


恒天然集团(FonterraCo-operativeGroup)成立于20xx年10月,简称“恒天然”,其性质原是一家合作社,总部位于新西兰奥克兰。恒天然集团由当时新西兰最大的两家乳品公司和新西兰乳品局合并而成,是新西兰当地最大的公司。年销售额达80亿美元,是新西兰国内最大的公司,也是世界上第6大乳品生产商。新西兰1/4乳品出口产于恒天然集团。 8月5日消息 今天中午,恒天然集团就其产品被检出肉毒杆菌事件进行解释。恒天然集团首席执行官西奥-史毕根斯表示,受到污染的原料浓缩乳清蛋白共计38吨,涉及娃哈哈、可口可乐、达能旗下品牌多美滋和新西兰奶粉品牌可瑞康等8家企业。全部问题产品将在48小时内召回。


西奥表示,多美滋可能存在问题的产品有12个批次,市面上正在销售的已经全部召回,还有一半尚在仓库。可瑞康方面已经采取召回措施,并已确认出口到中国的产品没有受到污染影响。而澳大利亚工厂的产品包括婴儿营养制品,目前所有产品都已有效控制。 在38吨受污染的浓缩乳清蛋白中,还有20吨销售给了3家饮料公司和3家动物饲料公司。3家饮料公司分别是娃哈哈、可口可乐和澳大利亚的一家饮料公司,这些公司在超高温灭菌的酸性环境中,将浓缩乳清蛋白用于生产饮料。肉毒杆菌在这种环境下无法生存,可以确保产品安全。





恒天然在今年3月即发现存在超出正常含量的肉毒杆菌,直至几天前才向社会公布问题。针对为何间隔时间如此之长的质疑,西奥称,是由于奶制品检测步骤很多,耗时较长。 作为年产量25亿公斤的新西兰乳业巨头,继年初的双聚氰胺事件后,此次肉毒杆菌污染事件已是恒天然集团今年第二次涉及产品安全问题。据此前媒体报道,中国已经暂停从新西兰进口奶粉。




国内粗钢产量大幅增长,市场供大于求的状况没有改变,这造成钢材价格持续低位,再加上铁矿石价格降幅小于钢材价格降幅,企业生产成本居高难下,经营十分困难。 “从今年各月实现利润看,呈逐月减少态势;同时亏损企业明显增多,亏损面比去年同期提高3.5个百分点”,中钢协副会长兼秘书长张长富坦言,“这种状况提示我们今年很多企业生产经营状况甚至比去年同期还要困难。”

中钢协分析,今年下半年企业很可能遭遇资金紧张难题。6月末,重点钢企银行借款同比增加1051.56亿元,增长8.8%,其中短期借款增加1125.54亿元,增长13.65%。应收、应付账款同比均有所增长,其中应收账款增加19.62亿元,应付账款增加214.3亿元。 但中钢协副秘书长屈秀丽针对全行业停贷的传言予以否认,称“全部停贷是不存在的,中钢协最近已经与银监会沟通过,确认银行不会对钢铁业停批贷款,依然是保持有保有压的政策”。屈秀丽表示,银行对那些效益比较好的企业和项目依然是支持的,但是对违规的企业以及需要淘汰的企业和项目则是有要求的,要严格控制贷款。




BBC News with Sue Montgomery

The Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, held captive in Gaza for more than five years, is now back at home after being reunited with his family in Israel. Crowds of

people in his hometown Mitzpe Hila gathered along the road leading to his house. Outside the building is the BBC's Richard Galpin.

They've been dancing; they've been singing. At the moment, I can see them waving the Israeli flags. And after the helicopter landed just outside the village, they brought Gilad Shalit in through the streets of this village, which were lined by the people who live here. They were showering the vehicles with flowers; they had champagne bottles which they were opening and spraying the vehicles with champagne.

Sergeant Shalit has been released in exchange for hundreds of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described the deal reached with Hamas as a very difficult decision. On the

Palestinian side, more than 100,000 people gathered in the main square in Gaza City to celebrate the release of almost 500 prisoners freed in exchange for Gilad Shalit. The BBC's Jon Donnison is there.

You've got a mass Hamas rally. Well over 100,000 people packed into Katiba Square in the centre of Gaza City, waving the Hamas green Palestinian flags, and on the stage behind them, you do have some of those Palestinian prisoners who are being given really a huge welcoming rally.

Speaking in Cairo, the Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal said the group had scored a strategic victory over Israel. Our Middle East editor Jeremy Bowen reflects on the day's events.

Mr Netanyahu needed to close a running sore for Israelis; Hamas needed a victory for its people and to score points over its rival, the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who's often asked Israel to release prisoners without success. The prisoner deal does not touch the big issues that divide Israelis and

Palestinians. This was a transaction between Israel and Hamas. It doesn't bring a wider peace deal closer.

An official investigation into the conduct of the former British Defence Minister Liam Fox, who resigned at the weekend, has concluded that he broke the ministerial code. The report by the head of the civil service said there was a clear conflict of interest in his relationship with his close friend Adam Werritty. Doctor Fox stepped down after days of controversy over his ties to Mr Werritty, who has no official role but attended defence ministry meetings.

Police in the US city of Philadelphia say they have arrested three people who imprisoned three men and a woman with mental disabilities in a small and squalid basement room, and collected their social security cheques. The four victims were found malnourished and suffering from bedsores. At least one man was chained to a radiator.

World News from the BBC

The BBC has learnt that the president of Fifa, Sepp Blatter, is to call for the release of court documents which could reveal that senior officials at football's world governing body were paid bribes in return for granting television and sponsorship rights during the 1990s. The documents relate to a criminal

investigation into the collapse of Fifa's former marketing partner, International Sport and Leisure.

