篇一 :英语教育名言警句


A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. (H.B.Adams, American historian)

教师的影响是永恒的;无法估计他的影响会有多深远。(美国历史学家 亚当斯 H B) And gladly would learn, and gladly teach. (Chaucer, British poet)

勤于学习的人才能乐意施教。(英国诗人 乔叟)

Better be unboun than untaught, for ignorance is the root of misfortune. (Plato, Ancient Greek phiosopher)

与其不受教育,不知不生,因为无知是不幸的根源。(古希腊哲学家 柏拉图)

Dancing in all its forms cannot be excluded from the curriculum of all noble education: dancing with the feet, with ideas, with works, and ,need I add that one must also be able to dance with the pen? (Friedrich W.Nietzsche, German philosopher)

所有高尚教育的课程表里都不能没有各种形式的跳舞:用脚跳舞,用思想跳舞,用言语跳舞,不用说,还需用笔跳舞。(德国哲学家 尼采 F W)

Education commences at the mother's knee, and every word spoken within the hearsay of children tends towards the formation of character. (Hosea Ballou British cducator)

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篇二 :有关教育的英语名言

有关教育的英语名言 The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. -Aristotle

教育的根是苦涩的,但其果实是香甜的。 -亚里士多德

The thinker dies; but his thoughts are beyond the reach of destruction. Men are mortal, but ideas are immortal. -Walter Lippmann

思想家会离开人世,但它的思想将永不消亡,人不能永生,思想却可以永存。 -沃尔特·里普曼

Education is the movement from darkness to light. -Allan Bloom

教育是从黑暗到光明的运动。 -艾伦·布隆

Education costs money, but then so does ignorance. -Sir Claus Moser

教育需要花费钱,无知照样花费钱。 -克劳斯·莫瑟爵士

What matters is not the idea a man holds, but the depth at which he holds it. -Ezra Pound

重要的不是思想,而是思想的深度。 -以斯拉·庞德

A new idea is delicate. It can be killed by a sneer or a yawn; it can be stabbed to death by a quip and worried to death by a frown on the right man's brow. -Charles Brower 一个新的想法是非常脆弱的,他可能被一声耻笑或一个呵欠扼杀,可能被一句嘲讽刺中身亡,或者因某位权威人士皱一下眉便郁郁而终。-查尔斯·布劳尔

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篇三 :教育名人名言(中英文对照)







3、教育是民族最伟大的生活原则,是一切社会里把恶的数量减少,把善的数量增加的唯一手段。 -------巴尔扎克

4、活的人才教育不是灌输知识,而是将开发文化宝库的钥匙,尽我们知道地交给学生。 ------- 陶行知《陶行知教育文选》




------ 冷冉《冷冉教育文集》

7、人脑这部机器应该分为两部分,动力部分和工作部分,两者不能互相取代。学习的动力不能代替学习的实践;反过来,学习的实践也不能代替学习的能力。 ------ 魏书生《魏书生文选》


------ 马克思《马克思恩格斯全集》

9、学校的任务不仅仅在于授给学生从事劳动及合乎要求的社会所必备的知识,而且也在于给每个人以个人精神生活的幸福。没有丰满的内在精神世界,没有劳动和创造的欢乐,没有个人的尊严感、荣誉感和自豪感,就不可能有幸福。 ------ 苏霍姆林斯基《帕夫雷什中学》

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篇四 :英语教育名言警句


A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. (H.B.Adams, American historian)

教师的影响是永恒的;无法估计他的影响会有多深远。(美国历史学家 亚当斯 H B)

And gladly would learn, and gladly teach. (Chaucer, British poet)

勤于学习的人才能乐意施教。(英国诗人 乔叟)

Better be unboun than untaught, for ignorance is the root of misfortune. (Plato, Ancient Greek phiosopher)

与其不受教育,不知不生,因为无知是不幸的根源。(古希腊哲学家 柏拉图)

Dancing in all its forms cannot be excluded from the curriculum of all noble education: dancing with the feet, with ideas, with works, and ,need I add that one must also be able to dance with the pen? (Friedrich W.Nietzsche, German philosopher)

所有高尚教育的课程表里都不能没有各种形式的跳舞:用脚跳舞,用思想跳舞,用言语跳舞,不用说,还需用笔跳舞。(德国哲学家 尼采 F W)

Education commences at the mother's knee, and every word spoken within the hearsay of children tends towards the formation of character. (Hosea Ballou British cducator)

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篇五 :有关教育的英语名言


The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. -Aristotle

教育的根是苦涩的,但其果实是香甜的。 -亚里士多德

The thinker dies; but his thoughts are beyond the reach of destruction. Men are mortal, but ideas are immortal. -Walter Lippmann

思想家会离开人世,但它的思想将永不消亡,人不能永生,思想却可以永存。 -沃尔特·里普曼

Education is the movement from darkness to light. -Allan Bloom

教育是从黑暗到光明的运动。 -艾伦·布隆

Education costs money, but then so does ignorance. -Sir Claus Moser 教育需要花费钱,无知照样花费钱。 -克劳斯·莫瑟爵士

What matters is not the idea a man holds, but the depth at which he holds it. -Ezra Pound

重要的不是思想,而是思想的深度。 -以斯拉·庞德

A new idea is delicate. It can be killed by a sneer or a yawn; it can be stabbed to death by a quip and worried to death by a frown on the right man's brow. -Charles Brower


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篇六 :英语谚语名言---教育


A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. (H.B.Adams, American historian) 教师的影响是永恒的;无法估计他的影响会有多深远。(美国历史学家 亚当斯 H B)

And gladly would learn, and gladly teach. (Chaucer, British poet) 勤于学习的人才能乐意施教。(英国诗人 乔叟)

Better be unboun than untaught, for ignorance is the root of misfortune. (Plato, Ancient Greek phiosopher) 与其不受教育,不知不生,因为无知是不幸的根源。(古希腊哲学家 柏拉图)

Dancing in all its forms cannot be excluded from the curriculum of all noble education: dancing with the feet, with ideas, with works, and ,need I add that one must also be able to dance with the pen? (Friedrich W.Nietzsche, German philosopher)

所有高尚教育的课程表里都不能没有各种形式的跳舞:用脚跳舞,用思想跳舞,用言语跳舞,不用说,还需用笔跳舞。(德国哲学家 尼采 F W)

Education commences at the mother's knee, and every word spoken within the hearsay of children tends towards the formation of character. (Hosea Ballou British cducator)

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篇七 :教育英语名言













1) Knowledge is power.

2) Knowledge is the food of the soul.

3) Activity is the only road to knowledge.

4) Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.

5) A free man obtains knowledge from many sources besides books.

6) If a man empties his purse into his head,no man can take it away from him;an investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.

8) A little learning is not a dangerous thingto one who does not mistake it for a great deal.

9) Example is always more efficacious than precept.

10) Education commences at the mother’s knee,and every word spoken within the hearsay of children tends towards the formation of character.

11) If you want your children to keep their feet on the ground,put some responsibility on their shoulders.

12) Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.

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篇八 :英语的名言名句、谚语、精彩

A bad conscience is a snake in one's heart.


A bad workman quarrels with his tools.


A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.


A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk.


A blind man who leans against a wall imagines that it's the boundary of the world. 坐井观天。

Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it.


A burnt child dreads the fire.


Accidents will happen.


A clean hand wants no washing.


A clear conscience is a soft pillow.


A clear conscience is a sure card.


A clear conscience laughs at false accusations.


A clear fast is better than a dirty breakfast.


A close mouth catches no flies.


A cock is valiant on his own dunghill.

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