


so much so that it cannot help but in turn

spur the imagination of the young who read

it. There's no doubt that when I read Harry

Potter, I feel that I am walking the halls of

Hogwarts (Harry's school) beside me.

It opens with Harry pining for the end of

summer recess so that he can return to

Hogwarts. There is no happiness in the

home in which he lives with his uncle and

aunt, the Dursley’s, where he is in general

looked down upon and mistreated. Harry's

own parents are dead, and he has been taken to his uncle and aunt, who treat him as a second-rate citizen. They might even treat him worse than they do except that they fear his powers of magic.


There is as much humor in Chamber of Secrets as there is imagination. Harry is told by his uncle to go to his room and there remain perfectly quiet while the Dursley’s entertain some guests. While in his room, Harry is visited by Dobby, an elf-like creature who warns Harry not to return to Hogwarts as danger awaits everyone there. Dobby, not the quiet type, begins to make a racket, much to Harry's profound dismay. Harry attempts and fails to keep him quiet. Needless to say, the Dursley’s are ultimately not happy with Harry as much destruction occurs.

With Dobby’s warning to Harry that danger awaits him in Hogwarts, the book becomes as much a mystery as a fantasy. Once in school again, there are signs (literally scrawled messages on the wall) that the Chamber of Secrets will again be opened and the evil contained therein again set loose. Children are later frozen (shades of Medusa) and very nearly killed by something unseen crawler in the halls of the school. It is up to Harry and his friends, Ron and Hermione, to discover what it is and to stop it.

北京四中 初一三班 王叶舟 20131098


extremely frightening to sensitive (and younger) children. Harry enters the Chamber of Secrets and encounters Ginny's still body and Tom Riddle. Tom

turns out to be a younger version of

Voldemort, who has been enchanting Ginny

through his journal. Harry calls for help from

Dumbledore. A phoenix and a magic hat

arrive. Tom summons a basilisk, but the

phoenix punctures its eyes. The hat

produces a sword, which Harry uses to kill

the giant snake. Harry sticks a basilisk fang

through the diary, destroying Tom. Ginny

wakes up.

Along the way, there are enough surprises

and imaginative details thrown in as would

normally fill five lesser books. There is the

magic way Harry is supposed to travel to school (on the subway platform) and then, when he fails to make his train, the adventure with the flying car, culminating with the Whomping Willow's distress. One ghost haunts nothing else but a girl's bathroom in the school, and a wonderful diary that can write back to you as you make entries -- like having a friend in your pocket, as one character says. A broken wand creates


(inadvertently) many incorrect and funny circumstances as magic spells backfire, and one egotistical teacher's lack of talent quite often does the same. There is the magic of "Floopowder," by which a wizard can travel anywhere through the fireplaces of buildings as long as one states the destination clearly and clocks that have no numbers but rather say things like: "time to make tea" or simply "you're late". It is all of the details (those mentioned here and many more) that truly make Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets a wonderful book, a book that is a pleasure for us to read but which will for a child prove to be a true and memorable joy.

北京四中 初一三班 王叶舟 20131098

第二篇:harry potter 2 词汇

Harry potter and the chamber of secrets

screech [skri:t?]

n./ v.尖叫;(发出)刺耳的声音 fishy [?fi?i]

a.靠不住的,可疑的;呆滞的 grudge [gr?d?]

n.不满,怨恨,妒嫉 vt.勉强给,不情愿做 grudge n ~ (against sb) feeling of ill-will, envy, resentment, spite, etc 恶意; 嫉妒; 怨恨; 遗憾: I bear him no grudge. 我对他没有怨恨. * He has a grudge against me. 他对我有恶意. * He has been

harbouring/nursing a grudge against me. 他一直对我心怀嫉妒. * [attrib 作定语] a grudge fight, ie when one boxer, etc has a

grudge against the other 彼此结怨的拳手互斗. sabre


BrE saber AmE /?se?b? US -?r/ n [C] a light pointed sword with one sharp edge used in fencing

a heavy sword with a curved blade, used in past times haphazard

/ h?p?h?z?d; ?h?pˋh?z?d/ adj without plan or order; random 无计画的; 无秩序的; 任意的: books piled on shelves in a

haphazard fashion 乱七八糟地堆在书架上的书籍. > haphazardly adv. cramp 2

/ kr?mp; kr?mp/ v

[Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] give insufficient space or scope to (sb/sth); hinder or prevent the movement or

development of (sb/sth) 限制在狭小的范围内; 阻碍或妨碍(某人[某事物])的活动或发展: All these difficulties cramped his progress. 所有这些困难阻碍了他的进步. *

I feel cramped by the limitations of my job.

