


稻庄镇实验中学     2015.11.17


第一、听说课。听说课给我感受最深的是来自广西桂林奎光中学的牛耕老师,牛老师是一位年轻教师,但教学风格以颇有特点,课堂幽默风趣,生情并茂,引人入胜,听起来较为轻松。牛老师授课内容是“My cat is smaller”。就教学设计而言有以下几个亮点:(1)对文本研读深刻到位,将比较级的变化形式巧妙地穿插到整个教学环节中,用动物或人物图片对比及与学生互动进行外貌身材等方面的对比,交替使用来教授形容词比较级的各种变化形式。(2)围绕话题有效的重点突出的进行活动,不让任何教学活动游离于学习目标之外。比如他有一个游戏环节,模仿视频通过同桌两两抛球做游戏来练习比较级的使用。例如:My father is tall. My father is taller than yours.两个学生交换抛球来说,直到有一方停止认输。课堂时间控制在35分钟,有不少教师的课都超时了,而牛老师对时间的调控非常精准,说完最后一句话时,下课铃声响了起来。(3)评价驱动作用的发挥。课堂评价用法最为丰富,其中有一个环节是让学生来总结比较级变化形式,每总结一个就用一个词来评价。比如:perfect, excellent, brilliant, terrific, beautiful等。

另一个比较有特点的听说课是来自广东台商子弟学校的杨雅文老师,杨老师开放的教学设计使得她的课热情洋溢,激情满满,展现了极高的个人素质,气场很是强大。她的课侧重口语交际的实用性。比如说:让学生通过体验活动来感知模仿语言,利用电影配音训练,录音(每组发了一部手机)或潜力新闻主播的活动设计完成听力活动的教学。(说到听力,还有的老师在听力结束之后,让学生根据听力题目将听力对话连成一篇小短文。)这对于我们今后的听力教学也是一个很好的参考。第二点侧重英语口语交际的另一个体现是在词汇教学中让学生用英文信息来猜词并设计了一个word game,学生在轻松愉悦的氛围中记忆单词。与此同时在讲述本单元重点句型时,涉及到一个原因状语从句I like...because...,让学生根据例句进行造句练习。

第二、阅读课。大家对阅读课的处理总体可以归结为三大环节,读前,读中,读后。涉及的阅读技巧也很相似:predicting,skimming,scanning等。那么怎样才能出彩?我认为还是在于教师对课堂的调控能力及对文本的深层次挖掘。印象最深刻的是来自安徽淮北西苑中学的张国栋老师,授课内容是人教版Unit1 He lost his arm but is still climbing.张老师的课堂驾驭能力非常强。简单问好之后直奔主题,通过一个微视频让学生自然的进入到本课的学习过程之中,他的这堂课也是分读前,读中,读后3个环节。在读前,张老师处理了部分生词,同时也给学生提出了几点要求,(1)how to pronounce (2) know one meaning of the word (3)know more than one meaning (4) how to use the word in a sentence在学生自学,互学单词之后开始进入读中环节,这个环节设计了三个任务:找中心大意及段落大意;找相关细节信息(where,what,when,who,why,how);回答问题并设计mind-map以供学生复述。这节课的亮点我认为有以下几个方面:(1)在处理细节阅读时,张老师设计了很多问题,一眼看上去密密麻麻,有些复杂,但是他在黑板上画了一个阶梯,采用男女生对抗竞赛的方式,很顺利快速的逐层瓦解了这些问题,这些问题的顺利解答也对后面的复述环节起到了很好的铺垫作用。(2)张老师在处理阅读技巧时,是将这些技巧融合在这些任务之中,学生在体验了学习任务之后,再归纳总结技巧,这样就使得学生在接受理论性的知识时十分轻松,过度也显得非常自然。举个简单的例子,课文伊始,张老师设计了一个问题让学生通过标题来猜文章大意,学生猜完之后,在他的课件左上方原来的文本就被一团燃烧的火焰覆盖,紧接着出现了predicting这个阅读技巧。(3)情感教育少说教,多感受。在读后,张老师设计了两个活动,一个是访谈节目(对主人公Aron的访谈),一个是激发学生思考高于运动的是什么。启迪学生思考人生中应该如何面对困难,以此来揭示逆境中所需要的勇气与果敢。张老师在处理情感教育时并不是自己来总结我这节课想让你学会什么,而是让学生自己去感受我们应该体会到什么。当学生总结不出来时,他并没有将答案全盘托出,而是细心引导,一点一点的帮助学生作答。

