

The two pie charts illustrates energy utilization and greenhouse gas emissions of situation respectively about household in Australian.

It is clear that heating was the main reason for household energy consumption (42%). 30% and 15% of utilization were consumed by water heating and other appliances respectively. In addition, 7% energy was utilized by refrigeration. However, the proportion of household energy use duo to cooling and lighting just spent 2% and 4%.

I can know the data which the main reasons about greenhouse gas emissions caused by water heating(32%) and other appliances(28%). On the contrary, heating consumed much energy, but it just released gas(15%) as similar as the refrigeration. The proportion of cooling and light about gas emissions as same as energy use were tiny, cooling was 3%, lighting was 8%.

From those two chart, l can obtain a conclusion that energy use can not decide to how much greenhouse gas releases.

第二篇:剑桥雅思9 口语Test1 参考答案

剑桥雅思9 Speaking Test1 参考答案

答案编辑者:上海环球雅思口语名师:李宁(英国剑桥国际考试委员会IGCSE & A Level口语考官)


Part 1

Examiner asks the candidates about him/herself .his /her home ,work or study similar topics


What games are popular in your country ?[Why ?]

Many games are popular in England, especially sports. Football, in particular, is extremely popular to watch. Every weekend, thousands, or maybe even millions, of people will go to their local football club to watch their local team. Similarly rugby, cricket, and tennis are also very popular participation sports.

However, there has been a decline in the number of people actually taking parts in sports, which is a concern for the nations health.

Do you play any games ?[Why /Why not ?]

Yes, I play a lot of games. My favourite sports are cycling and tennis. When I was growing up, I played tennis for my local tennis club and my university. I also enjoy cycling, as I feel it is a great way to enjoy the great outdoors!

I also enjoy playing card games and board games, such as Poker and Settlers of Catan. Its a great way to relax and unwind, and socialise with friends.

How do people learn to play games in you country ?

Most people learn to play games in school. But there are many sports and games clubs for people to join if they want to play more. I come from a very small town, yet there are lots of football, tennis, golf, rugby and water sports clubs to join. Even the local pubs have football teams! Most people also see sports clubs as a great way to socialise and make friends.

Do you think it’s important for people to play games ? [Why /Why not ?]

Yes, I think its very important for people to play games. It is a fantastic way to stay stay active, but most importantly its a fun and healthy way to meet friends and have a good time!

Part 2

Desribe an open-air or street market which you enjoyed visiting .

You should say :

Where the market is

What the market sells

How big the market is

And explain why you enjoyed visiting this market .

When I lived in Uganda, I saw some of the most amazing open-air markets selling a variety of things! Most often, the markets would sell meats, fruits and vegetables. The hustle and bustle of the market is something I will never forget. In every direction there were people haggling and bartering prices, chickens squorking about your feet eating bits of food that were left on the ground, and vendors yelling to the crowd to try and sell their products. The air was full of the smell of herbs and spices (except in the meat section, which sometimes smelled a little rotten...) and the colours of all the fruits and vegetables was incredible.

I found the other parts of the market even more intriguing, especially where they sold fabrics! Some of the patterns of the garments, and the amount of detail and effort that had clearly gone into the weaving, was very impressive.

It truly was an incredible experience that I will never forget.

Part 3

Discussion topics:

Shopping at markets

Do people in your country enjoy going to open-air markets that sell things like food or clothes

or old objects ?Which type of market is more popular ?Why ?

In my country, open-air markets are becoming less common. England, unfortunately, has rather unpredictable weather. Even in the summer time it is not unusual for the skies to turn black and the heavens to open! Its a fact of life that people don't like shopping in the rain, so most people tend to stick to shopping malls and supermarkets.

However, in the summer time, it isn't uncommon to see the odd garden sale or 'car boot' sale.

Do you think markets are more suitable places for selling certain types of things ? Which one? Why do you think this is ?

Certain products are more traditionally sold at markets, such as fruits and vegetables. Subsequently, when other products are sold at street markets, such as electrical goods like televisions or mobile phones, these are more likely to be illegal goods that may be either stolen or counterfeit. For this reason, most people in England tend to buy things like electrical items from their local, trusted supermarket!

Do you think young people feel the same about shopping at markets as older people? Why is that?

I think opinions are starting to converge, but, at least in my home town, old people tend to prefer to shop at markets, whereas young people tend to prefer shopping at supermarkets and shopping centres. Maybe this is because older people enjoy the social aspect of markets, whereas younger people, who are often in too much of a rush, prefer the convenience of the supermarket. Or maybe its because older people enjoy haggling and bartering the price at the street market, whereas supermarkets have a set price.

Shopping in general

What do you think are the advantages of buying things from shops rather than markets ?

The main advantage to buying things from the shop is that if it is faulty, then you can usually return the item and get your money. Also, buying from a respectable shop usually means the product will be more reliable than if you buy from a street market.

How does advertising influence what people choose to buy ?Is this true for everyone?

There are many different types of advertising. Firstly, promotional advertisements such as TV ads and newspaper ads seek to raise awareness about the product. I think these are fairly influential, as you see them everywhere you go, and subconsciously you will be thinking about it.

Other forms of advertisements, such as internet pop-ups and spam email, I do not think are as effective. If anything, they are detrimental to the company's image. I, for one, will be less likely to buy a product if I receive spam emails or pop-ups, as they are so annoying!

Do you think that any recent changes in the way people live have affected general shopping habits ? Why is this ?

Yes, the biggest change to shopping habits is that many people now choose to buy online. In the UK, many large retail stores have closed down due to a decline in the number of high street shoppers. Instead, many people find it cheaper and more convenient to buy online, and as a result, many big companies have had to change the way they do business, focusing more on online sales than high street sales.











IELTS雅思 Task 1范文6篇













