





公 开 课 教 案

高二必修五英语 Unit3 词汇教学

厦门十中 林素芬





笔者把“以新课程理念为先导,以师生共同发展为根本,以课堂教学改革和创新为核心”作为本课教学内容设计的指导思想,把建构主义理论作为本课教学设计的理论依据。语言学家Nuan指出,The study of how form, meaning, use work together to enable individuals to communicate through language. 本课的词汇教学从运用的角度出发,把语言的形式,意义,和运用有机的结合起来,通过设计形式多样、层层递进的活动和任务使学生兴趣激发、发现探究、归纳总结、实践运用、自主合作学习词汇,将传统的静态讲述词汇教学,变为师生、生生互动的动态运用式教学,通过创设真实半真实交际情景及具有信息差的交际性任务,将词汇教学与听、说、读、写各项技能的培养融为一体,在听、说、读、写中感悟、体验、掌握词汇方法,在运用语言知识的过程中培养综合语言运用能力。

Teaching Plan


I. 知识目标(language aim)

1. The Ss will learn the useful words and expressions by explaining them in English or using other words、phrases and sentences to describe a word.

2. The Ss will do some practice to develop the habit of explaining words and expressions in English.

3. The Ss will learn the methods of word study by discovering, exchanging ideas with others.

4. The Ss will work together to finish a task they choose according to their abilities. II. 能力目标(ability aim)

1. The Ss will be able to use the useful words and expressions to complete their tasks.

2. The Ss will be able to use the methods of word study they discover to enlarge vocabulary and to explain words’ meaning through the context.


Through the study of this period, students will be more interested in English learning through competition and different kinds of interesting games. The most important is that students gain confidence in dealing with words they may not be familiar with.

二..教学重点 (Teaching important points)

1. . The Ss will learn the useful words and expressions by explaining them in English or using other words、phrases and sentences to describe.

2. The Ss will learn the methods of word study by discovering, exchanging ideas with others.

3. The Ss will be able to use the useful words and expressions to complete their tasks.

三. 教学难点 (Teaching difficult points)

1. How will the Ss be able to use other expressions to describe a new word.

2. How will they use the useful words and expression to complete a task.

四. 教学用具( Teaching aids)

The multi-media ,blackboard, some word cards

五.教学过程(teaching procedures)

Step 1 duty report

1. Let the Ss guess the names of the English songs sung by a student.


duty report为学生提供一个舞台,在这个舞台上,他们可以讲故事,出谜语,唱歌,朗读诗歌,变魔术,复述课文,表演对话,他们可以事先做好准备,老师也可以给予必要的帮助。总之,duty report给了他们一个舞台,让每个学生有充分表现自己的地方。

Step 2 words and listening

Activity 1 Funny guessing

1. What 5-letter word has six left when you take 2 letters away?

2. What is the center of guide?

3. How can a hat talk?

4. A: How many apples can you eat if your stomach is empty?

5. There are 26 letters in English. If ET leave out, how many letters left?

Activity 2 word guessing according to what they hear

1. You can go back to the past or go to the future in a special capsule.

2. the feelings of sb\sth made on the mind---impression

3. sb who leads you to somewhere—guide

4. sth you should take when you are ill—tablets

5. some areas around you---surroundings

6. any covering for the whole or a part of the face worn for amusement, protection—mask

7. a mechanical, electrical, electronic, or optical device for opening or closing a circuit or for diverting energy from one part of a circuit to another--switch

8. a woman who performs a steward's job on an aircraft or ship—stewardess 老师小结:

It is a good way to learn a word by explaining it in English. When you learn a word, you should try to find what other words are similar to it. Then you will learn more words. And keep trying to explain a word in English, you will be able to improve your language skills.(再一次将学习词汇法进行总结,能起到画龙点睛的作用)Now I want you to read some sentences with the new words in this unit, and you are acquired to try to explain them in English.


听力猜词活动,一是为了调动课堂气氛,起到热身的作用,所以结合了小组竞赛的方式,根据脑科学原理,在进入课堂教学前,激发学生的热情能为学生进入下一个步骤奠定良好的情绪基础, 二来,英英解释法来学习词汇也词汇应用

法之一,先从听懂猜词,在过度到下一步的通过理解词汇来进行英英解释。 Step 3 words and reading

Activity 1 paraphrase the new word in the sentence

1.When I first met her, she gave me the impression that she was very kind.

A feeling of sb

2.Now I am the owner of this house. Do you know who was the previous owner? Coming before the owner

3.The doctor told me to take two tablets three times a day.


