



1. 有趣

2. 吸引

3. 无聊 dull drab boring insipid stifling tedious monotonous humdrum tame

4. 宁静 serene pacific silent quiet tranquil still calm smooth

5. 复杂complex complicated perplexed knotty knotted intricate convoluted involuted

6. 温顺 obedient meek gentle docile tame submissive

7. 世俗 worldly mortal mundane secular

8. 中立 disinterested indifferent apathetic dispassionate neutral unbiased impassive

9. 混乱 commotion tumult chaos uproar ferment boisterous(adj.)

10. 疯狂 lunatic insane hysterical

11. 荒谬 ridiculous absurd ludicrous zany silly

12. 残暴 brutal cruel ruthless vicious fierce furious tyranny

13. 粗俗 crass coarse crude rude vulgar imprudent indecent rough

14. 粗糙 coarse crude rude rough

15. 优雅 refined decent elegant graceful genteel

16. 魅力 charming winsome spruce

17. 致命 lethal fatal deadly

18. 毒害 toxic noxious nocuous virulent malignant detrimental poisonous pernicious

19. 不吉利 inauspicious=ominous

20. 潮湿 humid wet damp moist

21. 琐碎 trivial frivolous unimportant insignificant paltry trifle

22. 异常 erratic irregular eccentric exotic

23. 相似 akin=related homogenous

24. 永久 undying eternal everlasting immortal permanent imperishable constant perpetual enduring

25. 短暂 temporary transitory transient evanescent momentary impermanent provisional ephemeral

26. 悦耳 euphonious melodic melodious tuneful harmonious

27. 和谐 harmony=concord *rapport

28. 模糊 obscure=vague indefinite

29. 神秘 enigmatic=mysterious esoteric occult cryptic

30. 奇异 bizarre outlandish weird eerie exotic

31. 机密 confidential=secret=clandestine

32. 巨大 prodigious huge colossal enormous gigantic immense mammoth tremendous great

33. 非凡exceptional miraculous extraordinary incredible remarkable stupendous marvelous excellent

34. 明显 obvious blatant=overt conspicuous palpable evident clear

35. 充足 sufficient adequate ample massive

(opaque translucent transparent)

36. 丰富 affluent copious productive prolific fertile abundant opulent

37. 多余 redundant superfluous surplus excrescent

38. 简洁 brief concise compact compendious condensed terse succinct=laconic

39. 破败 derelict decrepit

40. 壮丽 magnificent grandiose sublime majestic gallant palatial

41. 贫穷 destitute impecunious a.一文不名的 indigent needy penurious

42. 贫瘠 sterile=infertile=barren

43. 肥沃 fertile fecund productive

44. 真实 authentic veracious genuine unfeigned

45. 严重 serious severe grave

46. 严肃 serious severe stern solemn grave harsh

47. 吓人 astonishing astounding horrible terrible ghastly lurid scary formidable

48. 恶臭 fetid=effluvial

49. 微妙 subtle=delicate


1. 天真artless innocent ingenuous na?ve

2. 好斗aggressive belligerent bellicose truculent pugnacious warlike antagonistic choleric cantankerous

3. 同情sympathetic compassionate commiserative miserable a.可怜的/可鄙的

4. 多话garrulous talkative loquacious long-tongued

5. 无语silent taciturn

6. 著名celebrated distinguished eminent prominent=excellent renowned

7. 恶名notorious=flagrant=infamous=arrant

8. 傲慢arrogant conceited haughty hubris imperious

insolent pompous unscrupulous vain overbearing

9. 活力active exuberant vivacious energetic dynamic

10. 谦虚modest humble

11. 懒惰slothful sluggish indolent lazy

12. 勤勉hardworking diligent industrious assiduous sedulous

13. 节俭frugal thrifty economical

14. 吝啬miserly=stingy petty

15. 挥霍prodigal extravagant lavish improvident squander (verb.浪费钱)

16. 狡猾crafty sly cunning glib quirky artful tricky

17. 固执stubborn obdurate intractable recalcitrant obstinate

18. 伪装camouflage disguise dissimulate mask pretend

19. 胆小timid cowardly craven trembling scared skittish

20. 被吓aghast astonished astounded startled scared

21. 坚定resolute confident adamant determined uncompromising=unflinching tenacious a.顽强的

22. 夸耀flamboyant pretentious vain ostentatious

23. 诚实honest sincere trusty candid veracious frank integrity (n.)