其他授课教师的阅读课也有很多可供我们学习的地方:比如来自韩国的Sungin Chin,她的阅读课处理和我们有着惊人的相似之处,稍有区别的是,她使用了一张表格“TACSPS”学生要在本节课中完成这张表格,这张表格也适用于各种题材的阅读课;湖南师大附中的康老师在课堂开始像魔术师一样的出场,小炫了一把魔术,但却惊叹了全场,也与本节课的内容talent show正好吻合;大家都使用了思维导图来帮助学生更好的理解文章,在图解上,大家也使用了不同的画法,有的老师使用了时间轴,有的使用了太阳花(从中心向外拓展),有的还画了阶梯,动物等图案,可见着实动了一番脑筋,也给我们带来了很多启迪;还有的教师在阅读时采用分角色阅读的方法,让学生去体会作者的写作用意。

第三、写作课。在写作课的处理上也分三个部分:beginning,body,feet.写作课授课不多,但也有两位教师给我留下了比较深的印象,来自重庆凤鸣山中学的杨勤心老师比较侧重写细节和对语言的修饰(因为写作的内容是写感谢信,开头和结尾比较简单),而且还涉及了一些比较简单的写作手法,像simile, double negative比喻,双重否定等。同时举例让学生进行仿写,如:Your words were like the brightest stars in the dark.让学生对后半句进行仿写,学生还写的相当不错,锻炼了学生的发散思维。还有一位是来自上海平和中学的沈宏老师,沈老师的课沉稳自若,有上海男人的温文尔雅,但儒雅中又不失幽默。他的这节课以明信片为载体,主要解决两个问题:写什么和怎样写。开场以师生间关于旅游的对话引出holiday postcard的主题,在讲解完明信片的常用格式之后,讨论明信片的主要内容,教师把游览青岛的短文分解成句,通过选择题的形式引导思维层层递进,向学生逐步展现连贯表达的魅力,其中内容涉及conjunction和referrence,意在通过这样的设计来激发学生的学习兴趣,也为之后的深入学习埋下伏笔。沈老师的一个教学特点就是在写作之前教给学生使用mind map,用图解简单清晰地呈现写作内容,那么学生写之前也要先画出自己的mind map。在写作之后,沈老师先示范评价了一篇习作,然后让学生两两配对,进行互阅互评,与此同时老师还为学生提供了评价表,通过同伴互评来检视别人的作品,在发现他人优缺点的同时也能助力自身的提高。



Class teaching case

topic: comprehensive learning 2

first class

total order a lesson plan

class type: comprehensive

preparation time:


execution time: date of

teaching goal: 1, to independent, cooperative and inquiry learning, guide students by seeking and observe the traces of the spring, to understand nature, feel the life, cultivate a love of nature, love emotional spring. 2, pay attention to the student's emotional experience, in the spring, spring, spring, song, song (made) spring and other activities in the process, the ability to train students to discover the beauty, feel the United states.

teaching focus: the editor of the natural log of: choose one or two species of animals or plants were observed, recorded and to record observations, were edited. Expand the way of language learning, improve the comprehensive quality of students.


teaching difficulties: in the understanding of nature and enjoy the spring, the spring song, cultivate students' natural ornamental and artistic appreciation ability

teaching appliance multimedia

teaching method, multimedia teaching


Extracurricular activities

(a) topic selection

Teachers to introduce students to the main tasks of this activity and the expected to achieve the goal, to provide the content of their participation in the activities of the proposed.