4. The accident happened as the jet was about to take off.


5. Though he failed again and again, he was optimistic about his life.



这个活动承接上一个猜词活动,因为难度不大,学生完成效果应该不错。 Activity 2 Combine a verb from the left box with a word from the right box. Write down the verb phrases in the blanks. Then use them to complete the sentences( Page 20, Ex. 2)


为了培养学生自主学习和探究精神,我事先布置学生通过自主学习完成此练习,引导学生通过查阅字典,单词表来完成练习。课堂上,通过和同伴的交流能更进一步明确自学词汇的方法。通过合作交流,学生才能更自信地回答。活动到此阶段,已经顺利从词过渡到句。接下来将引导学生把词汇应用到段落中。 Step 4 words and speaking \writingt

Activity 1 catch the words and fill in the blanks.

took up, capsule, uncertain, guide, tablets

Liqiang was so lucky that he______ a chance to travel to the future of 3008 in a special ________. At first, worried about the journey , he was nervous and _______So his friend and _______ gave him some___________ which helped a lot.

Activity 2 Catch the words and find the sentences in the passage with these words. surroundings, adjustment , mask. , back on his feet, tolerate ,a hovering carriage

1) At first his new surroundings were difficult to tolerate..

2) Just as he tried to make the necessary adjustment to this new situation, Wangping appeared and asked me to put on a mask..

3) Soon he was back on his feet again and following him to collect a hovering carriage driven by computer.

Activity 3 Combine the sentences into a short passage.

When he arrived one thousand years in the future, the new surroundings were difficult to tolerate. So he tried to make the necessary adjustment and put on a mask. Soon he was back on his feet again and collected a hovering carriage driven by computer.

Activity 4 When you look at this picture, which words can you think of? The Ss say the words and use the words to fill in the blanks.



Then he arrived at ________________which had a green wall ___________. What impressed him most was that a table and some chairs rose from under the floor as if__________ just by __________________ on a computer screen. Everything there is new, exciting and a__________ for him. But he was so______________ that he_______________ bed and fell fast asleep.

Activity 5 .Retell the whole story

Liqiang was so lucky that he took up a chance to travel to the future of 3008 in a special capsule. At first, worried about the journey , he was nervous and uncertain. However, his friend and guide gave him some tablets which helped a lot.

When he arrived one thousand years in the future, the new surroundings were difficult to tolerate. So he tried to make the necessary adjustment and put on a mask. Soon he was back on his feet again and collected a hovering carriage driven by a computer. Then he arrived at a strange-looking house which had a green wall made of trees. What impressed him most was that a table and some chairs rose from under the floor as if by magic just by flashing a switch on a computer screen. Everything there is new, exciting and amazing for him. But he was so exhausted that he slide into bed and fell fast asleep.

Step 5 discussion

1. Show the Ss an old photo and let the Ss guess who is their English teacher. T: Last week , I attended a party held for the association with my classmates who I studied in the same class 20 years ago. We were so excited to see each other, but I couldn’t recognize some of them, because they changed a lot.

2. Show some photos of the Ss who are imaged in 20 years, and let the Ss guess who they are. T; 20 years is quite a long time for us, everything will change a lot. Now class, let us make a pact that we will meet here after 20 years. At that time, I will be an old woman, and all of you will become adults. Maybe some of you will become teachers, doctors, layers, drivers and so on. Ok?

3. Discussion: What will you be like at that time in 2029?

Task 1 Use a new word to make a sentence about your future in 2029(2points) For example: Just press this button, and you'll start the engine.

As we all know that robots now have become a very important part in human’s life. Task 2 Use two or more new words to describe your future life in 2029.(3points) Task3 Say sth about your future life according to the questions.(4 points)

Where will you be ?

What is your house?

What is your job?

How can you come here?

What clothes will you wear?

What will our school be like?

Who will you want to see most?

考虑到学生总体情况以及学生之间的个体差异、学生学习心理和学习的难度等来设计任务. 这样的练习可以使学生的思维变得更加积极和主动,从“要我用词汇“变成了“我要用词汇”。语言学习和创新意识结合在一起,一定会达到满意的教学效果。正所谓“大脑深加工,复习更有效,词汇由心生,记忆更牢靠”。 Step6 Enjoy a song ---Whatever will be will be

Step 7 consolidation

In this class, we’ve learned how to finish vocabulary notes, how to make word guessing and we can write down the first or two letters of a word first while listening, and will try to explain an English word in English. In a word, words are important. There are a number of useful expressions in the text. You should remember them and use them in your everyday life. You should keep it in mind, if you keep working hard on using English, you will make great progress in English in the near future. (鼓励性的话语给了学生信心和勇往直前的勇气)

Step 7 Homework

1. Composition: What will your life be like in 2029 in every aspect?

2. Going to any of the websites may enable the students to learn more the future life.. Websites recommended to the students


.cn www.future life.com















小学语文课堂多媒体的应用 - 论文大赛









