



西南科技大学参加全国大学英语竞赛决赛及推荐二、三等奖学生名单(B类) 序号 1 3 2 4 8 5 6 7 9 10 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

姓名 姜怡敏 曾蒙茜 杨静 谢莹 邓萌 唐平 贾薇 杨巧灵 肖为 欧阳曾妮 姓名 佘旭 刘红叶 陈婉茹 蒲玉男 秦韬 张世君 郑越 唐蓓 张琼 云意茹

班级 英语1103 英语1102 商英1102 英语1105 英语1102 英语1006 商英1001 英语1105 英语1103 商英1102 班级 经济1202 会计1202 建筑学1201 对外1102 生医1101 核工1003 计算1101 汉语1101 国贸1201 工业1002 建筑0901

等级 决赛 二等奖 二等奖 二等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 等级 决赛 决赛 决赛 决赛 决赛 决赛 决赛 决赛 二等奖 二等奖 二等奖


12 梁玥 13 黄蒂 14 方瑞 15 袁路 16 陈虹学 17 程凤茹 18 廖宇璇 19 吴丽安 20 方陶染 21 苏延行 22 刘映宏 23 于倩 24 齐雅平 25 谢斯斯 26 朱续生 27 杨奇 28 温宏山 29 曾雅婕 30 李露 31 刘莫愁 32 宋晓燕 33 聂常晶 34 金多 35 邓益伟 36 吴思彦 37 买迪.外力38 蒋蕾 39 张靓雨 40 41 李春阳 42 于晓东 43 冯琳 44 王玉娇 45 赵晓琴 46 罗馨怡 47 冯臣莉 48


土木1201 辐射1101 会计1102 地质1201 法学1101 法学1201 会计1103 经济1101 经济1102 国贸1202 生医1201 制药1101 辐射1102 建筑0901 生技1201 采矿1101 辐射1102 土木1101 材料1105 地质1102 土木1103 地质1203 计算机1104机械1202 生技1201 地信1202 法学1104 法学4班 法学1104 地质1101 材料1201 心理1202 机械1207 物流1102 土木1103 法学1005 材料1106

二等奖 二等奖 二等奖 二等奖 二等奖 二等奖 二等奖 二等奖 二等奖 二等奖 二等奖 二等奖 二等奖 二等奖 二等奖 二等奖 二等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖

49 汤忆菲 50 张德健 51 李斌 52 唐廷廷 53 张思洋 54 方灵 55 陈虹丹 56 徐丹露 57 刘茂仪 58 王树青 59 张林 60 陆昕漪 61 唐浩 62 杨小彦 63 余鑫 64 王小玉 65 李奕臻 66 黄云其 67 齐锦楠 68


西语1202 矿物1102 工商1201 工管1104 地质1203 国贸1102 心理1102 电气1102 会计1203 对抗1202 安全1001 营销1203 交通1201 信安1101 地信1202 生医1101 建筑学1202 材料1006 软件1201 制药1202

三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖 三等奖




part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (25 minutes, 30marks)

Part Ⅱ Vocabulary and Structure (10 minutes, 15 points)

Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this part. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

31. Because Edgar was convinced of the accuracy of this fact, he stick _______ his opinion. A. at B. to C. for D. for 32. student with a little common sense should be able to answer the question. A. Each B. Any C. Either D. One

33. Obviously, the Chairman’s remarks at the conference were and not planned. A. substantial B. spontaneous C. simultaneous D. synthetic 34. All substances , take up space. A. whether are liquid or solid B. whether are they liquid or solid

C. be they liquid or solid D. no matter they are solid and liquid 35. The girl was a shop assistant; she is now a manager in a large department store. A. preliminarily B. presumably C. formally D. formerly 36. A Loan is a written document that states that a lender has agreed to lend borrower a sum of money at certain rate of interest for a specific period of time, which may contain sets of conditions and a date by which the loan must close. A. obligation B. duty C. responsibility D. commitment 37. after a long walk, I couldn’t move a step farther.

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A. Having worn out B. Wearing out C. To wear out D Worn out 38. Before the first non-stop flight made in l949, it necessary for all planes to land for refueling.

