





1         考官是怎么改卷子的?标准是怎样的?

2         雅思写作7分是什么样的概念? 

3         雅思写作6分与7分或者6.5分与7分的距离有多远?

4         怎么制定雅思写作复习计划?

5         考试前需要写多少篇的大作文和小作文?

6         写作模版管用吗?

7         雅思写作需要背多少个词汇?

8         雅思写作需要什么样的句型?

9         雅思写作需要多复杂的从句和语法?

10     我们对雅思写作的误区

11     鸭友们通常会犯哪些语法错误,能有效避免吗?什么样的语法错误是致命的?

12     雅思写作能速成吗?平时需要多看英文报纸吗?

13     小作文重要吗?容易写吗?应该怎么复习

14     怎么安排大作文和小作文的写作顺序和时间

15     要买参考书吗?什么样的参考书?

16     参加培训班管用吗?

17     网络上面所谓的“名师”雅思写作预测有用吗?

TASK 1 小作文

曾经一直忽视小作文,甚至认为雅思写作约等于是写一篇250字的大作文。轻视它的原因可以归结为,字数少(只要150字),不需要个人观点(纯粹描述客观figures),有固定的单词和句型,分数只占总分的1/3···直到后来与考官见面的时候,我才意识到小作文的杀伤力。This is especially true when it comes to those who only got band 6.5 but indeed demand band 7.0。有时候,6.5分到7分的距离,小作文起了决定性的作用

按照剑桥雅思的分类,小作文可为:柱状图(bar chart),饼图(pie chart),曲线图(line graph),表格(table),地图(map)和流程图(processing chart)。当然,这只是按照这些图表的属性和特征来归类。为什么我要费那么多笔墨在这个人所共知的问题上面呢?经过我1个月的练习和研究,我发现,如果按照这样的归类,我们得总结出6套相对应的模版(句型和词汇)。其实这样是吃力不讨好,事倍功半的,因为这样的归类方法严重地影响了我们的复习方案和练习计划,而且并没有很好地反应出task 1的本质要求。

我的个人认为,应该把柱状图,饼图,曲线图和表格看作一个总体,然后区分出是纵向比较还是横向比较(下面会继续解释它们的区别和应对方案);然后地图题是一类,流程图是另外一类。也就是说按照本人的经验,task1 小作文按照图表的本质应该分为:横向比较,纵向比较,地图题和流程图

Part 1 纵向比较和横向比较

由于雅思写作task 1中,柱状图,饼图,曲线图和表格占了绝大多数,所以这个板块应该作为复习的重点。每当我们拿到题目的时候,我们第一件事应该做什么?对,看图表(果然是一句废话)!!其实我的意思是,我们得首先观察它们究竟是:不同物体在同一时间点的比较(即横向比较),还是单一物体在不同时间点的比较(即纵向比较)。这一点非常非常非常非常非常重要!!!因为不同的比较,有着不同的内在比较关系。详细分析如下


·         首先我们要找出极值(最大值和最小值)

·         然后客观地、略有筛选地描述剩余数据(若数据太多,则有所侧重;若数据不多,则全部描述)

·         接着就是高潮了--找出不同数据之间的共同特征和大小比较(比如说,谁和谁一样大/小,谁是谁的几分之几,谁是谁的多少倍)

·         高潮过后,就需要有一个意犹未尽但有心无力的总结


·         首先客观描述变化的大体趋势(是升高了还是降低了,是多了还是少了)

·         然后描述变化的具体特征(是怎样增加的,是怎样减少的,幅度如何,速率如何)

·         接着找出变化趋势相似的不同物体,然后客观描述一下,以减少单词和词汇的重复使用,避免啰嗦

·         同样,这里也需要一个纵横全局的归纳和总结



多于:More than, just over, over

少于:Less than, just under 

几乎:Approximately, almost, nearly

完全:Exactly, precisely


1. Overall, A has the largest number of名词(NO1) and B the smallest (NO2). C and D both have NO3; E has NO4.

Overall, Swedenhas the largest number ofenrolled students (17) and Syria the smallest(5). Franceand Spain both have 12 students; Germany has 11. It is noticeable that France and Germany have similar profiles.

2.A has the most+名词+doing (NO1); B is next with NO2, while C has NO3. D and E have (相同) NO4 each

Sweden has the most students studyingCAD (9); Spain is next with7, while France has 6. Germanyand Syria have 4 CAD students each.

3.According to the pie chart, A, which is %, is the most···among the total···, then next is B with %, followed by C, making up %; and finally come E, F and G at %, %, % respectively.

According to the pie chart, chicken, which is 40%, is the most popular among the total meat sold, then next is pork with 20%, followed by beef, making up 18%; and finally come lamb, fish and other at 15%, 5% and 2% respectively.



Experience/enjoy + a significant/the most dramatic + decrease/increase

增加: increase, growth, rise        减少: decrease, drop

快速: dramatic, drastic               缓慢: gradual, steady, slow

大幅: significant, substantial       小幅: moderate, slight

震荡: considerable/marked/sharp/minor fluctuation

2.The number of··· was No1 in Yr and rose/reduced by % to No2

The number of miles that car traveled was 3199 in 1985 and rose by 50% to 4806 in the subsequent years.

增加/上升: increase, rise, grow        急促上升: jump, soar to, surge to

减少/下降: decrease, drop, decline   急促下降: plummet to, plunge to

3.主语+上升/减少 to···  or 主语+上升/减少 by

4.The percentage/proportion/number of is修饰词larger/ smaller than that of  

修饰词   明显: substantially, obviously   轻微: slightly, moderately 

5.A修饰词 increase/decrease occurred

修饰词  大幅: considerable, significant, substantial  小幅: moderate, slight

6.表示不变的状态:主语 remain constant/unchanged/stable/steady at


1.there is a downward/ upward/ opposite/ general/ dominant trend


2.···tend to be more/less preferred  倾向越来越受(不)受欢迎

As can be seen from the table, walk and certain short-distance transportation, such as cycled and local bus tend to be less preferred.

3.There is a considerable increase/decrease in···

There is a considerable increase in total miles by all modes of transportation, compared with the data (4,740 miles) in 1985.


B also rose/increased/grew during this period, but less sharply


The sales of games software also rose during this period, but less sharply.Sales increased from about 13 billion dollars in 20## to just under 20 billion dollars three years later.


A similar situation was seen in the···, where

A similar situation was seen in the wholesale and retail trade sector, where the number of women rose from about 550 000 in 1975 to almost 800 000 two decades later.

There are some similarities between A and B

Be similar to/ A has something in common with B



Outnumber 比···多,在数量上超过

 In this profession, women outnumber men by two to one.

= there are twice as many women as men 在这个行业,女性人数是男性的两倍

The number of men outnumbered women by four to one. 我们的人数以4比1超过他们

Exceed 超过···数量

  The price will not exceed $100.

Overtake (在数量或重要性方面)大于,超过

  Nuclear energy may overtake oil as the main fuel.


1.over a span of··· years

= over the period from···to···

= in the years between···and···

2.during the same period

3.in the No. years spanning from 19xx through 19xx

= from···to···within the 5 years period

4.from then on

= from this time onwards

= in the subsequent years.


1.···程度副词 doubled/trebled三倍/quadruple四倍/halve减半(NO. vs NO.), while···doubled/trebled/quadrupled/halved which were数字(年份) and数字(年份) respectively.

The figure by long distance bus more than doubled during the same period (54 miles vs. 124 miles), while the miles by taxi trebled which were 13 miles and 42 miles respectively.


3.···数字(A+B), of which A were···and B were···

Italy received 20 million visitors, of which 1.2 million were from the UK and 1.8 million were from the USA.

4. ···had a higher/lower total number of名词than any of the other+名词

France had a higher total number of visitors than any of the other countries on the list.


1.likewise,句子. 同样地,···

Likewise, the use of other, unspecified, forms of transport also increased.

2.By contrast/In comparison,句子. 相反地,···

By contrast, the long distance vehicle enjoyed a significant increase over the period, spanning from 1985 to 2000, although there exists some differences. 

In comparison, student expenditure in country C was considerably lower, at only US$1500 per year

3.compared with the data (数字) in年份,句子.  与···相比较,···

 Overall, there is a considerable increase in total miles by all modes of transportation, compared with the data (4,740 miles) in 1985.

4.···had half/twice/triple·times as many可数名词 as···, but/yet the number of···and···was the same.

Australia had half asmany visitors asThailand (3 million vs6 million), butthe number of visitors tothose countries from the UK and the USA was the same, 0.3 million.

5.句子, while句子.

12 million Americans visited Canada while 5.5 million visited Mexico.

6.···had a higher/lower total number of···than any of the other+名词复数

France had a higher total number of visitors than any of the other countries on the list.


