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命题时,若不考虑逻辑上有关外延和内涵的恰当运用,则有可能出现谬误,至少是不当。如:对农村合理的人、畜、机动力的组合设计这一标题即存在逻辑上的错误。题名中的人,其外延可能是青壮年,也可以是指婴儿、幼儿或老人,因为后者也是主标题“人”,然而却不是具有劳动能力的人,显然不属于命题所指,所以泛用“人”,其外延不当。同理,“畜”可以指牛,但也可以指羊和猪,试问,哪里见到过用羊和猪来犁田拉磨的呢?所以也属于外延不当的错误。若使用“劳力”与“畜力”,就不会分别误解成那些不具有劳动能力和不能使役的对象。 论文题目虽然居于首先映入读者眼帘的醒目位置,但仍然存在题目是否醒目的问题,因为题目所用字句及其所表现的内容是否醒目,其产生的效果是相距甚远的




2 摘要(Abstract一级标题黑体小四号)





3 关键词(Key words一级标题黑体小四号)








4 正文格式(Main body一级标题黑体小四号)



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[1]彭锦, 刘宝碇. 不确定理论的公理化体系[J]. 黄冈师范学院学报,2004,14(2):1-10.

[2]Liu B., Theory and Practice of Uncertain Programming[M], Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2002.




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[1]何龄修.读顾城《南明史》[J].中国史研究,1998,(3):167-173 [2]OU J P,SOONG T T,et al.Recent advance in research on applications of passive energy dissipation systems






[序号]主要责任者.文献题名[N].报纸名,出版日期(版次) [8]谢希德.创造学习的新思路[N].人民日报,1998-12-25(10)


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Catch-22 is the first important novel of Joseph Heller. It was published in 1961 in America. It has always been an important part of modern literature since its occurrence. It seems never out of date even after so many years. Contrarily, it attracted the attention of all over the world because of its thoughts, writing style and the value of the world.

In China more and more scholars are writing books and essay to explain the different aspects of this novel. After detailed research, it was found that at least 120 academic essays talk about Catch-22. In these papers, 48 of them are mainly talking about its writer and theme and 66 of them mention the writing skills. The rest mainly study its absurdity and other features.

This paper simply examines the relationship between black humor and the novel, analyzes its main characters, theme, structure and language to show its adoption of black humor so that the readers may understand it better with the help of this thesis.


Chapter One General Explanation of Black Humor and Paradox

1.1 Black Humor

Black humor is originated from the Anthology of Black Humor which is a 1939 French anthology of 45 writers edited by Andre Breton. (Harris 15) In America, black humor is very popular as a literature style between 1950s and 1960s.

Black humor was usually shown in literature, opera and movie. It is a kind of strange occurrence. The aim of the black humor is to depict the absurdity, paradox and the cruelty of the modern world. Common situations are usually exaggerated a lot so as to overstep the range of ordinary satire or limit of irony. The situation of using of black humor is always connected with tragedy or equated with tragic condition. There are a lot of themes in dramas, like nightmare, disease, crime, racism, insanity, domestic, violence, terminal illness, drug abuse, murder, suicide, war, barbarism, disability. After that, some comedians and jokers would like to use it to explore the vulgar problems as a kind of tool to make people think it seriously and entertain them.

The writer of this article holds an opinion that there must be an origin to support and develop black humor. When we look back the history of America, it’s very easy to find out two important conditions or reasons of producing the black humor. Firstly, the bad influence and social disturbance of the Second World War made people feel the sense of world’s ending. In 1960s, the Second World War was just over, but its influences remained for many years. All facts in America have exposed past lies of so-called justice and patriotism, and resulted in shaking people’s belief in God, humanitarianism and reason. Secondly, the unbalanced development of technology and fortune increased the loss of personality and humanity. More and more people were nervous about the materiality and spirit. In this situation, black humor was born and became a very important method to express people’s inner feelings.

1.2 Paradox

In Catch-22, there is an interesting and strange matter that must be mentioned and explained


in this paper. Only lunatics can be permitted to avoid flying tasks, but an application must be submitted. Once you submit the application, it can prove you are healthy in mind. On the other hand, it stipulates that, if you finish the mission for 25 times, you can return to home. But it also tells us you must follow the order, and you are not allowed to return to home if you disobey the order.

