篇一 :Harry Potter英文读后感


Reading report of Harry Potter

班级:英语1203班 学号:120810091 姓名:郑荔丹

I do not want it, nor need it. But I need some laughter. We may all need some laughter. I figure that you may feel sort of confused when you see this book. Because you might think that Harry Potter is a little childish for a college freshman to write. But I still got my reasons to convince you and make you to fancy on it.

How much tough life can be .How much tough you will be .As far as I am concerned ,Harry Potter is not only just some magical and dramatic novel. This book gives me a company from my childhood to come of age and ditto teaches me a lot of truly stuff about what real life is and how you gonna go through it. So let‘s have a fresh talk about it ,I bet you will find something you missed before.

J.K Rowling is the writer of this book. She almost is one of the most famous writers in the world till now. As an author, J.K Rowling has written fiction since she was a child. Born in 1965, she grown up in Chipping Sod bury and wrote her first book at the age of six--a story about a rabbit called Rabbit. She studied French and Classical at Exeter University, then moved to London to work at Amnesty International, and then to Portugal to teach English as a foreign language, before settling in Edinburg. When she was 24 ,the idea for Harry Potter occurred to her

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篇二 :harry potter读后感

Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone

Harry potter had never played a sport which is flying on a broomstick. He had never worn a Invisibility Cloak, made a friend with a giant or helped patch a dragon. All Harry knew only was a miserable life . Dursleys, his horrible aunt and uncle, and their abominable son, Dulley. Harry's room was a tiny drawer at the foot of the stairs,. he had not had a birthday party in 11 years.

But all these changed when a mysterious letter arrived by a owl messenger, which invited Harry to a wonderful place where he had never dreamed. In the magical world, he found not only friends, Ron and Hermione, but also great teachers, Professor Dumbledore, Quirrel, McGonagall and Snap, even though he thought Snap was a bad man.

As time going by, everything seemed so peaceful. However, a great conspiracy was waiting for him: someone wanted to steal sorcerer’s stone. When Harry and his partner found that, they tried to save the stone. First, they get passed trapdoor. Then, they used magic to light a fire and go through Devil’s snare. It’s too breathtaking. After that, they come into an astonishing sight, a huge live chessboard, which means they must try their best to across it. Luckily, under the lead of Ron, they succeed. At this moment, the next door opening, there was nothing very frightening in here, just a table with seven differently shaped bottles, standing on it in a line. Because Hermione got an ounce of logic, Harry successfully standed on the other side. In the last chamber. There was already someone here, but it wasn’t Snap, even wasn’t Voldemort. It was Quirred. Then, Harry knowed .Quirred was Voldemort’s servant, because failed to steal the stone from Hogwarts, Voldemort punished him to keep a closer watch on him.This was the reasons that why Voldemort was there in the classroom with Quirred.

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篇三 :harry potter1读后感

My favourite book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K.Rowling, is set in a fictitious world during the 21st century. This book witnesses Harry Potter’s first year in Hogwarts, a marvelous school of witchcraft and wizardry. There, Harry makes friends with Ron and Hermione. Later, Harry and his friends accidentally discover the leader of the dark, Lord Voldemort’s conspiracy of stealing the Philosopher’s Stone. After great difficulties, these three brave guys successfully protect the stone from their enemies. I love this book, not only for its brilliant imagination, but for the message it conveys. From Harry, I learn that no matter what difficulties we are meeting, we should face them bravely. Only in this way can we achieve what we want.

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篇四 :reading report-Solitary Hero孤独英雄-HarryPotter读后感


英语一班 1261104 周婷 Thank to the decade I still keep that movie ticket. That was the day I watched Harry Potter 7—the final chapter. The moment I stepped out the cinema, a goodbye sounded within my heart. It has been 3 years, but the Wanda International Cinema, the 6th hall, the seat I ever sat on…… they remain fresh in my memory. I still have a lot of questions of HP7 and don’t want to let this story go, so last year I started to read the real book. Maybe it is a little lazy of me to choose this novel to summarize the reading report, but I do found the beauties of JK Rowling’s original work, and captured some of my strong feelings. To be frank, finishing <Harry Potter 7> in English is a long and strenuous journey, off and on, for a long time. It’s just like a farewell to my years of following on this novel. Accurately, it took totally ten years for JK Rowling to create this novel. It is long enough to mean the end of an era for many people, as well as me. Compared with other books, Harry Potter is of special significance. Since 2001, the day I knew it, this novel has companied me to grow all the way. Maybe in the early Harry Potter 1, I was keen on the savior---Harry, or his friends. Because of their innocence, happiness or brave stories. However, when the latter part came out, my view changed. The role keeping me fascinated, even distressed, is not the leading one--Harry Potter, but the

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篇五 :Harry_Potter_2读后感


so much so that it cannot help but in turn

spur the imagination of the young who read

it. There's no doubt that when I read Harry

Potter, I feel that I am walking the halls of

Hogwarts (Harry's school) beside me.