A. would be B. has been

C. had been D. would have been

39. Government reports, examination compositions, legal documents and most business letters are the main situations formal language is used. A. in which B. on which C. in that D. at what

40. It took him several hours to ________the paper off all four walls. A. shear B. strike C. scrape D. chip

41. ______ you were busy, I wouldn’t have bothered you with my questions.

A. If I realized B. Had I realized C. I realized that D. As I realized 42. doubt there are a lot of natural resources in this country.

A. Little do we B. Little we C. Seldom did we D. Few do we 43. Although a teenager, Fred could resist what to do and what not to do. A. to be told B. having been told C. being told D. to have been told

44. M: Hello, Fred’s Motors.

W: Hello, it’s Mrs. Williams here. I’m just phoning up because my Volvo is making very, very strange noises, and I wondered if you’d be able to have a look at it.

M: Yeah. When was the last time you had it serviced?

W: I think it was only about a month ago. But it’s a sort of knocking noise. M: Well, tomorrow morning, yeah? A. do it B. change it C. bring it in D. take it away

45. M: What’s 53 times 115? I can’t .

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W: Why don’t you use a calculator? A. work it out B. count it

C. have it done D. work it up

Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (20 minutes, 35 marks)

Section A (5 marks)

In this section, there is one passage with five questions. For each question, there are four choices marked A, B, C arid D. You should decide on the best choice, then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the center. Questions 46-50 are based on the following passage.

Mark Twain pointed out that if work were so pleasant, the rich would keep it for themselves. But however much people may think they dislike work, everyone has a deep psychological need for it. Everyone wants to be valued, and wages and salaries are the visible proof that we matter.

Not all kinds of work qualify, however. No matter how worthwhile or demanding they might be, bringing up children, housework and voluntary employment are not usually seen as proper jobs. The only proper job is one that provides paid employment. Being paid for a job in our society means higher personal status.

Of course we would also prefer work to be useful, pleasant and interesting—and also well paid. But you don’t really have to enjoy your work to get pleasure from it. The fact that we have to overcome some difficulties that we have to deal with doing routine tasks, in some way gives us pleasure.

For example, having to be in a particular place at a particular time, working as part of a team towards a common goal, gives us a sense of purpose. The modern workplace also provides somewhere where people can assert their identity or create a new one.

Without work many people become untidy and lazy, and find they are unable to enjoy the leisure time which is available to them. When some people retire from work, they lose their sense of value and purpose. For most of their lives, their personality, self-image and status have been defined by work; without it they lose their appetite for life.

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People who suddenly lose their jobs can find the situation particularly difficult. At a single stoke they lose all the advantages and status that a paid job provides. In a culture dominated by work, they are seen by those with jobs as incompetent or lazy. It is little wonder that stress and illness occur more frequently among the unemployed.

Employment is now changing, however. Information technology has already significantly altered the world of work. For many, the idea of a job for life is no longer realistic. Many people fear they will lose their jobs, and some are being persuaded to accept the possibility of part-time work. Even the workplace itself may become a thing of the past with more and more people working at home. This means that we may no longer be able to depend on work to define ourselves and our position in society, and that we will have to find new ways to give our lives a sense of value and purpose.


46. Mark Twain pointed out that______.

A. the rich should work more

B. work is not such a pleasurable thing

C. the rich should keep all the work for themselves

D. work makes people rich

47. People have a deep psychological need for work because______.

A. they want to be rich

B. they like being told what to do

C. everyone needs money

D. they want to be valued and work proves this value

48. People don’t have to enjoy their work to get pleasure from it because______.

A. the salary makes them happy

B. they get used to the routine

C. coping with problems can be satisfying

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D. they know their work is still useful

49. People who have no work often______.

A. enjoy their leisure time

B. develop a better self-image

C. have difficulty coping with the change

D. take an interest in new activities

50. The arrival of information technology has______.

A. enhanced people’s interest in work

B. made work more stressful

C. made the workplace unnecessary

D. made people change their attitude to work

Section B (10 marks)

In this section, there is one passage followed by a summary. Read the passage carefully and complete the summery below by choosing a maximum of three words from the passage to fill in each of the blanks 51-55. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.

