篇一 :have_用法小结

have 的用法小结



Look, I have wings, just like you. (JBⅤL1)

He had fair hair and blue eyes. (JBⅥL2) 〔注1〕:其否定和疑问形式变化,在美国通常用助动词do。 〔注2〕:在英国口语中常用have got代替have.

Look, can’t you see I've got teeth, too,(JBⅤL1)

I haven't got any jewelry.(SBⅠL5)



We have no classes on Sunday.(上课)(JBⅡL11)

they’re going to have a volleyball match.(举行比赛)(JBⅢL11)

Are we going to have a meeting this week?(开会)(JBⅢL11)

We are going to have a talk this afternoon.(听报告)(JBⅢL11)


I have got a headache.(JBⅣL8)

I have a bad cold.(JBⅤL3)


I've had so many falls that I'm black and blue all over.(跌跤)(JBⅣL10)


The queen ant may have tens of thousands of babies in one summer.(SBⅠL14)


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篇二 :have用法小结

have 的用法小结



Look, I have wings, just like you. (JBⅤL1)

He had fair hair and blue eyes. (JBⅥL2) 〔注1〕:其否定和疑问形式变化,在美国通常用助动词do。

〔注2〕:在英国口语中常用have got代替have.

Look, can’t you see I've got teeth, too,(JBⅤL1)

I haven't got any jewelry.(SBⅠL5)



We have no classes on Sunday.(上课)(JBⅡL11)

they’re going to have a volleyball match.(举行比赛)(JBⅢL11)

Are we going to have a meeting this week?(开会)(JBⅢL11)

We are going to have a talk this afternoon.(听报告)(JBⅢL11)


I have got a headache.(JBⅣL8)

I have a bad cold.(JBⅤL3)


I've had so many falls that I'm black and blue all over.(跌跤)(JBⅣL10)


The queen ant may have tens of thousands of babies in one summer.(SBⅠL14)

3.和一与动词同形的名词连用,表示一个动作(have+a+由动词转化和名词)。 Are you going to have a swim.(JBⅢL1)

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篇三 :have 的用法小结

have 的用法小结



Look, I have wings, just like you. (JBⅤL1)

He had fair hair and blue eyes. (JBⅥL2) 〔注1〕:其否定和疑问形式变化,在美国通常用助动词do。

〔注2〕:在英国口语中常用have got代替have.

Look, can’t you see I've got teeth, too,(JBⅤL1)

I haven't got any jewelry.(SBⅠL5)



We have no classes on Sunday.(上课)(JBⅡL11)

they’re going to have a volleyball match.(举行比赛)(JBⅢL11)

Are we going to have a meeting this week?(开会)(JBⅢL11)

We are going to have a talk this afternoon.(听报告)(JBⅢL11)


I have got a headache.(JBⅣL8)

I have a bad cold.(JBⅤL3)


I've had so many falls that I'm black and blue all over.(跌跤)(JBⅣL10)


The queen ant may have tens of thousands of babies in one summer.(SBⅠL14)

3.和一与动词同形的名词连用,表示一个动作(have+a+由动词转化和名词)。 Are you going to have a swim.(JBⅢL1)

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篇四 :have has的用法与练习题


①作“有”讲时,强调“所属关系”,表示“拥有”的意思。其主语常为人或物。如: My father has many new books.我爸爸有许多新书。 I have a new computer.我有一台新电脑。 ②“have+表示一日三餐的名词”,意为“用餐”。

如:have breakfast/lunch/supper吃早饭/午饭/晚饭。 ③“have+表示食品、饮料等名词”,意为“吃;喝”。

如:have bread吃面包 have eggs 吃鸡蛋 have tea 喝(一杯)茶。 ④“have+表示动作的名词”,没有固定的意思,常与表示动作的名词同义。

如: have a rest 休息一下 have a drink (of...)喝一点(……) have a swim 游泳 have a look (at ...)(朝……)看一眼




如: have a class (学生) 上课 have a birthday party 举行生日聚会 一.填写正确的形式。 1.I ____ (have) a cat. 2.He ____ (have) a dog. 3.She ____ (have) long hair. 4.We ____ (have) a big house. 5.They ____ (have) a happy family. 6.It ____ (have) a short tail. 7.You ____ (have) a good teacher. 8.Elva ____ (have) two big eyes. 9.Tom ____ (have) a red pen.

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篇五 :归纳总结have的用法

Elva老师经常出入“小升初英语讨论区”,前两天,Elva老师给同学们带来了一个语法小知识:every day与everyday的区别。have这个词大家一定不陌生,但你知道怎么运用吗?让Elva老师给同学们总结一下have的四个用法,并列出二十个常见的have短语。Elva老师还提醒大家,随着时间的推移,大家还会学到have的其它用法,平时要多注意积累,自己定期归纳总结,必会事半功倍!


