

《英语学术论文写作》安排一览表 1 Negotiating a topic 选题定义;选题原则;选题范围

2 Taking notes and working out an outline 怎样作笔记;怎样写提纲;提纲的组要素

3 How to write the thesis proposal? 开题报告组成部分;要求详解

4 How to write the literature review? 文献回顾写作方法;包含内容及要素 5 Documenting sources: In-text citation and content notes 引用的方法;怎样避免抄袭?

6 Documenting sources: Work cited 引用的方法;论文正文的引用;文章后文献参考的纪录方法

7 Writing abstracts, appendices and acknowledgements


8 The APA style documentation APA格式;APA格式对于论文写作的具体要求 9 How to conduct empirical study?



Book Review

摘要: 学术论文写作是英语专业学生的一门重要课程。本书几乎涵盖学术科研写作的各个重要方面,广度和深度适中,是本科高年级和研究生低年级学生必备参考书,也可以作为国内其他专业人士撰写英语科研论文的参考工具书。理念新颖:培养高素质、复合型外语创新人才为理念;特色鲜明:将人文、科学知识融入教材;体系完备:覆盖知识、技能、文化等科目,总数超过150种;阵容强大:全国30余所著名高校百余位英语教育专家编写. 关键词:理念新颖 特色鲜明 体系完备 学术论文写作


Academic Writing is one of the key courses for university students majoring in English in China. This course is designed to help students learn how to write a course paper and/or a BA thesis and to lay a foundation for writing more advanced academic papers in English for their future career. The course is an essential guide to effective academic writing in English, by that it does not to cover every single one of all the important issues that are related to academic writing. That would have been a much more ambitious project with a much more comprehensive approach than has been adopted by the book.

Key words: Academic Writing a course paper

It did me some time to finish reading Effective Academic Writing in English written by Professor Cheng aiming and Qi shouhua. Compared to the time I started reading it, now I feel much better about the book itself, and about my prospect of writing good academic papers. I was able to find out that it was in no way as dull as I thought it would be, as I was very much attracted and impressed by this book in many aspects, although at the same time many difficult points are still left unsettled, which demands my further efforts.

As far as I am concerned, Academic Research and Thesis Writing is very unique in terms of both format and content. First of all, the book is organized in a unique way. Each of the ten chapters starts with a question. I think this is a good way to start because it immediately arouses the readers a kind of feeling that in each chapter, a particular problem they have in writing will be properly addressed. Readers would come to believe this book does not intend to pour at them big terms and mysterious theories, but rather to help them solve problems they have in real practice. They would be much more willing to go on reading with the belief that they would somehow come to an answer to these problems. And active and positive attitude is vital for them to begin the process of comprehending the profound ideas in the book. They would be much more likely to come to a satisfactory answer to the questions they had in mind prior to the reading process. Secondly, each chaptercontains 6 sections, namely, Preview Discussion, Professor’s Lecture, Discussion, Sample Demonstration, Follow-up Practice and Suggested Activities and Readings. This orderly format has made the book very easy to follow.

Secondly, in terms of content, this book tries to illustrate its point with as many details as possible. It divides the process of writing an academic

paper into a number of stages and leads the readers to look at, and carry out, the writing process step by step. And each chapter, which deals with a particular stage of writing, provides the readers great details as to how this particular stage should be achieved. I believe this book has really covered odds and ends of academic writing. How successful the readers would be in writing is really dependent on how capable they are of applying what they learn in this book to their writing practice.

Besides the great details, I was also impressed by the easy applicability of this book. As we can see, every chapter is designed to deal with a particular problem students might have in academic writing. It tries to help students achieve better understandings about vital issues such as the purpose of writing, how to carry out research, how to decide the topic and how to write in a proper way. All of these are among the most important causes for students’ trouble in writing. Their problems would be effectively dealt with if they really make the effort to understand each chapter. I think this way of designing is the realization of a student-oriented concept. The author strictly sticks to the idea that the essential goal of this book is to help students deal with their trouble. Students are very likely to benefit from this. Take my case for example I finished the chapter regarding topic selection, I came to understand much better how I am supposed to work in this respect. I

carefully considered relevant factors including: motives for the research, my research capabilities, the applicability of the research etc. Now I have more thoughts on the topic of my present research. Although admittedly I did not achieve the same degree of success on every chapter, a certain kind of confidence has already been built up.

Besides the above things, I was also impressed by this book in many other ways, such as the abundance of accessory materials it has provided. But on the other hand, there are also a number of things that I was not able to understand to a satisfactory extent, one of the most important examples being the academic terms and expressions that are very unfamiliar to me. I think the presence of such an amount of new terms and ideas reasonable since now we are trying to learn to write academically, which is very different from our previous way of writing. However, I should not allow these terms and ideas to become an obstacle that keeps me from achieving a deep understanding of the whole book. I will keep on working to resolve my problems in dealing with them, as well as all other difficult and unsettled points in this book.


He Kangmin. English Academic Writing for Research Paper[c]]Wuhan University Press,2005 李正元,学术论文写作概论【C】.中国地质大学出版社有限责任公司,2010


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