Companies say that in many cases, the benefits of foreign-language knowledge can lie outside the specific realm of business. That’s one reason why the programs are optional. Mayer says that the benefits are more to help each employee adjust to his or her new surroundings and to promote the company’s policy of being a good neighbor and becoming integrated into local communities than to help the executive conduct actual business.

At IBM, company-subsidized foreign-language training is provided on a case-by-case basis, says Mia Vanstraelen, director of human resources for learning in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. If employees need foreign-language skills to do their job properly—for example, an expatriate manager who functions as the point person between an overseas operation and headquarters or a sales employee who deals with

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clients on the ground overseas—the company will provide financial support. In addition, company support is often available for employees seeking business-related skills to further their own careers within the company.

A less-than-aggressive attitude toward foreign-language acquisition at the corporate level is typical, some experts say, and the reasons range from high cost to a lack of necessity. English, the language of business, the language of technology, the language of Hollywood, is the language to know in global business even for traditionally non-English-speaking countries.

While Americans have to decide which second language might be most useful for their business careers according to their areas of interest, potential business professionals in other countries whose native language is not English have a clear answer to that question. And as more students worldwide learn to conduct business in English, its position as the language of commerce solidifies.

Even multinationals that are headquartered in other countries are using English as the language of business, Van Someren says. He cites Sony’s Berlin headquarters as an example. In that office, which has about 400 employees, there are 45 different nationalities and almost as many languages, he says. “So the cost and effort associated with trying to teach everyone German when a lot of them will be moving on to other assignments in a matter of months probably doesn’t make a lot of sense,” he says. Language acquisition can be a slow process, and companies that need someone who speaks a foreign language can’t wait years for the right employee to gain the skills. When knowledge of a foreign language is what is specifically required, that’s the skill set human resources looks for. Lieberthal says that in many ways, training high-level employees in a foreign language such as Chinese simply doesn’t make good business sense. “It’s a large investment with high front-end costs.” Top executives could harm their careers by taking time off to study a language. In addition, he says, even if an executive were willing to put in the time to learn a language, the training just doesn’t make economic sense. An employer would have to not only cover the cost of language training as well as the executive’s salary, but also absorb whatever financial burden results from lost productivity. An executive sitting in the classroom memorizing vocabulary could be an investment in the future, but it would be a very costly one, Lieberthal says, and one that might not produce great returns.

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C (10 marks)

In this section, there is passage followed by five uncompleted sentences.

Read the

passage carefully, and then complete the sentences in a maximum of three words for each blank. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.

Questions 56-60 are completed with the information given.

Virgin Trains CarLink

Having trouble finding a fast, easy way to get to or from the train station?

Stop worrying. Let Virgin Trains CarLink drive you.

If you’re travelling from the northwest of England, we’ll pick you up from your door, take you to the station and then meet you when you return.

Or if you’re coming to the northwest of England, we’ll meet you off the train, take you where you want to go to and then—when you’re ready—take you back to the station.

HOW it works

How to book

To secure a CarLink journey you must book in advance:

?five days in advance of travel, if you book via the Virgin Train Line 0345 222 333. ?by 18:00 the day before travel, if you book in person at a station.

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56. CarLink services operate in the . 57. For each one-way journey you need to give the driver plus the balance of the fare. 58. You will still be picked up at the station even if your train . 59. Bear in mind that if things change, call CarLink to inform your .

60. To secure a CarLink journey you must book in advance by telephone or .

Section D (10 marks)

In this section, there is one passage followed by five questions. Read the passage carefully, and then answer the questions in a maximum of ten words. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.

Questions 61-65 are based on the following passage.

Of all the many factors which contributed to the Industrial Revolution, the most revolutionary and the most impressive was not coal but steam power. J. L. and Barbara Hammond said that steam power “declared the triumph of industry and the glory of man”. From clumsy and inefficient beginnings it was quickly improved to open up tremendous possibilities for industrial progress. The limitations of muscle—power are obvious, and though water had served well to work bellows and hammers in iron works,or to turn machinery like the water-frame and the mule in the textile industry, it could only be applied in a limited way in Britain. For water power is most useful in a land with many fast-flowing streams and apart from areas like the Pennines, Scotland, and Wales, this country’s rivers flow slowly. The Alpine area of Europe, and much of the United States relied on water power for much longer than Britain, and hydroelectricity has brought water back into its own in many parts of the world. The geographical limitations of Britain’s water power, however, necessitated finding an alternative solution to the problem.

