

活力玉卯 绚动青春 给力XX 开创未来



20xx年1月28日农历腊月廿五,主题为“『XXXX XXXX』2011给力XX” 之“XX集团20xx年签约誓师大会暨20xx年度表彰大会”在XX集团国际会议中心正式拉开帷幕。蓬荜生辉的会场内充满了喜庆的气氛,红红的灯笼洋溢着天狮人火热的激情,巨大的“福”字剪纸则将浓浓年味传递给在场的每一位同仁。 下午13点整,在一双双充满期盼的目光注视下,XX集团董事长XXX先生在集团各位副总裁及系统领导人的陪同下,在喜庆激昂的音乐声中身着节日盛装荣耀入场,与众多天狮家人们相聚一堂,共同感受这一年来的丰收喜悦,共同畅想体验这美好的幸福时光。

当紫色的大幕缓缓开启后,32只天真活泼的“兔宝宝”用充满灵动与喜悦的开场舞《玉兔迎春》引爆了全场节日气氛,瞬时间整个晚会现场成了欢乐的世界、喜庆的海洋。紧接着,XX集团大事记将20xx年集团的辉煌与与XXX董事长的伟绩在人们心中永远定格——刚刚过去的20xx年,是天狮集团开拓创新、成果辉煌的喜庆之年,是创造历史新水平、增添发展新优势的丰收之年,是经营业绩大幅提升的振奋之年。过去的一年,XX家人遵循着XXX董事长 “大健康产业”发展战略的工作指引,整合全球资源,调整组织架构,XX人精诚团结、努力拼搏,各项工作都取得了长足的进步与发展,推出了众多新产品、新项目、新服务,开拓了更为广阔的市场,创造了一个又一个的奇迹,缔造了一个又一个的成功,打造了一个更加宽广的国际化大舞台。

接下来,尊敬的XX副总裁热情洋溢地做《XX集团工作报告》。在报告中,XX副总裁讲到: 20xx年,对于XX集团来说是硕果累累的一年;20xx年,则是希望与挑战并存的一年,集团组织架构的革新,各事业部的建立,成为XX发展史上的又一重要里程碑,XX同仁将继续坚定不移地秉承企业核心价值观,深刻学

习和领会XXX董事长关于20xx年集团发展的战略部署和总体工作规划与指导,同时,她还希望每位签约人和每一位XX人将签约仪式当作是一场大战前的动员会,带着使命和必胜的信心投入到新的工作中去。做到“统一思想、统一目标、统一认识、统一步调、统一行动”,业绩给力,认真务实,果敢创新,制定严谨可行富于成效的计划,并狠抓计划的落实到位,认真带领好每一支队伍。最后随着X总一句“成功属于过去,未来还需要全体天狮人不断进取,奋力拼搏!”全场气氛再一次被点燃,全体员工报以热烈的掌声。 掌声中,大幕徐徐合并,但主持人富有穿透力的声音依然在回荡在整个会场:“在贯彻XXX董事长提出的“XXXXX”的经营理念过程中,XX集团调整战略布局,将“链式”管理模式调整为“事业部制”的管理模式,整合集团优势资源,实现多业态的综合发展??”


是的,十六年来,众多的XX人都保持着创业时的激情和必胜的自信与决心,锐意进取,披荆斩棘,为XX的发展勇敢地前行着。XXX董事长没有忘记这些优秀的XX人。在表彰大会上,他为20xx年度表现突出的员工们颁发了“XXXX”等12个奖项,并获奖者一一合影留念。在炙热的舞台上,获奖代表的感言也是那样的感人至深,他们说,他们将珍惜历史选择机遇与集团领导托付的信任,以铁一般的纪律展现团队风貌,继续勇于承担天狮赋予的历史责任,继续赢得辉煌与荣誉,为天狮的继续发展做出新的、更大的贡献! 整个大会是庄重而又充满激情和欢乐氛围的,在颁奖的环节间隙,一个个由XX人自编自演、承载XX企业文化与产品特色、饱含XX人才情和忠心的精彩节目,将一个异彩纷呈的视听盛宴呈现在大家面前。别开生面的节目令人目不暇接,节目高潮层出不穷。吉庆红火的舞蹈《XXXX》给每一位XX人送去了热烈的新春祝福;《XXX》则别出心裁地将一款款XX产品展现在大家面前,着实令人耳目一新;幽默诙谐的音
















作者:京华时报 钱彤 郝亚琳

译者:深圳大学 赖小琪


An increasing number of chinese and world citizens realize they are facing such an argument that the Chinese RBM these days has been truly “internationalized”. On the one hand, it is referred to as the scapegoat for the international crisis, which obstructs other countries’ exports and employment. On the other hand, it seems to be an effective vehicle to other countries’ economy development. Once it appreciates a little, it can tremendously stimulate other nations’ economy. 正是基于这种论调,美国国会17日凌晨再次抛出“舒默议案”,还有100多名美国议员“呼吁”对中国输美产品征收反补贴税。

Based on this argument, American Congress proposed the “Schumer Motion” on the morning of March 17th, along with more than 100 senators claiming to impose countervailing duty on chinese merchandise.