Based on the three activities arranged by the teacher according to the teaching material, the content of the activity is creatively adapted. Students are required to choose content from three items adapted in 3, 1 or 2 optional content.

Content 1: in nature, looking for the traces of spring

Looking for: in the spring, in nature, in the campus, in the community. Choose one or two kinds

of animals or plants to observe, record, write "natural log", record the footsteps of spring. In the record, according to the actual situation of students, the use of text and pictures (such as photos) in the form of a combination.

Content 2: in the arts, looking for the traces of spring

1, around a solar term about spring, collect relevant proverbs, looking for the traces of spring from.

2, looking for songs about spring, such as "where is the spring""story of spring", looking for the traces of spring from.

Choose poetry, prose, paintings or photographs of the spring, from which to find traces of spring.

Content 3: in the creation, to show the traces of spring

In 1, a poster or hand copy form, show the traces of spring.

Second, can in accordance with songs about spring, such as the spring where tunes, creative painting spring song; expressions such as "the story of spring", creating spring song of praise.

Third, imitate Su Shi's "huichong < spring dusk >", choose a picture of spring scenery painting or photograph, for it with 35 poem, or a first write spring poem and phrase, according to the artistic conception with a picture, make poetry more intuitionistic.

(two) grouping

Group number: 4-6 people

The composition of the members of the group: the decision by the teachers and students to participate in. In principle, each group should be inclusive of good, middle and poor three levels and two levels of male and female students. Because it is more beneficial to students to think deeply and diversified in the group of students' ability, it can give and receive more explanation. In the space position should be closer to each other, the closer the better, easy to communicate.

Task allocation: each team members have their own clear task, through the task of complementary or interconnected, so that the formation of a positive relationship between the team members.

(three) the way of presentation of results

1, edit "natural log".

2, a poster or do Shouchao Bao, spring show to find traces of (can be found in art in the spring of

traces of the extract; can self creation "my spring" or "in the unusual spring" and other works)

3, sing their own adaptation of "the song of spring".

4, introduced his "painting with poetry""poetry with painting" and other works.

(four) teacher guidance

1, to provide students with reference materials

(1) twenty-four solar terms song.

(2) the interpretation of the relevant terms of the spring.

(3) the words, the music or the tape or the VCD band of "spring in the spring""the story of spring".

2, provide an example for the creation of poetry

(1) provide some guide students to appreciate poetry painting.

(2) to provide some of the legend of the poem with painting.

Such as "Tibetan mountain temple", "flowers fragrant return on horseshoe" paintings and poems to match the story.

(3) on the network, "poetry and painting", "painting with poetry" works a lot, teachers can provide students with the site.

After teaching


Class teaching case

topic: comprehensive learning 2

2 hours

total order a lesson plan

class type: comprehensive

preparation time:


execution time: date of

teaching goal: 1, to independent, cooperative and inquiry learning, guide students by seeking and observe the traces of the spring, to understand nature, feel the life, cultivate a love of nature, love emotional spring. 2, pay attention to the student's emotional experience, in the spring, spring, spring, song, song (made) spring and other activities in the process, the ability to train students to discover the beauty, feel the United states.

teaching focus: the editor of the natural log of: choose one or two species of animals or plants were observed, recorded and to record observations, were edited. Expand the way of language learning, improve the comprehensive quality of students.


teaching difficulties: in the understanding of nature, to enjoy the spring, the spring song, cultivate students' natural ornamental and artistic appreciation ability

teaching appliance: multimedia

teaching method multimedia teaching


Two, class activities

(a) teachers introduction: Peach opened, the swallows the, the grass is green, station on the earth at the beginning of the snow and ice melt, feel gentle sky boundless tenderness, we heard have a voice in our heart happy cried: "spring is coming, spring is coming." Students, in this beautiful season, let us go to spring, to look for the traces of spring.

(two) activities carried out

Activity of a record - the footsteps of spring

1, the group of students to show the results of the editor and introduce the group to edit the "natural log" process.

2, the team selected 1-2 students introduce their observation, records of a plant or animal and with three sentences to summarize their editing features of the natural log, self evaluation.