我觉得受工作束缚, 没有什麽奔头儿. squeal

/ skwi?l; skwil/ n high-pitched cry or sound, longer and louder than a squeak (often indicating terror or pain) 长而尖的叫声或响声(常因惊恐或痛苦所致): the squeal of brakes, eg on lorries 刹车发出的嘎的一声 * There were squeals of excitement from the children. 孩子们兴奋得大声尖叫. > squeal v

[I] make a squeal 发出长而尖的声音: The pigs were squealing. 猪在尖叫. * He squealed like a pig. 他像猪似的号叫着. autograph

/ ???t?grɑ?f; US -gr?f; ˋ?t??ɡr?f/ n person's signature or handwriting, esp when kept as a souvenir 亲笔签名, 手迹(尤指为留作纪念者): I've got lots of famous footballers' autographs. 我有许多着名足球运动员的亲笔签名. * gnome / n?um; nom/ n

(in stories) creature like a small human being living under the ground (often guarding treasure) (故事中的)守护神, 地精(常作守卫宝藏者). loophole

/ ?lu?ph?ul; ˋlup?hol/ n

way of escaping a rule, the terms of a contract, etc, esp one provided by vague or careless wording (规则﹑ 合同条款等的)漏洞, 空子(尤指措辞含混或不严谨所致者): A good lawyer can always find a loophole. 精明的律师专会找到漏洞. ajar

/ ??d?ɑ?(r); ?ˋd?ɑr/ adj [pred 作表语] (of a door) slightly open (指门)微开着, 半开着: The door was/stood ajar. 那扇门半开着. * leave the door ajar 让门半开着. flight 1


Harry potter and the chamber of secrets

/ fla?t; fla?t/ n

C] series of stairs between two floors or landings 一段楼梯或阶梯: There was no

/ ?v?mpa??(r); ˋv?mpa?r/ n

reanimated corpsebelieved by some to leave its grave at night and suck the blood of living people 吸血鬼(传说在夜间离开lift and we had to climb six flights of stairs. 没有电梯, 我们得爬六段楼梯.

plaque 1

/ plɑ?k; US pl?k; pl?k/ n flat (usu round) piece of stone, metal or porcelain fixed on a wall as an ornament or a memorial (装於墙上作饰物或纪念物的石质﹑ 金属或瓷制的)饰板(通常为圆形): A simple

plaque marks the spot where the martyr died. 有一块朴素的饰板用以纪念该烈士的

殉难处. bedspread

(BrE also bedcover) (AmE also spread) noun

an attractive cover put on top of all the sheets and covers on a bed flourish / ?fl?r??; ˋfl?r??/ v

[I] be successful, very active, or

widespread; prosper 昌盛; 旺盛; 兴旺; 繁荣: No new business can flourish in the present economic climate. 在目前的经济气候中, 任何新生意都兴旺不起来. * a

flourishing squash club 兴旺的壁球俱乐部. ghoul / gu?l; ɡul/ n

(in stories) spirit that robs graves and feeds on the corpses in them (故事中的)盗墓食屍鬼.