百分比:percentage, proportion, share

高:High, large – highest, largest

低:low, small—lowest, smallest


正向:A constitute/occupy/account for/compose/comprise B   A占B的%

负向:% of B be composed of A (总体)有%的(某一元素)

% of名词 be composed of  (总体)有%的(某一元素)

Around 15% of our diet is composed of protein.  我们的饮食中大约有15%的蛋白质

composes (某一元素)构成总体的%

Christians compose around 2.5% of the country’s population 基督教徒占这个国家人口的2.5%

Comprise 构成

Older people comprise a large proportion of those living in poverty.

Constitute 构成

Constitute around 60% of the total/a larger percentage (around 20%) of

Constitute the majority of the labour force.  占劳动力的大多数

Occupy 占据

Dry lands occupy a third of the world’s surface. 陆地占了地球表面的三分之一

Account for  (数量上,比例上)占

The Japanese market accounts for 35% of the company’s revenue.  日本市场占公司收入的35%.

对了,差点忘了,要区分数据是data 还是 percentage.这个决定了相对应的词汇


Part 2 地图题

地图是最近比较流行的题目,本人连续考的4次雅思写作里面,居然有两次都是地图题(12月11日和2月26日)。不过对于应付这种题型,大家不用害怕,其实没什么大不了的。慎小嶷最近的新书《十天突破写作完整真题库》里面的DAY 1O(page 297~318),有详细的归纳。以下内容均为摘抄该书的章节。恳请大家尊重别人的知识产权,在没有得到原作者允许的情况下,请勿用于商业用途~~


A is located/situated/lies···

A is just off the road to···  A就在通向某地的路边上

A is right at the center of··· A就在···的正中央

表示“A靠近或者紧挨着B”:A is next to/near/close to


A is located/situated/lies···kilometers/miles to the east/west/north/south of B


A is located/ situated/ lies in the eastern/western/northern/southern part of B


A lies/is located/is situated on/at the east/west/north/south/corner of B

表示“剩下的”部分:The rest of the···

表示“道路通向/河流流向某处”: The road runs from···to···

The river runs/ flows from···to···

表示“沿着河流/道路”:Along with river/road   Alongside the river/road


A is located/situated/lies on the north/south side of the river/ the road

e.g. situated on the south side of the River Thames, this hotel offers its guests an ideal location in central London

表示“A与B仅一河之隔/仅一路之隔”:A is right across from B


A is located/situated/lies on the north/south end of the river/the road

表示“A在B的对面”:A is opposite B


A is located/situated/lies on the eastern/western/northern/southern border of B


A is located/situated/lies on the eastern/western/northern/southern edge of B


A faces north/south

A faces towards the north/ the south

A faces a park


东北 north-east        东南 south-east

西北 north-west        西南 south-west


指一个建筑物周边的环境:The surroundings of a building

表示“A占据了某个空间”:A occupies

表示A由几个不同的部分组成:A consists of/ is composed of/ is made up of B, C and D

表示A的长度是:The length of A is···=A is···in length

表示A的宽度是:The width of A is···=A is···in width

表示A的面积是:A is···in area

The farm is 50 kilometers in area

The building almost doubled in floor area.

表示大约:approximately, roughly, about, around

表示一块地:a patch of land/ a stretch of land

表示从A·延伸到·:A extended/ stretched from···to···

 The park extended from Main Street to King George Street

 This period stretched from the mid-eighteenth century to the late nineteenth century


Unlike A, B

Compared with A, B

A···while/ whereas B···

In comparison/ in contrast/ by contrast, B


表示可以“容纳”:can accommodate

表示理论上讲:in theory, theoretically, hypothetically

表示但事实上:but in reality/ however, realistically/ yet in practice/ but in fact/

as a matter of fact, though

表示在某处建造了A:A was built in=was constructed in=was established in

表示在某处又增建了A:A was added to=an addition was made to···,which was A

表示改动原建筑或原场地:v. change/ modify/ remodel

                        n. change/modification/remodeling

表示A被改造成了B:A was turned into/ was transformed into/ was converted into B

表示A被搬走或拆掉:A was removed/ demolished/ taken down from···

表示A被B取代了:A was replaced by B/ A made way for B

表示A的面积缩小:the size of A was reduced to only half of/ one third of the original size

表示A的面积扩大:A was expanded to twice its size=the size of A almost doubled

表示A向XX方向延伸:expand/extend northward/southward/eastward/westward

表示A经历了:A experienced/ witnessed/saw

起初:at first=initially=in the beginning=originally

接着:then=next=after that=in the following stage=in the next/subsequent period=afterward

在这个阶段:at this point=in this phase=in this stage

最终:finally=eventually=in the end

Part 3 流程图

TASK 2 大作文

Part 1. 考官是怎么改卷子的?

看着他改了12篇文章,发现他改作文的模式非常非常的mechanical,他说考官一般会在1小时内改六份作文(including task 1 and task2),那就是说平均5分钟改一篇。在这五分钟里,他就死死地盯着评分规则,从task response, coherence and cohesion, lexical resources, grammatical range and accuracy 这四个方面评分。而且让我无比深刻的是:雅思是一门语言能力考试,它侧重于测试学生的语言表达能力,而不是思维能力。记住:核心词是语言表达!!

Part 2. 雅思写作7分是什么样的概念


(a). task response:

·         addresses allparts of the task

·         presents a clear position throughoutthe reponse

·         presents, extend and supports main ideas, but there may be a tendency to over-generalise and/or supporting ideas may lack focus.

用中文最简单的理解是:首尾都要回答问题,允许泛泛而谈。这就是说,我们没必要花太多的精力去考虑观点是否绝对严谨是否意义深刻,关键是要告诉考官你的思考逻辑。这就是剑桥雅思的魅力,它要考你的不是你的思维能力,而是你的语言表达能力。哪怕在ridiculous的观点,只要你能用最恰当的语言去表达,你也可以同样得7分(当然,如果你的目标是8分,你就当我痴人说话吧)。还有就是说,很多题目本身包含很广泛的概念,很多大学教授用十几万字都解释不清的关系,怎么就能让我们这些门外汉用三言两语就解释好呢。说了这么多,我想说的是,如果你从一开始就习惯背诵满分作文,习惯复制别人的观点,这样的复习方法会很吃力(我不敢说是错的,那是确实低效,甚至有赌博成分),事倍功半。毕竟我们都是正常人,我们都有自己的思考能力和理解能力,我们说的每一个观点都是make sense,不make sense的是我们没把那个观点说清楚。

(b). coherence and cohesion

·         logically organisesinformation and ideas, there is clear progression throughout

·         lises a range of cohesive devicesappropriately although there may be some under-or over use

·         presents a clear topicwithin each paragragh

用中文最简单的意思是:分段分点,每点之前必须有连接词。这一点非常非常容易达到(我总结了大量这样的词汇,明天或者后天上传上来)。然后那个考官最为推介的范式(以argumentation的题目为例,因为report类的文章更死板了):开头段+主体段(让步一段,支持(反对)两段)+结尾段。其实说白了,就是我们最熟悉不过的模版。 也就是说,模版是非常有用的,之所以变成没用(serve no helpful purpose)是因为用模范的那个人没有用(想起粤语里面的一句歇后语,叫“太监撒尿”)。至于怎么用模版才能变得不落于俗套,下文回答问题7的时候会有详细分析。

(c). lexcial resource

·         uses a sufficient rangeof vocabulary to allow some flexibility and precision

·         uses less common lexical itemswith some awareness of style and collocation

·         may produce occasional errosin word choice, spelling and/or word formation

用中文最简单的意思是:足够就好,不需要多;一两个大词就够,不需要滥。一说到单词,相信我们并不陌生,甚至认为学英语就是背单词,写作就是单词的选美与堆砌。尽管我们都知道这是不对的,但是依旧默默地坚持着,比如说背诵一大堆同义词代换,一大堆除了莎士比亚见过之外其他人都没见过的大词。这样的复习会很累而且会逐渐把雅思写作从逻辑表述变成词汇大杂烩。至于何谓是足够的单词,何谓是less common lexical items,这就是问题6的范畴了。经过我写了大概30篇雅思作文,我觉得我们需要的词汇其实真的不多(我的词汇表一定会upload上来,估计在明天或者后天)。我想说的是,记单词最好的方法是,把单词放到句型或者例句上面来,然后句型或者例句一定要与雅思写作topic 相关。如果不相关,证明那个词就算记住了,也不会用。

  (d). Grammatical range and accuracy

·         uses a variety of complex structures

·         produces frequent error-free sentences

·         has good control of grammar and punctuation but may make a few mistake


Part 3. 雅思写作7分所需要的词汇

(a). 雅思写作必备连词--只要掌握了这些连词,就能符合到coherence and cohesion 7分以上的要求

以下为英语写作(雅思写作,学术论文等)必备的连词汇总。以下的内容参考了悉尼大学本科学生orientation handbook里面关于如何preparing for essays的总结,再加上本人的积累。有些连词与下面的句型汇总重合,请以句型汇总为重点。对于应该雅思写作和大学学术论文绝对绰绰有余,希望能帮助大家。


·         用下划线highlight的是适用那些总感觉雅思写作写不长、写不满250字、需要灌水的同学

·         用粗体highlight的是适用于那些每次都写得太长、写爆格,务实的同学

·         用斜体highlight的是适用于那些有强烈大词欲,渴望用大词整死考官的同学

·         To signal sequence or addition

Accordingly, actually, additionally, afterwards, again, also, and, another, as was previously stated, as well as, at the same time, besides this, consistent with this, correspondingly,equally important, finally, further, furthermore, in addition, in a like manner, in the first place, in the same way, including, initially, last, likewise, more importantly, moreover, next, originally, overall, primarily, similarly, to begin with, too, what is more.

