


Todd: So, Rebecca, talking about shopping, is shopping something you enjoy doing?

Rebecca: Yes, when I'm in the mood for it. Definitely.

Todd: So I guess when you talk about shopping, we talk about clothes shopping, mainly right, so how often do you go clothes shopping?

Rebecca: Not very often. Maybe once every three months. It depends on my money. If I have the money.

Todd: Do you usually follow the fashions?

Rebecca: No, because sometimes the fashions aren't comfortable. I prefer comfortable clothing. Todd: So are you a bargain shopper?

Rebecca: I try to be but if there is something that I really, really like, I will save up and buy it. Todd: For example what is something you saved up to buy?

Rebecca: I saved up to buy a really nice black jacket and I've had that for two years so it was definitely a good purchase.

Todd: So how much did it cost?

Rebecca: I think it was about two hundred, , so it was quite expensive for me.

Todd: Wow, that is a lot.

Rebecca: Mm.

Todd: Have you ever bought any clothes online?

Rebecca: No, I haven't but my friends have and my friends have bought shoes and dresses and tops and, yeah, they really love shopping online.

Todd: Now, they have no problems? Everything is OK?

Rebecca: Everything is OK. They haven't had any problems at all.

Todd: So why you don't shop online?

Rebecca: I think I prefer the contact with sales people and seeing clothes and trying them on. You never know if they're going to fit or not.

Todd: Right. Right.

(seeing a doctor)

病人: Good morning, doctor.

医生: Good Morning.What's your trouble?

病人: I feel a little nausea and vomiting.

医生:anything else?

病人:a little headache

医生: How long have you been like this?

病人: From last night.

医生: So what did you eat last night?

病人:, I ate some rice,sea food,cabbages,for dinner.after that,a little fruit. Before slept.,I drink a cup of milk/

医生:when do you feel uncomfortable.

病人:This morning when I got up

医生: ok , let me see, I think you are probably minor food poisoning.

病人: Is there any problem?

医生: Don't worry. I will give you some medicine.

病人: So what do I need to pay attention to?

医生: You'd better get more rest, drink plenty of water, eat plenty of vegetables; to eat spicy food, it is best not to drink coffee.

病人: Do I need to come back?

医生: This is not required if you take medicine on time and focus on what I have told you

病人: more rest, plenty of water, eat plenty of vegetables and spicy food,not drink coffee? That’s all?

医生:yeah that’s right. Take care of yourself

(dine out)

Todd: let's go get something to eat? Let's go out to dinner. I'm really hungry

Simon: Yeah, OK, me too. I'm really hungry as well. Ah, what is there to eat around here?

Todd: Well, around my house there's a few restaurants. Um, there's an noodle restaurant.,a grilled chicken restaurant. a fish restaurant, and a family diner.

Simon: Family diner. What's that?

Todd: The family diner is one of those restaurants that they serve many types of food, for example they have noodles, hamburger, salad. desserts, things like that Pretty much anyone in the family could order what they want..

Simon: Well, that makes sense, that's why it's called a family diner, or family restaurant because I guess everyone in the family will be happy if they eat there. You said noodle restaurant.?

Tod yeah, there's an noodle restaurant. It's a small family owned it They have really good noodles. And also have really good dumplings. The only problem is that it's really crowded and it's a little expensive because it's very yummy

Simon: Oh, really. Ah, do they have babiq? I like babiq.

Todd: Actually, they don't have \. They only have pasta.

Simon: OK. What were the other choices?

Todd: There's also a fish restaurant and there's a grilled chicken restaurant. That's pretty general. Simon: Oh, yeah, I like grilled chicken.

Todd: Cool, let's go.to have a big dinner Simon: hurry up .im so hugrey

(study abroad)

Kara: So, Lupe, I've been taking 口语classes for a long time, and I'm actually planning on taking a trip to American this summer . to help further my english speaking skills. What's some advice you can give me on me learning Spanish?

Lupe: Well, are you traveling by yourself to American?

Kara: Yes, I am.

Lupe: OK. I think to start off that is great idea because I think going and being there by yourself is really going to help you with practicing your English because I do believe that practice does make perfect, and it doesn't matter how many classes you take or how many books you read, you really have to practice, so for you to be around other people who speak English is really going to get you involved and really going to get you to speak the language.