①I have forty paper stars.我有四十个纸星星。

②She has fifty pictures.她有五十张图片。


①I have breakfast at home.我在家吃早饭。

②I would like to have a glass of water.我想喝杯水。


May I have your bike?我可以用一下你的自行车吗?


Thank you for having me.谢谢你招待我。


1)have a look看一看

2)have classes上课

3)have a rest休息一会儿

4)have a good time玩得高兴


1、have a look 看一看

Let me have a look at your photo.

2、Have lunch/breakfast/supper 吃中(早、晚)饭

We often have lunch in the school.

3、have one's meal(s) 吃饭

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篇六 :have的用法

2. have sb (sth) doing sth

(1) 使(让)某人(某事物)一直做在做某事。如:

He had the light burning all night. 他让灯亮了一整夜。

Within minutes he had the whole audience laughing and clapping. 没出几分钟他就让全体听众笑起来,鼓起掌来。

(2) 容忍或允许某人做某事(用于否定句,尤与 won’t, can’t连用)。如: He won’t have boys arriving late. 他不允许孩子们迟到。

I won’t have you smoking at your age. 我不能让你在这个年纪就抽烟。

(3) 说服或命令某人做某事。如:

He had me doing all kinds of jobs for her. 他叫我为她做各种事情。

3. have sth done (1) 请(让)别人做某事。如: We had the machine repaired. 我们请人修理了机器。 Why don’t you have your hair cut? 你为什么不理发? 注:有时指无意志的行为。如: He had his salary raised. 他加薪了。 (2) 经历或遭遇某情况。如: He had his finger cut. 他的手指弄伤了。 I had my watch stolen yesterday. 我的表昨天被人偷去了。 (3) 完成或解决某事。如: He had 1000 yuan saved last year. 他去年存了1000元。 I’ve had all my mistakes corrected. 我已把所有的错误都改正过来了。 (4) 容忍或允许做某事(用于否定句,尤与 won’t, can’t 等连用)。如: We won’t have anything said against the Party. 我们不允许有人这样攻击党。 4. have sth to do 有某事要做。如: I have a lot of work to do. 我有许多工作要做。 She has plenty of clothes to wear. 她有足够的衣服穿。 5. have on (1) 穿着,戴着。如: He had nothing on except a hat. 他身上一丝不挂,只是戴了顶帽子。 (2) 有安排,有计划,有活动。如: I have nothing on for tonight. 我今晚没什么事。 (3) 戏弄,欺骗。如: You won? You’re not having me on? 你赢了? 没骗我吧? 短语 have to不得不 have fun 玩得开心 have in mind 考虑 have got 拥有 have on 穿着 戴着 have a look 看一看 have no idea 一点也没听说过 一点也不知道 have access to 可以到达 have a good time 玩得痛快

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篇七 :have的用法

1、 have 可以作为“有”表示拥有的意思。比如, Do you have a soccer ball? I have a great sports collection. Does he have a ping-pong ball?等句子 2 、have 可以有“吃、喝”的含义。比如,I often have milk and eggs for breakfast.(我早饭经常喝牛奶吃鸡蛋。) Do you usually have tea in the afternoon?(你通常下午喝茶吗?) What do you often have for your three meals?(你的一日三餐通常吃什么?)

3、have 还用来描述病情,构成了have a cold /have a toothache/have a fever/have a sore back/have a pain in/on 等固定搭配,比如在新目标英语八年级(上册)就有“What’s the matter? ”(你怎么了?)“I have a toothache. ”(我牙疼)

4、 have to 用来表示义务必须做某事,其意思与must相当。新目标英语八年级(上册)有如下的例句:Jenny, can you come to my party on Sunday? (珍妮,星期天能来参加我的聚会吗?)I’d love to.(我很乐意去。) How about you?(你呢?) I’m sorry, I have to help my parents.(抱歉,我得照顾我的父母。)

5、我们还常见如下的搭配:have a walk /have a swim /have a rest /have a try.在这里have 与一个名词连用,等于与该名词相当的动词的意义。比如,Let’s lie down and have a rest=Let’s lie down and rest. (让我们躺下休息一下吧) Do you often have dreams?=Do you often dream?(你常做梦吗?)

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篇八 :have的用法

have 的用法小结



Look, I have wings, just like you.

He had fair hair and blue eyes.

〔注2〕:在英国口语中常用have got代替have.

Look, can’t you see I've got teeth, too

I haven't got any jewelry.



We have no classes on Sunday.(上课)

they’re going to have a volleyball match.(举行比赛)

Are we going to have a meeting this week?(开会)

We are going to have a talk this afternoon.(听报告)


I have got a headache.

I have a bad cold.


I've had so many falls that I'm black and blue all over.(跌跤)


The queen ant may have tens of thousands of babies in one summer.


Are you going to have a swim.

I have a long talk with the teacher.

4.have on sth.或have sth. on,表示“穿着”、“戴着”(=to be wearing)。 I noticed he had on bedroom slippers.

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