


Module 1 Travel

一、北京是我国的政治、经济和文化中心,是一个美丽的现代化大都市。你去过北京吗?请以“A trip to Beijing”为话题,写一篇70词左右的短文,向大家介绍一个你的旅游经历。 三步法描写旅游经历。第一步:总述(引出下文);第二步:分述(详细介绍景点); 第三步:总述(谈感受)。

A trip to Beijing

to speak more. We talked very we went to There were many

二、暑假就要到了,假设你们学校的外外籍教师Miss Green要到海南旅游度假,她写信向你(Zhang Ming)了解情况。请你写一封80词左右的回信,内容包括:




Dear Miss Green, ’s very hot are go fishing, swimming, diving and surfing ’ve written will be helpful to you.

Enjoy yourself.


Zhang Ming

Module 2 Education


第一步:总述(表明观点)。 第二步:分述(详细描述,可从学校课程、课外活动、师生关系三方面展开描述。) 第三步:总述概括全文。

My school life

My school life is very interesting.

at 8:00 am. There are four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. We ’m 1

not good at maths. I think it’ We have many activities after class. we can play football, have a piano lesson,

二. 的学校生活就要结束了,回顾三年的学校生活,你(Jack)感慨万分。校园网的英语论坛开辟了“My School Life”专栏,供同学们发表感想。请你为该专栏写一篇短文,回顾自己三年的学校生活。



I’ I was and have I the exams. stronger.

Thank you, my teachers and classmates. Wish my school more beautiful , my teachers and classmates a happy life!

Jack from Class 3

三. 三年的初中生活马上就要结束了,让我们记下其中的点点滴滴。请根据提示,在相应的位置上写出与你校园生活相关的词或短语。

I will remember my school life forever.

It’s very interesting, _______ and __________.

My favourite subject is _________.

I often _______ with my classmates.

I like my _______ and _________.


My school life

My school life is very interesting. Classes begin at 8:00 am. I have four classes in the morning. In the afternoon, I have two classes. I study English, politics, art, history, geography, biology and some other subjects. English is my favourite subject and I often speak English with my classmates. I also like PE and music. But I don’t like maths at all. I think it’s difficult and boring. Do you think so?

After school, I often play basketball with my classmates. It’s my favourite outdoor activity. Sometimes I swim in the swimming pool. Sometimes I draw pictures with my good friends in the park. Every Tuesday and Thursday , I go to the school library. Do you think my school life is very interesting?

My teachers are very friendly to me. And I like my school life very much. What about you? 2

Can you tell me something about your school life?

Module 3 Life now and then

一. 对比法比较现在和过去

1.引出主题。经常采取“开门见山”的写法,常以Great changes have taken place in?或I’d like to talk about ?等句子开头。

2. 具体介绍。(1)从各个方面展开比较:可以运用first, second, third等单词使文章层次清晰;(2)大段比较:先叙述过去,再叙述现在,多用in the past?, but now?等句子。

3. 总结全文。展望未来,或发出邀请,用用:I think it will be more?; I hope that?.等。 My new school

Hello! I’m happy to talk about my new school.

I’m in No. 2 Middle School in Shanghai. It’’re there’re more tall buildings. In my old school, there were no tall ’re more young teachers than There only two or three young teachers in the old school, but now there’re I hope we’

二. 请以“Great Changes in China”为题,写一篇短文,描述一下祖国的变化。

思想点拨:1.时态:内容重点是中国发生的巨大变化,所以选用一般现在时和现在完成 时。



Great Changes in China

and villages. The public transport is People the world. Chinese people’

Module 4 Rules and suggestions


一、为了规范同学们的行为习惯、让同学们养成良好的学习和生活习惯,你们学校正举 办文明中学生评选活动。请以“How to behave well”为题写一篇100词左右的倡议书,呼吁大家积极行动,争做文明之星。

倡议书要点如下:1.学生应该守信、不撒谎; 2.礼貌待人,热心助人;3.遵守交通规 3


How to Behave Well?

Behaving well is the secret of getting on well with others. Then how can we students behave well?