When water vaporizes it expands 1,800 times. The idea of harnessing this energy is far from new. It was probably used by Hero of Alexandria in the 1st century B.C. to open temple doors or to pour libations apparently by magic. Hero’s writings were rediscovered during the Renaissance and many people, including, for example, the

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Marquis of Worcester (1601-1667) experimented with devices using steam. Regretfully, therefore, we must dismiss the old myth that steam power was born in the mind of a bright Scots lad called James Watt as he sat one winter’s evening watching his mother’s kettle boil on the hearth. Watt’s contribution to steam is incalculable, but steam-pumps had been used in Britain for over seventy years before he began his work.

The first steam-engine used in industry was invented by Thomas Savery (1650-1715). Called “The Miners’ Friend or an engine to raise water by fire”, it was patented in 1698 and worked on simple principles. It pumped water from wells quite efficiently and was used successfully in Cornish copper-mines, but its limitations were revealed when it was tried in the Broadwater Collieries in Staffordshire in 1706 and was found to be capable of pumping water up no more than 100 feet. When greater pressure was used the boiler burst. Therefore, Savery’s engine was used to supply water in gentlemen’s houses or to work fountains—tasks it could perform effectively, though not quite safely as there was no pressure-gauge.

It was Thomas Newcomen (1663-1729), a Dartmouth blacksmith and ironmonger, who produced the first steam-pump to be used widely in industry. It was known as an “atmospheric engine” because, in contrast to Savery’s engine, the steam in the cylinder was not used to drive the pump but only to create a partial vacuum when condensed. Ordinary air pressure drove the piston into the cylinder and this raised the pump which was connected to the piston by a see-sawing cross-beam. A large piston meant that it was possible to gain more force without increasing steam pressure and this made Newcomen’s engine much more powerful than Savery’s.

The first engine was made about 1706 but it was a clumsy affair. The piston did not fit tightly into the cylinder and condensation,which was achieved by pouring cold water on the outside of the cylinder,was far from complete. Moreover,the tap controlling the passage of steam into the cylinder was worked by hand seven or eight times a minute. These difficulties were ironed out by 1720;water was now sprayed into the cylinder to improve condensation, the operation of the taps had been made automatic, and a safety-valve had been fitted to eliminate the danger of explosion.

The improved engine soon became standard equipment in most large mines,and it was also used to pump water into canals and to supply drinking-water in towns. It is difficult to know exactly how many were in use by the second half of the 18th century

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but in 1767 fifty-seven were found around Newcastle,and there were eighteen in Cornish mines in 1780.


61. Why could water power only be applied in a limited way in Britain?

62. Who was the first person mentioned in the text trying to use steam power?

63. Who invented the first steam engine used in industry?

64. How was Newcomen’s engine different from that of Savery’s?

65. What was installed to the first engine to prevent explosion?

Part Ⅳ Cloze (15 minutes, 15 marks)

Read the following passage and fill in each blank with one word. Choose the word in one of the following three ways: according to the context; using the correct form of the given word; according to the given letters of a word. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.

There are many wedding traditions in the West. And some of them date back to several hundreds of years and most of their origins have their (66) r in ancient superstitious beliefs.

“Something old, new, borrowed and blue” is a popular bridal attire (盛装) rhyme. It dates from the Victorian times. Something old refers (67) wearing something that represents a link with the bride’s family and her (68) (precede) life. Usually, the bride wears a piece of family jewelry or maybe her mother’s or grandmother’s wedding dress. Wearing something new (69) (symbol) good fortune and success in the bride’s new life.

