篇一 :瓦尔登湖英文读后感


read through some of the more than half of the "walden pond", to be honest look at a lot of paragraphs do not really understand, but say it is fun sections of animals that people read fresh.

the first animal is the rooster attention, and that the most

common birds, however the author's pen in the air all of a sudden and very poor. thoreau is the author described them this way: the rooster, pheasant was originally, and their chirping is the world's most

beautiful music, better than all the other animals, but most of the time to fill the gaps in their voice is their wife - the mother chickens are noisy, it's no wonder that they ultimately can only be the poultry, not to mention what kind of a chicken egg. these words can not help people desperately want to remember the music chenming rooster, the result was a loss, except in writing from the mechanical "oo" sound. as for the hen, they can only remember them after the end of each time it is under the "giggle" to stop the called.

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篇二 :瓦尔登湖中名言警句


2. 人生的必需品,就是人类需要依靠努力才能获得的一切。食物、衣服和住所。 人性中最美的品质,就像果实上的霜,必须小心翼翼才可以保存下来。但是,


3. 一个人对自己的看法,就决定了他自己的命运,或者说,指明了他的最终归


4. 只有真正的工作之后,才会有真正的娱乐。不做没有希望的事情,才是真正





8. 不论何时,随时纠正我们的偏见都不算晚。 解决生命问题,不仅要在理论中埋头,还要更多地从实践出发。 当付出的劳动换来的只是痛苦。这种时候,痛苦本身就是劳动的报酬。 如果要别人来买你的篮子,你必须要让人觉得你的篮子是值得买的,或者做




11. 我们不应该对自己过分关心,这样才可以把这些关心真诚地给予其他人。 人的需求,不一定要应付什么事业,而是要有所作为。 我们为什么总是考虑怎样去得到更多的这类东西,而不能适当、适时地减少



13. 导致房子很别致的,不是它们的外表,而是房子里面的居民生活。 他们不应该对人生仅仅采用一种游戏或研究的态度,而是应该自始至终真诚





17. 一个人获得的其实就是另一个人失去的。 不要充当穷人的先知。而是要勤奋,努力成为世界上一个有价值的人。 “必须多思考,更勇敢,更大度、仔细地去研究每个字和每句话的言外之意。 年轻时用一些时间去学习一门古代语言——即使是只掌握一些词汇……也

