


文 献 综 述 文献综述题目 学生姓名 指导教师 二级学院 专业名称 班 级 学 号 年 月 日 英文文献综述 The Literature Review of The Mystery of Antonio’s Sadness in The Merchant of Venice Written sometime between 1596 and 1598 The Merchant of Venice is classified as both an early Shakespearean comedy more specifically as a Christian comedy and as one of the Bards problem plays it is a work in which good triumphs over evil but serious themes are examined and some issues remain unresolved. In The Merchant of Venice Shakespeare wove together two ancient folk tales one involving a vengeful greedy creditor trying to exact a pound of flesh the other involving a marriage suitors choice among three chests and thereby winning his or her mate. Shakespeares treatment of the first standard plot scheme centers around the villain of Merchant the Jewish moneylender Shylock who seeks a literal pound of flesh from his Christian opposite the generous faithful Antonio. Shakespeares version of the chest-choosing device revolves around the plays Christian heroine Portia who steers her lover Bassanio toward the correct humble casket and then successfully defends his bosom friend Antonio from Shylocks horrid legal suit. Antonio as the title character is sad from the beginning to the end of the play but never names the cause of his melancholy even when his friends ask him. Antonio plays the role as an outcast in the play. Shakespeare uses Antonio’s sadness simply as the device to set the tragic tone in the comedy or make Antonio be one of his melancholic characters in his works Or Antonio is the representative of the complicated human nature Antonios unexplained melancholy is a significant element in understanding the play. 1. Studies on The Merchant of Venice Times New Roman 4 Karl Marx once cited that Shakespeare is the greatest playwright in the world. Shakespeare’s comedy The Merchant of Venice is one of the most influential comedies in his works. Shylock has mostly been the center of the research on the play. The Merchant of Venice was first printed in 1600 in quarto of which nineteen copies survive. This was followed by a 1619 printing and later an inclusion in the First Folio in 1623. The play was written shortly after Christopher Marlowe’s immensely popular Jew of Malta 1589 a play wherein a Jew named Barabas plays a greatly exaggerated villain. The portrayal of Shakespeares Jew was and remained comic until the late 1700s at which time he was first played as a true villain. In 1814 Shylock’s role was depicted as a character to be pitied and in 1879 he was first portrayed as a tragic character. Subsequent interpretations have varied greatly over the years but since World War II he has most often been conceived of as tragic. The Merchant of Venice has been described as a great commentary on the nature of racial and religious interactions. 2. Deficiencies of Previous Studies on the Mystery of Antonio’s Sadness in The Merchant of Venice The title character Antonio begins the play intriguingly: In sooth I know not why I am so sad / It wearies me I.i.1-2. Much ink has been spilled with conjectures about Antonios melancholy: that hes simply melancholic of temperament that his devotion to Bassanio is homoerotic and the news that this friend seeks to marry has depressed him Antonio is a name Shakespeare uses also in Twelfth Night for a character with an intense devotion to another male or that he has an ominous foreboding about the events that will transpire in the course of this play. Although those pioneers aroused people to think much of The Merchant of Venice and left us invaluable and systematic reference and made many achievements in description and explanation of the cause of Antonio’s sadness there remain many deficiencies. First The Merchant of Venice which is considered to be one of Shakespeare’s four great comedies actually functions as Shakespeares farewell to comedy. Antonio is one of Shakespeare’s melancholic characters. Shakespeare in The Merchant of Venice is undermining all that passes for comic entertainment.