(derog 贬) person with an unnaturally strong interest in death, disaster and other unpleasant things 以死亡﹑ 灾难等恶事为乐的人: these ghouls who come and stare at road accidents 来看交通事故惨状引以为乐的好事者. vampire

坟墓去吸人血的). werewolf

/ ?w??wulf; ˋw?r?w?lf/ n (pl -wolves / -wulvz;-?w?lvz/) (in stories) person who changes, or is capable of changing, into a wolf, esp at the time of the full moon (故事中的)可变成狼的人(尤指在月圆时). marmalade

/ ?mɑ?m?le?d; ˋmɑrml?ed/ n [U] type of jam made from citrus fruit, esp oranges 酸果酱; (尤指)橙子酱. perch 1 / p??t?; p?t?/ n

(a) place where a bird rests, eg a branch 鸟类的栖息处(如树枝). (b) bar or rod for this purpose, eg in a bird-cage or hen-roost (作此用途的)棍, 杆(如鸟笼或鸡窝中的). rip

/ r?p; r?p/ v (-pp-)

(a) [Tn, Tn.pr] divide or make a hole in (sth) by pulling sharply 撕裂或拉破(某物): I've ripped my trousers. 我把裤子撕破了. * rip a piece of cloth (in two) 把一块布撕成两半. (b) [Cn.a] ~ sth open open sth by pulling in this way 拉开或撕开某物: rip open a letter 撕开一封信 * My cat had its ear ripped open by a dog. 我的猫的耳朵被狗咬破了.

on vacation (esp US) on holiday 在度假. =>Usage at paddock

/ ?p?d?k; ˋp?d?k/ n

small field where horses are kept or exercised (放牧和驯马用的)小围场. Istoop


Harry potter and the chamber of secrets

/ stu?p; stup/ v

] have the head and shoulders habitually bent over (习惯性)弓背: He's beginning to stoop with age, ie as he gets older. 他年事渐高, 背也开始变驼了 plunder

/ ?pl?nd?(r); ˋpl?nd?/ v

[I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (sth) (from sth) steal (goods) from a place, esp during a time of war or civil disorder; pillage 掠夺或抢劫某地的(货物)(尤指战时或内乱时): The conquerors advanced, killing and plundering as they went. 征服者一路上杀人越货无所不为. * The invaders

plundered food and valuables from coastal towns and villages. 侵略者在沿海城乡抢劫


plunderer / ?pl?nd?r?(r); ˋpl?nd?r?/ n person who plunders 掠夺者; 抢劫者 soot

/ sut; s?t/ n [U] black powder in the smoke of wood, coal, etc 炱; 烟中的黑灰: sweep the soot out of the chimney 把烟囱里的黑灰扫掉 * One small fire in the

kitchen covered the whole house in soot.

厨房里只有一个小火炉就把整个房子都燻黑了. breakneck


[only before noun] very fast and dangerous: to drive / travel / do sth at breakneck speed breakneck

/ ?bre?knek; ˋbrek?n?k/ adj [attrib 作定语] dangerously fast 快得危险的: drive, ride, travel, etc at breakneck speed 以非常危险的高速度开车﹑ 骑马﹑ 行进等. squeal [skwi:l] n.& v.长而尖的叫声


(also caldron) / ?k??ldr?n; ˋk?ldr?n/ n large deep pot for boiling things in 大锅. sneer [sni?]

vi.(at)嗤笑,嘲笑,讥笑 n.嗤笑,嘲笑 apprehensive

/ ??pr??hens?v; ??pr?ˋh?ns?v/ adj ~ (about/of sth); ~ (that.../for sb/sth) feeling anxiety; fearful; uneasy 忧虑的; 害怕的; 不安的: apprehensive about the results of the exams 为考试成绩担忧 * apprehensive that he would be beaten 害怕他会挨打 * apprehensive for sb's safety 担心某人的安全. > apprehensively adv. sumptuous

/ ?s?mpt?u?s; ˋs?mpt???s/ adj looking expensive and splendid 华贵的; 豪华的; 奢华的: a sumptuous feast 盛宴 * sumptuous clothes 华贵的服装. >

sumptuously adv. sumptuousness n [U]. quill

/ kw?l; kw?l/ n

(a) (also `quill-feather) large feather from the wing or tail (翅膀或尾部的)大羽毛. =>illus at


feather 见feather插图. (b) (also quill-`pen) (formerly) pen

made from the hollow stem of this (旧时)(用羽毛管做的)羽毛笔. trolley


Harry potter and the chamber of secrets

?tr?l?; ˋtrɑl?/ n (pl ~s)

cart on wheels that can be pushed or pulled along and is used for moving goods 手推车; 手拉车: a `luggage trolley 运送行李的手推车 * a `shopping trolley, eg in a supermarket 购物手推车(如超级市场中的).

small table on wheels for transporting or serving food, etc (运或送食物等用的)脚轮车, 台车: a `tea-trolley 茶具车.