This is a paradox that influences the book all the time. The paradox is a kind of statement that we can get a conclusion or result based on some conditions, but the conclusion and result can be proved false from another direction. (Wikipedia Mar10th) There are three kinds of structure of it. The first one is, it looks wrong but it’s true. The second one is, is looks true, but it’s wrong. The last one is, some ratiocination can be proved right, but it caused antilogy in logic. For example, ―the sentence that I am speaking is wrong.‖

As the most remarkable feature in this book, this paradox makes the whole book become a work of black humor. It influences the whole passage and it plays a very important role in the whole book.


Chapter Two Brief Introduction to Joseph Heller

2.1 Heller’s Life

Joseph Heller (1923-1999) was born in New York, Coney Island of Brooklyn on May 1st, in 1923. His parents are poor Jewish from Russia. And he died of heart diseases when he was 76 at his home in east Hampton, on Long Island, in 1999.

He loves to write very much even when he was just a kid. When he became a teenager, he wrote an article about the Russian invasion of Finland. And he sent it to New York Daily News, but they rejected it. His first publishment was in 1948, that Atlantic adopted his short stories. His first story almost won the Atlantic First. In 1961, he began to write the Catch-22 and published it. Soon later Heller thought of an idea for his next novel, and this would be the Something Happened. After that novel Heller became a professional writer and continued to write until he finished his last novel, named Portrait of an Artist as an Old Man.

Literature is based on the reality and developed from it. There is no doubt that his life experience influenced his writing career. He was born in a Jewish family. His family totally moved to America in 1913 because of the racial persecution in Russia. His family was very poor when he was a young child. And he joined the U.S. Army Air Crops when he was 19 years old. And then, he was sent to the front line in Italian fighting as a bombardier. The main character in the Catch22 –Yossarian is similar to him very much in many ways and conditions. After the Word War II, he went to the University of Southern California and New York University to have a study of English. During that time, he started to write some small stories. He suffered from a kind of disease. His illness and the process of recovering were mentioned in his autobiographical No Laughing Matter (1986) with a long paragraph. In 1998, he came out a memoir, Now and Then: From Coney Island to Here. In that book, he told readers the stories about himself as the son of a deliveryman and with some detailed information about his conceiving of the novel Catch-22.


2.2 Heller’s Works and Writing Style

Joseph Heller started his career as a professional author of small stories. And he immediately became famous and popular with his Catch-22 (1961; film, 1970). As a novel, it strengthened black humor. Catch-22 criticized the horrors of war and the government of the modern society, especially the bureaucratic system that was destroying the spirit of people. Heller’s second novel, Something Happened (1974), describes the phenomenon that business world damage the personal thought and soul. It is a tragic article about the influences of flourish on the humanity situation. ―We Bombed in New Haven‖, a play produced on Broadway in 1967, is a tragicomedy similar in thoughts and writing style to Catch-22. Good as Gold (1979) gave us a humorous image of Jewish family life and satire of the national politics, including attacks on real people such as Henry Kissinger. God Knows (1984) is a very humorous retelling and analysis of the biblical account of King David. After those, his later works are the novels Poetics (1987), Picture This (1988), Closing Time (1994), Portrait of an Artist, as an Old Man (2000). No Laughing Matter (1986) is a chronicle of Heller's recovery from Guillain-Barre syndrome, which contains alternating chapters by Heller and his good friend Speed Vogel. The book mentioned the help and company Heller got during this period from a number of his outstanding friends—Mel Brooks, Mario Puzo, Dustin Hoffman and George Mandel among them‖.

The character of Heller’s works is an ironic sense of the ridiculous, and speaking out against the military-industrial complex and those organized institutions that controlled the lives of people with a fake and sham face in the name of reason and humanity. The writer of this passage just regards Heller’s Catch-22 and Something Wrong as examples.