Invite biology teachers to participate in extracurricular activities, class activities, and the observation of each group, record the guidance, the editor of the "natural log" and the students to observe and record the situation of the introduction of comments

3, the whole class to vote for "my favorite" natural log ".

Two - Spring Show Hymn

1, display and describes the group around the respective activities made by hand copy or poster.

2, the group sent 1-2 students came to recite it to poetry, prose and other literary style "hymns of spring", or singing on stage to imitate the song "spring's story" adaptation of the song.

The form can be reading music, collective readings, personal reading, solo, chorus, song etc..

3, by the students and teachers to participate in the evaluation of the results of the group.

4, invited music teachers to participate in extra-curricular activities, and the class activities, and the students to create songs.

5, the class voted for "I love the 'spring'".

Three - spring activities to create a quality suggestive of poetry or painting

1, show the students with the network to find the "poetry with painting" and "painting with poetry" and other information, for appreciation.

2, the students in each group to show and explain their extracurricular production of "poetry with painting" or "painting with poetry" works.

3, by the student judges from "poetry and painting with properly, choose paintings is rich in artistic conception and interest, whether the work is creative and imaginative ways were evaluated.

4, the invitation of art teachers to participate in activities, and the creation of students "poetry with painting""painting with poetry" works to give comments.

5, the whole class to vote for "my favorite" poetry with painting 'and' painting with poetry 'works.

teaching (postscript) after thinking

Class teaching case

topic: comprehensive learning 2

3 hours

total order a lesson plan

class type: comprehensive

preparation time:


execution time: date of

teaching goal: 1, to independent, cooperative and inquiry learning, guide students by seeking and observe the trace of springTrace, to understand nature, feel the life, cultivate love of nature, love the feeling of spring. 2, pay attention to the student's emotional experience, in the spring, spring, spring, song, song (made) spring and other activities in the process, the ability to train students to discover the beauty, feel the United states.

teaching focus: the editor of the natural log of: choose one or two species of animals or plants were observed, recorded and to record observations, were edited. Expand the way of language learning, improve the comprehensive quality of students.


teaching difficulties: in the understanding of nature and enjoy the spring, the spring song, cultivate students' natural ornamental and artistic appreciation ability

teaching appliance multimedia

teaching method, multimedia teaching


(three) summary of activities

Students free speech: (3-5 people) talk about the activities of the harvest and regret and future plans.

Teachers' Summary: from the activities of students' participation, language knowledge and ability to use the comprehensive utilization of the situation, the results of the activities of the display and exchange of results and other aspects of evaluation. The language of evaluation should be to the point, and can better play the role of stimulating students.

Twenty-four solar terms song

The rain was spring cleaning day (Li Chun, rain, insects, spring equinox, Qingming, Gu Yu)

Xia manwang summer, (Li Xia, Xia Zhi, Xiao Shu, Xiaoman, mangzhong, Dashu)

Autumn autumn dew (Shuang Jiang, Li Qiu, Chushu, autumnal equinox, dew, dew, Shuang Jiang)

Winter snow snow winter chill. (Li Dong, snow, snow, winter, cold, cold)

Two sections do not change, up to a maximum of one or two days,

The first half of the second half of the 21st, six, eight, 23.

(two) twenty-four terms

In the twenty-four solar terms, each term has its specific meaning. The name of the term has been explained by the weather conditions of this period and the changes of things. Now briefly as follows:

The summer solstice, the winter solstice said the hot summer and cold winter is coming. China around the hottest month is July, the summer solstice is June 22, said the hot summer is coming soon; all over China the coldest month is January, the winter solstice is December 23, said the coldest winter coming, it is known as the summer solstice, the winter solstice. Because of the summer solstice the longest day of winter solstice, the shortest daytime, ancient times were called on to long and short days to.

Equinox equinox said. These two days and nights are equal, and the old are called the day and night. These two terms and is in between spring and summer, autumn and winter, the spring and autumn the two halves, so there are accordingly to explain the vernal equinox and autumnal equinox.