Shakespeare uses Antonio’s sadness as a device to set the tragic tone in the comic atmosphere. Second a lot of issues that are argued about regarding The Merchant of Venice can be considerably clarified if we know something about the audience it was written for. In the modern post-Holocaust readings of the play the problem of anti-Semitism in the play has been discussed a lot. Given that Antonio decides not to seize Shylock’s goods as punishment we might consider Antonio to be merciful. But we may also question whether it is merciful to return to Shylock half of his goods only to take away his religion and his profession. Antonio’s compassion seems to stem as much from self-interest as from concern for his fellow man. Shakespeare thus shows a balance of prejudice on both sides. The question whether Antonio is a homosexual in love with Bassanio can also interpreted differently. 5. Conclusion Despite the researches already done and achievements already made on the subject many frontiers are still waiting to be explored. On the basis of the previous researches by forerunners and adopting new approaches we are to make a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of this subject. We dont mean to suggest that other ways of looking at the play are wrong. In fact one of the things that is so great about Shakespeare is that there are so many different ways of interpreting his plays that all work. References 参考文献不应少于10条,参考文献应按英文26个字母的顺序排列,先列外文文献后列中文文献,中文用宋体小四,外文用Times New Roman小四。期刊论文标记为J,专著为M,论文集为C,论文集收录的论文为A,博士论文为D,词典为Z。另起页附于文末。 参考文献例如: 1 Brown D. H. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching M.Langman 2000. 2 Chomsky N. Syntactic StructureM.TheHague:Mouton1957. 3 Ellis R. The Study of Second Language Acquisition M.OUP1994. 4 Gass S. Integrating Research Areas: A Framework for Second Language Studies J.AppliedLinguisties19889:198-217. 5 程琪龙. 认知语言学概论M. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2001. 6 蓝 纯. 从认知角度看汉语的空间隐喻J. 外语教学与研究,1999(4). …. 9 王 寅. 认知语言学的哲学基础:体验哲学J. 外语教学与研究20022. 10 赵艳芳. 认知语言学概论M. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2001. 文 献 综 述 文献综述题目 学生姓名 指导教师 二级学院 专业名称 班 级 学 号 英文文献综述 年 月 日 レイチェル??カーソンの『沈黙の春』について この本は、アメリカの海洋生物学者、レイチェル??カーソンが、19xx年代のアメリカにおける工业化が人类の健康に与える被害について警钟を鸣らすために书いた本である。 1.『沈黙の春』についての概要 ここでは、まず彼女が作家ではなく、科学者としての立场でこの本を书いたということを强调しておきたい。 本の中で重要なキーワードとして、农薬のDDTが挙げられる。彼女は科学者として、この薬品の有毒性を指摘すると共に、万民に分かりやすく、自然环境の変化と结びつけ、物语を展开している。 2.DDTと自然との関系について 彼女はまず、「ある日突然、鸟のさえずりが闻こえなくなった??????」というくだりから始めている。これは、后に物语を展开するに当たり、重要なキーワードとなる。 DDTとは、农薬の一种であるのは先に述べたとおりであるが、后に彼女が何に対して最も警钟を鸣らしているかについては、徐々に明らかになってくる。 ………… 5.结论 结论として、彼女が警钟を鸣らしているのは、环境の変化、ひいては、工业化で増えた、工场から出る有害な物质が、人间にどれほどの被害をもたらすかということなのだ。この现象は、后に日本の19xx年代における公害问题を思い起こさせるものである。 环境问题は、人类最大の课题の一つであるが、彼女の祖国であるアメリカは、まだ京都议定书に调印していないという现実がある。彼女の50年来の望みは、いつ叶えられるのであろうか。 参考文献 参考文献不应少于10条。参考文献应按英文26个字母的顺序、日文五十音图顺序排列,先列外文文献后列中文文献,中文用宋体小四,英文用Times New Roman小四,日文用明朝体小四号,期刊论文

标记为J,专著为M,论文集为C,论文集收录的论文为A,博士论文为D,词典为Z。参考文献另起页附于文末。 1阿部治『子どもと环境教育』、东海大学出版社、1993 2群马県教育研究所连盟『実践的研究のすすめ方』、东洋馆出版社、1994 3クリストファー??フレイヴィン『地球环境データブック(2002-03)』、家 の光协会、2002 4志村明彦「英语から日本语へのプラグマスティック??トランスファー」、『日本语教育』79号、1993 5 程琪龙. 认知语言学概论M. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2001 6 蓝 纯. 从认知角度看汉语的空间隐喻J. 外语教学与研究,1999(4) … 9 王 寅. 认知语言学的哲学基础:体验哲学J. 外语教学与研究20022 10 赵艳芳. 认知语言学概论M. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2001

第二篇:农村劳动力转移 文献综述 英文


   The transfer of rural surplus labor force is the main problem facing China's modernization process. The contradiction between the land and the people in China have become increasingly prominent in rural areas has generated a lot of surplus labor. Excessive rural surplus labor force will led directly to the low efficiency of agricultural production and farmers' incomes, restricting the construction of a new socialist countryside and urban-rural coordinated development. Rural million rural laborers need to be transferred, the transfer of rural surplus labor is still an arduous task.To comprehensively promote the construction of a new socialist countryside, the difficulty is the transfer of rural surplus labor force, the key is to strengthen the training of rural labor, and strive to improve the comprehensive quality of the rural labor force, make population pressure into human resource advantages, and the promotion of rural labor to non-agricultural industries and urban orderly transfer of a fundamental solution to the "three agricultural issues" to achieve the harmonious development of urban and rural economic and social.

 Ⅱ. literature review

 (A) Foreign research theories and perspectives

1. Lewis model emphasizes the contribution of industrial high productivity of labor transfer. Lewis created a dual economy of rural surplus labor model in his article "Unlimited labor supply under the conditions of economic development" published in 1954. [1] assume that the Lewis surplus agricultural labor was an unlimited supply the production sector was Divided into the traditional agricultural sector and rural center city as the center of the modern industrial sector, labor transfer from rural to urban is caused by the transformation of the structure of industrial production led to the employment the structural transformation. The accumulation of capital made the scale of the industrial sector continue to expand, the demand for labor is also increasingly expanding, driven by the high marginal productivity of modern industrial, agricultural surplus labor transfer to the industrial sectorConstantly. Lewis's dual economy model shows the development process in developing countries is the process of the agricultural sector shrinking, industrial sector ever-expanding with the transfer of rural surplus labor.

