


读完了我国著名的四大名著,我从这四本书里发现了一些重要的东西:     《三国演义》:东汉末年,天下大乱,各路诸侯兵分四起,除黄巾、灭董卓、伐吕布,在多次征战中,刘琦、刘璋、刘表、袁绍、袁术、公孙瓒、马腾、马超、张鲁、孔融、陶谦等各个势力皆被消灭,魏国(曹操)、蜀国(刘备)、吴国(孙权)这三个国家脱颖而出,从而像诸葛亮所预言的那样,形成“隆中对”中所说的三国鼎立之时。这正可谓是:滚滚长江东逝水,浪花淘尽英雄。是非成败转头空。青山依旧在,几度夕阳红。白发渔樵江渚上,惯看秋月春风。一壶浊酒喜相逢。古今多少事,都付笑谈中。     《水浒传》:南宋末年,朝廷腐败,盗贼四起,在这些种种盗贼中,也有一种“义贼帮”——梁山泊,虽说他们是盗贼中的一种,但他们从不祸国安民,而是专门向朝廷作对。当时,皇帝腐败,而且还宠信坏大坏蛋太尉高俅、奸贼童贯,高俅是个贪生怕死的小人,还很贪财,童贯也具备这样的特点,而且他还是一个标标准准的超级大奸贼。他们处处与梁山泊作对,在皇上那儿尽说梁山泊的坏话。梁山泊本是由三个头领占领的地盘——王伦、宋迁、杜万。后“豹子头”林冲投奔,只因晁盖带着宋江、吴用、公孙胜、刘唐、阮氏三雄前来投奔,但寨主王伦不愿留下各位好汉,装出一副无奈的样子,口里说的是:“我很想留下众豪杰,但山上房稀粮少,不好让你们留下。”而林冲是个真正的豪杰,惺惺惜惺惺,好汉识好汉,林冲很想留下众豪杰。后来,王伦被林冲火并了,晁盖成了新的山寨头领。可惜,英雄短命,不久之后,晁盖被箭射中,受了重伤,宋江成了新的头领。宋江一次次的率领军队击败了朝廷,后来破高俅时,竟然幸运的抓到了高俅。头领宋江一心希望朝廷能招安,便把高俅放了。最后,依宋江所愿,朝廷招安了梁山泊。     《西游记》:这本书讲了唐僧这个和尚,肩上背负着东土大唐所有百姓的期望,还有大唐皇帝的信任,前去西天拜佛取经。观音菩萨找来了四个可以帮助唐僧完成使命的“人”——孙悟空、小白龙、猪八戒、沙僧,嘱咐他们一定要等到前往西天取经的僧人,这个僧人就是唐僧。唐僧在五指山遇到了孙悟空,并将山上的条幅取了下来,救了悟空性命。孙悟空见此人就是唐僧,连忙跪下来,拜他为师。八戒、沙僧、小白龙就不那么乖了,都是先跟孙悟空斗一会儿,然后悟空去请观音菩萨,菩萨亲自出手将他们一一劝降.。唐僧师徒经历了九九八十一难,最终取得真经。这本书极受小读者欢迎。     《红楼梦》: 这个故事讲述了“四大家族”——贾家、薛家、王家、史家这几个豪门贵派从繁荣昌盛一直到落败衰亡的故事,同时讲述了贾宝玉与林黛玉、薛宝钗之间发生的一连串的感情细腻的爱情故事。     我国的四大名著,真是太棒了,使人回味无穷。

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Mark Twain's short story of "one million pounds" is a very good work. The article on the "money is everything," "money is omnipotent," the idea of a satire, to expose the ugly face of capitalist society.

"One million pounds" is about a poor, honest man, that is, the heroine of this story has received a pair of brothers, the letter sent to him inside one million pounds. The brothers had made a bet, gambling, if a poor, honest people who come knocking on the door received the one million pounds, he will be what kind of results? Brother that he would starve to death because he could not prove that the money was his own, will be subject to other people's doubts, and even the banks do not let him save money. His younger brother that he would lead a very good, and therefore they have the brothers of one million pounds will be loaned to check the poorest people, and spent 30 days abroad. Did not expect that during this period of time, people have the rare fortune suddenly rich, has tried to cozy up to him, from the free food, buy clothes, free accommodation, like a beggar, like to please him, and continue to improve his social status until the exception of the highest outdoor Wang Duke on! Not only that, he also has been a good wife and 30,000 pounds of bank interest, and finally from two brothers got a very good job. Lived a very, very happy life.

See here, I am so envious of the "lucky" heroine, but at the same time I would like to: people reason to curry favor with him, not just because when people value money too it? Worship of money is shameful and should not be reaping more! Money is not omnipotent, the world than money, there are many more important things ... ... 马克吐温著的短篇小说《百万英镑》是一部很好的作品。文章对“金钱就是一切”“金钱是万能的”的想法进行了讽刺,揭穿了资本主义社会的丑恶面容。 《百万英镑》是讲一个贫穷、诚实的人,也就是这个故事的主人公收到了一对兄弟的信,信里面送给了他一百万英镑。原来这对兄弟打了一个赌,赌如果一




After reading "A tale of two cities"

"A tale of two cities" is one of Dickens's most important representative works.The novel profoundly exposed the society contradiction before the French

Revolution,intensely attacks the aristocratic social class is dissolute and cruel,and sincerely sympathizes with the depressed classes.The novel also described many magnificent scenes like the revolt people attacked Bastille and so on,which displayed people's great strength.

