

A. won’t rain B. isn’t raining C. doesn’t rain D. don’t rain

31. Ronald Reagan was elected ______ of the United States in 1981.

A. president B. as President C. the president D. a president

32. Can you lend me your pen? Mine _______.

A. won’t write B. isn’t write C. isn’t writing D. written

33. My friend, _____ wife loves having beef, has decided to move to Beijing.

A. his B. whose C. whom D. who

34. David lost his bag in the bus. He is very unlucky, ______he?

A. hasn’t B. has C. isn’t D. is

35. The man standing over there is a friend of ________.

A. them B. Tom’s father’s C. Tom D. Tom’s father II、完型填空 (20小题,共30分) during the .He became so that he went to this .

“Can you help me, doctor ?” he asked “I used to sleep so well, recently I haven’t been able to sleep than two hours a night.”

The doctor him carefully, gave him some tests, advised him less hard, and told him to take some kinds of to help him. The doctor was that he was not seriously , and that he 2

would soon be better.

But the man grew worse better. He slept even than expected at night, and was falling asleep in his bed. He visited his doctor very , and it the doctor a long time to discover the man’s servant gave him the medicines in the morning, and the ones to keep him at night.

36. A. sleep B. sleepy C. asleep D. sleeping

37. A. day B. night C. evening D. time

38. A. sad B. disappoint C. worried D. angry

39. A. friend B. parents C. workers D. doctor

40. A. hurriedly B. anxiously C. earnestly D. angrily

41. A. and B. for C. or D. but

42. A. more B. less C. other D. much

43. A. watched B. examined C. questioned D. advised

44. A. work B. to work C. working D. worked

45. A. exercise B. operation C. medicine D. sleep

46. A. glad B. aware C. afraid D. sure

47. A. ill B. weak C. sleepy D. busy

48. A. or B. but C. instead of D. as well as

49. A. more B. less C. other D. much

50. A. nearly B. fast C. hardly D. sound

51. A. seldom B. soon C. often D. late

52. A. spent B. took C. brought D. offered

53. A. that B. why C. because D. when

54. A. sleep B. sleepy C. sleeping D. asleep

55. A. wake B. waking C. waken D. awaken

III. 阅读理解 (共20小题,计分60分)



Wearing the wrong type of glasses will do harm to your eyes. This is not true for adults, although incorrect glasses may not be good for children under 10. Ready-made glasses, and not wearing glasses when you should, won’t do harm to your eyes, but you may see better with glasses that are specially made for you.

Watching too much television is bad for your eyes. This is not true. People with easily affected eyes may find that they get red and aching from staring at a fixed distance for long periods, but there won’t be any lasting effects.

Carrots will help you see in the dark. Carrots are rich in beta carotene(胡萝卜素), which the body can change into vitamin A, too little of which can cause night blindness . However , people in most countries don’t need to worry about vitamin A deficiency (缺乏). Night blindness is more likely to be connected with another vision problem.

56. According to the passage, which of the following is true?

A. Ready-made glasses will do harm to one’s eyes.

B. Wearing the wrong glasses may do harm to children’s eyes

C. The human body is unable to change beta carotene into vitamin A.

D. Watching too much television may do harm to children’s eyes.


57. Night blindness is most likely caused by .

A. staring for long periods B. too much beta carotene

C. not enough vitamin A D. vision problems

58. According to the article eye problems can be corrected by .

A. wearing specially-made glasses B. performing eye exercises

C. cutting back on television D. eating more carrots

59. Watching too much television can cause .

A. night blindness B. lasting eye problems

C. a number of vision problems D. eye trouble for a limited time

60. The main purpose of this article is to tell people .

A. of the importance of their eyes B. how to protect their eyes

C. to have more carrots D. something about their eyes.

( B)

Even if you are a good high-jumper, you can jump only about seven feet off the ground. You cannot jump any higher because the earth pulls you hard. The pull of the earth is called gravity.

You can easily find out the pull of the earth. If you weigh yourself, you will know how much gravity is pulling you.

Since there is gravity, water runs downhill. When you throw a ball into the air, it falls back down, because of gravity you do not fall off the earth as it whirls around in space.

It was impossible for you to get away from the earth or go far out into space, but now you can do it , because spaceships have been invented . The spaceship will go so fast that it can escape the earth’s gravity and carry out into space.

61. In the passage, the word “gravity ”means .

A. the pull of everything

B. the force of attraction among objects

C. the force which attracts objects towards the center of the earth

D. the force which attracts the earth towards the sun

62. When you slip in something, you .

A. always fall down to the ground because of the gravity.

B. sometimes fall down to the ground.

C. go up into the air

D. never fall into to the ground.

63. Gravity is so strong that .

A. it can throw a ball into the air

B. it makes you jump only seven feet

C. it makes you go up into the air

D. it can keep everything on the earth

64. because gravity pulls it

A. Water flows everywhere

B. Water flows downward on the earth’s surface

C. We can go everywhere by ship

D. Fish can live in water


65. We can gat away from the earth by spaceship because .

A . the spaceship goes very fast

B . the earth cannot pull the spaceship

C. the spaceship has a strange force .

D. the spaceship can jump higher than other thing .

( C )

New York , London, Paris and other big cities are exciting places to live in . There are many

interesting things to see and to do . You can go to different kinds of museums , plays and films . You can also go shopping to buy things from all over the world .