2.John C.H.Fei and Ranis stressed the importance to increase agricultural productivity for labor transfer. In 1961, the American economist John C.H.Fei and Ranis published an important paper entitled "A theory of the economic development", on the basis of Lewis's dual economy model, the process the labor flow to the industrial sector is divided into three stages. The first stage is similar to the Lewis model, the state of labor is in unlimited supply; the second stage, the agricultural labor force continues to decrease and agricultural productivity continue to gain, labor supply decreases elasticity; in the third stage, the industrial and agricultural productivity achieve a balance, zero value of the agricultural labor and low the value of labor completely disappeared, to complete the transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture. The models take full account of the agricultural self-development impact to labor transfer. Fei and Ranis that directly think that any change in a production sector productivity  must be related to the same rate of strength and quality of technological revolution, any analysis of the growth of the labor surplus economy, should focus on not only changes in the productivity of the industrial sector, but also attention the same  expansion of the agricultural sector at the same time.

  3. Jorgenson’s doctrine of consumer demand-driven labor force transfer. In the "dual economy" published in 1961, Jorgenson (Dale W.Jorgenson) pointed out that technological advances will promote industrial and agricultural sector wage to increase, and therefore industrial and agricultural wage level is not fixed. But Jorgenson point that the wage gap is not the root cause of labor transfer. In 1967, Jorgenson presented the view of consumer demand drive labor transfer in an article entitled "surplus labor and binary economic development", the fundamental transfer of rural labor is that consumer demand changes, the transfer is based on agriculture surplus rather than the exist of that marginal productivity is zero or greater than zero but less than the actual income level of the labor force. People stay in the agricultural sector in order to meet the physical needs for agricultural products, with the farm products remaining, the agricultural sector will lose the tension on the labor, so the labor transfer to the industrial sector of more exuberant demand.

 (B) Domestic research

Domestic "Three Rural Issues" experts and scholars, the Central Policy Research, Policy Research Office of the State Council, the various colleges and universities and provincial research institutes have carried out a lot of research work and the results.

1.Industrialization and economic development are always accompanied by large-scale rural-urban (Rural → City) labor mobility. This flow will bring income rises, the upgrading of industries, and ultimately to promote the modern sector development, (Nong Zhu, 2002). In China, a large number of rural surplus labor force are tied to the limited arable land, do not treat them from rural transferred out of reasonable use, is not only a waste of labor resources, and make this part of the labor force has become a consumption of social wealth. The "Tenth Five-Year" period is the peak period of growth in the labor force in China, and for a long period of time in the future. With the continued increase of population and decreasing arable land, coupled with the advances in agricultural science and technology, China's surplus labor force, will also be incremented.With the Agricultural productivity level advancing, labor required in the cultivated land will be greatly reduced. The number of agricultural labor and land, capital and other resources compared situation no doubt there are a lot of surplus labor in the agriculture (Feng Wen, Sixue Zhao, 2004)

  2.The transfer of rural labor is the product of the rapid expansion of the initial stage of industrialization since China's reform and opening up. Labor transfer is  simple transfer of employment space, the nature of labor force has not changed, still retains its status as farmers, to retain the land, is a "not encouraged farmers to leave their homes, into the factory city" part transfer of rural labor the junior transfer or so-called labor " The once transfer". " The once transfer " is characterized that the eastern coastal developed areas are the main inflow areas of labor, labor's own level of education, quality factors, and go out to the employment structure of the labor force is mainly concentrated in the manufacturing and processing, construction, business services. The inflow of labor mobility performance of the economy is relatively developed areas to the most economically developed regions and backward regions to economically developed areas (Naiquan Liu, 2005). Rural labor force, "The twice transfer", also known as the labor transfer again, refers to the rural human capital investment, improve rural labor employment skills and abilities, relying on the market mechanism and policy guidance, realize rural labor from the labor intensive industries to capital, technology intensive industry and burgeoning industry, third industrial transfer, occupation, identity and residence migration flow conversion occur simultaneously, lifestyle produced simple change, enter town and become the self-run occupation of urban residents (Jiafu Chen, 20## ).

3.Labor transfer will help to improve the quality of urbanization. With the accelerated pace of China's economic reform, more and more farmers get into the city to make a living, the farmers of a large number going to city,large and medium-sized cities in China entered a rapid period of expansion in the 1990s, China's urbanization level rapid improved, but the quality of urbanization was worrying us (Taizeng Ren, Liuyan Li, 2004).

