

Waiter:Good morning ,what can I do for you ?

Mr.Black:Good morning.I am Mr.Black,she is my wife.

Mrs.Black:Yes,we want to go abroad to travel,and I hope you can give me some advice. Waiter:Of course,I am willing to do that!

Mr.Black:Thank you!

Waiter:Do you want to go to Europe,Asia,and America?

Mrs.Black:I think China is OK.

Mr.Black:I agree.

Waiter:OK.China has too many cities, which city do you like best?

Mr.Black:Wuhan,I think.And there are so many sightseeings in Wuhan.

Mrs.Black:I don’t like Wuhan.Wuhan is to crowded.How about Beijing?

Waiter:Beijing is good. It is the captal of China.And there are too many old buildings, such as the Summer Place,the Imperial Museum,and so on.

Mrs.Black:Yes, we can visit the Bird’s Nest. Besides, we can go to the Great Wall.

Mr.Black: But now is in autumn.

Mrs.Black:Yes, anything wrong?We can enjoy the maple,don’t you think it is great?

Mr.Black:Yes , that’s great. But , don’t you know there are too much sand on air in Beijing when autumn?

Waiter:Yes,I feel sorry that I have forget it.

Mrs.Black:Yes, it sounds all resonable.Then where can we go?

Waiter:How about Hainan?

Mr.Black:I thing it’s a good idea! Mrs.Black:Yes,Hainan is the second largest island of China,it is said that Hainan is beautifui.Most importantly , Its natural beauty has gained a good reputation among the visitors and has been widely known around the world. People call it "The Oriental Hawaii". Mr.Black:Maybe we can go to Sanya.

Waiter:Sanya is a very good choice.Most importantly , Its natural beauty has gained a good reputation among the visitors and has been widely known around the world. People call it "The Oriental Hawaii".

Mrs.Black:That’s sounds great!What can we do when we are in Sanya?

Waiter:You can go to see the sea ,enjoy sunbathing,just do everything by the sea!

Mr.Black:How can we get there?

Waiter:You can choose by boat or by plane.If you want get there ,you can by plane, but ,if you want enjoy more beauty and you don’t mind spend more time ,you can choose by boat. Mr.Black:I want get there earlier,what if we get there by boat?

Mrs.Black:Oh,no.I want enjoy the beauty when we are in journey,I prefer boat to plane. Mr.Black:OK,you are the boss.

Waiter:let me just try to summarize here.You want to go to Sanya by boat ,right?


Waiter:As for the fee,you can talk with our manager.

Mrs.Black:Tnank you very much!

Waiter:It’s my pleasure, If you have any question, just ask me for help.


孙悟空 Monkey 唐僧 Tang Seng 沙僧 Sha Seng

白骨精 Jenny White黄袍怪 Yellow 猪八戒 Piggy

A tale of the journey to the west.

Once there was true love for me,but I did not treasure it.Now it’s too late to regreat.Nothing in the world can be worse painful than that.If only time could go back,if only God could give me one move chance,I would say to the girl:”I love you.”If you dare ask me how long my love will last,my answer will be at least10,000 years.

Act 1



J1:Another pimple!

All these lotion and cream and gel are of no use.What can I do?(困扰状)



Y:Hello!It is me!

J1:I know it is you.You have been calling me every day since 400 years ago.

Y:All today,I’ll ask the question again.This is the 99th time I ask you to marry me.

J1:To hell with you!I’m busy with my face now.I have got one more pimple.How terrible!I’ll see anyone unless I can cure it.

(Oh,beautiful is also a crime!)白骨精自言自语

Y:Ah!That’s easy. I just call to tell you that I have read a book,and it said,the meat of Tang Seng can make your skin feel as smooth as silk,and wake you more beautiful,than any other witch in the world.What’s more,I’ll just get the news that Tang Seng will soon come into our territory,we can go and catch him together.Is this idea wonderful?

J1:All right.I’m going to hang off.