Trials of a new malaria vaccine in Africa have raised hope of finding the world's first successful immunisation against the disease. Infants given the vaccine were half as likely to get the disease. More than 15,000 children under 18 months took part in the study, which has been published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Here's our health correspondent Fergus Walsh.

An effective vaccine would transform the life chances of millions.

Nine-month-old Pamela from Kenya is one of those to receive the experimental jab being trialled in several African countries. Bed nets and insecticide will

remain vital in the fight against malaria. The vaccine is no magic bullet, but even the jab that was 50% effective could save huge numbers of lives in the years to come.

The US investment bank Goldman Sachs has posted a quarterly loss for the first time since the start of the world economic crisis in 2008. The bank said it lost more than $400m in the third quarter of this year. Its biggest hit was a $1bn loss in its investment in a leading Chinese bank.

Russia is considering building a Moon colony in what satellite images suggest are lunar caves. Sergei Krikalyov, head of Russia's cosmonaut training centre, said a Japanese spacecraft in 2008 photographed a hole in the Moon's surface, which could lead to tunnels forged by lava from ancient volcanoes.

BBC News

伦敦时装周 london fashion week

Neil: We're at London Fashion week, which is why I've brought BBC Learning English's very own style icon Feifei with me to present On the Town!

Feifei: Hi Neil. 大家好,欢迎收听我们从伦敦时装周为你带来的《都市掠影》节目。


Neil: Well, we're obviously in the right place because as I look around me I can see nothing but extremely fashion-conscious people walking around. You must feel at home, Feifei.

Feifei: 注重时尚流行趋势的 fashion-conscious. Neil 今天一上来就叫我 a style icon 时尚偶像。真希望我也可以这么称呼他,不过看看他穿的这喇叭裤、带着六七十年代的那种巨宽又扎眼的领带,就像美国70年代电视剧里的侦探。 我实在是叫不出口呀! Neil: What do you mean? Retro is cool!

Feifei: Retro 复古;cool 时尚。Hmm, I'm not sure about that… 好了,别再说咱俩了,咱们还是来看看今年伦敦时装周的趋势吧?

It's a really important event for showcasing the British fashion industry to, I suppose, the leading media around the world and the leading retailers. They're all descending on London.

Feifei: 以上是英国时装委员会 Caroline Rush 在接受BBC新闻采访时给伦敦时装周的定义。

Neil: She says it's an important event for showcasing the UK fashion industry. Showcasing.

Feifei: 展示 showcasing.

Neil: It's for the leading media and retailers around the world. Retailers. Feifei: 零售商 retailers. 我们再来听一次她的介绍。

It's a really important event for showcasing the British fashion industry to, I suppose, the leading media around the world and the leading retailers. They're all descending on London.

Neil: London Fashion Week is one of the big four fashion weeks in the world. Feifei: 世界四大时装周分别是,伦敦时装周,米兰时装周,纽约时装周还有巴黎时装周。 Neil: As you're so trendy, Feifei, you'll know exactly how much fashion contributes to the UK economy. Trendy.

Feifei: 时尚的 trendy. 我知道伦敦是英国乃至世界的时尚之都,那时尚届每年对英国的经济到底有多大贡献呢?

It contributes as an industry ?37 billion actually each year to the British economy, so incredibly important and it's important that we showcase our talent and champion British innovation and creativity.

Neil: ?37 billion.

Feifei: 370 亿英镑!大约合人民币 3,700 多亿。

Neil: Just think how many pairs of shoes you could buy with that money, Feifei! Feifei: Yes! 伦敦时装周对英国很重要的另一个原因是它可以向世界展示英国时尚圈人才,并可以来捍卫这些时尚潮人的创新精神。

Neil: To champion.

Feifei: 捍卫、宣传。

Neil: Innovation.

Feifei: 创新。

Neil: Creativity.

Feifei: 创造力。

Neil: And you might start seeing some of these designs in China before long. Feifei: 请注意听 Caroline 对英国时尚业潜在的市场进行的分析。

In the designer sector, they're global industries selling to all different markets. And so where potentially they're not seeing growth in one market it's that

they're selling to others and Asia's obviously a great opportunity at the moment. Neil: Asia's a great opportunity, according to the fashionista Caroline Rush. Feifei: 超级时尚迷 fashionista. 对于英国的时尚品牌来说,亚洲是个巨大的潜在市场。 Neil: So before long, Feifei, you'll be seeing people all over China wearing clothes like mine.

Feifei: Well,I can't imagine anyone wanting to be that square! Square 是一个俚语表达,意思就是过时的、古板的。

Neil: I'm insulted! Before we leave London's fashion elite, let's just look at the vocabulary from the programme: fashion-conscious.

Feifei: 注重时尚流行趋势的。

Neil: Retro.

Feifei: 复古的。

Neil: Cool.

Feifei: 时尚的。

Neil: Showcasing.

Feifei: 展示。

Neil: Retailers.

Feifei: 零售商。

Neil: Trendy.

Feifei: 时尚的、入时的。

Neil: To champion.

Feifei: 捍卫、宣传。

Neil: Innovation.

Feifei: 创新。

Neil: Creativity.

Feifei: 创造力。

Neil: Right then, I'm off to take a stroll down that catwalk!

Feifei: Neil! You'll be arrested – by the fashion police! Neil 穿成这样还想去T台上 catwalk 走个猫步。我觉得肯定会被 the fashion police 时尚潮流警察抓走的。 Neil: You just watch me – here I go!
