Kara: And that's probably my biggest problem. I've taken a lot of 口语 classes and I learned in

class but I've never liked to practice because I've always wanted to speak my English perfectly. I've always wanted to be able to just start speaking and not have to worry about making a mistake. Lupe: Yeah, and you can't worry about things like that because you can't expect yourself, you know, to learn it quickly and learn it perfectly. Pronunciation is always hard but you have to understand that even when you don't pronounce everything perfectly, people are still gonna understand what you're trying to say, and the more you speak it, the better it's gonna get so you will perfect it with time so don't expect yourself to pronounce everything right the first time. That's really how you learn -- from your mistak



Mary:Hello, would you like to buy a digital camera? Take a look at Olympus's products. 您好,买数码相机吗?看看奥林巴斯的产品吧。

John: What do you recommend? 嗯,你能给我推荐几款吗?

Mary:Is it for home use? Which kind of price are you looking for? 您是家庭用吗?大概想要什么价位的? John:Yes, it is for home use. And two to three thousand yuan would be OK.


Mary:Please look at these models. I think the performances to price ratios of these cameras are comparatively higher. 那您看一下这几款,我觉得性价比比较高。

John:I like this one. Can you show it to me? 我喜欢这一款,能给我看一下吗?

Mary:OK. This camera has 7 million pixels, a 2.5-inch LCD screen, and short-term video recording. 好的,这款是七百万像素,二点五寸液晶屏,还有短时摄像功能。

New words:

recommend\ rek?'mend \ vt. 推荐, 建议 ratio\'rei?i?u\ n. 比率, 比例

Pixel\ piks?l \n. 像素

5.17 情景会话之打电话篇

Jack:Hello? Can I speak to Mr. Smith? 喂?能请史密斯先生听电话吗?

Gina:I'm sorry, but he's out now. May I take a message? 抱歉,他现在不在。要我传话吗? Jack:Yes. This is John Brown. I'd like to meet him next Monday morning around 10 o'clock.


Gina:Let me check his schedule... Yes, I think he can see you. But could you call again around five to make

sure? 我来查查他的日程表... 可以,我想他可以见你。不过,五点左右你可以再打电话来确定一下吗? Jack:OK,thank you very much 好的,非常感谢你。

Gina:You are welcome 不客气

5.18&5.19 情景会话之京剧表演

Larry:The performance is amazing. I'm curious about how they did it. I mean the way they sing


Shirley:They must have practiced a lot. The perseverance has made them they are today.


Larry:So cool. Someone gave me this flier at the exit. What's it about?


Shirley:Let me have a look. Well, it lists some shows that will be on next week


Larry:Oh, tell me about it. Anything interesting哦,快给我讲讲。有什么有趣的吗?

Shirley:Hmm…Oh, this one, "The Drunken Beauty". This is a real classic


Larry:"The Drunken Beauty"? It's funny that we have "Sleeping Beauty" in my country. Anyway, what's it about?

Is the beauty a drunkard?

喝醉酒的美人?真有趣,在我的国家我们有"睡美人"。那么,它讲的是什么?那美人是酒鬼吗? Shirley:Of course not. She was said to be the most beautiful woman in her time and that made her become the

queen. They play was famous for its singing and dancing.


Larry:Sure, people do that when they are drunk. What about the actress?


Shirley:She is an opera star in China. Her teacher's teacher is Mei Lanfang.


Larry:Oh, I've heard about him before. He even created a special dance of sleeve shaking


Shirley:You are such an expert on it. I don't know that.


Larry:You know, interest is the best teacher. 知道吗,兴趣是最好的老师。

Shirley:So, want me to book the tickets again? 那么,还要我去订一次票吗?

Larry:Please do that. I can't wait to come back again. The performance must be really amazing


Shirley:We can do that if you like. Maybe next weekend 只要你喜欢当然可以。要不就下周。 Larry:That will be great 太好了。

New words:

Curious\ kju?ri?s \ adj. 好奇的 perseverance\ p?:si'vi?r?ns \ n. 毅力

5.20 情景会话之吵架篇

Mom: What's the matter, sweetie? You look a little upset


Edward:Well, Jane criticized me that I was selfish and lazy, so we got into a fight


Mom: Hah, don't you think what she said is true?


Edward:Well, I'll admit that I might be lazy and a little selfish, but…


Mom: Come on, sweetie, only true friends will point out your weak points.


Edward:I understand: Jane and I are still good friends; I should take heed of what she has to say.


New words:

Criticize \ 'kritisaiz\ v. 批评 heed\ hi:d \ n. 注意, 留心
