In Catch-22, Heller did not use the traditional way of realism. And there is not a completed plot development clue and any prominent character image. Instead, it was in an atmosphere of disorder, noisy and crazy. But the authors also pointed out a ―serious absurd‖, describing the society of the USA from its disadvantage in side, corruption, and fall, especially those bureaucrats. Something Wrong, the second novel of Heller, written in 1974, described a company staff’s mental anguish. It clearly shows the psychological situation of American middle class. It paid attention to write external forces causing the person’s oppression and corrosion. But


Catch-22 mainly talked about the inner world of character. The author used his unique way to tell us the society was in trouble. He also satirized the real life and the state of politics by ridiculous and changeable words.

2.3 Heller’s Catch-22

2.3.1 The Background of Catch-22

After the Second World War, America has experienced an outstanding period of rapid economic development. In 1950s, America became the leader of the western world. And then, the cold war has begun between America and Soviet Union. With the development of Soviet Union, more and more people began to be scared of communism. They thought America was being threatened by the Soviet Union. The republican from Wisconsin Joseph R McCarthy spread out the fear of the Soviet Union. McCarthyism made the young angry and disgusted with it. This behavior limited the development of American literature. Besides, using up all fuel to build up American supper power stimulated the thoughts of against the policy of war. Under such political situation, Catch-22 was born to express the writer’s ideas to a confused American people.

There are also some social reasons for Catch-22. Though the World War Two was over in 1945, it is very difficult to forget the fear and unsafe situation caused by the war. Nightmare is always there for people. And the crime of Nazi and the use of atomic bomb gave people a very deep impression on how fragile people lives were. Because of the technology of atomic bomb, people always had doubts about the view that science can make human live better. And then, the experiment of super weapon and artificial satellite in 1950s and the world pollution made people feel confused about former thoughts.

The desire for democracy and the demand of individuals are disappearing. In the modern society, traditional moral belief is losing its work. Without these, people will feel more and more lonely and scary.


2.3.2 Gist of the Novel

Catch-22 is a famous, meaningful novel of Joseph Heller. It was regarded as one of the greatest works of 20th century. It has a special way to describe every event from each one’s view. It also interrupts the order of time.

There is not any complete plot in this novel of Heller. 42 chapters are included and each of them tells us a different one’s story. The novel is always kept up with Yossarian--a U.S. Army Air Forces B-25 bombardier and other characters. And the pilots of the fictional 256th squadron are based on the island of Pianosa, in the Mediterranean Sea west of Italy. During the WW2, the main character Yossarian lived in a strange situation and different world. Everyone was put in the center of the war. He devoted himself for justice as a bombardier of an U.S. Army Air Forces. He was promoted to captain, because of his outstanding achievement. But he has seen many fake hypocritical, absurd, crazy and cruel phenomena. He became cynical and antipathetic to war. He just wanted to go home instead of promotion and making achievement and avoided to be killed like his friends. Therefore he made many strategies to avoid the battle mission. But his commanding officer can always use catch-22 to let him continue his mission. Constantly, Yossarian begun to realize that catch-22 did not actually exist, because the leaders and authority admitted it, and the all of the people from the whole world believes it does. Finally, he chose to escape to Sweden.

The writer of this paper thinks that it is from different points of view, though many events in the books are repeatedly described. They can tell us different things. In this situation, readers will understand more things about every event from each one’s sight with the new ideas and get a joke. The orders of the events in the novel are not mentioned, but if readers are familiar with those events, they can finally organize a time table of those events.


Chapter Three Black Humor in Catch-22

3.1 The Characters in this Novel

The author of the book directly describes the real situation of American bureaucracy society after the WW2 by giving us images of those people one by one of all kind. As the representative of the literature about black humor, the book includes exaggerate way of speaking and many different kinds of people around the catch-22. As a typical anti-heroic character of black humor, Yossarian had a lot of characteristics of a hero, for example, he was so clever and he understood the world very well. So, he was not like Hency who had too much fancy. In the training of the Air Force, Clevinger had an opinion that Scheisskoph really need advices when he asked for help, while Yossarian knew that was fake. And Yossarian was praised and respected by others. The plan of Dobb to assassinate Colonel Cathcart would be failed without his support. Otherwise, the capitalists Milo liked and believed Yossarian very much, for instance, ―he always asked Yossarian for advices to run his business‖.