24. 忠诚allegiance fidelity loyalty fealty faithfulness devotion committed(adj.)

25. 不忠betrayal unfaithfulness treachery revolt

26. 怀疑 dubious doubtful incredulous suspicious

27. 可怜的 abject mean pathetic woeful wretched ignoble miserable


1. 奉承fawn adulate flatter court blandish cringe compliment

2. 惊吓startle astound astonish horrify terrify stun appall frighten

3. 承认admit commit confess avow acknowledge

4. 尊敬 homage esteem revere honor respect regard admire hallow

5. 崇拜venerate worship hallow

6. 欺骗beguile deceive delude defraud swindle trick *cajole hoax coax

7. 嘲笑jeer sneer fleer ridicule deride taunt scoff mock *banter v.逗乐

8. 轻视disdain contempt despise scorn derogate belittle disparage depreciate

9. 诽谤defame libel malign vilify slander traduce

10. 抚慰appease assuage conciliate mollify pacify placate smooth quell

11. 拒绝refuse reject deny spurn naysay

12. 否认gainsay disclaim refute disown disavow

13. 反感antipathy repulsion

14. 反对object disapprove protest oppose demur deprecate repel

15. 放弃renounce abjure

16. 责备accuse chide criticize castigate censor condemn critique reproach reprehend reprobate reproach reprimand reprove rebuke upbraid scold blame denounce

17. 加速advance facilitate accelerate hasten

18. 驱逐 banish cast-out deport expel expatriate evict

exile exclude ostracize oust

19. 废除abolish repeal withdraw nullify

20. 征服conquer overcome subdue suppress vanquish overwhelm

21. 居住abide dwell inhabit reside

22. 溺爱coddle baby pamper indulge

23. 颤抖tremble quiver shiver

24. 摇摆sway waver

25. 蹒跚stagger falter totter dodder

26. 阔步swagger strut prance

27. 行走walk tread

28. 漫步ramble wander roam saunter




1. admonition 2. alleviate 3. animate 4. annotation 5. aqueduct 6. badger 7. belligerent 8. clique 9. collateral 10. concede 11. constrict 12. denigrate 13. destitution 14. divulge 15. doleful 16. elude 17. eminent 18. epilogue 19. facet 20. frugal 21. hyperbole 22. implicate 23. impoverished 24. innuendo 25. jaunt 26. judicious 27. laudatory 28. literal 29. meditation 30. motif 31. natal 32. nebulous 33. ominous 34. onslaught 35. paltry 36. paramount 37. potency 38. prevail 39. purloin 40.


gentle warning discouragement monition release cushion slacken make a life invigorate enliven explanatory comment channel harass annoy pester hostile sect faction clan secondary parallel security yield tighten compact squeeze minimize belittle derogate poverty indigence impoverishment reveal unwrap bring out joyless escape famous

concluding paragraph continuation appendix side aspect smooth surface thrifty submissive complaisance exaggerated word involve poor

sly suggestion insinuation hint short journey trip travel wise heady prudent actual genuine


thought contemplation



referring to birth innate inherent vague cloudy unclear threatening baleful sinister assault assail attack worthless trivial trifling supreme uppermost primary strength effectiveness authority triumph predominate reign steal pilfer appropriate refill

make full renew

42. 43. 44. 45. swivel tranquility trifling unprecedented turn around serenity negligible novel

pivot quiescence paltry unduplicated rotate

composure worthless exceptional



A. combustible B. classical C. accidental D. possible E. visible 2. TEMPO

A. tone B. pace C. clarity D. design E. texture 3. IMPLY

A. accuse B. gossip C. flatter D. apologize E. hint 4. ANALYSIS

A. diagnosis B. perception C. expansion D. confusion E. suffering 5. PROVOKE

A. steal B. stop C. catch D. annoy E. reduce

类比 1. articulate orator 2. bland taste 3. bottleneck traffic 4. brandish threat 5. bread dough 6. cello viola 7. cherish fondness 8. chisel marble 9. composer arranger 10. cultivate plant 11. descent nadir 12. desecrate sanctity 13. ebony wood 14. frail emaciated 15. funny hilarious 16.