(C) Review of research literature contentThrough the article analyzes and consolidation about the labor transfer,I found that domestic reseaches of domestic labor transfer analyzed mainly from the 10 aspects:

(1) the status ,problems and countermeasures of the transfer of rural surplus labor force in China; (2)the factor of restricting the transfer of rural surplus labor force and countermeasures; (3) industrial restructuring and labor transfer; (4) the transfer of rural labor in the process of urbanization; (5) the quality of the peasants on the transfer of rural surplus labor; (6) the mechanization of agriculture and rurallabor transfer; (7) China's investment in human capital in rural areas and rural surplus labor transfer; (8) the development of small towns and agricultural labor force transfer; (9) agricultural surplus labor transfer problem and outlet in transition period of China; (10)  use comparison of productivity to analysis the transfer of the agricultural labor force in China.

  Specifically involved content are summarized as follows:

  The existing problems of rural surplus labor force, the constraints of rural surplus labor transfer, the countermeasures of rural surplus labor force transfer. (1) the transfer point of departure is not standardized, the constraints of the level of agricultural productivity and agricultural burdens, and low farm income. Vigorously develop small towns, the urbanization process. (2) transfer prominent spontaneous, unorganized, chaotic order. The constraints of the labor itself, the quality of the full use of agricultural resources, develop the agricultural potential employment opportunities. (3) transfer of a single channel, directly under the influence of geographical constraints plus transfer costs. Strong training, improve the comprehensive quality of the rural labor force. (4) the transfer of regional differences, exacerbated inter-regional inequality of economic development and income. Shortage of funds constraints. Deepen institutional innovation, and ensure the effective transfer of agricultural labor. (5) rural surplus labor force dispersed, the way transfer biased, the development of township enterprises did not correspond with the capacity of rural surplus labor force. Vigorously promote the industrialization of agriculture. (6) social environmental constraints of the transfer process. Consolidation and development of township enterprises. (7) transferred cities’ grim employment situation. Establish and improve a unified labor market. (8) to accelerate the development of tertiary industry. (9) active in the organized inter-provincial and cross international labor output.

 Ⅲ. Research summary of the transfer of rural labor

  Domestic research on the transfer of rural labor, mostly in reference based on models the combination of the actual situation of China to make some improvements to obtain useful inspiration. Emerged as a growing trend for the transfer of agricultural labor from the depth and breadth of view. The transfer of rural labor issues related to motivation, implementation and development, covering economic development, economic progress, institutional change, industrial change and other factors. Their overall characteristics can be summarized as follows: more on transfer problems, less on study for the transfer of rural labor regional contribution and contribution to the development of farmers and farmers; more on countermeasure research , less to meet farmers to develop; characteristic digital significant of rural labor transfer are more qualitative research, quantitative research is less; multi-reference statistics, and the scope of the study is mainly concentrated in the developed coastal areas; more contribution to the region the rural labor force into and less on rural labor outflow region.

  Although influence factors of labor Transfer has been comprehensive, because our country is at the dual social and economic transition period, we should close connection with China's labor transfer status and the problems to expand the scope of the study, and deepen the impact of various factors research.

  Study regarded the focus on the rural labor force for the transfer of rural labor issues as the determinants power of agricultural production and economic development ,its total growth, sector allocation, the overall level of quality and the use of reasonable have close relationshipwith if the rural economy can sustained, stable and healthy develop, relate to the goal of building a moderately prosperous society. Future research should aim at how to effectively carry out the transfer of rural labor training, overall planning, integration of resources, and innovative mechanisms to strengthen the rural labor supply and demand resources system, as well as skills training system, the output service system and so on.

Main References:

[1]Dale W.Jorgenson.The Development of a Dual Economy[J].The Economic Journal,1961,71(282):309-334.

2] [U.S.] John C.H.Fei, Gustav Ranis. The development of labor-surplus economy, [M] Beijing: China Press, 1989.

[3] Lewis. Dual economy theory [M]. Beijing: Beijing Institute of Economics Press, 1989.

[4] Nong Zhu. "China's rural labor mobility and the" three rural "problems", Wuhan University Press, 2002

[5] Naiquan Liu. The impact of labor migration on regional economic development "[M] Shanghaicaida Press, 2005

[6] Feng Wen, Sixue Zhao. "Structural surplus labor transfer to explore" [J] population of the Northwest 2004

[7] Jiafu Chen. do not underestimate the rural labor force, "twice transfer", "Chinese township and village enterprises [J] .2004

[8]Taizeng Ren is too increased, Li Liu Yan. " the twice transfer of rural labor force transfer in cities". Wei Pu Information 2004, Phase 2

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