·         To signal time

After, afterward, as long as, at first, at last, at length, at the same time, before, concurrently, currently, during, finally, following, immediately, in the future, in the meantime, last but not least, later, meanwhile, next, once, presently, rarely, simultaneously, sometimes, subsequently, then, this time, until, until then, whenever, while.

·           To show results

Accordingly, as a result, consequently, for this reason, hence, in other words, in that case, it follows that, it is evident that, otherwise, owing to, resulting from this, so it can be seen that, that being the case, therefore this implies, this suggests that, thus, under these circumstances.

·           To introduce evidence/support/reasons

Contradictory to this, contrarily, in support of this, it follows, this is clear because, the evidence for···is,the reasons for···are, this is supported by, to affirm this, to attest to this, to corroborate, to explain, to further confirm, to further verify, to list, to substantiate this, in substantiation.

·           To signal repetition, summary, or conclusion

Accordingly, all in all, all together, as a final point, as a result, as I have noted, as indicated earlier, as mentioned, as previously stated, as we have seen, briefly, by and large, consequently, finally, given these facts, hence, in brief, in conclusion, in other words, in short, in summary, to sum up, in summation, on the whole, overall, since, so, summing up, then, therefore, thus, thus we can see that, to conclude, to recapitulate, to repeat, to review.

·         To introduce causes or effects

Accordingly, as a result, because, consequently, due to, for as much as, for that reason, hence, in as much as, in that, in view of, on account of, owing, since, then, therefore, thus, to narrow the focus, after all, from this perspective, from this point of view, given this context, in fact, in order to, in other words, in particular, in this case, in this context, indeed, particularly, put another way, specifically, that is, this is particularly true when, under certain, circumstances, up to a point, with this in mind.

·         To contrast,

After all, although, alternately, and yet, at the same time, be that as it may, bu, contrastingly, conversely, despite, dissimilarly, even though, for all that, however, in contrast, in contrast to this, in opposition to this, in reality, in spite of this, inconsistent with this is that, instead, meanwhile, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding,on the contrary, on the one hand, on the other hand, otherwise, paradoxically, rather than, regardless of, still, though, whereas, when in fact, yet.

·           To compare

Also, analogous to, another similar issue is, at the same time, by the same token, equally, in comparison, in like manner, in similar fashion, in the same way, likewise, similarly.

·           To clarify

In other words, that is, that is to say, this means that, to clarify, to elaborate, to explain, to paraphrase, to put it another way.

·           To show purpose

In order to, in the hope that, for the purpose, with this end, to the end that, with this objective

·           To dismiss

All the same, at any rate, either way, in any event, in either case, whatever happens.

·           To signal concession

Admittedly, albeit, although it is true that certainly, even so, granted, it may appear that, knowing this, naturally, of course, this is only the case when, while this is true, while it may seem that.

·           To signify a condition

Grantingthat, in the event of, on the condition that, providing that, so long as

·           To prove examples

As an illustration, by way of example, for example, for instance, in particular, in support of this, notably, to demonstrate, to elaborate, to exemplify, to highlight, to illustrate, specifically, that is.

·           To reference

Concerning this, considering this, with respect to, with regards to

·           To emphasise

Above all, as a matter of fact, certainly, chiefly, especially, importantly, in any case, in particular, indeed, it must be emphasised, that, mainly, mostly, notably, obviously, of course, particularly, primarily, specifically, truly, undoubtedly.

(b). 雅思写作必备同义词代换--只要掌握了这些连词,就能游刃有余地驾驭我们想要表达的观点,满足lexcial resource 7分要求


1.导致:v. cause, bring about, give rise to, lead to, generate, create, Be a contributing factor to

2.认为:v. point out, argue, claim, assert, think, consider

3.强调:v. emphasize, bring/call attention to, accentuate, heighten, strengthen

4.集中:v. focus on, concentrate on

5.解决:v. combat, address, tackle, resolve, solve

6.从事:v. carry out, conduct, perform

7.承认:v. concede, admit, acknowledge, accept, allow, grant


1.支持:v. support, advocate, agree with

2.增加:v. increase, grow, rise, enlarge

             n. increase, growth, rise, enlargement

3.改善:v. improve, enhance, upgrade, boost

             n. improvement, enhancement, boom

4.扩张:v. expand, enlarge, extend, widen, broaden

             n. expansion, enlargement, extension

5.提高:v. augment, increase, develop, intensify

             n. augment, increase, development

6.发展:v. develop, advance, grow, evolve, flourish

             n. development, advancement, growth, flourishing

7.产生:v. develop, come into being/existence, come about

8.获得:v. acquire, gain, get, obtain, attain

9.执行:v. implement, execute, put into effect, perform

             n. implementation, performance

10.实现:v. achieve, fulfill, gain, accomplish, attain

               n. achievement, accomplishment, attainment

11.开始:v. commence, begin, start

               n. commencement, beginning, start

12. 促进:v. promote, further, advance, encourage, stimulate, foster

              n. promotion, advancement

13.鼓励:v. stimulate, encourage, act as stimulus, motivate

              n. encouragement, incentive, motivation

14.唤起:v. arouse, cause, induce, prompt, trigger, spark off

15.需要:v. call for, demand, require

16. 取代:v. replace, take the place of, substitute for

               n. replacement, substitution for, in place of

17. 加快:v. accelerate, speed up, quicken 

               n. Acceleration, speeding up

18. 减轻:v. abate, lessen, reduce, alleviate, mitigate

                n. abatement, lessening, alleviation, mitigation

19. 保护:v. protect, preserve, conserve

               n. protection, preservation, conservation

20.保卫:v. safeguard, defend, shield

               n. safeguard, defence, shelter

21. 建立:v. establish, set up, found, construct

               n. establishment, foundation, construction

22. 遵守(规则,法律):abide by, comply with, follow, respect, act in accordance with

23. 允许:v. allow, permit, give the means to, facilitate


1.反对:v. object, raise objections, oppose

2.减少:v. decrease, lower, reduce, cut down

             n. decrease, reduction, drop, decline

3. 耗尽:v. deplete, exhaust, use up

              n. depletion, exhaustion, using up,

4. 阻碍:v. hamper, hinder, obstruct, impede, inhibit

             n. hindrance, obstruction, obstacle, impediment

5.限制:v. limit, curb, restrict, place a limit on

             n. limit, restriction

6. 危及:v. endanger, imperil, jeopardize, put at risk

7. 衰败:v. deteriorate, degrade, degenerate, rot

             n. deterioration, degeneration

8. 恶化:v. exacerbate, aggravate, worsen, inflame

             n. exacerbation, aggravation, worsening

9. 加剧:v. intensify, escalate, sharpen, aggravate

             n. escalation, intensification, aggravation

10.破坏:v. damage, destroy, ruin, devastate

               n. damage, destruction, ruin, devastation

                adj. devastating, destructive

11. 污染:v. pollute, contaminate

               n. pollution, contamination

12. 败坏:v. pervert, corrupt, deprave, lead astray, debase

13.扭曲:v. distort, pervert, misrepresent, falsify, misstate, misreport

14.削弱:v. weaken, undermine, impair, invalidate

15. 干涉:v. interfere in/with, intervene in, impinge on/upon(侵犯)

               n. interference/intervention/involvement in/with

16. 侵犯:v. encroach on/upon (time/rights/personal life)

               n. encroachment on/upon = impinging on/upon

17. 与···相违背/相矛盾:run counter to = run contrary to

       Contradict (each other)= conflict with = be at odds with sth

18.误解:v. misunderstand, misapprehend, misinterpret

               n. misunderstanding, misapprehension, misinterpretation

19. 逃避:v. escape, break out, evade, elude

20.遭受:v. suffer from, be stricken with, be afflicted with

21.违反:v. violate, disobey, transgress, infringe

               n. violation, infringement, contravention, breach

22. 忽视:v. lose sight of, ignore, neglect

23.疏远:v. alienate, isolate, become/get estranged from

               n. alienation, isolation, estrangement


1.大量的:enormous, massive, tremendous, considerable

2.重要的:significant, substantial, crucial, important

3.严重的:adj. severe, serious, acute, drastic

               adv. severely, seriously, acutely, drastically

4. 有害的:adj. hazardous, dangerous, harmful

5. 贫穷的:adj. poor, poverty-stricken, destitute, impoverished

6. 富有的:adj. rich, wealthy, affluent 

7. 差距:n. gap, disparity, divergence

8. 积极的:beneficial, advantageous

9.消极的:baneful, detrimental

10. 明显的:manifest, obvious, evident, apparent

11. 影响:impact, repercussion, effect, ramification

12. 人类:the human race, human being, humankind, humanity

13. 当代:in current society, in this day and age, in present-day society, in contemporary society