=>illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page xvi. cavernous


(written) (of a room or space) very large and often empty and/or dark; like a CAVE: the vast, cavernous space of the empty concert hall cavern

/ ?k?v?n; ˋk?v?n/ n cave, esp a large or dark one 洞穴(尤指大而黑的).

> cavernous adj like a cavern; large and deep 像大洞穴的; 大而深的: cavernous depths 像大洞穴般的深度 * cavernous eyes 深陷的眼睛.

woolly (US also wooly) / ?wul?; ˋw?l?/ adj (-ier, -iest)

1 (a) covered with wool or wool-like hair 长着或覆有羊毛或羊毛状的毛(发)的: woolly sheep 毛绒绒的绵羊 * the dog's woolly coat 狗的羊毛状的毛. (b) like or made of wool; woollen 似羊毛的; 羊毛制的; 毛纺的: a woolly cotton fabric 棉毛织物 * a woolly hat 羊毛制的帽子. fabulous

/ ?f?bjul?s; ˋf?bj?l?s/ adj

incredibly great 极为巨大的: fabulous wealth 巨大的财富.

(infml 口) wonderful; marvellous 极好的; 绝妙的: a fabulous performance 精采


[attrib 作定语] (fml 文) appearing in fables; legendary 寓言中的; 传说的; 神话的: fabulous heroes, monsters, etc 传奇式的英雄﹑ 妖怪等.

> fabulously adv incredibly 难以置信地: fabulously rich 难以置信地富有. bellow / ?bel?u; ˋb?lo/ v

[I] make a deep loud noise like a bull; roar, esp with pain 发出(像牛的)吼叫声; 咆哮(尤指因痛苦): The bull bellowed angrily. 公牛怒吼起来.

[I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (sth) (at sb) say (sth) loudly or angrily; shout (大声地或愤怒地)说出(某事); 大叫: The music

was so loud we had to bellow at each other to be heard. 音乐的声音实在太大,

我们只有彼此大声喊叫才能把话听清. *

The sergeant bellowed orders at the platoon. 士官向全排士兵大声地发出命令. >bellow n.



~ (of sth)

~ (that ...) extremely frightened sarcastic [sɑ:?k?stik, sɑr-] a.讽刺的,嘲笑的,挖苦的 sidekick


(informal) a person who helps another

more important or more intelligent person: Batman and his young sidekick Robin ◆ Inspector Morse and his trusted sidekick Sergeant Lewis gulp / g?lp; ɡ?lp/ v

[Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (down) swallow (food or drink) quickly or greedily 快速或贪婪地吞咽(食物或饮料): gulp one's food 狼吞虎咽地吃东西 * gulp down a cup


Harry potter and the chamber of secrets

of tea 一口气喝下一杯茶.

[I] make a swallowing motion 吞咽; 咽:

She gulped nervously, as if the question bothered her. 她紧张地咽了一下, 似乎那


[Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (in) breathe (air) deeply, (as if) to recover from partial suffocation 深呼吸; 喘大气; 喘长气: She

crawled onto the river bank and lay there gulping in air. 她爬上河岸, 躺在那里喘着

大气. detention

/ d??ten?n; d?ˋt?n??n/ n [U] (a) detaining or being detained, esp in prison 阻止; 滞留; 拘留; (尤指)监禁: detention without trial 未经审判的关押. (b) punishment of being kept at school after it has closed 课後留校的惩罚: be given two hours' detention 被罚留校两小时. flight 1 / fla?t; fla?t/ n

C] series of stairs between two floors or landings 一段楼梯或阶梯: There was no

lift and we had to climb six flights of stairs. 没有电梯, 我们得爬六段楼梯.