A. sharpen B. object C. consult D. exchange E. forecast 7. DISMANTLE

A. run into B. argue with C. give away D. work on E. take apart 8. CLARIFICATION

A. reproduction B. decrease C. overcharge D. explanation E. connection 9. SOMBER

A. alarming B. gloomy C. feeble D. cruel E. ugly 10. COMPEL

A. force B. tighten C. agree D. instruct E. settle 11. TENACITY

agile boring impasse tuba complain spatula writer ascent blemish

robust obvious

A. perfection

B. commencement C. altercation D. persistence E. delegation 12.

SERENE A. slow B. meek C. calm D. patient E. sober 13.

RELINQUISH A. decode B. observe C. decide D. surrender E. presume 14.

GARRULOUS A. shy B. prompt C. truthful D. attentive E. talkative 15.

COMPRISE A. contain B. understand C. control D. interrupt E. remember


experience negotiation


discontented clay dramatist pinnacle reputation invigorated conspicuous

18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. grandfather clock grid lines hoe weed hose water humorous hilarious impregnable fortress indulgence abstemiousness grand

insecticide artery

unconquerable gluttony piano pest

blood warrior dieting 25. jabber talk 26. jog run 27. miserly money 28. monopoly competition 29. myth history 30. outline document 31. owl wisdom 32. palatable delicious 33. pane window 34. pinnacle mountain 35. pitfall dangerous 36. pole tent 37. pragmatic realist 38. pungent flower 39. ram ewe 40. semantics meaning 41. sidewalk concrete 42. snoop look

43. subservience obedience 44. sumptuous meal 45. syndication newspaper 46. table altar 47. taxi bus 48. torque twist 49. tutor lecturer 50. wash dirt 51. unflappable poise 52. urbanity bumpkin 53. xenophobia foreigner


frugal eminent stipulation annotation

compliance implicate

elude skitter walk trot gallop laconic word dictate freedom unicorn horse sketch picture ant diligence

apogee orbit gamble risky rib umbrella


stallion mare phonetics sound coat



ostentatious dress automation machine recess alcove yacht liner

mentor guider sterilize bacterium unflagging wise dupe acrophobia


comprise serene concede hyperbole garrulous tenacity trifling belligerent relinquish compel aqueduct imply



somber feasible dismantle glorification veteran acoustic muddle

dissertation ditty stammer altercation squabble dauber peculiar pecuniary interloper culinary nimble

ecumenical cosmopolitan quell broach

impermeable sullied lethargic bidder fugitive spat brawl

inconsolable solemn bigot induce stifled meander elevate zeal stealthy summit imply pit decree limerick inquire mandate verdict flare dwindle elicit palatable assets emu

admonition hollow reprimand muzzy stake warrant paltry worthless demon pallid pallor sue

repressive alleviate thresh diminish swipe parity manifest jaunt

excursion scull

domination lacerate fragrance natal born

granulate rankle moderate compulsive purloin gravity steal elongate halter


unparalleled frame mania reveal radiant facet face fleck

corporate gentle

skepticism denigrate amateur idiom impugn baggy tremulous innuendo remiss subsidy twister hint

winsome abduct normal kidnap rebuff provoke horseman aberrant different doubtless dingy sloppy compress abhor admire loathe increase canvass abet abase subside deter instigate drain

abhorrent hateful admirable extend lack

commiserate abject noble exalted decadent usual famine swivel twirl divest segment corral skimp replenish comfy refill

commander carcass understate paramount mono larva supreme huddle weepy mediation thoughtful hole bite reduce inscription postscript prelude episode epistle enamored tranquility rough quiet stormy rueful

deleterious badger compel swirl equal safe barley collateral indirect vent obscene debase

commission judicious sore

appropriate speck exact sooty guest

equipoise diatonic dirty elapse ominous demon elicit fateful identify constrict plunge

refinement sleazy



sloppy underline zany

ludicrous destitution itch poor jargon malady dope

assortment transplant distress pry clamor address invert

consolation ample beneficial zealous apt refrain lapse ominous facsimile specter deterrent cataract meticulous adamant pallid profusion affinity nuance pedagogue Receipt Assortment Transplant Distress Pry Clamor Address Invert

Consolation Ample Beneficial Zealous Apt

Endeavor Lapse Ominous Precipice Meticulous Pallid Impart Meticulous Pedagogue Profusion Nuance


1 It is best never let your action influenced by your fears.

2 It is better to judge people by their actions rather than their intentions. 3 Best thinking comes from open minds. 4 Change is most difficult.