But most of his behaviors seemed immoral and timid. For instance, when his friend was killed he was afraid and he pretended to be ill. Every time, he was sent to the hospital. He had tried many methods to prove himself maniac, so he would have right to quit any flying mission.

But in other ways, he can be thought to have a moral life. He refused to become a hero, when he knew it was a deal designed by the bureaucrat Colonel Cathcart to cover his illegal behaviors. And he would not have abnormal relationship with women that he did not love. In a word, Yossarian can be regarded as a hero in some ways. He disagreed with the corruption among soldiers. Even today, few people can do that. Yossarian’s refusal to accept catch-22 did not prove his cowardice, but revealed the truth of being a hero. In a word, Yossarian is a typical symbol of common people in the society, whose fates are controlled by others. The different point is that Yossarian can’t stand his fate under the control of others.

Every character in this novel is very typical. They can represent the thoughts and attitude of the society. The canteen Minder Milo is a smart businessman. He symbolized the international


business power. He was busy in small game of economic in the process of buying the food for the army. He even had an international company in this way. He transported goods by aircraft and even hired the enemy’s planes to transport. What was funnier is he bombed his own air base when the enemy gave him a little money. For cost reduction, he made the solider have chocolates with advertisement in it.‖ Though he did not care about the lives of soldiers, he became a famous, international and popular person. He even became a star in many European cities and the vice governor of Malta.

Colonel Cathcart and Scheisskoph can be regarded as the bureaucratic group. Colonel Cathcart is always increasing the amount of mission. And he was cold and ambitious commander. Just because wanted to be promoted to general and appreciated by the senior officer. He ignores the lives of soldiers and increases the number of mission. At last he wanted to make a deal with Yossarian to cover the truth of his crime. The second lieutenant Scheisskoph graduated from the reserve force. He was very happy for the war because that made him have the chance to wear the army uniform everyday and give the word of command with dignified and clear voice to those soldiers who are going to die. Because of his poor sight and fistula, he was not required to risk his life to participate in the war. In this novel, he likes checking troops. He was committed to training the soldiers with their own personalities into monotonous robot. He loved to do that in order to be promoted and praised by his senior officers. He was praised as ―military genius‖ and promoted to be a general. It is obvious that the authority wanted to destroy human’s thoughts, humanity and sprit. Under this condition, they can control the power and the world for ever. ―The soldier in white‖ was the most tragic role in this article.

He was covered by medical treatment. His legs and arms are injured

seriously. Sewn into the bandages over the insides of both elbows was

zippered lip through which he was fed clear fluid from a jar. A silent

zinc pipe rose from the cement on his groin and was coupled to a slim

rubber hose that carried waste from his kidneys and dripped efficiently

into a clear, stopped jar on the floor. When the jar on the floor was full,

the jar feeding his elbow was empty and the two switched so that the

staff could drip back to him. (Heller 88)


All others ever really saw of ―the soldier in white‖ was a frayed black hole over his mouth. Only one person talked to him, he is Texan. ―The soldier in white‖ represents those people whose soul and heart have been destroyed by persons who control them. The other pitiable man was Doc.Daneeka. He was always afraid of being sent to pacific. Because he was still regarded as dead in a plane accident though tell others he was alive. He became a dead -alive person. Even his families for the sake of money thought that he was killed in the accident without any evidence.‖

There are also a lot of other special roles. For instance, ―the boring Texan‖ who is the unique person speaking with the ―soldier in white‖

Dunbar always told Yossarian some strange dreams, who was the ward mate of Yossarian. Clevinger, who missed in the sky, had a lot of theories but lacked practical experience. The injured machine-gun shooter Snowden was familiar by the readers through Yossarian’s memory. When Yossarian looked back on his death every time, the readers are deeply influenced. He was dying in the back part of Yossarian’s plane and spoke out his scary secret. ―Major Majormajor,‖ whose bad experience in life is that he similar with Henry Fonda and Major_de Coverley, whose face was so scary even nobody had courage to ask about his first name.