Why RMB has such a fantastic effect? What is the truth behind the issue?


In the US, Barack Obama issued the a five-year plan to double American export. The reason why his public support dropped drastically recently is that the unemployment rate is still lingering around 10%. With the mid-term election immiment, the political issues of the election have again become the priority for Barack Obama’s party. It seems that once the US constrains Chinese export, the American export as well as employment can immediately experience a rise. Therefore, putting RMB exchange rate on the table, the US government can not only set up a target, but also give the unemployed an explanation of their situation.


Though the American Government insists on its view, there still many people rationally pointing out the truth. The Trade Development Conference held by UN stated clearly that it will push the global economy into a greater risk if we over-expect the RMB to appreciate and ignore the significance of its stability that contributes to Chinese even the whole world’s economic stability. 无论是中国经济的发展,还是当前全球经济基础的稳固,都需要人民币汇率保持基本稳定。经济数据显示,中国外贸仍然处在恢复性增长,未来发展也仍有不确定性,需要在对外经贸政策,包括汇率政策上保持稳定性。在金融危机肆虐,全球经济最为困难的时候,人民币汇率保持基本稳定对全球经济复苏起了促进作用。现在,稳固全球经济基础,实现


In terms of Chinese economic development or the global economic stability, we need RMB’s value maintains a certain level. Some economic statistics indicate that Chinese foreign trade is still in recovery and has a lot of uncertainties in the future. Hence, China needs to stay stable in its foreign trade policy, including in its currency exchange rate policy. The stability of Chinese RMB conduces to the world economic recovery. Now it is still critical to further consolidate the global economic foundation and regain economic balance. Therefore, the drastic appreciation of RMB now will only lead to the world economy worsening. Fundamentally speaking, it is a win-win strategy for Chinese and the world economy to maintain RMB’s value.


As with the RMB exchange rate mechanism, Premier Wen Jiabao has elaborated on it before. He claimed that China will not surrender to any pressure to do something harmful to our own development and global economy.

Canada reports rising cancer rates among young people

OTTAWA, April 16 (Xinhua)—An increasing number of young Canadians are developing cancer, but it is not clear what is behind the rise in the young cancer patient rates, which is more pronounced in young women than it is in young men, the Canadian Cancer Society reported Thursday.

Rates of new cases are rising by about 1.4 percent a year among females aged 15 to 29, while in young men in that age group, the increase is just under 1 percent a year.

According to the report, roughly 2,075 young Canadians receive a diagnosis of cancer and 326 people in this age group die from the disease each year.

The most common cancers among young men are testicular cancer and lymphoma, while lymphoma and thyroid cancer are the most common cancers among young women. The most common cause of cancer death in this demographic is leukemia.

What makes the picture brighter is the five-year survival rate for all cancers in this group is 85 percent, up five percent from 1992 and 1995.

The cancer death rates declined in both young women and young men in the decade from 1996 to 2005, dropping by 1.4 percent a year in females and 2.9 percent a year in males.

Scientists noted that cancer presents unique challenges to young patients and their extended circle of family and friends. For one thing, cancer treatments can trigger health problems down the road and can threaten the ability of young cancer survivors to have children of their own.

The cancer society suggested young people should learn how to minimize their risks of developing cancer as well as how to spot it if it does occur. That includes getting Pap tests to screen for cervical cancer, reducing unsafe exposure to sunlight and UV rays emitted by tanning beds, and maintaining healthy habits like exercising, a good diet and not smoking.

As for the population as a whole, the Canadian Cancer Society estimated that 171,000 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed this year, up 4,600 from last year. And it is estimated that 75,300 people in the country would die from cancer in 2009, up 1,500 from2008.

Cancer survival rates have improved among Canadians of all ages as well as among younger adults. The five-year survival rate for people diagnosed with cancer between 2002 and 2004 is 62 percent, up 4.5 percent from a decade earlier.


Pronounced adj. 讲出来的,显著的,断然的,明确的

Lymphoma [医]淋巴瘤

thyroid cancer 甲状腺癌

leukemia 白血病

China provides $500,000 for Thai fire victims

BANGKOK, Jan. 2 (Xinhua) -- Chinese government will provide 500,000 U.S. dollars to the Thai government for the medical treatment of burnt victims of the nightclub fire in New Year celebrations, the Chinese Embassy in Bangkok told Xinhua on Friday.

The Chinese Embassy said the money will be used for procurement of medicine.