14. 传统的:traditional, conventional, old-fashioned

15. 健康的:healthy, vigorous, robust

16. 有营养的:nutritious, nourishing, wholesome, healthy


Adequate/ basic/ broad/ general/ sufficient 充分的/ 基本的/ 宽泛的/ 大概的/ 足够的

Penetrating/ profound/ revealing/ remarkable/ proper/ thorough

入木三分的/ 深刻的/ 发人心省的/ 出色的/ 正确的/ 彻底的

Original/ unique/ fresh/ rare/ clear/ fascinating/ interesting

独到的/ 独特的/ 新鲜的/ 少有的/ 清楚的/ 生动的/ 有趣的

Significant/ substantial/ considerable


Unethical/ immoral/ unscrupulous/ unprincipled 不道德的

Antisocial/ unacceptable/ undesirable 反社会的/ 不能接受的/ 令人不快的

Aggressive/ criminal/ disruptive/ violent 挑衅的/ 犯罪的/ 扰乱的/ 暴力的

Notorious/ appalling/ vicious/ bloody 臭名昭著的/ 令人震惊的/ 令人发指的/ 血腥的


Part 4. 雅思写作常见的语法错误

(a). 雅思写作低级语法错误

(1) 冠词a, an, the的乱用,少用,多用。

(2) 名词单复数。

·         只修饰不可数名词的词:much,little,a litter,a great deal of,a great amount of,a piece of,an article of

·         既可修饰不可数又能修饰可数的词:
all (of)          a lot of        some (of)      lots of              any (of)
plenty of      most (of)     half (of)        a wealth of      (a) part of
enough (of) the rest of   other            one third of      such
no                a variety of

(3). 主谓一致:这个语法最好上百度百科,那里的分析非常详细。我发现经常犯主谓一致的错误是

·         当主语后面有as well as, with, along with, together with, but, like, rather than, except等引导的短语时,谓语动词要与最前面的主语保持一致.

·         "half of, the rest of, most of, all of及百分数或分数+of 等后接名词"作主语时,谓语动词形式根据of后的名词而定.

  (b). 雅思写作致命语法错误

(1). 句子成分缺失,通常是缺谓语(由于谓语用了动名词或者过去分词)

(2). 定语从句和同位语从句的混淆(特别容易在引导同位语从句时,误以为引导定语从句)

(4). 在使用倒装句时,请注意助动词提前。如果不熟练,那就请你不要用了。

Part 5. 雅思写作的误区

(a). 雅思考官是不太在乎你是用一面倒还是”先让步再支持“ 

记得在悉尼海外东方学院的J老师说过,现在“一面倒”已经很难甚至不能拿7分了。我问了一下考官,他给我的答复非常的straightforward,无论让步还是一面倒,都是可以拿7分,关键是reasonably explain and extend your idea.


(b). 雅思写作中只要是问opinion的题目(包括”discuss both views and give your own opinion“和”to what extent do you agree or disagree"),开头和结尾都要表明观点

雅思考官给我的回答是:“you should preview the question and give you opinion immediate so that the examiners can easily understand what you are going to argue”.这就是说慎小嶷《十天》里面最喜欢的开头了,“介绍背景+分析双方观点+表明自己态度”;也就是说用模版。

Part 6. 雅思写作如何展开论证





(a). 开头句型


The issue/ discussion/ topic/ problem/ subject about/ of (whether从句 or how +不定式) is of great interest/ concern/ importance/ significance to/ for···

          has triggered/sparked off an intense controversy in the realm of···


·         The issue of···is of great interest to···

e.g. The issue of whether the practice of requiring students to wear school uniforms will affect their personality and individuality is of great interest to many people.

·         The topic of···is of great concern for···

e.g. The topic of whether it is appropriate and effective to use corporal punishment on young children is of great concern for many people.

·         The subject of···is of great importance to···

e.g. The subject of how to resolve the problems caused by the rapid development of technology nowadays is of great importance to many scientists.

·         The discussion about···is of great significance to···

e.g. The discussion about the most effective way to provide financial and technological supports to third-world countries is of great significance to both industrialized and developing countries.

·         The question of···is a matter of much contention among

·         The problem···has been widely debated in the world of···

·         The inquiry into··has triggered/sparked off an intense controversy in the realm of···

e.g. The inquiry into the morality of conducting various researches and experiments on human cloning has triggered an intense controversy in the realm of science



·         Although it is commonly believed that···, this is actually not the case

e.g.  Although it is commonly believed that conventional views about a healthy lifestyle and proper conduct are no longer relevant to young people’s needs today, this is actually not the case.

·         Although it is widely accepted that···, this is simply untrue in our day-to-day experiences

·         Although it is generally acknowledged that···, this can hardly be held true in many real-life situations.

·         Although conventional wisdom has it that···, the reality of the situation is often far more complicated than that.


·         Although the received opinion is that···, the harsh realities usually turn out to be a completely different picture


e.g. Although the received opinion is that schoolchildren generally benefit from watching television and using other high-tech media in their learning process, the harsh realities usually turn out to be a completely different picture.

·         Although many people subscribe to the belief that···, this is in fact a common misconception that we need to clear up


e.g. Although many people subscribe to the belief that providing public library facilities and services is a waster of taxpayer’s money, this is in fact a common misconception that we need to clear up.

·         Although most individuals are convinced that···, this is actually a popular myth that must be exploded.


e.g. Although most individuals are convinced that their happiness is closely linked with the level of their financial success, this is actually a popular myth that must be exploded.


There has been a growing trend that···

                         an interesting tendency that/of···

                         a common practice of/that···

                         a widespread phenomenon that···

e.g. There has been a widespread phenomenon that students from rural areas find it increasingly difficult to have access to college or university education.

·         Recent decades have seen an increased awareness of···

·         Recent decades have witnessed a major transformation in···

e.g. Recent decades have witnessed a major transformation in agricultural development, where industrial technologies are being employed and new varieties of crops are being created, yet, opponents of this development have raised a number of difficult questions. From my point of view, this is a really complicated matter, and we need further investigations to understand the whole picture.

(b). 中立关系

·         It is worth mentioning that···  值得一提的是

·         It is by no means certain that···  完全不能确定的是

·         It is far too soon that···  为时过早的是

·         It is not uncommon that···  不足为奇的是

·         It is undeniable that···  不可否认的是

·         It is unavoidable that  不可回避的是

·         It is obvious/ evident/ manifest that  明显的是

·         It is gradually borne in on sb that  逐渐被某人认识到

·         It is of great interest that···  广为兴趣的是

·         It is of paramount importance that···  首要的是

·         It is of great urgency that···  刻不容缓的是

·         It is +副词 + suggested/argued/advised/believed that  普遍认为

·         It is widely accepted that  

·         It is generally/commonly believed that  普遍相信的是

·         It is universally acknowledged that  众所周知的是

·         It is strongly/commonly suggested recommended/ advised that  强烈建议的是

·         It is sometimes argued that  有时候争论的是

·         There is/was little/no substance that ···几乎毫无/没有根据

·         It is no without substance that ···并非没有根据


·         Advocates of······的支持者

·         Opponents of······的反对者

         Point out/ argue/ claim声称/believe / assert断言/ declare宣称/ conceive设想 that



      There has been a growing trend that···

                               an interesting tendency that/of···

                               a common practice of/that···

                               a widespread phenomenon that···

      Recent decades have seen an increased awareness of

                                        witnessed a major transformation in



This is especially true if/when we consider the fact that/when it comes to/in terms of


It is not even always true that···      ···并不是总是正确的


Incline to = tend to  倾向于


Gain/get/have(direct/free/ready/unlimited/unrestricted/restricted/equal) access to


e.g. Men and wowen should have equal access to education and employment.