Act 2

(她想了想,对手下说)J1:How wasty he is?But Tang Seng is really tempting.I’ll keep

tabs on his track.(手合拢,然后拿起望远镜,观察起J的行踪来)

(欣喜万分)Ah ha!There he is!(凑上前去,舔舌头,要手指)

J1:(向手下招手)Bring me my Magic Ear.(耳朵凑上去偷听。唐僧师徒四人谈话)

Act 3


T:Monkey!I have told you a million and once times,that our journey to the Western Paradise is tough and challenging.If it’s not,how can people know that we are great and unique,how ………(唐僧发表他的演说,最后语速放慢)

S:How Can we be heros remembered by others,how can we make millions of girls faint for us,is that right?(无奈状,双手摊开)

T:Don’t intemper me!(气愤状)

P:Sir!I’m so hungry.(羞怯,吃手指,摸肚子)

T:I know that.I’m hungry too.So monkey, would you please go and buy some food?Remember that me have very little money,only 2 yuan for a week.So you should not go to those expensive restaurants,such as Anyuan Dining Hall,just go there.

S:Even if the Anyuan Dining Hall is too far away,don’t buy the take out.It’s not clean.I advise you yo go to some old lady’s house and ask for some buns.Mind you again.Don’t stop me!(开始抓狂) 孙悟空点头答应,舞台另一边听了不禁眉开眼笑。

J:It’s a good chance.(自言自语状)

Act 4 音乐《爱情三十六计》


P:Ah, here comes an old lady. Hello, granny! What is your basket? Smells nice?

J2:Some pancakes for my son. He is working in the filed. (喘气,很累状)

P:I am hungry. Can I have some? Only a little bit. (不好意思状)


T:Piggy! I have told you a million and once times, remember to be polite to old ladies. (上前制止)

J2:You are very kind. It looks as if you are starving and need some food. I can give you some for free.



M:(一把抓住了J的手腕)It is not a hand of an ugly old lady. Who are you? An ugly old lady ? (激动状)

J2虽然是妖怪,但四百年来,还是头一遭被人这么窝囊地抓住了手腕,简直是又羞又怒。 M:Monster!


Act 5


P:Beautiful lady


M:No matter how powerful you are, I will kill anyone who tries to harm my master.

J1:No matter how powerful you are, I will kill anyone who prevents me form beautifying myself. 音乐《打斗》

M:Monster! Take my stick!

M举起金箍棒就要向J的头顶击下。就在这千钧一发的之际,P忽然扑上去讲M拦腰抱住。 P:Beauty,run! Run away!

T逃过了一劫,对各位徒弟尤其是M的拼死保护感动之至,情不自禁的唱起了Only you,其结果,三个徒弟头痛欲裂,大吐特吐。


T:(清清嗓子)Monkey,go and buy the lunch.I’m staring to death.

M:I’ll draw a circle here.(边走边画)Just stay in the circleand you’ll be safe. Don’t trust anyone.Goodbye Sir.





J1:Come,come and eat this. Come and eat this.(招收引诱T)



M:You again.

J1:You touch my hard again! How nasty you are!

M:Now you can’t run away!

T:刚刚清醒,想到自己又一次有惊无险,不禁又唱起了Only you。M不堪忍受此歌声,抓着J1的手也放松了。J1趁机溜走了。


P:忽然发现M正望着J1远去的方向发愣,伸手在M的眼前晃了晃,M竟然没有反应。 P:(调侃地)Ah,that beautiful witch has taken your heart away.


T:Mokey, I know that which is nice,but you can’t fall in love with her. Because you are Monkey and she is a witch. Monkey shoud marry a monkey and witch shoud marry a wizards. Even if a monkey can marry a witch, I bet there are hundreds of wizards fighting to marry her. How can you defeat them?

S and T:What is more,chasing girls needs time,energy and money. Noe,you have to go to the Western Paradise with me,you don’t have enough time. To make things worse,we have only 2 yuan per week to live on,you don’t have enough money.(后半部分S学T讲,但不出声) M:Surely I won’t. How can I fall in love with a witch who wants to eat my master ?

T:That’s fine. I can rest assured. I’m hungry,where is my lunch ?

M:Here,Please sit in the shade of the trees over there.I’ll go and fetch some water.




M:Oh,you go !(悲痛状)


J1:Just now I found actually like you (凑上前去)

M: No,I can’t,I am a monkey nd I am a work.

I had fogotten what is love……


