The novel has portrayed many different people. Doctor Manette is honest and kind but suffers the persecution actually , Lucie is beautiful and gentle ,Charles is graceful and noble,Lorry is upright and honest ,Sydney is semblance of indifferent, innermost feelings of warm,unconventional but also selfless and lofty,Miss Pross is

straightforward and loyal,Evremonde brothers are cruel and sinister......The complex hatred is hard to solve, the cruel revenge has made more hatreds, loves rebirth in the hell edge,but take the life as the price.

As an outstanding writer,in Dickens's work,the language skill is essential.Each kind of rhetoric technique,like the

analogy,theexaggeration,thecontrast,thehumorous,and the taunt are handled

skillfully,and the artistry of the work is also delivered the peak."A tale of two cities" has its difference with the general historical novel, its character and the main plot are all fictionalizes.With the broad real background of the French Revolution,the author take the fictional character Doctor Manette's experience as the main clue,interweaves the unjust charge, love and revenge three independences but also incident

cross-correlation stories together,the plot is criss-crossed,and the clue is complex.The author use insert narrates,foreshadowing,upholstery and so many techniques,causes the structure integrity and strictness,the plot winding anxious and rich of theatrical nature,it displayed the remarkable artistic skill.the style "A tale of two cities" is solemnity and melancholy,fillsindignantion,but lacks the humor of the early works.


The novel description is one year near sixty years of age senior fisherman, when alone goes to sea in one fishing, fished one big fish, actually did not pull. The senior fisherman socialized several days after the fish, only then discovered this was the big marlin which one surpassed the oneself fishing boat several fold, although knew perfectly well very difficult to win, but still did not give up. Afterwards and further because in the big marlin wound fish fishy smell brought in several crowds of shark fish snatches the food, but the old person still did not hope like this to give up,

finally highlighted encircles tightly, returned to the big fish belt the fishing port, lets other fishermen not admire already.

When I read " the senior fisherman think: Here to the seacoast really was too near, perhaps could have a bigger fish in a farther place... " When, I extremely admire this senior fisherman, because he by now already projected on some fish, but he had not settled to the present situation, but was approaches the bigger goal advance. Again has a look us, usually meets one slightly is difficult, we all complain incessantly. We will be the motherland future, will be supposed to like this old person same mind lofty aspiration, will even better pursue even better, the bigger goal.

英语读后感 《悲惨世界》

" Les Miserables " (1862) is representative works of Victor Hugo,as one of the most famous novels in the French literature.

The novel basic plot is Ran A Rang pitiful life history. He originally is one poor family background worker, because the income insufficient family member gets by, by one time stole the bread is arrested is put in prison. Passed 19 years firm prison and the bitter service life. The punishment completely after also has the larceny behavior, but benevolent bishop in the rice the sorrowful influence, the transformation is one shed oneself manner person. He uses an alias is Madland, works as the entrepreneur, and is pushed for mayor. But soon and further because exposed the status is arrested is put in prison, after escapes rescues the deceased

female worker Fantin's daughter Cosette match from one bastard hand special, went to Paris. Afterwards again unceasingly encountered police's pursuit. The Ran

A Rang entire life fills is imprisoned the pain which the bitter service and drifts about destitute, this is the novel main clue.

" Les Miserables " is the work which one realism and the romanticism unifies, the very many chapters glitter the realism glory, such as , in 1832 Paris's

street barricade war all wrote is quite real. But the romanticism technique quite was also obvious in the plot arrangement, writes the many extraordinary events. If Ran A rang lets lie down is lifted in the coffin the monastery, he rescues from the street barricade Marilius, all is strange, molds, environment description, symbolic and contrast technique aspect and so on utilization in the character image, also manifests the romanticism the characteristic.


Tess of the D'urbevilles


Yesterday, I read the novel called "Tess of the D'urbevilles". written by a famous Englishwriter Thomas Hardy.

The novel tells a story about a pretty and good girl called Tess, who lived in a village in Marlott. To her sadness, when she was seventeen, she was no longer a pure and untouched girl. She gave birth to a baby, which didn't live long. So Tess changed from a pure gir l to a grown —up.

Because she was the eldest of the 7 children in the family, she found a job to support the whole family in a dairy.There she knew Angel and married him. But

unluckily.when Angel knew her sad story, he left her and went to Brazil.Tess led a hard an d lonely life after that. Later when she knew Angel had retumed home and found out that she was living with the man who had given the damage to her before,Tess couldn't accept the fact and killed the man who was living with her.

Then she escaped and spent together with Angel three days and nights. The

police found them on the morning of the fourth day. A few days later, Tess was executed.

Having read this novel, I like the heroine very much because of her purity, warmness, nobility and the spirit of devotion, She dared to fight against the evil, bravely seek and sturggle for the rights of love.

Thomas Hardy was famous for the poetical novels. "Tess of the D'urbevilles"is one of this kind. The novel is so fresh that it is nearly like a poem. For nearly a century, it has been popular with the people all over the world.

《西游记》读后感 800字








《鲁滨逊漂流记》读后感 800字






