Be accompanied by   B伴随 A


Be entitled to = be eligible to = be authorised to   使享有权利,使符合资格

e.g. the privately insured are entitled to special benfits such as having the choice pf their own doctors, and being able to avoide long waiting lists for hospital beds.


Have and will continue to   现在是并且将来也会继续···

e.g. Education has been and will continue to be central to the country’s economic performance in the 21st century.


Give rise to = bring about = create = generate = provoke(负面的) = evoke 引起,造成

e.g. Computers have brought about many changes in the workplace.

Have/exert an influence/impact/effect on sb/sth 起···作用

Play a role in sth  扮演···角色

·         正面:Considerable/enormous/dominant/profound/crucial/beneficial(favourable)/ stablizing/pervasive/substantial/lasting/formative

       相当大的/巨大的/起支配作用的/深远的/有利的/稳定的/广泛的/实际的/(对成长或发展) 重大作用

·         负面:adverse(unfavourable)/corrupting /destructive (devastating/disruptive)


Have inherent advantages/disadvantages 有内在的优点/缺点

e.g. In terms of environmental protection, exporting agricultural products by means of air transportation has its inherent disadvantages.


Be in a position to do  有条件去做

e.g. Because of the existence of express transport such as air freight, people in frigid zone are in a position to acquire more nutritious food and vegetable from the tropical zone.


Be a double-edged sword    ···是一把双刃剑


Equip sb with sth = furnish sb with sth  装备,使有能力,向···提供


Turn on = hinge on  取决于

e.g The environmental protection hinges on the actual action by the civilians.


A is a key determinant of B   A是B的决定因素

e.g.  In an individual’s career, tenacity is a key determinant of success.


Be an underlying factor in···  是···潜在/隐含力量

e.g.  Human curiosity is an underlying factor in the growing popularity of newspapers


Rely (almost exclusively) on = depend on   (几乎全)依靠

e.g.  Children should not always rely on parent’s help.


Be considered as = be think of as = be acknowledged as = be regarded as被认为是


Be served/used as a brenchmark


It turned out that = turn out to be  证明是

E.g. the advancement of technology turns out be conducive to the mankinds.


Be confronted with···= In the face of ···  面临着

e.g.  be confronted with/in the face of fierce/stiff/intense competition


Deserve/require (careful/full/serious/sufficient/ special) consideration


Take sth into consideration/account  考虑到, 顾及


A and B are not mutually exclusive   两者并不互相排斥

e.g. This two options are not mutually exclusive.


Be no exception to··· 也不例外

e.g. There is no exception to this rule in modern or in accent times.


Does not necessarily mean   并不必然意味着


···be now a commonplace···   司空见惯的事


A and B alike    两者都,同样地


Reach saturation point  到达饱和程度 


End up + doing/ adj/ in sth  以···告终

(c). 插入语和衔接词

In essence    本质上


In terms of   就···而言


As the case may be,句子 or主语+谓语, as the case may be,宾语


e.g. Students should be given sufficient autonomy in deciding the courses they take as the case may be.


More often than not,句子.    通常,往往

e.g. More often than not it is these moments that separate the victors from the rest – because they never despair , and press on when others fade.



From my point of view,

From my perspective,

To my mind,

In my opinion,

To my way of thinking

关于By no means的应用

Be by no means an exclusive/a unique way  绝不是唯一的方法

Be by no means confined to···  绝不局限于

e.g. Poverty and deprivation are by no means confined to the north of the country.

Be by no means fortuitous/coincidential  绝非偶然

e.g. The occurrence of such things is by no means fortuitous/ coincidental

Be by no means isolated   绝非孤立/个别

e.g. Such cases, though not prevalent, are by no means isolated.

Be by no means separated from  绝不应该脱离

e.g. Theory should by no means be separated from practice. 理论绝对不应该脱离实际

Be by no means certain 仍未确定的

e.g. It is by no means certain that genetrically modified food will benefit humans in the future.  转基因食品能否在未来有益于人类仍是不确定的

Be by no means a perfect way  绝非完善的方法

e.g. This is by no means a perfect way to solve the problem.


···is a good case in point

= one example will suffice to illustrate this point

= a telling(有说服力的) /notorious (臭名昭著的) example is ···

= ···is a representative of ···


A+形容词+ number of+可数名词+谓语动词复数

A+形容词+amount of+不可数名词+谓语动词单数(time/money/information/help/data)

大量的: Massive/considerable/enormous/ tremendous



A wide range of = a vast/impressive array of = a wealth of = a host of = a variety of


A series of = a chain of = a sequence of


and so forth= and so on = and the like


in full measure   最大程度地,最大限度地

in no small/ some/ large/ equal measure   在很大/某种/很大/同样程度上

To some/a certain extent  在某种/一定程度上

To a lesser extent  其次


When it comes to  

With respect to 

In regard to

In relation to 


In the midst of  正值···时候

Amid +名词词组  在···当中

Under the wave of +名词  在···浪潮中


With the rapid development of···    随着···快速发展

With the advent of··· 随着···时代的来临

With the proliferation of···  随着···扩散

With the huge expansion of···    随着···扩张


Regardless of = irrespective of


In the light of = in view of


not to mention + sth = let alone


In conformity with = in compliance with = in accordance with


Apart from···= Other than···


Domino effect  多米洛骨牌效应

Knock-on effect  连锁反应

(d). 积极关系

Be made (readily/ freely/ publicly/ generally) available for/to sb


e.g.  Free medical care must be made available for those too poor to do so.


Provide/give sb deep/penetrating/revealing/ fascinating insights into sth


e.g. The old buidling in cities can give people especially teenagers fascinating insights into the change of history.

acquire/advance/broaden/deepen one’s understanding of sth  获得/增进···见识

= gain/get/obtain insights into


Have better acquaintance with  更了解···

e.g. Have better acquaintance with the local needs than those in other countries so that it utilise the social resources more efficiently

= have better knowledge with

e.g. Local people or government have better knowledge with the operation of charity organization in terms of the oversee of donations, thus ascertaining the transparency of fund arrangement and avoiding misappropriation of the public fund.


Become/be proficient/skillful in/at sth/ in doing  精通,熟练

e.g. student should become proficient in using several languages.


Instill sth in/into sb = inculcate sth in/into sb  灌输某人···

e.g. instill an idea/confidence deeply into sb

      inculcate a sense of responsibility in sb

= impart sth to sb  传授···给某人


Be capable of sth/doing sth有能力的,足以胜任的

= be competent to do sth

= Be more than capable of ···完成有能力

e.g. Schools should equip students with practicial skills so that they are competent to find a job under current fierce competition.

Be well/fully aware of/that = be conscious of/that  意识到,注意到

e.g.  People have been fully aware of the urgency of environmental protection.

Be the major beneficiaries from = largely benefit from···  成为最主要的受益人

e.g.  In respective of individuals, they are the major beneficiaries from doing their tasks at home in this age of the computer technology

Be conducive/ helpful/ beneficial/instrumental to···  有利于,对···起作用

= be advantageous to

= be of advantge to = to the advantage of

e.g. be instrumental in bring about an end to the conflict.

       An environment conducvie to learning


Be given sufficient/greater autonomy in doing···  给予足够的/更大的自主权

e.g. students should be given sufficient autonomy in deciding the courses they take as the case may be

Be in the best interest of···  符合···利益

e.g. Even though most citizens are conscious that recycling garbage can fully utilise natural resources in the best interest of the whole society, they are still reluctant to do so


Become an indispensable part of···  成为···不可分割的一部分

e.g. car have become an indispennsable part of our lives.


Make use of = turn sth to good account = take advantage of sth  善用/利用机会

e.g. People should put the media to good account.

       We should make better use of our resources.


Break down/remove/cross/overcome the barriers打破/消除/跨越/克服障碍

e.g. they believe that sport can cross any barriers.



Get rid of···  摆脱,消除(不好的感觉,情况)

= rid sb/sth/yourself of sb/sth  消除,解除

= extricate sb/sth/yourself from sth   (使)摆脱,脱离,解救,挣脱

e.g. he had managed to extricate himself from most of this official duties.


Alleviate the heavy burden of···  减轻···重负

e.g  Staying at home for work and study can alleviate the heavy burden of transport and energy consumption.


Serve a useful function of  起到有用的功能

= Perform the function of  履行···的功能

= Fulfilll a valuable function in  实现一种有价值的功能

= Serve the purpose of  起到···的目的

= Fulfill an educational purpose  实现一种教育目的

e.g.  It is sometimes claimed that zoo perform an improtant function in the protection of endangered or rare species

e.g  Apart from serving the practical function of giving people a comfortable shelter, a good building should also fulfill an aesthestic purpsoe by inviting the residents to appreciate its beauty both inside and outside. 

e.g. Visiting museum is not only an enjoyable experience for young children, but it also fulfills an important edcuational purpose by exposing them to a rich deposit of history, culture and tradition.