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi has sent a message to his Thai counterpart Kasit Piromya expressing condolences for the victims and their families who suffered the fire incident, which occurred in early minutes into the New Year’s Day at the popular Santika nighclub in downtown Bangkok amid countdown celebrations, killing at least 59 people, many of them foreigners, and some 243 others were injured.

Upon Thailand’s request, the Chinese government will offer 500,000 U.S. dollars as a humanitarian aid for the Thai government to procure medicines for burn injuries.

The Thai government has expressed appreciation for the Chinese condolences message and the prompt aid, saying that it is a reflection of long Thai-Chinese friendship.

On Thursday, Thai Deputy Public Health Minister Manit Nop-amornbodi said that Chinese medical skin-grafting experts are willing to offer treatment to patients of the New Year’s Day blaze.

in 1990, Chinese medical skin specialists gave assistance to victims in the Thai capital when an LPG-tank truck ruptured and exploded on New Phetchaburi Road in central Bangkok.


Roses Parade held near Los Angeles to mark New Year

A float rolls during the 120th Rose Float Parade in Pasadena of California, U.S., Jan. 1, 2008. LOS ANGELES, Jan. 1 (Xinhua)—The annual Tournament of Roses Parade was held on Thursday under sunny skies in downtown Pasadena near Los Angeles, as the biggest new year celebration in the U.S. West drew massive crowds of spectators as well as countless television viewers.

The 120th annual event to mark the New Year began in the morning with dozens of marching bands and flowery floats rolling onto the main street of the city in a festive atmosphere almost not eclipsed by the nation’s worsening economic recession.

Tens of thousands of spectators, many of them having arrived a day earlier and stayed up for a whole night outdoors, lined on the two sides of Colorado Boulevard to watch the three-hour procession, while many people still stuck in traffic jams trying to find parking places even after the parade kicked off.

A float called “Entertaining Expedition” and featuring towering, feathery trees won the Sweepstakes Trophy, considered the event’s top award, embodying this year’s theme “Hats Off to Entertainment.”

Despite the crowds and cheers, there were still hints of economic hardship. It was reported that some ticket-holders sold their seats on advertising website Craigslist before the parade, saying they need the money.

Other sellers said the ticket resale market was soft this year. Organizers normally charge 100 dollars for a seat in some selected areas along the 8-kilometer parade route.

However, the economic recession did not seem to dim spirits among many spectators who waited overnight on the street in order to capture good viewing spots. Those who spent the night along the route kept themselves busy with books, laptop computers and wireless entertainment.

Police said they made 32 arrests—most of them for public drunkenness—along the route of the parade during the first 12 hours of festivities. The number of arrests was up from 12 during the same time period last year, but the crowd also appeared bigger this year.

Organizers said that 46 flowery floats, 22 marching bands and 18 equestrian units from around the world participated in this year’s parade.

The tradition of the annual Roses Parade began in 1890, when a Pasadena hunting club decided to hold a festival to tell the world about California. About 2,000 people came out to see flower-covered carriages travel down Colorado Avenue in the first year.

Today around one million people turn out on every New Year’s Day to watch dozens of floats, bands and equestrian groups in Pasadena, plus an estimated 40 million television viewers around the world.

Men hit on hotties despite their own unattractiveness, study confirms.


“You’re prettier than I am,” Seth Rogen’s character drunkenly slurs to Katherine Heigl at one point in the 2007 movie “Knocked Up.” Now a new study confirms what most of us have known all along: Men, no matter how unattractive, think they’ve got a chance with beautiful women. 在《Knocked Up》的一幕场景中,Seth Rogen扮演的角色醉醺醺的对Katherine Heigl嘟哝:“你比我漂亮!”最新的一项研究证实了人们的一个常识:不管多么差劲的男人都会自认为自己能赢得美女的芳心。

It’s a rule, bartender Karen Brody says: The schlubbier the guy, the more likely he is to persistently pursue a pretty woman.

“这是个规律”,酒保Karen Brody说,“越垃圾的家伙越不停的追求美女。”

Brody — a lithe, slender Woodstown, N.J., bartender who looks at least a decade younger than her 47 years — recalls the time she was being “entertained” by a paunchy trucker with several missing front teeth. As the night wore on, he slumped to one side and eventually toppled off his barstool. When she raced around to make sure he was OK, the plump patron immediately resumed his pick-up patter — from the floor.

Brody——Woodstown, N.J.的一个瘦弱的酒保,外表比她的实际年龄47岁年轻许多——回忆了她被一个大腹便便的、缺门牙的卡车司机“款待”的经历。那天晚上,夜色渐深,那个卡车司机倒在一边,最终从椅子上摔了下来。正当她跑过去看他是否有事时,他突然对她展开了攻势——躺在地上。

Apparently, the pudgy trucker isn’t just an aberration, and the come-ons aren’t just the after-effects of alcohol. A new study confirms what women say they’ve known all along: Men, no matter how unattractive, think they’ve got a chance with a runway model.