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The bride’s wedding dress is usually chosen, or purchased new, (70) b it can be any other new item of the bride’s wedding attire. Wearing something borrowed is meant to (71) b good luck to the marriage. It could be an item of bridal clothing, a handkerchief or an item of jewelry. Wearing something blue dates back to biblical times (72) the color blue was considered to represent purity and fidelity. The custom of the wedding veil is thought to (73) pre the wedding dress by centuries. One explanation for it is that during the times of arranged marriage, the bride’s face was covered until the groom was committed (74) her at the ceremony—so it would be too late for him to run off if he did not like the look of her! It is also thought that rite veal was worn to (75) pr the bride from evil spirits that would be floating around on her wedding day. This is why the veal covers the brides’ face throughout the ceremony until the minister (76) p the couple man and wife.

And traditionally a bride’s (77) (engage) ring and wedding ring are worn on the fourth finger of the left hand. (78) Th no precise evidence explains the origin of this tradition, one belief is strongly held to it. It (79) ori from the 17th century. During a wedding then, the priest arrived at the fourth finger (80) a touching the three fingers on the left hand “... in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost”.

Part Ⅴ Translation (15 minutes, 20 marks)

Section A (10 marks)

Translate the underlined sentences of the following passage into Chinese. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.

(81) For many women choosing whether to work or not to work outside their home is a luxury: they must work to survive. Others face a hard decision.

Perhaps the easiest choice has to do with economics. One husband said, “Marge and I decided after careful consideration that for her to go back to work at this moment was an extravagance (奢侈 ) we couldn’t afford”. (82) With two preschool children, it soon became clear in their figuring that with babysitters, transportation, and increased taxes, rather than having more money, they might actually end up with less.

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Economic factors are usually the first to be considered, but they are not the most important. The most important aspects of the decision have to do with the emotional needs of each member of the family. (83) It is in this area that husbands and wives find themselves having to face many confusing and conflicting feelings.

(84) There are many women who find that homemaking is boring or who feel imprisoned (被囚禁) if they have to stay home with a young child or several children. On the other hand, there are women who think that homemaking gives them the deepest satisfaction.

From my own experience, I would like to suggest that sometimes the decision to go back to is made in too much haste. There are few decisions that I now regret more. I wasn’t mature enough to see how much I could have gained at home. (85) I regret my impatience to get on with my career; I wish I had allowed myself the luxury of watching the world through my little girl’s eyes.

Section B (10 marks)

Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.

86. 有时候对一个人来说需要终生的时间才能懂得活着就是为了奉献。(to live is to give)

87. 在美国,由于道路畅通,开车上下班很方便,现在许多在城市里工作的人,喜欢住在乡下。(who定语从句)

88. 纽约劳动力市场近来显现出从二战以来最长时间的低迷中复苏的迹象。(show signs of)

89. 当你认识到你将需要用到一种语言的时候,学起来就会相对容易一些。(when从句)

90. 我们正在为实现一个理想而奋斗,这个理想是每个中国人所珍爱的,并且许多中国人曾为之献身。(strive for)

Part VI IQ Test (5 minutes,5 marks)

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There are five IQ question in this part. Write the answers on the answer sheet.

91. The combined age of Frasier and Niles is 86 years.

The combined age of Niles and Daphne is 74 years.

The combined age of Frasier and Daphne is 78 years.

Figure out each person’s age.

92. This bar chart shows the heights of a class of pupils.

Which statement must be true?

A. 2 children are 125 cm tall or less.

B. 8 children are at least 140 cm tall, but less than 145 cm tall.

C. 8 children are more than 144 cm tall, but less than 150 cm tall. D. No children are taller than 158 cm.

Height (cm)

93. If Sid Shady is 80 cm plus half his own height, how tall is he?

94. A man is 36 years old. He asks the other man how old he is. The other man answers: “I am twice as old as you were when I was as old as you are today.” How old is the other man?

95. Choose the answer that best completes the series: Euro, Dollar, Franc, Peso, …

A. Yen B. Currency

C. Cash D. Check

Part Ⅶ Writing (30 minutes, 30 marks)

Task Ⅰ(10 marks)

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The students’ Union of your university is planning to hold an arts festival next semester, and they are inviting students to contribute their ideas and suggestions as to how it should be organized or what should be included.

Write a letter of about 80 words in an appropriate style on the Answer Sheet. Do not write your address or name.