Be/get accustomed to doing/sth  习惯于···

= be/get used to doing/sth

e.g. Students should not get accustomed to relying on others’ help.


Adapt yourself to sth/ doing 适应(新环境)

= adjust oneself to sth/ doing

e.g. students should adjust themselves to current fierce competition


Serve/ satisfy/ cater to the needs of···  满足···要求

e.g.  satisfy/cater to the needs of tourists from abroad

        serve the needs of future generations


Cater for sth  迎合

e.g. Catering for international tours, the local government commits more money to improve local infrastructure.


Provide a solid foundation for···  提供巩固的基础

e.g.  respect and friendship provide a solid foundation for marriage.

= Lay the foundation on···  为···提供基础

e.g.  Basic science lays the foundation on which any other subjects are built.

Have no more worries about···  不用再担心

e.g. The owners of companies have no more worries about employees not coming for work, because of the heavy snow storm.

Be immune to  不···(负面的)影响

e.g. The corporate sector has remained largely immune to this crisis.

Immerse oneself in = Commit oneself to sth  潜心于,专心于

e.g. Student should immerse themselves in studying theory in universities instead of learning practical skill

Reach a consensus on  达成共识

e.g. The EC Council of Finance Ministers failed to reach a consensus on the pace of integration


Be brought up to do···  教养,培养

e.g. It is standard practice that children are brought up to respect the law.



Keep the pace with  与···俱进

e.g. A number of advanced professional personnel are needed to keep the pace with the rapid economic development.


With less +名词+动名词组合, greater possibilities of动名词组合 will be taking place someday.


e.g With less people driving to work or school, greater possibilities of returning us a balance in ecosystem will be taking place someday.

(e). 否定关系

Serious/distinct/relative lack/ shortage/ absence/ insufficiency/ scarcity of

= Be lack of/be short of/ be deficient in/ be in need of  (严重地/明显地/相对地)缺乏···


Be a hurdle to/ be a hindrance to/ be a barrier to  阻碍···

= confronted with/encounter/erect/put up barriers to


Scratch the surface of the problem  治标不治本

e.g. obviously, this solution scratch the surface of the problem.

Find it difficult to be immune to···  很难不受···的影响

e.g. with the development of globalisation and social development, one country finds it difficult to be immune to global affairs.

Be (severely/grievously) stricken with sth = be afflicted with/by = suffer from


e.g. The country ends up being stricken with the epidemic.

A bear/take the brunt of B A首当其冲受到B的不利影响

e.g. women bear the brunt of childcare duties

     School will bear the brunt of cuts in govenment spending.



Fall prey to sth  受害,受坏影响

e.g. the new government has fallen prey to corruption and fraud.



Be vulnerable to  容易受···(不好的)影响

e.g. The entity is potentially vulnerable to competitor’s moves.

       Students are usually vulnerable to social evils. 易受到社会恶习腐蚀


Be prone to sth  易于遭受,有做(坏事)的倾向

e.g. tired, malnourished people are prone to infection.

Come with unpleasant/undesirable side-effects···伴随着不好的副作用


Fall victim to = become a victim of   成为···的牺牲品

e.g. Vital public services have fallen victim to budget cuts



A take one’s toll on B    A对B产生严重不良影响,造成重大损失

e.g. The recession is taking its toll on the housing markets.  经济衰退使住房市场遭受重创

      The pressure of trying to win a competition has taken its toll on their health.

      Illness had taken a heavy toll on her. 疾病对她的身体造成极大的损害


Shake/rock the foundations of sth  从根本上动摇···

e.g. this issue has shaken the foundations of French politics.  这个问题从根本上动摇了法国的政治


run counter to = be at odds with sth = conflict with  与···不相符/相矛盾

e.g. government intervening in people's private lives run counter to modern democratic spirit.


动词形式:interfere in/with = intervene in 干涉,介入

名词形式:interference in/with = intervention in/with

e.g. government should interfere in the coverage of media.


动词形式:impinge on/upon = encroach on/upon侵犯

名词形式:impringing on/upon = encroachment on/upon

e.g. one country should not impringe on other's internal affairs.


Be (potentially/rather/highly) hazardous to  对···有潜在/相当/很大的危害

e.g. chemicals that are harzardous to human beings


Defeat the very purpose of = render sth useless/ineffective  使某物无用/无效

e.g. Merely equipping students with employment skills may defeat the very purpose of universities as educational institutions.


Serve no useful purpose  不起作用

e.g. the experiments serve no useful purpose.


Be awash with sth = be inundated with sth  充斥着···

e.g. TV nowadays is awash with violent and pornographic content


Create a vicious circle  产生恶性循环

e.g. It turns out to be a vicious circle of destruction/ poverty


句子+ to the detriment of +名词 = Be detrimental to  有害于,不利于

e.g. He works longer and longer hours, to the detriment of his marriage.


Pose a grave threat to···对···构成威胁

e.g. In present-day society, the proliferation of non-biodegradable trash poses a grave threat to humanity.

句子+ at the expense of +名词  以(损害)···为代价

e.g. High production rates are often achieved at the expense of quality of work.


Be notorious for sth/ doing sth  因···而臭名昭著

e.g. The international fast foods have long been notorious as a kind of junk food.


Be apathetic to/about= be (utterly)indifferent to  对···冷漠/漠然

Not have sb’s best interests at heart   不关心···利益

e.g. People intend to maximize their own interest instead of having the best interests of the whole society at heart.


Get/grow weary of sth/ doing sth= lose interest in  对···不再热心

e.g. students grow weary of learning a series of historical fact.


Be reluctant to = be unwilling to  不愿意

e.g. People are reluctant to recycle garbage for the reason that they cannot acquire direct benefit from it.


Turn a blind eye to = shut one’s eyes to sth  对···视而不见

e.g. Those children have a good life and to turn a blind eye to patriotism


Have a slack attitude about对···持有疏忽的态度

Be largely ignored/neglected by···= lose sight of   被···忽略

e.g. Strange as it may seem, the significance of basic science – the main driving force behind productivity, has been largely ignored by the general public.


Addict oneself to doing = get/be(irreparably不可收复地/seriously) addicted to

= indulge oneself in = indulgence in  沉迷,放纵

e.g.  addict oneself to gambling, drug, electronic game, pornograhy, delights of lesure (安逸)

Too much indulgence in the Internet games or movies may lead to a superficial (肤浅的) idiot (傻子) short of abstract thinking or may aggravate the isolation of the single children.


Give way to temptation= not resist the temptation to  经不住诱惑

e.g. the young are not mature enough so that they may not resist the temptation to conduct some unhealthy behaviours.


Be accused of = be prosecute for/as   被指责/被控告

= be on trial(审理) for

= Accuse/prosecute sb of doing/sth

= A stand accused of = stand trial/go on trial for    A被控告···


lay/put the blame for sth on sb 把某事归咎某人

e.g. some lay the blame for falling exports on financial turmoil sweeping many Asian countries



be criticised for···    因···受到批评

be condemned for/by···  因···受到谴责  (宽恕 condone)

e.g. the action has been widely condemned by human rights groups



Deprive sb of sth  剥夺某人···

e.g. modern cities deprived city-dwellers of fresh air and the comfortable pace of life.


Be exposed to / expose sb to sth  使暴露于险境

e.g. The report revealed that workers had been exposed to unacceptably high levels of radiation  报告披露了工人们收到有害的高强度辐射


Sth prompts/ impels sb to do  促使···去做

e.g. Peer pressure often impels yongsters to spend excessively on fancy clothes and accessories (首饰)


If···, something will ensue   如果···,(不好的现象)接着发生

e.g. if parents neglect their offspring, lack of discipline and respect will ensue.


Sth is/seem (quite/totally/wholly) unwarranted/ unjustifiable很不合理

e.g. experimentaing upon lab animals without rying to alleviate their pain is unwarranted/ unjustifiable.


It is a waste of time/money/effort doing sth  浪费(时间/金钱)去做···

= squander = fritter away(time/energy/money/fortune)

(f). 比较关系

Unlike A, B

Compared with A, B

A···while/ whereas B···

In comparison/ in contrast/ by contrast, B

(g). 因果关系


·         根本原因

Root in = be (deeply) rooted in = be the root (cause) of   ···是根本原因

e.g. These traditions were deeply rooted in local custom.

Be the chief culprit of···   ···是罪魁祸首

e.g. the modern farming techniques seems to be the chief culprit of the current crisis.

·         主要原因

Be a major contributing factor to

Be a driving force to

Be largely attributed to

(结果) be the result of (原因) ···的原因是···

e.g.  The need for short-term profits seems to be the driving force behind these mergers

The significance of basic science, as the main driving force behind productivity, has been largely ignored by the general public

·         可能原因

Be attributable to可能由于

Be largely due to 很大可能是由于

e.g.  The public ignorance of basic science research is largely due to its unpredictable value.