显然,那个胖司机没什么毛病,他对Brody的勾引也不是因为酒精的作用。最新的一项研究证实了女人共知的一个常识:不管多么差劲的男人都会自认为自己能赢得美女的芳心。 The proof was in the matchmaking Web site HOTorNOT.com, a site where members rate each others’ “hotness.” The site offered a treasure trove of data: It contained information not only on dating habits of its members, but also on the members’ opinions of their own attractiveness and the “hotness” of potential dates, according to a study published in a recent issue of Psychological Science.


Researchers studied ratings and dating information from 16,550 members during a 10-day period in 2005. All members studied were heterosexual, with 75 percent males and 25 percent female. 研究者研究了20xx年10天内16550个会员的得分和约会情况。所有被试的性取向均为正常,其中75%为男性,25%为女性。

Using this data, they determined that the physical attractiveness of a potential mate was more important to men than women. And men were less likely than women to think that their own lack of attractiveness — based both on a self assessment and the ratings of others — should stand in the way of a date with someone “hot.”


Maybe men think women have all read “The Frog Prince” and taken it to heart, allowing us to look past an ugly exterior in the search for inner beauty. Or perhaps it’s that men have internalized the messages in the popular media: movies like “Knocked Up,” where the slacker hero lands a beautiful babe, or TV shows like “According to Jim,” in which a difficult, slobby guy is coupled with a gorgeous wife.

也许男人以为女人都看过《青蛙王子》的故事并铭记在心,于是我们女人可以追寻男人的内在美而忽略男人的丑陋外表。或者,男人内化了大众传媒传递的信息:比如《Knocked Up》这样的电影,一个懒鬼赢得了美女的芳心;比如《According to Jim》这样的电视剧,一个麻烦、糟糕的男人娶到了漂亮的老婆。

The lead author of the study, Leonard Lee, an assistant professor at Columbia’s Graduate School of Business, thinks these far-fetched movie and TV couples might explain why unfortunate-looking men tend to hold out such high hopes. But he wonders whether the unattractive guys eventually learn that their chances are slim regardless of what they see on screen. There’s another important finding in the study, he says: The 10s among us, both male and female, want only to date other 10s.

该研究的主要作者,哥伦比亚大学商学院副教授Leonard Lee认为,电影、电视剧中那些不般配的夫妻也许能够解释为什么那些貌似倒霉的男人会抱有如此高的期望。但他不知道那些缺乏魅力的男人最终是否会明白,在现实中,他们的机会渺茫。该研究还有一个重要的发现:不管男女,都想要跟别人约会。

There are hints in the HOTorNOT.com data that suggest men do learn to accept their limitations: They apparently hedge their bets by asking for more dates. In fact, the men in the study requested a full 240 percent more dates than the women. Researchers didn’t look at how many of these online come-ons were successful, but the number of dates most men asked for might be a sign that the less attractive among us — even the men — recognize that they may have to settle for dating someone who is closer to them on the “hotness” scale.


“Good looking people are always looking for other good looking people,” says Helen Fisher, a professor at Rutgers University who studies mating behavior and romantic love.

“漂亮的人总是追求漂亮的人”,该研究外的另一位学者、专门研究交配行为和浪漫爱情的罗格斯大学教授Helen Fisher说。

“And ultimately, men figure their own good looks are not as important as a woman’s,” says Fisher, who wasn’t involved with the study. “They figure they’re selling a whole lot of things that women want that aren’t associated with being attractive.”


Besides, from an evolutionary perspective, men are simply looking for the woman most likely to produce a strong healthy baby — so that means they’re often focused on physical attractiveness.


“Men might as well reach for the stars,” says William Pollack, a Harvard University psychologist and the director of the Center for Men and Young Men at McLean Hospital. “Women are the ones who are going to have the baby. They need to be a little pickier.”

“男人也可以伸手去摘星追梦,”哈佛大学心理学家、McLean 医院男性及青年男性中心主任William Pollack 说,“但只有女人能怀孕,所以她们需要多一些挑剔。

In the end, there might be some signs that boorish boys know they’re overreaching — and that may be expressed in the level of their braggadocio.

最后,也许有一些粗俗的男人发现自己过了头的迹象——这表现在他们吹牛的程度中。 When a really attractive man is interested in a date, Brody says, he’s quieter and more cautious. “He’ll come back a bunch of times and try to get to know me before asking,” she adds.

“当一个真正有吸引力的男人想要约会时,” Brody说,“他会更加平静、小心。”“他会仔细思考,并且在约我之前试着了解我。”她补充道。



第一节 大型会议新闻报道





















