



  The way a person is dressed in is a good indication of his/her personality. 一个人的穿着打扮可以很好地透露出他/她的性格特征。


  To some, clothes are everything. These people closely follow the latest fashions and take great pride in looking put-together. To others, clothes serve merely a functional purpose. These people regard clothing as practical possessions and nothing more. Most people fall somewhere in between these two perspectives, and I think that looking at how they dress can tell you a lot about what kind of people they are.

  This is clearly evident in work environments. Is the person's work uniform dirty, wrinkled, and messily worn? Or is it pristine and cared for, and seemingly worn with pride? By taking a look at someone's work clothes, you can easily tell what kind of character they have when it comes to work. Those who are dedicated and proud of their jobs will keep their uniform in good condition, whereas those who have little love for their jobs will reflect that attitude through their uniform. This type of rule also applies in office environments. If professional dress is mandatory, then the ones who care the most will be the ones most impeccably dressed-they'll be sporting fresh-looking ties, well-ironed shirts, and lovingly-maintained shoes.

  You can also tell a lot about a person by the type of clothes they wear when at home. Are they wearing old, comfortable sweatpants, or tight fashionable jeans? Those who are more tightly wound and care a lot about fashion may be well-dressed all the time, while those who are more laid-back and casual will take the chance to wear more relaxed dress. My best friend Karen, for example, is the type of person who wears casual-but good-looking-clothing everywhere she goes. She will often wear the same clothes to work as what she wears at home. That's okay because she works at a kindergarten, and she has to be comfortable playing with kids all day. Just by looking at her clothing, you can tell that she's a down-to-earth and a warm person.

  Admittedly, you cannot judge a person by their clothing alone. Young people, for example, will often change their dress styles from month to month and year to year because they are in the process of discovering themselves. The impression you get may be very inaccurate or incomplete in these cases. However, after someone is past this stage in their life, clothing can be a fairly reliable indicator of who they are as a person because their lives will follow a far more regular routine.

  Clothing can tell us a lot about an individual. Looking at how someone dresses at work or at home can give you insight into their attitudes and the type of person they are. This is probably less the case with younger people since they are still at a stage where their identity is uncertain, but otherwise you can deduce a lot about a person by looking at their clothes.




  Providing internet access is as important as other services such as building roads,so the government should offer internet access to all of their citizens at no cost. 为公民提供网络服务和政府其他的利民政策一样重要,政府应该不惜重金为所有公民提供互联网服务。


  When it comes to broadband internet-that’s the world class kind of network we should have-we’re behind America, Korea, Japan and a whole host of other developed countries. So just like electricity,a road grid or a postal service,internet access with very high-capacity and high-speed should be provided by the government in every city as well as remote areas.

  The logic behind enhanced public internet access is plain. We know that internet as a utility become almost more like a platform that for the next economy just as the postal service ended up being a platform for the integration of the country. But the larger vision is that it's an input into absolutely everything we do,including entertainment, social life, cultural life, economic growth and so on,particularly as economy moves more towards being an information-services based economy. Moreover,we are certainly an agricultural nation. Since future products that don't exist yet can't pay for the services they'll need to thrive, taxpayers need to build the platform in order to prepare for the next economy.

  Second of all,internet access,although being highly government-centric and yet due to the lack of regulation and competition,is usually charged too much and delivered too little by cable company.Most people in most cities don't have a bunch of choices for the internet -they have one choice which is a local monopoly. What happens is that because of deregulation if one cable company occupies the market of entire sector or neighborhood,others will be unable to provide services any more.Since there is only one company has the ability to control that market,it would be a fool not to reap its rewards,discriminate price and make lots of profits,which drives prices up and provide limited access.So,if the state offers internet access,this will not be an issue at all.

  However,some people might argue that a project of this size under political circumstance requires tremendous investments and changes in the way we deliver fundamental infrastructure,and thus is like any daydreams which are impossible to realize.Though such argument sounds certainly reasonable,with fiber penetration moving rapidly ahead,one must think ahead. So, the first step is to find someone who understands this issue and understands that we're falling further and further behind and is concerned about our future as a nation. This requires long-term thinking.

  As I mentioned above,if our government addressed the issue of public internet access, it will be beneficial both to the citizen as an individual and the nation as a whole. Going forward, wider availability of internet access will enable China to become one of the great powers for fields related to science and technology,economy,military,space exploration and among others in the world, and thus will lead the world in the information age.
