Task Ⅱ (20 marks)

Recently, there is a heated debate about whether we should make friends on line. Now write a composition giving your opinion on the subject.

Write your composition of about 120 words on the answer sheet.


Part Ⅰ listening Comprehension (25 minutes, 30 marks)


Part Ⅱ Vocabulary and Structure (10 minutes, 15 marks)

31.B 句意:由于Edgar坚信此事确凿无疑,他坚持己见。stick to坚持,忠于。

32.B 句意:任何一个有点常识的学生都应该能回答这个问题。any


33.B 句意:显然,主席在会上的讲话是即时的,未经过准备。


产生的)强调没有做准备的,与后面的not planned相呼应。

34.C be they liquid or solid是一种特殊的让步状语从句形式,相当于

whether they are liquid or solid,也可以写作whether they be liquid or solid。whether还可以省略,省略后,be要置于句首。故C项为正确答案。

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35.D 句意:这个女孩以前是商店售货员,现在成了一家大百货商店的经理。formerly从前,以前。preliminarily初步地。presumably可能,据推测。formally正式地。

36.D 句意:贷款承诺书是一种书面文件,表明贷方同意以一定的利息和一定的借款期限向借方借出一笔钱,该承诺还会附有一些条件并指明还款期限。commitment约束,保证。obligation通常用于特定原因引起的具体限制。duty尤指出于道德或伦理的考虑而受到的限制。responsibility强调对履行义务负有责任。

37.D 句意:步行了这么长时间,我已经精疲力竭一步也走不动了。be worn out精疲力竭。过去分词短语作状语,be可以省略。

38.C 本句的时间状语为过去的某个时间点以前,所以要用过去完成时态。

39.A 句意:政府报告、考试作文、法律文件和大多数商贸信函都使用正式语言。该题考查介词+关系代词引导的限制性定语从句。从该句结构看。句中需要填入一个介词与关系代词(指代先行词situations),而且要求介词与situations构成固定表达并使该句在语义和语法结构上都符合要求。因此A项为正确答案。

40.C 句意:他花了几个小时刮掉了四面墙上的纸。scrape sth. off…把某物从…表面刮掉或擦掉。shear剪,修剪。strike打,击,攻击。chip削成碎片,碎裂。

41.B 句意:如果我当时知道你很忙,我就不会用这些问题来打扰你了。该题考查虚拟语气中省略if的用法。在描述与过去事实相反的非真实条件句中,条件从句的谓语动词通常用had+过去分词,if省略后谓语动词要放在句首,因此B项为正确答案。

42.A 句意:毋庸置疑,这个国家资源丰富。few和little作形容词时,few修饰可数名词,little修饰不可数名词。little还可作副词,表示“稍许”。本题需要填的是副词,故应用little;当否定意义的词或词组置于句首时,主谓需要倒装。故A项为正确答案。

43.C 句意:尽管Fred只有十几岁,他却拒绝接受别人指使他该做什么和不该做什么。resist后面只能跟动名词,所以A项和D项可以排

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除。having been told表示已经被告知,而being told泛指一般的被告知。

44.C 对话中提到Volvo车的噪音很大,需要修理。因此修车人说“明天带过来看看,行么?”

45.A 句意要表达的是“我算不出来”,work out计算出。

Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (20 minutes, 35 marks)

Section A (5 marks)

46.B 文章第一句话指出:“马克吐温指出,如果工作是一件快乐的事情,那么有钱人就会把它占为己有。”事实上,有钱人并不喜欢工作,说明工作不是件快乐的事情。

47.D 文章第二句话提到人们对工作有深切的心理需求,后文给出原因:Everyone wants to be valued, and wages and salaries are the visible proof that we matter.所以,D项正确。

48.C 文章第三段指出:我们不必特意去享受工作,因为The fact that we have to overcome some difficulties that we have to deal with doing routine tasks, in some way gives us pleasure“我们在战胜困难的同时,就已经获得满足,得到快乐”。

49.C 本题可采用排除法。文中提到Without work many people find they are unable to enjoy the leisure time.由此可知,A项错误。文中还指出: For most of their lives their personality, self-image and status have been defined by work; without it they lose their appetite for life. 即“没有工作,他们失去了生活的乐趣,也失去了自我和地位”,故B项,D项错误。文中提到:People who suddenly lose their jobs can find the situation particularly difficult刚失去工作的人发现生活很困难,这就说明他们很难适应所发生的变化,故C项正确。

