


高考英语作文(应用文)终极押题模板 决胜高考

应用文是每年高考考查频率最高的体裁之一,其中以书信、电子邮件最为常见。从内容上看,近几年高考书信写作主要包括致歉信、致谢信、笔友信、慰问信、投诉信、邀请信、介绍信、求职信、读者请求的解答信及其答复读者的信等。写作时应注意: 格式正确,语言简练地道,语气要因人、因事而异。模板虽好,但要学会变通。



It’s an honor/a pleasure to write this Email to you.

How is everything going recently?

How nice to hear from you again.

Let me tell you something about the ...(activity that will be held this Sunday)

I’m glad to have received your letter.

I’m pleased to hear that you…(are coming to China for a visit).

I’m writing to thank you for your help…(during my stay in America).

How time flies!/How is everything going?/I miss you every much.

It has been a long time since we last met (since I received your last letter).

I hope everything goes well for you and your family.

In your last letter, you told me that…(you want to join the sports club, but …)

It’s a pleasure to tell you the information that you want to know /to give you some advice that I think is useful to you.


As you know/ as I can remember+主句

You’d better…, because it is a good way to…

You can…when it is convenient to you.

Don’t forget to…which is very important/necessary (for your improvement).

I think you are supposed to…, I sincerely hope that+宾从,I believe that…

省略:例:If possible, please tell me…

强调:例:It is your valuable advice that helped me out of the trouble.

倒装:例:Only by study hard can your goals be reached


With best wishes.

I’m looking forward to your reply.

I’d appreciate it if you could reply earlier.


通知 正文居中:Notice/Announcement;落款(The students’ union)


Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make.


All the teachers and students are required to attend it.

Please take your notebooks and make notes.

Please listen carefully and we’ll have a discussion in groups.

Please come on time and don’t be late.


I’m sure this is a great opportunity this you won’t want to miss.

Please come and join in it.


达分奇教育 决胜高考 Everybody is welcome to attend it. I hope you’ll have a nice time here.

Should you have any questions, please contact…,and we will be more than happy to help you. That’s all. Thank you.


Dear _____________ ,

① I am _____________(写信人身份)。②I venture to write you a letter about_____________(抱怨内容)。

③ The focus of the complaint is _____________(抱怨内容的核心)。④ For one thing, _____________(抱怨内容的一个方面)。⑤For another, _____________(抱怨内容的另一方面)。⑥Honestly speaking, _____________(客观的评论)。 ⑦ But _____________(抱怨产生的原因)。⑧ All in all, There is still much room for improvement. ⑨Before I take any further action, I do hope _____________(表达本人的愿望)。⑩ Thank you for your time and kind consideration. 建议信

Dear ___________,

① You have asked me for my advice with regard to _______ (问题), ② and I will try to make some conductive suggestions here.③ In my humble opinion, you would be wise to take the following actions (建议的内容): ④ First, ________. (As is known, ________.) ⑤ Second, ________. ⑥ Third, ________.

⑦ I hope you will find these proposals useful, ⑧ and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you to further details. ⑨ (Or:Your kind consideration of my suggestions will be highly appreciated).

⑩ Good Luck with your_______(祝愿).


Dear Sir or Madam,

① I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in ____________(报纸名称) of ______________(广告发布时间).

② I am ________ from ________. ③ Not only do I have the qualifications for this job, but I also have the right personality for a __________(工作名称). ④ As a/an ________, I have been ________. ⑤ Besides, I won ________ in ________.

⑥ I would appreciate it very much if you could give me an early reply./ Should you grant me a personal interview, I would be most grateful. ⑦ If you need to know more about me, please feel free to contact me at any time at _______________ (电话号码/邮件地址)

⑧ Thank you for considering my application, and I am looking forward to meeting you.


1. 邀请对方参加活动的内容、时间和地点2.与该活动有关的注意事项3.期待对方接受邀请,并可表示感谢。 Dear ________,

① How is everything with you? ② I am writing to tell you that there will be a ________(内容) at/in ________(地点) on ________(时间). ③ We would be honored to have you there with us.

④ The occasion will start at ____________(具体时间).⑤ This will be followed by a _________(进一步的安排).⑥ At around _____(时间),________(另一个安排).

⑦ Ring me up and tell me whether you will come or not, will you? ⑧ I really hope you can make it. ⑨ My phone number is ________. ⑩ Looking forward to ________.

感谢信:1. 表达感激之情,简单陈述写这封感谢信的原因; 2. 详细说明要感谢的事由,措词更加具体真诚。再次表示真诚的感谢; 3. 向对方表达自己真诚的祝福,再次道谢。有时可向对方发出邀请。

Dear ________,

① I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for ________(感谢的原因).

② If it had not been for/Had it not been for/ Without your assistance in ________(对方给你的具体帮助), I would (not) have been ________(没有对方帮助的后果).

③ Everyone agrees that it was you who ________ (给出细节). ④ Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you! ⑤ Please accept my gratitude.


达分奇教育 决胜高考 道歉信:1、直接说明需要表达歉意的事情;2、解释清楚事情发生的原因;3、表明写信的目的,表示遗憾和内疚之意;4、有时需要表达补救的意思或提出补救方法;5、请求对方接受自己的道歉。

Dear_____________ ,

①I am excessively sorry to say/tell you that _____________(直接说出道歉事由)。② Now, I am writing you this letter of apology to show my deep regret. ③ Please accept my sincere apology. ④ I hope you will understand me and excuse me for _____________(请求对方原谅的事由)。

⑤The reason for my delay/absence was that _________________ (过失的原因)。⑥ I had no way out

because_____________自己当时的处境和情况。⑦ Therefore it's not in my power to_____________ (过失导致的结果)。

⑧ Naturally, I want to suggest _____________(建议下次再实现愿望)。⑨ I shall be obliged if you will kindly write and tell me when and where you_____________(约定下次见面的时间和地点)。⑩ We may meet again and I hope to see you soon


Dear ______,

I am ______(自我介绍). I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information


First of all, what is ____________? (第一个问题) Secondly, when will______________________? (第二个问题) Thirdly, is _________________? (第三个问题)

I would also like to inquire ____________________________ (将最重要的问题单独成段). Could you be so kind as to send me some relevant booklets on the above-mentioned aspects?