Put the blame for sth on sb 把某事归咎于某人

Be blamed on···  把···归咎于,归罪于

e.g. some people blame the increasing gap between the poor and the rich on unfair social systems.

On account of = due to = owing to = because of

On account of fierce competition, people have no choice but to work overtime and put more effort into jobs

The reason for···lies in the nature of···来源于···的特性

The reason for this unfortunate fact lies in the nature of basic science

Account for  是···的原因

Recent pressure at work may account for his behaviour


For the sake of = for the purpose of  + 名词

Companies and institutes should financially support scientists who commit themselves to basic science, not just for the sake of profit, but for the development of science as well.

In expectation of = in hope of  = in order to  = with a view to doing

= with the aim of = in an attempt to = in an effort to   为了···

(h). 建议关系

Do not slacken their vigilance against  不可放松警惕

e.g. Do not slacken their vigilance against the possible abuse of such a tremendous powers

Exercise/ maintain (constant/ continued/ extra) vigilance against


Be/keep alert to  对···保持警惕

e.g. People should be alert to conditions that may indicate possible misstatement due to error and fraud.


Have no choice/alternative but to···   别无选择,唯有···

e.g. The government has no choice but to take feasible action to protect the environment.


Keep a wary eye on sb/ sth

= Take a very cautious approach

= Cast a discriminate eye on密切注意

e.g. Cast a discriminate eye on their way of presentation, comments and implict assumptions


Be cautious of= Be wary of     小心翼翼的,谨慎的

e.g. We should be wary of using a strong form of output control to encourage certain scientist while discouraging others


take priority over = give priorities to··· 优先,优先权

e.g.  the improvement of poverty should take priority over the space exploitation.


put···on top agenda = be a top priority  

Be on top of the agenda = be high on the agenda当务之急

e.g. financial security was high on the list of priorities.


attach heavier weight to= give serious/ fullest consideration to

e.g. environmental considerations should be attached heavier weight during the decision-making process.


hold more responsibility for = be held accountable for···为某人应对某事负责

e.g. The government should be held accountable for citizen’s health


take account of = take sth into account/ consideration  把某事考虑在内

e.g. these figures do not take account of changes in the rate of inflation.


Some steps must be taken to reverse this trend···

e.g.  Since basic science is the foundation of most technological developments, some steps must be taken to reverse this trend.


Take a long view of     长远打算


unless +句子,主句.如果没有,···

unless there is an effective incentive program for recycling, people could not have enough motivation to put effort into environmental protection.


Bear sth in mind = bear in mind that +句子  注意,记住

(i). 结尾句型

Given the above argument, it is reasonable to conclude that可以合理去推断

e.g. Given the above arugment, it is reasonable to conclude that if every member of the society is aware of the relationship between humans and nature and stops their destructive behaviour, it is going to alleviate the pressure of ecosystem.

Based on the above argument, I concede that 我承认···

e.g. Based on the above arugment, I concede that using air freight comes with some unpleasant side-effects.

I am convinced that 我相信···

e.g. I am convinced that as long as people turn the massive media to good account, they can constantly benefit from its favourable functions.


e.g. The advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Part 7. 本人的拙笔--7分作文


Argumentation –社会类

In many countries, traditional foods are being replaced by international fast foods. this is having a negative effect on both families and societies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Recent decades have witnessed an obvious trend that international fast foods have gradually taken the place of traditional foods in many regions. Althoughfast foods may bring about some direct benefits in people's daily lives, I personally believe that these foods exert an adverse impact on both families and societies.

It is undeniable that international fast foods, such as hamburgers and fried chickens, have helped people save time for cooking and extricated them from a series of complicated cooking processes that are used in cooking traditional foods. This is especially true when we consider the fact that nowadays more and more people are participating in the labour market and undertaking an enormous amount of work. However, the negative effects induced by these fast foods should not be ignored, since they are, actually or potentially, detrimental to individuals and societies.

For families, one of the most direct influences induced by fast foods is that they worsen the quality of people's health. It is widely accepted that international fast foods have long been criticised as junk food because they contain a considerable number of calories with high level of heat and fat. If people get accustomed to eating these foods, they may be easily stricken with some severe chronic diseases, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, cancers and so forth. Therefore, these foods, to some extent, render people weak in combating diseases.

For societies, the introduction and the growing popularity of international fast foods, directly and indirectly, takes its toll on the protection of traditional culture. It is generally acknowledged that the culture of diets and foods is an indispensable part of traditional culture, which reflects the unique character of a nation. If local people prefer to eat fast foods rather than cook traditional foods, the recipes of traditional foods will gradually disappear. Consequently, local citizens may lose a sense of cultural identity and social belonging. Hence, this is unfavourable to the carrying forward of traditional culture.

To conclude, although international fast foods may provide people with some direct benefits, they pose a serious threat to people’s health and the preservation of traditional culture. Therefore, people should pay attention to the negative effects of these fast foods and properly change their diet structure.

考官评分(按照上述4项评分规则):7,8,8,8  总分:7.5

Argumentation – 政府类

Many people arts and music do not improve the quality of life, the government should spend money on other things rather than the arts such as music and painting, to what extent do you agree or disagree?

The issue of whether governments should spend money on the arts has sparked off an intense debate. Some people argue that art and music are conducive to the improvement of people’s lives; while others claims that it is of great urgency for governments to allocate money to the areas that are in need. To my way of thinking, the governments should give priority to some basic social systems, such as education and medicare programs instead of subsidizing the arts.

To begin with, art and music are not the key determinant of a good quality of life. It is not uncommon that the arts such as music and painting are a meaningless symbol to many because from their perspective, those arts cannot generate direct benefits for them. Therefore, subsidizing artist cannot help the public get rid of the heavy burdens of their lives.

In addition, it is more urgent for governments to commit money to some fundamental social systems like education and public health. This is simply because a well-rounded social system is the guarantee of the enhancement of the quality of people’s lives. Investing in education is a good case in point. It is of paramount importance toequip the public with abundant knowledge and impact a proper outlook on life to them. Consequently, the citizens can become competent enough to maintain their daily lives by means of their own efforts. Obviously, it is money and knowledge that contribute to the improvement of people’s lives.

Admittedly, arts and music, to some extent, serve a valuable function in enriching people’s daily lives and help them to foster a positive attitude towards life. However, they are by no means a unique tool to achieve this goal. In fact, art and music are not an actual prescription to extricate people from an array of worries and burdens.

To conclude, I concede that the arts can play a favourable role in improving the quality of people’s lives. Nevertheless, I am convinced that governments should attach heavier weight to other sectors, such as education and medical care, whichare considered as an essential way toenable people to live a decent life.

Argumentation – 广告类

Many people argue that nowadays consumers buy lots of goods they don’t actually need because they are influenced by advertisements. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Although it is widely accepted that the prevalence of advertisements plays a positive role in stimulating consumers to go shopping, it is not true to consider advertisement as the chief culprit of the fact that consumers buy a host of things that they do not need. In fact, some social factors, such as peer influence and celebrity effect, contribute to this phenomenon. Therefore, I disagree with this statement.

It is undeniable that advertisements have exerted a considerable impact on triggering people to buy goods. Some advertisers may exaggerate the quality of products in an attempt to mislead customers, thereby promoting sales of products. Consequently, customers bear the brunt of these advertisements and purchase an array of useless goods. However, with the enforcement of relevant laws in the realm ofprotection of consumers’ rights, the advertisements are no longer the main cause to lead consumers to buy things that they do not need.

In fact, peer influence is attributed to this situation. With the improvement of living standards and the increase of disposal incomes, people tend to compare with their peers and flaunt their wealth, so that they can enjoy the sense of accomplishment and vanity. As a result, people are gradually addicted to buying goods, especially luxurious goods, for the purpose of gratifying their vanity. Obviously, those products serve no helpful function in satisfying their real needs.

In addition, some people, especially young teenagers, are significantly influenced by the celebrities that endorse the products. They tend to imitate their idols with a view to expressing their love and spiritual support for those stars. Accordingly, they may buy the products that their idols are in favour of. Hence, such purchasing behaviour is not actuated by the needs of those products

To conclude, advertisements have a certain influence on customer’s purchasing behaviour. Nevertheless, peer influence and celebrity effect are the major cause of people buying a vast number of goods that they do not actually need.

Argumentation – 犯罪类

Giving detailed descriptions of crime by newspaper and television, someone says it could make bad consequence; this kind of media should be restricted. To what extent do you agree or disagree.

The issue of whether mass media should give detailed descriptions of crime is of great concern to the public. From my perspective, it exerts an advese impact on individuals and society. Therefore, the media should be constrained in the amount of details they report.