Spring, summer, autumn and the beginning of winter according to the method of Chinese ancient astronomy division season, the four vertical began as the four seasons, self-reliance spring to summer to spring, summer to autumn for the summer; the beginning of autumn to winter to autumn, winter to spring for the winter. Stand, is the beginning of meaning. Therefore, the four solar term refers to the beginning of spring, summer, autumn and winter seasons.

Rain says less rain in the winter has passed, began to rain, rainfall began to increase.

The waking of insects sting is the meaning of possession, animal drill to soil hibernate in winter called into the sting, to the second year rejuvenation after drilling archaeological activities. In ancient times that is thunder woke up, it is referred to as the waking of insects. From the beginning of Jingzhe day, can hear the thunder, dormant underground hibernating insects and small animal was thunder woke up, unearthed activities.

Qingming clear weather, warm, vegetation began to show green. Clean the scenery instead of the grass withered and yellow, suffers the winter scene.

Guyu rainfall increased significantly, the rain caused the growth of cereal crop growth, known as the ancient rain 100 valley.

Xiaoman summer crop grain starts full, but not mature, so called xiaoman.

Mangzhong awn pointed awn crops, is the seed. Grain in ear showed that wheat and barley and other crop seeds are ripe mountain, can harvest.

It is hot in summer, it is the season of Italy, the heat of the year. It is the beginning of the hot, it is the hottest time of the year.

It is terminated, hiding meaning. It means the scorching summer is "hiding".

The temperature decreased after Chushu dew, night temperature has reached the dew, dew more, showing dew.

Cold dew dew temperature lower, more and more cold, so cold dew.

Frost weather is getting colder, glaucous appearance.

After winter snow, snow, cold weather, snow began, when it began to snow snow. When the snow, the snow is big, the ground can have snow.

It is cold, cold cold, is the coldest season of the year. The climate began to cold, called Han. The coldest time of the year, known as the big chill.

(three) twenty-four solar term Nongyan song

Spring rain, autumn rain day year Feng Fengren years








































冬来米 Price to September

at the beginning of

Feishuang infringed people

the Double Ninth Festival without rain a sunny mid huose sick person

Ruoyu thunder vegetables high

October a

Lidong afraid Feng Ren

- year-old Gao Tian in vain this

more every November Renzi day

the calamity forecast undermine people's

day is windy disease

and heavy snow disaster magic

winter solstice fine no rain color

next year to sing the song

justice of the peace on December

first Dongfeng livestock disaster

if every snow drought to

if although today sunny

year old farmer rich

(4) solar and meteorological farmer's proverb

Our country is agricultural in ancient Xiangxian farmer speaking, according to their of cloud, fog,

thunder, wind, rain, drought, Liao, Feng, apologized to the long-term observations of experience to fabricate many of the farmer's proverbs as basis for Year-round Cultivation of work and rest. The one one is not fulfilled, but also some reliability, when engaged in farming and disaster prevention, and prepared against want very helpful. We give our country about the weather forecast or folk Nongyan for reference.

"The first two fall scattered, the third moon falls. "The first two days will be sunny rain, rain will fall to fifteen grade if difficult to estimate.

"Rain lantern lights, the sun for the qingming. If the "spring rain, sunny Qingming set.

"Top look at the third day, look at eighteen. "On the third day of the month and eighteen days if the rain will continue.

"Spring rain to qingming. "If it rains until the spring day, Qingming more rainfall during this period.

"Spring rain, cold winter rain scattered. "If the weather is cold in spring, the rain will be much, but it will be cold in winter, and the rain will be scarce.

"Spring, black, white, and rain. "The spring cloth cloud, winter sky and white clouds, then drizzle, the next stop.

"Early Spring Festival evening show. The "spring like early spring last December that, if not early sowing but later, according to the season also act.

"Spring fog exposure dead, summer fog do flood. The concept of "the morning mist, rain or shine.

"South north spring summer, anhydrous surusumi. If the wind blows "spring, summer rain, if the northerly winds, there is little danger of drought.