’are red. , we’d better not talk It’s also wrong for us to throw

二. 6月5日(June 5)是世界环境保护日,我们周围的环境变得越来越糟糕,污染越来越严重??。你作为一名中学生是如何看待这一问题的,请以“如何保护我们的环境”为题写一篇文章。




How to Protect Our Environment

Many trees Some animals The population Not only does it our lives and health, it also ’ We shouldn’Don’ Let’

Module 5 Look after yourself


某杂志社进行了一次中学生健康情况调查,发现很多中学生的健康状况令人担忧。主要问题有:饮食结构不合理,体育锻炼不足,心理压力大,不能与人很好地沟通等。请以 How to Keep Fit为题给杂志社写一篇征文,倡导健康生活。

How to Keep Fit

As we all know, health is very important. But how can we keep fit?

’ 4

Module 6 Eating together


引出话题(western?)—具体描述(First?;Then?;Finally?)—总结建议(In a word?) ’’’you eat or drink the soup. ’s not ’ Module 7 English for you and me

My English study

In those days, I even couldn’


要求:语言通顺、逻辑较强、条理分明、没有语法错误。词数:80左右。 we should our homework we can learn English well. Module 8 My future life


第一步:提出话题(引出下文) 第二步:分别介绍(成长的经历、收获)


Dear teachers and classmates,

It’’ ’’wonderful future!

Goodbye, our beautiful school, our dear teachers and our friends!

That’ 5





注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 所提供的英文提示词语必须涉及。

提示词语:capital of China, lie in the north, many places of interest, autumn, best season, Chinese traditional food…



Beijing is the capital of China with a long history. There are lots of places of interest, such as the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, the Summer Palace and so on. Since it lies in the north of China, the winter here is long and it snows sometimes. Autumn is the best season in Beijing, for it is neither too cold nor too hot. One of the most famous traditional foods is Beijing duck. We held the 2008 Olympic Games successfully. By hosting the Olympic, we have had the chance to let the world know more about China and Beijing. So come to Beijing and you’ll enjoy it.

2、以“My favourite book”为题,写一篇不少于60词的英文短文。


My favourite book

My favourite book is Harry Potter. It’s written by J. K. Rowling. Harry Potter is a magical school student who wears glasses and has no parents. He is very brave and clever. When I first read the book, I found it very exciting and interesting. So I read it again and again, each time I have different feelings. Now the book is very popular with young students. If you haven’t read the book yet, read it now and you’ll find a wonderful world.

3、随着阳关体育运动在全国的开展,“每天锻炼一小时,健康工作50年,幸福生活一辈子”的理念深入人心,校园里出现了可喜的变化:运动时间延长了,运动项目增加了,学生体质增强了,校园生活丰富了。请以“Sports in Our School”为题给校刊写一篇报道。


1.time for sports

2. kinds of sports

3. changes of students’ health and study

4. change of school life



Sports in our school

Sports in our school have changed a lot. Now we have more than three P.E. classes a week, and we have at least one hour to exercise every day.


Students get so excited at these changes. More and more students take an active part in the ball games, running, and jumping on the playground. Our school life is becoming more wonderful. Doing sports is a good way to relax and keep fit. What’s more, a healthy body can help us study better and live a happier life.


1. 距离:博物馆离家约两公里;

2. 交通工具:决定骑自行车去;

3. 时间:八点出发,十点回家;

4. 内容:见到了许多照片、实物等,学到了很多



Today is Monday.And the weather is sunny.My friend Cao Gang and I went to visit Shanghai Museum. It is about 2 kilometres away from my home. So we decided to go there by bike. We set off at 8 o’clock. At the museum we saw many photos and other things. We learned a lot. There we saw a lot of children with their parents. At ten we left the museum for home. We had a wonderful time today.

5、节约资源,保护环境,从我们身边的小事做起。Li Ming 是一个注重“低碳”生活的中学生,假设你是他,请以 “My Low-carbon Life” 为题,写一篇80 词左右的短文,简单描述自己的“低碳生活”。


(1) 每天步行上学;

(2) 离开教室时,关灯、电扇、电视等;

(3) 不用水时,记得关水龙头,循环使用水;

(4) 充分使用纸张;

(5) 不适用塑料袋。

参考词汇:on foot , turn off , tap , reuse , make full use of , plastic bag


(1) 内容包括所提供的信息及要点,可适当发挥,但不要逐条翻译;

(2) 不用真实姓名、学校等信息。

范文:My Low-carbon Life

As a student, what can we do to protect our environment? Well, we can’t throw rubbish here and there. If possible, we should walk or ride a bike instead of taking a taxi or a car, because cars and taxis make a lot of pollution. Don’t waste water or electricity and try to use fewer school things. Always use reusable cups, lunch boxes so that we can reduce waste. Also, we should care for flowers and trees and take an active part in planting trees. I believe if everyone protects our environment, it will become better.