Admittedly, giving detailed descriptions of crime can serve as a warning to potential criminals, which reduces the possibility of the occurrence of similar crimes. Also it helps people to strengthen the awareness of crime-prevention by popularizing the protective actions against crime. However, the negative influences resulting from these detailed illustrations of crime should not be ignored.

To begin with, victims who suffer from crime bear the brunt of it. Giving detailed demonstrations of crime, to some extent, forces those victims to experience the nightmare again. Consequently, it will lead them to be afflicted with chronic psychological problems, such as nervousness, anxiety, fear and so forth. Also, those programs may give the public an illusion that they are surrounded bya considerable number of would-be criminals. Obviously, people may lose a sense of social security and find it difficult to trust others. Under this circumstance, the alienation of interpersonal relationships will ensue.

In addition, those programs may give some would-be wrongdoers a chance to imitate the anti-social behaviours that were described in the programs. It seems that those shows do nothing but indirectly encourage some to commit a crime. As a result, the whole society will fall prey to it.

To conclude, I concede that giving detailed descriptions of crime can serve a positive function in combating the crime. Nevertheless, I am convinced that it comes with certain unpleasant side-effects, which aredetrimental to both individuals and society. Therefore, this kind of media should be restricted.

Argumentation –政府类

Some people think it is the responsibility for government to ensure that people have healthy lifestyles. Others think people should have a free for their own lifestyles decisions.

The issue of whether government should hold responsibility for people’s healthy lifestyle has sparked off an intense debate. To my mind, governments should respect people’s rights on deciding their lifestyles.

Advocates ofgovernment’s dominant role in people’s lifestyles claim that the functions of a government and the costs of unhealthy lifestyles determine that governments have an obligation to make sure that people have healthy lifestyles. To begin with, the purpose of establishment of a government is to fulfill the essential function of maintaining social stability. Simultaneously, healthy lifestyles of citizens lay the foundation ofsocial order. Hence, ensuring that people have healthy lifestyles is conducive to social harmony as well as performing of government’s functions. In addition, without proper lifestyles, individuals and societies alike would fall victim to its destructive influence. It is not uncommon that a considerable extension of unhealthy lifestyle is associated withsome undesirable consequences. Drug and alcohol abuse is a good case in point. If local governments do not limit the misuse of drug and alcohol, an increase in crime rate and widespread vandalism will ensue.

On the other hand, opponents argue that it is pointless forgovernment to interfere incivilian private life. First of all, healthy lifestyle is an abstract concept and by no means confined to a defined as well as unique prescription. That means it is costly and even impossible for government to ensure that people have lifestyles in conformity with the definition set by the government. Even if the government can do so, it inevitably leads to stifle the expression of diverse personality. Furthermore, government’s intervention inpersonal lifestyle, in no small measure, deprives people offreedom of choices. This is especially unacceptable in modern democratic countries because it run counter to the spirit of democracy that human rights should deserve full consideration and respect. Any obstacles to the realization of reasonable human rights are unwarranted by the public.

To conclude, I concede that government can play a dominant as well as favourable role in the daily life of citizens. However, thisdoes not necessarily meanthat government can interfere with people private life. I believe that civilians are entitled to live in a way that they wish and have a freedom of choicein terms oftheir lifestyles.

考官评分(按照上述4项评分规则):7,8,8,8  总分:7.5

Report –社会类

People now can perform some everyday tasks, such as shopping and banking as well as business transactions, without meeting other people face to face. What are the effects of this development on an individuals and on society as a whole?

With the advent of the Age of the Internet, the pattern of people’s interaction and communication has become diverse, which exerts a profound impact onboth individuals and society.

For individuals, the pervasive use of the Internet helps people save time and enhance the efficiency. So convenient is the application of telecommunication and online-shopping that people are extricating themselves from such undesirable factors as traffic congestion, bad weather and tight schedule and so forth. However, over-indulgence in the Internet potentially renders people as a slave ofinternet and computer. Due to the absence offace-to-face interview and communication, people are going to be, geographically as well as emotionally, isolated from each other, which further makes people lose a sense of identity and social belonging.

For society, industries such as electronic commerce and online-business havebecome major beneficiaries ofthis tendency. This is simply because the interaction and communication is no longer confined togeographical impediment. With increasing popularity ofonline shopping and banking, consumption and investment undoubtedly flourish, which can served as a driving factor to facilitate the sustainable development of social economy. However, many small and medium sized enterprises may fall victim tothe wave of electronic businesson account of insufficiency of money and technology to develop online transaction system. In addition, unemployment rate may be driven up because many job positions have and will continue to be replaced by online automatic transaction systems.

To conclude, I concede that the development of telecommunication technology and internet comes with some unpleasant side-effects.However, its positive effects outweigh its negative ones. As long as people turn the application of electronic transaction systemto good account, both individuals and society will profit from it.

考官评分(按照上述4项评分规则):7,8,8,8  总分:7.5

Argumentation --教育类

Some people think that schools should select students according to their academic abilities while others believe that it is better to have students with different abilities study together. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

The issue of whether academic abilities should be served as an only reliable standard in terms of selecting students has sparked off an intense debate. In this essay, I aim at discussing both sides of the problem and put up my own opinion.

On the one hand,advocates of the of academic results claim that it is more effective as well as fairer for schools to adopt an academy-oriented approach to select students. To begin with, schools are set up to fulfill the educational function of imparting a great deal amount of knowledge, such as liberal arts and science, to students; while students go to school mainly for the purpose of fostering academic ability. Accordingly, it is understandable that some take it for granted that academic results can serve as an effective benchmark for assessing students’ capability. Besides this, it is widely accepted that it is a relatively objective and fair assessment system to all students and better reduce the dispute of unfair treatments. One example will suffice to illustrate this point. Other than academic mark, educators find it difficult to compare the ability of student who is proficient at painting and who is skillful at sports. Whoever is chosen by schools could not ensure the absolute fairness and objectivity of the selection.

On the other hand, opponents of only concentration on academic abilities argue that the academic result is by no means an exclusive way to evaluate students’ capabilities. First and foremost, schools are not a place where students are turned into pedants. Instead, it is considered asan educational platform for students to develop their versatile skills and grow into a person who gets accustomed tothe needs of the society. Only focusing on academic skills inevitably leads many who are short of academic study but good at other subjects to lose opportunities to promote their talents. In addition, if students with different abilities can study together,it is out of question that all the students will benefit from such a combination. This is simply because it helps students complement each other and give them motivation as well as chances to learn more from each other.

To conclude, I concede that judging students by academic ability helps schools select proper students. Nevertheless, I am convinced that allowing students with many talents to study together outweigh the former view.

考官评分(按照上述4项评分规则):7,8,8,8  总分:7.5

Argumentation –环保类

Air transport is increasingly used to export fruits and vegetables to countries where they cannot be grown or are out of season. Some people say this is a good thing while other people think it cannot be justified. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

The issue of whether exporting fruits and vegetable by means of air transport is conducive to the society is of great concern to the public. Some people argue that exporting food benefit people in both exporting and importing countries, while others claim that air freight pose a serious threat to environment. To my mind, people will become a major beneficiary from such trade if they can develop environmental-friendly fuel for air transport

It is widely believed that using air transport for the purpose of the export of agricultural products to countries where they cannot be grown or out of season can have a beneficial influence on both importing and exporting countries. For importing countries, those agricultural products substantially enrich the diet of local citizens and improve the nutrition structure. A convincing example is that people in Frigid Zone would by no means have access totropical food without the export of farm produce. Because ofthe existence of express transport such as air freight, those people are in a position to acquire a more abundant supply of food and vegetable. In terms ofinternational trade, export countries may become a major beneficiary from this situation, because it helps expand the market of farm produce, accelerate the sales of agricultural output and improve the well-being of domestic farmers.

However, it is also manifest that in terms of environmental protection, exporting agricultural products by means ofair transportation has its inherent disadvantages. To begin with, it accelerates the depletion of fossil fuel that is non-renewable resources. So far there has not been complete substitution for oil. We should not pursue short-term profit at the expense ofthe sustainable development. Also, the toxic fumes – such as sulphur dioxide, released from the aircraft are the chief culprit ofatmospheric contamination. Consequently, people are unavoidably afflicted with respiratory diseases. Other than toxic gases, greenhouse gazes (i.e. carbon dioxide) worsen the global warming and then potentially induce the change of global climate.

To conclude,I concede that using air transport comes with some undesirable side-effects. Nevertheless, it is rather one-sided to deny the rationality of this phenomenon. People should develop a new, environmental-friendly energy for aircraft so that people can constantly benefit from the export of agricultural products.

考官评分(按照上述4项评分规则):8,8,8,8  总分:8
