是有价值的,因为 这些词汇是从大街小巷的烦琐中提炼出来的,它们已经变成永恒的启示和使人振作的力量。

18. 阅读优秀的著作——也就是阅读真正意义上的有意义的书——是一件高尚


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篇三 :瓦尔登湖中名言警句

1. 人生的必需品,就是人类需要依靠努力才能获得的一切。食物、衣服和住所。

2. 人性中最美的品质,就像果实上的霜,必须小心翼翼才可以保存下来。但是,现在人和 人之间正好就缺乏这种温情。

3. 一个人对自己的看法,就决定了他自己的命运,或者说,指明了他的最终归宿。

4. 只有真正的工作之后,才会有真正的娱乐。不做没有希望的事情,才是真正的智慧。

5. 不论何时,随时纠正我们的偏见都不算晚。

6. 解决生命问题,不仅要在理论中埋头,还要更多地从实践出发。

7. 当付出的劳动换来的只是痛苦。这种时候,痛苦本身就是劳动的报酬。

8. 如果要别人来买你的篮子,你必须要让人觉得你的篮子是值得买的,或者做些让别人觉


9. 我们不应该对自己过分关心,这样才可以把这些关心真诚地给予其他人。

10. 人的需求,不一定要应付什么事业,而是要有所作为。

11. 我们为什么总是考虑怎样去得到更多的这类东西,而不能适当、适时地减少一些对这类


12. 导致房子很别致的,不是它们的外表,而是房子里面的居民生活。

13. 他们不应该对人生仅仅采用一种游戏或研究的态度,而是应该自始至终真诚地体验生


14. 一个人获得的其实就是另一个人失去的。

15. 不要充当穷人的先知。而是要勤奋,努力成为世界上一个有价值的人。

16. “必须多思考,更勇敢,更大度、仔细地去研究每个字和每句话的言外之意。

17. 年轻时用一些时间去学习一门古代语言——即使是只掌握一些词汇……也是有价值

的,因为 这些词汇是从大街小巷的烦琐中提炼出来的,它们已经变成永恒的启示和使人振作的力量。

18. 阅读优秀的著作——也就是阅读真正意义上的有意义的书——是一件高尚的运动,必


19. 读书要训练,必须终身坚持,不能三心二意。

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篇四 :梭罗的《瓦尔登湖》名言警句


1、 人类之所以想要一个家,想要一个温暖的地方,或者舒适的地方,首先是为了获得身体的温暖,然后才是情感的温暖。

2、 我喜欢看到,大自然是如此充满着生命力,因而无数的生物都经得起被牺牲,成为彼此的猎物。

3、 光勤劳是不够的,蚂蚁也是勤劳的。要看你为什么而勤劳。

4、 唯有我们觉醒之际,天才会破晓。破晓的,不止是黎明。太阳只不过是一颗晨星。

5、 有了思想,我们可以在清醒的状态下,欢喜若狂。只要我们的心灵有意识地努力,我们就可以高高地超乎任何行为及其后果之上;一切好事坏事,就像奔流一样,从我们身边经过。我们并不是完全都给纠缠在大自然之内的。……看戏很可能感动了我;而另一方面,和我生命更加攸关的事件却可能不感动我。——亨利·戴维·梭罗 《瓦尔登湖》

6、 大多数人,即使是在这个比较自由的国土上的人们,也仅仅因为无知和错误,满载着虚构的忧虑,忙不完的粗活,却不能采集生命的美果。操劳过度,使他们的手指粗笨了,颤抖得又太厉害,不适用于采集了。真的,忙碌的人,一天又一天孤独,找不到空闲来使得自己真正地完整无损;他无法保持人与人间最勇毅的关系。除了做一架机器之外,他没时间来做别的。

7、 有时间充实自己的精神生活,这才是真正的休闲。

8、 我们为今生创造家园,为来生建造墓穴。

9、 智慧和纯洁来自于身体力行,愚昧和无知则从懒散中产生。

10、 不要给我爱,无须给我钱,我也不要名誉,我需要的只有真理。

11、 时间决定你会在生命中遇见谁,你的心决定你想要谁出现在你的生命里,而你的行为决定最后谁能留下。

12、 从今以后,别再过你应该过的人生,去过你想过的人生吧! ——梭罗

13、 与我们自己的私人意见相比,舆论是一个软弱的暴君。恰恰是一个人对自己的看法,决定了他的命运,更确切地说,是指出了他的命运。

14、 一个人的富裕程度如何,要看他能放得开多少东西 ——梭罗

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篇五 :瓦尔登湖的生活哲学(英文版)

Course essay for English literature---2014

Life Philosophy from the Walden

In the nineteenth century,with the rapid development of modern social productive forces of capitalism,people began to feel the advanced technology the material civilization brought profoundly.Meanwhile the pursuit of material became obvious.The commercialization of age was inclined to satisfy with people’s increasing material requirement to a maximum extent while any spiritual belief in the tide of the strong development of capitalism appear feeble and so vulnerable.In the face of such phenomenon,many scholars, thinkers and other people with lofty ideas generated the unprecedented doubts:Is the commercial society of capitalism our ideal society?Are the money and the power our human permanent pursuit?With this kind of doubts, in the summer of 1845 , Thoreau built log cabin beside Walden Pond,living in the woods along for two years and two months.He lived modestly,Self-sufficiency and planted sprouts, gathering berries.During the spare time,he often went swimming and went for a walk ,or chatted with some friends living at the nearby town. Meanwhile, he wrote down the Walden ,the representative works of immortality.The author’s moving to the cabin was weird action,especially in the age when most people choose to struggle to succeed in society requiring more money and power.The Walden is the sincere description of the nature ,the authoritative guide of simple life and the heartless charges to the gold coin society.