But there are serious problems in big cities too. The cost of living is high , and there are too many people in some of big cities . Every year many people move to the cities because there are some chances to find jobs , to study at good schools , and to receive good medical care .But sometimes these people cannot find work or a good place to live in . Also , too many people in a small space make it hard to keep the cities safe and clean .

Some people enjoy living in big cities . Others do not . Before people move to big cities , they

should think about the problems of living there.

66. Which is the best title (题目)for this passage ?

A. Big cities B. New York , London ,and Paris

C. Exciting places to live in D. Serious Problems in big cities.

67. In big cities people can .

A. go to different kinds of museums B. see all kinds of plays and films .

C. buy things from all over the world D. A, B, and C

68. Which of the following is true ?

A. Big cities are not safe and clean enough B. People can easily find a good place to live in a big city.

B. Living in a big city doesn’t cost a lot C. All people like live in big cities.

69. In this passage the writer advised (建议)people .

A. to move to a big city B. not to move to a big city .

C. not to move to a big city without thinking about the problems there .

D. not to think too much about the problems before they move to a big city.

70. Which is not talked about in this passage?

A. New York and London are big cities , and also is Paris .

B. Big cities are better than small cities .

C. Big cities are exciting places to live in .

D. Big cities have a lot of serious problems.

( D )

Mexico’s neighbors are the United States to the north Guatemala and Belize to the south .Mexico is about one quarter of the size of the United States . Mexico has more than ninety million people . The language of Mexico is Spanish . This makes Mexico the world’s largest Spanish-speaking country.

Mexico City is the capital and largest city of Mexico . The city is also very high . It is 7349 feet high ( 2240metres) . This makes it one of the highest capital cities in the world. The population , of Mexico City 5

grows bigger every day.About thirty million people live there . It has more people than any other city in the world, even more than Tokyo.

Mexico also has its specialities. Many of the foods we eat started in Mexico . Foods like beans, maize , avocados , tomatoes , peanuts, chili peppers , vanilla, and chocolate come from Mexico . Mexico is also famous for its cactus( 仙人掌)plants . Mexico has more kinds of cactus than any other country.

71. Mexico is the USA.

A. on the south of B. on the north of

C. a part of D. as large as

72. Mexicans speak A. English B . Spanish

C. French D. Latin ( 拉丁语)

73.Which of the following is NOT true ?

A.Mexico City is the capital of Mexico

B.The population of Mexico City is 30,000,000

C.Tokyo is a city with the largest population.

D.Mexico City is one of the highest city in the world .

74. Tomatoes were originally ( 最初) grown in .

A. America B . Spain C. Tokyo D. Mexico

75. The best title (题目) of the passage is .

A. Mexico city B. Mexico’s plants C. Mexico D. Mexico’s population



76.If you __________(下车)the bus at the Book Shop Center, you can find the place.

77.We are all ____________________(忙于) our study.

78.The leaves will turn yellow in ________________(秋天).

79.I study very hard because I want to go to _______________________.(大学)

80.The police caught 5 ______________(贼).



81.He is a friend _______________________.(我爸爸的朋友之一)

82.Jeff is ______________________ (学生中唯一一个)who has finished the homework.

83.She decided to work harder _______________________.(为了赶上别人)

84.I want to know ____________________________.(你们是否喜欢英语)

85.Don’t forget ___________________________.(叫他来我办公室)。


第一次模拟考试 英语答题卡 总分150

姓名:_______________ 班级:___________ 学号:________ 成绩:_________ I、单项填空 (35小题,共35分)

1. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 2. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 3. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 4. 〔 A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 5. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕

6.〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 7. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 8. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 9. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 10. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 6

11.〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 12. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 13. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 14. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 15. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕

16.〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 17. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 18. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 19. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 20. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕

21.〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 22. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 23. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 24. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 25. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕

26.〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 27. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 28. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 29. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 30. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕

31.〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 32. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 33. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 34. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 35. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 II、完型填空 (20小题,共30分)

36.〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 37. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 38. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 39. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 40. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕

41.〔 A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 42. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 43. [A]〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 44. 〔 A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 45. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕

46.〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 47. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 48.〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 49.〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 50.〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕

51.〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 52. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 53.〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 54. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 55. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 III. 阅读理解 (共20小题,计分60分)

56.〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 57. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 58.〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 59. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 60. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕

61.〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 62.〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 63. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 46. 〔 A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 65. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕

66.〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 67.〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 68.〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 69. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 70. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕

71.〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 72.〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 73.〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 74. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 75. 〔A〕〔B〕〔C〕〔D〕 IV、填词和完成句子


76._____________ 77._______________ 78.________________

79._____________ 80._______________



81.He is a friend ________________________________________________.(我爸爸的朋友之一)

82.Jeff is __________________________________________ (学生中唯一的一个)who has finished

the homework.

83.She decided to work harder ___________________________________________.(为了赶上别人)

84.I want to know __________________________________________________.(你们是否喜欢英语)

85.Don’t forget _____________________________________________________.(叫他来我办公室)。


1-5 CBDCC 6-10 BDACC 11-15 ADAAD 16-20 ABBBA 21-25 ADBBB

26-30 ABABC 31-35 ABBCB

36-40 CACDB 41-45 DABBC 46-50 DACBC 51-55 CBACD

56-60 BDADD 61-65 CADBA 66-70 ADACB 71-75 ABCDC

76.get off 77.busy 78.autumn 79.university/college 80. thieves

81.of my father’s 82.the only one of the students

83.in order to /so as to / to /catch up with others

84. whether you love English 85. to ask him to come to my office
























关于春节的英语作文 高考英语作文