50.D 文中最后一段描述了信息技术出现后,人们对工作观念的一系列改变。从For many, the idea of a job for life is no longer realistic.很多人对工作的态度不再是很现实的,可以看出人们的态度变化。故D项正确。

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Section B (10 marks)

51.business dealings

(文章第一段提到Companies say that in many cases,…That’s one reason why the programs are optional.有些公司认为外语是否有优势取决于他们的商业范围。)


(文章第一段提到Mayer says that the benefits … a good neighbor and becoming integrated into local communities. Mayer认为外语所带来的优势是能让员工很快的适应新环境,迅速地容入到新环境新工作中去。)


(文章第二段提到At IBM, company-subsidized foreign-language training is provided on a case-by-case basis, IBM为那些需要接受外语培训的人提供补贴。)

54.economic sense

(文章最后一句提到even if an executive were willing to put in the time to learn a language, the training just doesn’t make economic sense.即使经理人愿意接受语言培训,这种培训也并不会带来任何经济价值。)

55.great returns

(文章最后一段明确提到…and one that might not produce great returns.) Section C (10 marks)

56.northwest of England

(文中提到If you’re travelling from the northwest of England…Or if you’re coming to the northwest of England…由此可知CarLink建在northwest of England。)

57.a £2 voucher

(文中提到when CarLink drops you at the station, give the driver one £2 voucher and pay the balance of the fare.)

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58.is delayed

(文中提到…your driver will wait at a pre-arranged place in the station, even if your train is delayed.即使火车晚点了,司机仍然会等你。)

59.new travel plans

(HOW it works最后一部分提到Remember, if things change, call CarLink and tell them your new travel plans.)

60.in person

(文章最后一段提到了两种预订方式,电话预定和亲自到车站预定。) Section D (10 marks)

61.rivers flow slowly

(文章第一段提到For water power is most useful in a land with many fast-flowing streams and apart from areas like the Pennines, Scotland, and Wales, this country’s rivers flow slowly.水能在英国仅被用在一个有限的范围内,原因在于水流的速度很慢。)

62.Hero of Alexandria

(文章第二段第二句话提到It was probably used by Hero of Alexandria in the 1st century B.C.。)

63.Thomas Savery

(文章第三段提到The first steam-engine used in industry was invented by Thomas Savery (1650-1715).)

64.(much) more powerful

(文章第四段最后一句提到A large piston meant that…this made Newcomen’s engine much more powerful than Savery’s. 通过对这两种蒸汽机的比较,Newcomen 这种蒸汽机比Savery要有力得多。)

65.a safety-valve

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(文章第五段最后一句提到a safety-valve had been fitted to eliminate the danger of explosion.“装一个安全阀就能消除爆炸的危险。”)

Part Ⅳ Cloze (15 minutes, 15 marks)

66.roots 前面已出现origins(起源,由来,起因),所以后面应填roots,强调最初的、最根本的起因。本句译文:一些(婚礼传统)可以追溯到几百年以前,其中大多数婚姻传统源自古代的宗教迷信。

67.to refer to...意思是…,to是介词。本句译文:某种旧的东西是指穿戴一件与新娘家族和新娘以往生活有联系的衣物。

68.preceding preceding先前的,在时间或位置上紧靠在前的,与something old呼应。

69.symbolizes symbolize象征,代表,如:A dove symbolizes peace鸽子象征和平。

70.but 前半句“通常是礼服…”,后半句“可以是任何其他…”,所以判定为转折句。

71.bring bring sth.to sb.为某人带来…。注意答案应与后面的介词to正确搭配。

72.when 本句译文:至于一件蓝色的东西,其说法最早可追溯到圣经时代,那时蓝色被认为是纯洁和忠贞的象征。

73.precede precede (在时间/位置/顺序上)先于,在前,如:

the lightening that precedes the thunder在打雷前的闪电。

74.to be committed to...被移交给…。

75.protect protect…from保护…不受(危害/损伤/疾病等)。

76.pronounces pronounce(正式)宣告,注意词组pronounce

sb./sth.(to be) sth.,及用于这种特殊场合的句子:I now pronounce you man and wife.现在我正式宣布你们结为夫妻。