1. 常山空气清新,以其优美的景色而著称,如:寺庙、绿草、花朵……


2. 你和家人一个小时就爬上了山顶, 并在山顶玩游戏、唱歌、野餐;

3. 下午五点回到家,感觉累,但很开心。


During National Holiday, my family and I went to Mount Chang. Mount Chang is a famous place that has many beautiful views, such as temples, green grass and nice flowers. And the air in Mount Chang is quite clear.

It took us an hour to climb up to the top. What a beautiful view we saw at the top! We played games, sang songs and then had a picnic there.

We got home at about 5:00 pm. Although we felt tired, we had a great time. I hope I can go there again.

7、作为一名中学生,你学习的课程一定很多,同时学校里又有丰富多彩的课外活动。有的同学参加英语角的活动;有的同学喜欢球类、跑步等体育活动;有的同学喜欢音乐、舞蹈、美术;还有的同学参加电脑小组、摄影小组、集邮小组等。你最喜欢哪一项课外活动?活动中你都做些什么?说说你的想法和理由。根据中文大意,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于80词的短文。提示词语:take part in, school activities(学校活动), be interested in, important


I am a middle school student. I learn many subjects at school. After class, my classmates and I often take part in different school activities. I’m interested in computer science. I often go to our school computer group. I learn to get useful things from the Internet. It is important to learn computers science because it is now used everywhere in our modern life.

8、请根据提示内容,写一篇80词左右的短文,谈谈你对人口问题的看法。 提示:

1. 世界人口迅速增长带来了许多问题,如粮食不足、失业率高等。

2. 中国是一个人口大国,也是农业大国,还有人生活在贫困线以下。

3. 中国应坚持独生子女政策,控制人口增长。


农业 agriculture 在贫困线以下 below the poverty line 坚持carry on

______________________________________________________________________ 范文:

With the growing population, many problems appear. For example, we haven’t enough food for everyone in the world, many people are out of work, the cities are too crowed, air and water get dirty...

China is a big country of agriculture with the largest population in the world.

There are still many people living below the poverty line. We should carry on the

one-child policy to control the growing of the population. If each family has only one healthy child, we can all live a happy life. Do you think so?

9、假设你们班要召开“珍爱生命,远离垃圾食品”主题班会,请你以 Feed me better为话题写一篇发言稿。词数:80左右。要点提示:

1. 健康的重要性;

2. 吃哪些食物、怎样吃更健康;保持健康的其他方法



Feed Me Better

Good morning, everyone!

I’m very glad to talk about the importance of staying healthy. As a student, I know I need a healthy body and mind. There are many kinds of foods for us to eat. But some of them are junk food. In my opinion, on order to keep healthy, we should eat more healthy food such as green vegetables, all kinds of fruit, rice, noodles,fish, and a little meat. They are good for our health. I think we should also eat three meals on time. We should take more exercise every day to stay fit. That’s all. Thank you.


参考短语:be bad for, do harm to (对……有害), stop smoking, give up smoking


Some people think that smoking makes them look cool and helps them relax. I don’t agree. In my opinion, not only smoking is harmful for people’s health, but it also makes people look bad.

First of all, as everyone knows, cigarettes contain nicotine. If you smoke lots of cigarettes, the nicotine in them will hurt different parts of your body and make you sick. The worst thing is that people also get addicted to nicotine. Once you start smoking, it’s very hard to give up. Also,

smoking gives you yellow fingers, yellow teeth and bad breath. No one would think that is cool in any way. Besides, cigarettes cost a lot of money, which could be otherwise spent on more useful things, like books, clothes or CDs.

As you can see, smoking does nothing good for us. I hope more and more people will realize this and try their best not to smoke

11、假如你是张红,你想参加学校组织的“走进美国家庭”夏令营活动,请写一篇80 字左右的申请。




I’m a Chinese girl. My name is Li Na. I’m very happy to know that I’ll stay in your house for the cultural exchange between Chinese and English middle school students. I’d like to say something about myself so that you can know me well. I’m thirteen years old. I’m studying in No. 1 Middle School. I like reading and playing the piano. I like English very much, but my English is not good enough. I think you can help me with my English.

Besides, I hope to know more about you earlier, so would you please make a reply to guangdong-lina@126.com?

Yours sincerely,

Li Na

