Thank you for you kindness, and your prompt attention to this letter will be highly appreciated.

祝贺信:1. 说明所祝贺的事情;2. 表达自己真诚、喜悦的心情,用词亲切、自然;3. 说明对方获得成功等的原因;4. 表达对未来的祝贺。


① I have learned with delight that you_____________ (祝贺事由). ② I would like to extend to you my utmost congratulations on_____________. ③ You must be ____________. ④ And I feel very happy for you.

⑤_____________(所取得的成绩) is quite exciting news! ⑥ I know this is surely owing to _____________(被祝贺人过去的努力). ⑦ It is a reward you richly deserve for your _____________ (被祝贺人的优点)。

⑧ Kindly let me know when you_____________(咨询对方何时有空). ⑨ I hope _____________(表达自己的愿望). ⑩ My best wishes for your further success.



①It affords me much pleasure to recommend______(被推荐人) to you. ②During his/her graduate years, he/she was my ______ (被推荐人的身份). ③As his/her_________(我的身份) I found him/her________ (被推荐人的品质). ④ His/Her performance in the school years was outstanding. ⑤First, he/she had been and showed great talents in______ (某方面). ⑥ In addition, he/she has a very pleasant personality. ⑦He has developed a strong sense of______ (品质), and working with him is always pleasant. ⑧ I can state that he/she has all the qualities of being______(身份). ⑨Therefore, I here recommend him/her to you with all my heart. ⑩ Should you favor him/her with a position in your company/Should you accept him/her in your university? I am sure that his/her future conduct/academic work will prove worthy of your confidence. I look forward to hearing from you at the earliest possible moment.



假定你是李华,从互联网(the Internet)上得知一个国际中学生组织将在新加坡(Singapore)举办夏令营,欢迎各国学生参加。请写一封电子邮件申请参加。


达分奇教育 决胜高考 内容主要包括:1.自我介绍(包括英语能力);2.参加意图(介绍中国、了解其他国家);3.希望获准。 Dear Sir or Madam,

I'm Li Hua, a middle school student from China. I read the announcement of the summer camp that you have posted on the Internet and I am interested in it. I know that you welcome students from different countries and I'd like to take part in it. I've been learning English for 10 years, and I speak fluent English. What is more, I'll be able to tell students from other countries about China and learn about their countries as well. I hope I will be accepted as a member of your summer camp.

Looking forward to your reply!


Li Hua


假定你是李华,正在一所英国学校学习暑期课程,遇到一些困难,希望得到学校辅导中心(Learning Center)的帮助。根据学校规定,你需书面预约,请按下列要点写一封信:

1.本人简介; 2.求助内容; 3.约定时间4.你的联系方式 (Email:lihua@1236.com;Phone:12345678)。 Dear Sir/Madam,

I’m Li hua , a Chinese student taking summer courses in your university. I’m writing to ask for help. I came here last month and found my courses interesting. But I have some difficulties with note-making and I have no idea of how to use the library. I was told the learning center provides help for students and I’m anxious to get help from you. I have no class on Tuesday mornings and Friday afternoons. Please let me know which day is OK with you. You may email or phone me. Here are my email address and please remember: lihua@1236.com Phone:12345678).

Look forward to your reply.


Li Hua


假设你是育才中学学生会主席李华。你校将举办一次英语演讲比赛(speech contest),希望附近某大学的外籍教师Smith女士来做评委。请参照以下比赛通知给她写一封信。


主题:人与自然 时间:6月15日下午2:00~5:00地点:501教室 参赛选手:10名学生 联系人:李华(电话44876655) 欢迎大家光临!

Dear Ms. Smith,

I'm Li Hua,Chair of the Student Union of Yucai Middle School,which is close to your university. I'm writing to invite you to be a judge at our English speech contest to be held in our school on June 15,at Room 501.It will start at 2:00 pm and last for about three hours. Ten students will deliver their speeches on the given topic “Man and Nature”.We hope that you will accept our invitation if it is convenient for you. Please call me at 44876655 if you have any questions. I am looking forward to your reply.

With best wishes,

Li Hua


假定你是李华,正在英国接受英语培训,住在一户英国人家里。今天你的房东Mrs Wilson不在家,你准备外出,请给Mrs Wilson写一留言条,内容包括: 1.外出购物 2.替房东还书 3.Tracy来电话留言:1)咖啡屋(Bolton Coffee)见面取消 2)此事已告知Susan 3)尽快回电

Mrs. Wilson,


达分奇教育 决胜高考 I’m going out shopping and won’t be back until 5:00pm. I have taken with me the two books you asked me to return to the City Library. At about 1 o’clock this afternoon,Tracy called,Saying that she couldn’t meet you at Bolton Coffee tomorrow morning as she has something important to attend to. She felt very sorry about that, but said that you could set some other time for the meeting. She wanted you to call her back as soon as you are home. She has already told Susan about this change.

Li Hua





书信体作文范例一毛泽东给徐特立的一封信徐老同志你是我二十年前的先生2你现在仍然是我的先生你将来必定还是我的先生当革命失败的时候许多共 产 党员离开了共 产 党有些甚至跑到敌人那边去了你却在一九二七年秋天加入共 产 党而且采...




