It opens with Harry pining for the end of

summer recess so that he can return to

Hogwarts. There is no happiness in the

home in which he lives with his uncle and

aunt, the Dursley’s, where he is in general

looked down upon and mistreated. Harry's

own parents are dead, and he has been taken to his uncle and aunt, who treat him as a second-rate citizen. They might even treat him worse than they do except that they fear his powers of magic.


There is as much humor in Chamber of Secrets as there is imagination. Harry is told by his uncle to go to his room and there remain perfectly quiet while the Dursley’s entertain some guests. While in his room, Harry is visited by Dobby, an elf-like creature who warns Harry not to return to Hogwarts as danger awaits everyone there. Dobby, not the quiet type, begins to make a racket, much to Harry's profound dismay. Harry attempts and fails to keep him quiet. Needless to say, the Dursley’s are ultimately not happy with Harry as much destruction occurs.

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篇六 :harry potter(哈利波特1 英文影评)

201102133013 王婷

中国传媒大学 2014-2015 学年第 1期

题 目

学生姓名 王婷

学 号 班 级 学生所属学院 外国语学院

任课教师 彭展

教师所属学院 外国语学院

成 绩

201102133013 王婷

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, the first part of the HARRY POTTER FILMS, achieved great success in the global stage in 2002. China just joined the WTO and began to open up bit by bit on films and other entertainment, which is a really good chance for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Furthermore, its vivid

characterization and gripping plot also contributed to its spectacular box office success. But there is another important successful factor which is easy to be

forgotten is the skilled and natural film translation.

The film follows Harry Potter, a young wizard who discovers his magical heritage, as he makes close friends and a few enemies in his first year at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. With the help of his friends, Harry faces an attempted

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篇七 :Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 影评

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire影评


之前,对这部哈利波特第三部曲还是充满期待的: hogwarts魔法学校的传统本身,已经成为传奇的引人入胜的背景; harry potter 和他的两个伙伴 ron 和hermione之间的友谊和互动更是一道纯真的,充满情趣的风景; harry的初恋-华裔女孩cho chang的出现想必也让许多中国观众充满了期望; 而风度翩翩的英国著名男星ralph fiennes出演伏地魔一角, 更是让我这有了必看的理由。 < <哈利波特与火焰杯>>与前两部曲相比, 基调更为阴森和险恶. 三个欧洲最大的魔法学校 :hogwarts,durmstrang和beauxbatons 要进行一场校际较量, 奖品是无尚的荣誉Triwizard奖杯, 三个学校的代表由火焰杯选出. 虽然条件之一是候选人必须年满17岁, 14岁的Harry 还是别有用心地被火焰杯给挑选出来.这甚至使得ron 对他产生了小小的误会.

三场冒着生命危险的比赛被极力渲染, 四个小巫师从天上比赛到海里, 特技制做的场景壮观华丽,美仑美奂, 倒也回肠荡气.但一切都是明媚的表象. 应Dumbledore校长之邀,来到魔法学校的新老师, 狂眼(mad-eye) Moody才是掌握一切秘密的关键.在他不动声色的策划下, HAPPY POTTER 被迫用自己的鲜血,几乎赔上自己的性命,帮助完成了Lord Voldemort复生的仪式. Lord Voldemort is back!在前两部曲中只闻其名,不见其人的伏地魔终于在13年的消亡后重新粉墨登场.不出意外,我们将在以后一系列Harry Potter片里看到这个家伙以一个黑暗大帝的姿态呼风唤雨.

导演试图在片子里加上青春期爱情的元素. Harry Potter 爱上了美丽(这点不太确定)的Cho Chang,并试图邀请她成为舞伴, 遗憾地是,大名鼎鼎的小巫师在情场上出师不利;Hermoine 对Ron 也有了懵懂的感情, 可傻小子Ron暂时还不能体会. 一切都在潜生暗长,慢慢成型.受到中国观众期盼的华裔女孩Katie Leung在有限的戏份里 完成了一个不太合格的花瓶角色.

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篇八 :Reading after Harry Potter and The Philosopher 哈利波特与魔法石读后感

Reading after Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone

I fell in love with Harry Potter when I was a ten-year-old girl,who was interested in all the mystical things.Harry Potter led me to a new world which was full of magic and love,that’s why I was eager to become 11 at that time so that I would know whether I was a witch.Then certainly,I’m not.

Reading Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone again in English made me feel more and learn more.The character that most impressed me was courage.

I admire little Harry’s courage to face the future.When he first got on the train to Hogwarts,he really did not know what was going to happen,and he knew little about the magic world,but he was not afraid at all.Instead,he ‘felt a great leap of excitement.He didn’t know what he was going to-but it had to be better than he was leaving behind.’Though Harry alway suffers a lot,he always has trust in the future.

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