3.2 The Theme of this Novel

The main idea is to show the phenomenon and influence of bureaucratism. The most scared and miserable thing in Cath-22 is that Yossarian and his brothers’ lives were not controlled by themselves in dangerous situations. And those savage and terrifying bureaucrats did not care about their feeling and sacrifice. Catch-22 is the typical symbol of bureaucratism. There was not any book before or since has equal position compared with Catch-22’s influence and outstanding in describing the cruel craziness of war. Heller used serious hating and humor to satirize the leader and authority in the army. Soldiers have to keep up with the order from the commanding officers. Even the orders were wrong and despair, under the power of catch-22. In the final part of the article, the soldiers must follow the order to fight and accomplish their


mission eve the war was totally won. The pilots tried to express their will but their leaders ignored them totally.

Under the pressure of bureaucratism, individualism disappeared. Just like other works made in the time of war, Catch-22 told us clearly that soldiers lost their self-esteem. Both the war and bureaucratism are the reason that soldiers like that. The the most clear instance is that lieutenant Scheisskoph focus to show that the soldiers should be robot not a man. He use soldier’s life to promoted himself. On the other hand, the colonel Cathcart was also the man like that. He raised the amount of missions that even they are not necessary, only for increasing his fame and influence among those poor soldiers. The ―soldier in white‖ is a very special and unique example for the disappearing of individualism. This guy appeared twice in the article. Yossarian and his friends found that he was about plaster and gauze. No one knew who was he. The author used this funny way to show he was not a real human.

Bureaucratism is also an important reason for the disintegration of moral values. Milo made an equal business with Germany that bombing his own airbase and persuaded the higher leaders that it is good for everyone. In the modern military system, value can not be proved. People realized that they were put in a crazy society. Everyone was trying to seek the answer and way to solve it. Yossarian can not fight against the leaders and the authority. If he did that, he would disappear in the world. Finally, the best solution for him is to run away.

3.3 The Structure of this Novel

Heller abandons traditional writing method and writing style. Instead he used a new way to finish Catch-22. He put the words, expressions and even the whole sentence into disorder situation, in order to let reader realize the crazy and morbidity of the society. This is the black humor’s special feature.

There are a lot of repeating, unclear and paradoxical words, expressions and conversation E.g. Doe Daneeka was Yossarian’s friend. And he did nothing to help his friend. ―My only fault, is that I have no faults?‖ (Heller 91)


The unclear and misunderstanding sentences show the funny part of the world. Heller means to create some misleading sentences. He planed to express his meaning clearly but he didn’t. In fact, they have contrary effect. He followed the order not to plant alfalfa in order to get money form the government. But he used that money to plant it in other place

Major Major’s father was a sober God-fearing man whose idea of

a good joke was to lie about his age. He was along-limbed farmer,

a God-fearing, freedom-loving, law-abiding rugged individualist

who held that federal aid to anyone but farmers was creeping

socialism. He advocated thrift and hard work and disapproved of

loose women who turned him down. His specialty was alfalfa,

and he made a good thing out of not growing any. The

government paid him well for every bushel of alfalfa he did not

grow. The more alfalfa he did not grow, the more money the

government gave him, and he spent every penny he didn’t earn on

new land to increase the amount of alfalfa he did not produce.

Major Major’s father worked without rest at not growing alfalfa.

(Heller 35)

In general, the traditional novelists try their best to make their novels clear and avoid dubious. Contrarily, Heller just made the readers unclear. It’s difficult for us to understand the logic order of this sentence. And these sentences are to make readers more and more confused.



In a word, as one of the main literature genes of American literature in 1960s, black humor is closely connected with Joseph Heller’s Catch-22. This paper firstly expresses the background information about black humor and Catch-22. And then, the writer of this paper analyzes the black humor in this novel from four aspects: main characters, theme, and language features.

In the process of preparing for this paper, the author acquired several methods to conduct a research. They are detail analysis, comprehensive discussion and comparison. At the same time, a conclusion can be got that novel doesn’t completely reflect all features of black humor and only black humor also can not summarize this novel.

This paper is just a simple research on Catch-22 or black humor. More researches are required to be done. There are also many other great works of black humor. The differences between them and Catch-22 are waiting to be discovered. Besides, except black humor, the other features proved Catch-22 are necessarily explored. In a word, both Catch-22 and black humor are valuable research topics. They should be explored continually and widely.



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