篇一 :英语作文 失物招领Lost and Found


This afternoon, I found a handbag in the playground. There is a pen, a notebook and keys in it. Besides, there is a wallet with credit cards and some money in it. My telephone number is 4756333. Please the owner contact me.

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篇二 :失物招领英语作文



You have found an electronic dictionary and want to return it to its owner. Write a notice of Lost and Found to clearly state:

1)the time and place of your finding

2)the feature of the dictionary

3)your information for contact

Lost and Found

On the evening of January 4th, 2005, I found an electronic dictionary in the English reading-room on the 3rd floor of the new library in the east district of our university. The electronic dictionary can be generally described as follows. It is brand new and metallic gray in color. What's more, the portable electronic dictionary is as big as a piece of cake and as thin as a regular magazine.

The owner of the electronic dictionary may contact me now. My room phone number and mobile phone number are (010) 62043340 and 138xxxxxxxx respectively. Please make appointment in advance.

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篇三 :大学英语作文-感谢信 道歉信 失物招领格式

失物招领:Lost and found\Lost





Lost and found

I lost my phone yesterday on the playgrand of school .

It is a phone used by women and made by Nokie ,it has pink outer covering and a beautiful cellphone chain is on it too ..

The cellphone is very important for me because it is given by my uncle and there are many vital persons' telphone number in it .?

It is very nice of you to give it to me ,thanks a lot. please connect 223344 if you found it . 常用的句子,开头一般是:Ilost myXXX+时间+地点。接下来形容外形以及产地,能详细就详细,尽量详细点,凑字数的。描述完之后,就是归还的地点以及感谢的话。记得住的话 在最后加上Reward him 这个词的意思是 当面酬谢。



1..表达歉意以及原因(I'm sorry for that i can't go to...)


3.请求原谅,做出补偿,再次道歉(例如:I hope you can understand my situation and accept my opology)

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篇四 :20xx年初中毕业升学考试英语作文集锦38-失物招领启事

(A) Gina?????????????????????????668-1209?


Is this your watch?

Please call Gina.

Telephone number is 668-1209.

(B)  ??Jeff ????? ???“My friend?Jeff.”???????Jeff???????????????????15??


 2. ?Jeff????????


 4. ?????school life?

 5. ?????Jeff ?????????

Jeff is my good friend. He was born in 1999 in American. He is tall with a round face and big blue eyes .He lives in an apartment building. It is far from his school. So every morning he gets up early and has a quick breakfast at seven o¡¯clock. Then he goes to school by bus. .Classes at eight o¡¯clock. There are four classes in the morning and three classes in the afternoon. Jeff likes Chinese best. Because he thinks it is interesting. Jeff likes travelling . So this summer holiday he plans to go to Mount Fanjing with his parents because the weather there is cool in summer.

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篇五 :21.失物招领-酒店英语900句

748.Good morning,Lost and Found Department, can I help you?早上好,失物招领处,有什么需要帮忙?

749.Excuse me,but can you tell me where you left your bag?对不起,但请您告诉我您的皮包以往在哪里了?

750.Could you tell me the contents of the briefcase?请您告诉我您公文包内的物品是什么好吗?

751.Could you tell me the color of your suitcase,please?请您告诉我您皮箱的颜色好吗? 752.Could you please tell me when you lost your camera?请您告诉我您什么时间丢了相机?

753.I think the briefcase belongs to you. 是的,我想这个公文包是属于您的。

754.Could you check the contents?请您核对一下物品好吗?

755.Are you happy with the contents in the briefcase?您对公文包的东西还满意吧?

756.Is there any way I could reward the taxi driver?有什么办法可以让我酬谢一下那个出租车司机?

757.Before you leave,may I have your signature here,please?在您走之前,请在这里签一下名好吗?

758.If you will wait a moment,I will find out from the lost and found department to see if they have got it.

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篇六 :失物招领作文

假设你是李华,在美国Green School做交换生。一天,你不小心遗失了书包。你打算写一个寻物启示,贴在学校的公共栏中。


I am a girl called Lihua . I am working at Green School . Oneday , my bag was lost when I went for a walk . It is dark blue with heart-shapes on it. Here are the items in it . I have a bottle in it . There are three English boks as well . They are important for me . And there is purple wallet with two keys and soma money in it . And there is a photo of my family which I treasure most . It is also very important for me . If you find it , please give it back to me and you can call me at 345-5482 . It is very kind of you to do that . Thanks a lot !

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篇七 :失物招领通知单















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篇八 :失物招领活动总结



活动举办在3月x日和3月x日,每天都有各部门的同学执勤。虽然天气有些寒冷,但是值勤同学都没有抱怨,认真负责。这次失物招领活动吸引了许多同学,我认为这次活动有如下优点: 1、


3、 许多同学找到了自己遗失的物品; 大力宣传了拾金不昧的雷锋精神,与学雷锋活动月相呼应; 提升了大学生宿舍自我管理委员会在同学们中的号召力,并为捡到物品及丢失物品的同学提供了上交及找回物品的途径;

4、 各部门同学团结一致,锻炼了自己的能力。

虽然活动很成功,但我还是觉得有些地方做得有些不足: a.活动的宣传力度不够,许多同学并不知道有这样一个活动,特别是西苑同学。


c.“声势”不够浩大,只有一些广播词,较其他团队活动有些单调。 对于这些问题,我有些自己的建议:




祝贺这次失物招领活动圆满成功,希望咱们自管会越办越好! ***


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