5 It is easier to succeed by doing less. 6 It is easier to destroy than to construct.

7 Common things are more useful than formal education. 8 Truth lies between two extremes.

9 Thinking is more difficult than doing things. 10 Good judgment comes from experience.

11 Collaboration results better than competition. 12 A person's greatest limitation is a bad attitude.

13 Do you think intension is more important than actions.

14 Sometimes people can be both beautiful and ugly at the same time. 15 The best way to overcome the fear is action. 16 Simple questions are the hardest to answer. 17 Smile can overcome sadness.

18 It is better to be alone in the unpleasant company. 19 It is as hard to be a good leader as to be a good loser.

20 It is better to see good things in others than bad things in ourselves. 21 Do you agree with the following statement silence is better than noise. 22 The greatest benefit of education is tolerance.

23 It is better to see good things on others and see bad thing on ourselves. 24 Is there even nothing positive from the violence. 25 Silence is better than noise.

26 People dislike things they do not understand.

27 Collaboration produces better result than competition. 阅读 阅读1

讲英文单词 2/5是专业词汇 60000非专业 大多数有synonym 例如Buy = purchase skinny=slender 但是这些同义词的用法不同 第一题 文章大意

第二题 关于同义词,下列那个正确 key: synonyms have different shades 第三题 文章作者最同意哪句 key: 应该小心用词语 阅读2

一个墨西哥人M融入美国社会的故事 美国人不应该放弃美国人自身的一些heritage Homer是一个白人 H教M融入社会 在一次投票中 H投票给自己 M投给H 最后H赢了 通过此事M知道了应该投票给自己

第一题 scrubbing away什么意思

第二题 文章大意 adapting life in America 第三题 他对老师态度 respect 第四题 作者哪国人 墨西哥人 第五题 H是什么样的人 smart

第六题 作者对对astonish class持何态度 proud 阅读3

过去广告商觉得客户是聪明人 但是最近不是 铺天盖地的广告出现 沒政策保护消费者 无效政策 第一题 procure是什么意思

第二题 广告对人们有何引导 mislead 第三题 argument for key consumers 阅读4

船撞击 开头时两个人对话Mac和captain Mac是IMO船上的 captain是M船上的 Mac慌了 要撞starboard 最后还是撞了 第一题 标题 collision

第二题 Mac的original concern是啥 第三题 哪个问题文章回答了

阅读5 宇宙如何形成?普遍理论是big bang nucleus放出重元素 iron 一种是质量减少 star变成white dwarf

另一种是质量变大 mass of star 更好 爆炸了 文章结尾讲了一种Scientist假设

第一题 white dwarf 如何形成 能量没了

第二题 iron 如何来的 nucleus变成heavier element 第三题 大家对于star explosion plausible hypothesis 第四题 大爆炸理论depend on which? Mass of star

阅读6 Barbara Jonathan 发表了演讲 成为了House of Representative Texas 而且做出名了 清楚干什么 非常stubborn 如何用权力 做了三件事情 给印第安人和西班牙人选举权 FEDERAL… authorize…

最后一段写她勤奋工作 每天6点开始工作 第一题 是怎么样的人 key: speaker

第二题 被选成什么人 house of representative 第三题 session何地找她 on the floor of house

第四题 什么是demon of working? Dedicate in job 第五题 哪些是她做的? 应该全选 第六题 哪国人在国会有影响力

第七题 为什么remarkable 立刻成名

阅读7 一个残疾人是violinist 坐轮椅 旅行困难 比如厕所门小 电梯门小 TAXI不方便 最后残疾人观点“应该准备号一切”

第一题 若设施好,会怎么样 profitable 第二题 残疾人有哪些问题

第三题 哪些属于spontaneous travel

阅读8 船长的故事 history与现实的区别 现实更复杂 历史上看 captain is very simple

最后一个排比句 讲船长应该:开船技术 医学 社交 第一题 现实与历史什么区别

第二题 captain应该是什么样的人 versatile 第三题 船长应该懂什么























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