77.engagement engagement ring订婚戒指。

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78.Though 前半句:虽没解释…;后半句:深信…,由此判断此处为转折关系,填though。

79.originates originate from/in起源于,追溯到。

80.after 本句译文:在那时的婚礼上,牧师按顺序从左手的第一个手指摸起,边摸边说:“以圣父、圣子、圣灵的名义…”,刚好摸完第三个手指。所以after体现了正确的先后顺序。

Part Ⅴ Translation (15 minutes, 20 marks)

Section A (10 marks)


(choosing…home修饰前面的women,谓语是is a luxury。luxury奢侈。)


(注意主语是they might end up with less。end up with以…告终。)


(此句包含一个it is...that的强调句,翻译为正是…。conflicting矛盾的。)


(homemaking家政,家务事。句中由who引导的定语从句修饰先行词many women。)


(to get on with my career,不定式修饰impatience,翻译时应按照中文的习惯顺序。get on with sth.继续做某事。)

Section B (10 marks)

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86.Sometimes it takes a lifetime for one to realize that to live is to give.

(注意两个不定式to live和to give做名词性成份。某人花时间做某事it take…time for sb.to do sth.。)

87.Many people in America who work in the cities now enjoy living in the country because of good roads and the ease of commuting by automobile.


88.The labor market of New York has recently shown signs of emerging from its longest slump since World War II.


89.It’s relatively easier to learn a language when you know you are going to need it.

(“相对容易”要翻译成relatively easier。it’s +adj.+(for sb.) to do sth.此句型比较符合英语表达习惯,应将真正的主语置后,避免头重脚轻。)

90.We are striving for the ideal which is close to the heart of every Chinese and for which many Chinese have sacrificed themselves.

(本题的考点是定语从句的翻译。注意:奋斗strive for。珍爱be close to the heart。献身sacrifice。)

Part VI IQ Test (5 minutes,5 marks)

91.Frasier 45, Niles 41, Daphne 33.

(根据题意,分别取其名字的第大写一个字母,可以得出如下的方程式:①F+N=88 ②N+D=76 ③F+D=80由①-②可以得出④F-D=12 由③-④可以得出D等于33,由此可知其他两人的年龄。)

92.C 根据图形第五个阴影部分,可以推知8个学生的身高在145厘米到149厘米之间,即高于114厘米,低于150厘米。

93.160cm. 可以假设Sid Shady的身高为X,那么可以得出方程式:1/2X + 80= X,由此可知Sid Shady的身高为160cm。

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94.24. 假定我现在X岁,当我48岁时,你的年龄是Y岁。因而,X=2Y,X-36=36-Y,用这两个等式,得出X=24.

95.A Euro(欧元), Dollar(美元), Franc(法郎), Peso(比索)均为货币单位,选项中只有Yen(日元)与之相对应。

Part Ⅶ Writing (30 minutes, 30 marks)

Task Ⅰ

Dear president,

Concerning the arts festival to be held next semester, I have some suggestions about what should be included.

Firstly, I hope that the foreign teachers would be invited to the English corners. Secondly, there can be some lectures on the subjects of both oriental civilization and western civilization. Thirdly, it would be a good idea to have some contests concerning arts, such as drawing, calligraphy and paper-cut.

I believe this kind of informative and interesting arts festival will be popular with the students. Wish the arts festival a great success.

Task Ⅱ

Nowadays the Internet is more and more widely used by people. We begin to do everything on the Internet, such as shopping, playing games, and even making friends. However, I don’t think making friends online is a wise idea.

First of all, there are lots of false information and deceptions online. It’s easy to be cheated by “friends” on line. Secondly, spending too much time on line would affect the normal communication with your true friends around, which will affect your friendship in the long run. Furthermore, with time going on, it will affect your social ability.

In all, there are lots of disadvantages in making friends online. We’d better not depend on the Internet for everything, otherwise not only our life style but also our whole life will be reversed.

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