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篇六 :瓦尔登湖读后感__英文


Walden is a masterpiece written by Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862), who was born in Concord, Massachusetts. The age he lived had witnessed the flourish of capitalism as well as the prosperity of industrialization and urbanization. During the 19th century, the American economy developed at so fast rate that most people were bound up in pursuing the material satisfaction , while ingored the spiritual life to a great extent. But Thoreau was quite different from other people, he disdained the modern civilization and attached more importance to the spirit than the material. He thought many people of his time lived in a non-human-like modern society and many modern appliances, such as trains and telegraphs, had done harm to people's harmonious life peace and also broken the relationship between human and nature.

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篇七 :瓦尔登湖英文 读后感

Closing the white cover of the book ’Walden’, I just quite confused because so many new words that I can’t recognize. With the help of Chinese version downloaded from the internet, after I catch the general idea, a burst of cold water pours into my heart, pure and limpid, clarify my shattered mind without any dirt existing. As some said in preface “Walden is a book with loneness and solitude and a book with a single person.” When your mind is uneasy, you have no need reading the book. It requires you to come down and to be at leisure.

The book was written in the middle of the 19th century-a period that is a rapid development of capitalism. Under such a background, most people would rather pursue benefits as possible as they can and try every means to obtain higher power and money no matter what it would cost. Industrial civilization and noisy society was gradually corrupting the nature of the humanity. However, at this situation, a illuminati graduating from Harvard University, carried an axe along with his lone single shadow. Then away from the city he ran into the uninhabited Walden at the edge of the mountain forest and settled down over here. He insisted on his own ways with a yearning for nature as well as set out the trace of the soul. At the land of the so-called Walden” drops of god”. He became unperturbed in space,lonely in thought.

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篇八 :英文版瓦尔登湖节选

Excerpt from Chapter 6: Visitors 节选自第六章《访客》

He interested me because he was so quiet and solitary and so happy withal; a well of good humor and contentment which overflowed at his eyes. His mirth was without alloy. Sometimes I saw him at his work in the woods, felling trees, and he would greet me with a laugh of inexpressible satisfaction, and a salutation in Canadian French, though he spoke English as well. When I approached him he would suspend his work, and with half-suppressed mirth lie along the trunk of a pine which he had felled, and, peeling off the inner bark, roll it up into a ball and chew it while he laughed and talked. Such an exuberance of animal spirits had he that he sometimes tumbled down and rolled on the ground with laughter at anything which made him think and tickled him. Looking round upon the trees he would exclaim—“ By George! I can enjoy myself well enough here chopping; I want no better sport.” Sometimes, when at leisure, he amused himself all day in the woods with a pocket pistol, firing salutes to himself at regular intervals as he walked. In the winter he had a fire by which at noon he warmed his coffee in a kettle; and as he sat on a log to eat his dinner the chickadees would sometimes come round and alight on his arm and peck at the potato in his fingers; and he said that he “liked to have the little fellers about him.” In him the animal man chiefly was developed. In physical endurance and contentment he was cousin to the pine and the rock. I asked him once if he was not sometimes tired at night, after working all day; and he answered, with a sincere and serious look, “Gorrappit, I never was tired in my life.” But the intellectual and what is called spiritual man in him were slumbering as in an infant. He had been instructed only in that innocent and ineffectual way in which the Catholic priests teach the aborigines, by which the pupil is never educated to the degree of consciousness, but only to the degree of trust and reverence, and a child is not made a man, but kept a child. When Nature made him, she gave him a strong body and contentment for his portion, and propped him on every side with reverence and reliance, that he might live out his threescore years and ten a child. He was so genuine and unsophisticated that no introduction would serve to introduce him, more than if you introduced a woodchuck to your neighbor. He particularly reverenced the writer and the preacher. Their performances were miracles. When I told him that I wrote considerably, he thought for a long time that it was merely the handwriting which I meant, for he could write a remarkably good hand himself. I sometimes found the name of his native parish handsomely written in the snow by the

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