"In February two thunder, Daowei heavy hammer. "The first two days of February is the land public birthday, this day if the thunder, bu early rice harvest.

"Vernal rain with dilute. "There are days of rain the spring equinox, with less.

"The sun rain water. "Even the rain suddenly, at noon will be fine.

A little rain a light, fall to the Ming Dynasty is not clear. "That is, a little rain a bubble, fall tomorrow morning will not stop, and continue to have rain.

Qingming wind if from the south, the main field of rice harvest. "Qingming Day if the south wind blew, bu can harvest of the year.

"March fish Mahi, June wind beat rice. "March if excessive heat, cool water and dead loach, a symbol of the typhoon early June, rice will be destroyed.

In "April rain, May dry soil, June fire po. "If it rains on May in, little sunny, and in June?Drop, rise stretch sewing fei! ?

"Northwest Rain, but the ridge falls. "Common summer thunderstorms (showers) from the northwest, the faster, more quickly stop.

"Not eating dumplings in May, unwilling to put bedding. "The Dragon Boat Festival was not cold.

"It is afraid of wind, afraid of big red. "It after ten days, if there is a typhoon blowing wind. Sooner or later the great heat before pan Hongxia, there will be a typhoon watch.

"Hollow thunder, rain not afternoon. "A ray of thunder in the morning, there must be some rain before noon.

"On the first day of June, a ray of nine units. "The first day of June, such as thunder, few years there is a typhoon.

Six one nine, no auspicious asthma. "There must be a wind in June 19th, or there will be rain.

"Seven one mine, a mine to Jiutai. "The first day of July if there is thunder, certainly a lot of years of typhoon.

"The wind from the northwest, the melon garden by torture. "Summer solstice northwest wind blowing, can not in rice harvest runs what.

The autumn rain is most worthy of compassion, things never received only half. The autumn day without rain, everything could not harvest.

"East red sun, Xishan rain heavily, north to South and sparkling flash shot. "The summer at the intersection of East lightning, without rain, heavy rain in North West lightning flash, which rain, the South has little rain flashover bu.

"Ray hit the autumn, winter and a half closed. Autumn is thunder, little reported late wo.

"The Mid Autumn Festival, good rice. "Nakaaki Kimro, read the harvest.

Fast rain and clear. "The wind is not looking, no showers all day; suddenly the wind not to rain tomorrow, won't it.

"No rain a sunny winter festival. "The ninth day of September if there is no rain, but the second half of the year, rainfall.

"If every day Lidongben Ren Gao Tian, something in vain. "Every winter day Li Ren, a harvest year high of Tian yu.

"The day of the winter solstice. "Can not be decided to sing the next year peace song.

"December South reported. "December is immediately if the wind blows rain.

"It is not cold, people uneasy. "It is not cold, but bu people and livestock more disease.

"The cover does not open, Dai put water jacket. "If the fog of the morning, if a long time does not come loose, often change the rain, the farmer had to put on a water jacket.

"Send a kamikaze, then the God of rain. "December 24, is sent to the God of gods day and then, if hair is in the fourth day of the first month, then God in heaven, it will rain divination.

(five) twenty-four solar terms

There are twenty-four solar term for one year, twelve section twelve, namely a month there is a section of A. Every two throttle apart, an average of about 30 days and four, and monthly lunar calendar days, 29 days, so about thirty-four per month, will encounter two months only festival without gas, and gas and no Festival, a day without gas, namely the intercalary month of the lunar calendar, gas without the Moon Festival is a leap month. The relationship between the solar term and the lunar month, are included in the table below:

The Spring Festival lunar February Festival rain gas Jingzhe equinox of February March Qingming Festival Guyu March gas gas

The beginning of summer festival in April April May Summer Solstice Festival in "gas gas festival in June June May it by air

Chushu Autumn Festival in July July August August equinox festival gas dew dew frost gas festival in September September

The beginning of Winter Snow Festival in October October November November the winter solstice festival air Snow Festival in December December it cold gas gas

After teaching














英 语 教 学 心 得 体 会