/ ?m?r?θ?n; US -θ?n; ˋm?r??θɑn/ n (also Marathon) long-distance running race (of about 42 km or 26 miles) 马拉松赛跑 laden

adj.装满的,装着货的,充满了的 laden

/ ?le?dn; ˋledn/ adj [usu pred 通常作表语] ~ (with sth) loaded or weighted 装满的; 满载的: trees laden with apples 果实满枝的苹果树 * a lorry laden with supplies 满载供应品的卡车 * shoppers with their baskets fully laden 篮子装得满满的那些买东西的

enchanted / -?d; -?d/ adj placed under a magic spell 中魔法的: an enchanted

garden, eg in a fairy story 施过魔法的花园(如於童话故事中). earmuff


[usually pl.] either of a pair of coverings for the ears connected by a band across the top of the head, and worn to protect the ears, especially from cold: a pair of earmuffs compost

/ ?k?mp?st; ˋkɑmpost/ n [U, C] mixture of decayed organic matter, manure, etc added to soil to improve the growth of plants 混合肥料; 堆肥. squash 1 / skw??; skwɑ?/ v

(a) [Tn, Cn.a] press or squeeze (sb/sth) flat or into a pulp; crush 将(某人[某物])压扁, 压烂, 挤扁, 挤碎: squashed

tomatoes 挤烂的蕃茄 * The cat got run over by the lorry and squashed. 那只猫被卡车辗死了. * He sat on his hat and squashed it (flat). 他把帽子坐扁了. overcast

/ ??uv??kɑ?st; US -?kst; ?ov?ˋk?st/ adj (of the sky) covered with cloud (指天空)阴的, 多云的: a dark, overcast day 阴暗的一天 * It's a bit overcast it might rain. 天有点阴--可能有雨. * (fig 比喻) a gloomy, overcast (ie unhappy) expression on his face 他愁眉苦脸. crony

/ ?kr?un?; ˋkron?/ n (derog 贬) close friend or companion 密友; 亲密的伙伴: He

spends every evening drinking in the pub with his cronies. 他每天晚上都跟知心朋友



Harry potter and the chamber of secrets

foul 1 / faul; fa?l/ adj

having a bad smell or taste; dirty and disgusting 难闻的; 有恶味的; 污秽的; 令人厌恶的: foul stagnant ponds 臭烘烘的死水塘 * a foul rubbish dump 又脏又臭的垃圾堆 * This medicine tastes foul! 这药味让人恶心!

(a) unpleasant; dreadful 不愉快的; 可怕的: `Go away! I've had a foul day at work.' ‘走开! 我干了一天活儿够受的了.’ * His boss has a foul temper. 他的老板的脾气很坏. (b) evil or wicked 邪恶的; 罪恶的: a foul crime 邪恶的罪行. pixie

(also pixy) / ?p?ks?; ˋp?ks?/ n small elf or fairy (eg in children's fairy-tales) 小精灵, 小仙子(如童话中的). bizarre

/ b??zɑ?(r); b?ˋzɑr/ adj strange in

appearance or effect; grotesque; eccentric 奇形怪状的; 古怪的. rhino

/ ?ra?n?u; ˋra?no/ n (pl unchanged or ~s 复数或不变或作 rhinos / -n?uz; -noz/) (infml 口) rhinoceros 犀牛: black/white rhino 黑[白]犀牛 * [attrib 作定语] rhino horn 犀牛角. =>illus 见插图.


gulp [g?lp]

vt.)吞咽;大口地吸(气) vi.哽住 n.吞咽 squint

/ ?skw?nt; skw?nt/ v

[I] have eyes that do not move

together but look in different directions at once 患斜视.

[I, Ipr] ~ (at, through, up, etc sth) look (at sth) with eyes half shut or turned sideways, or through a narrow opening 眯着眼睛, 乜斜着眼睛(看某物); 瞟; 从小孔或缝隙里看, 窥看(某物): squinting in the bright sunlight 在很亮的阳光下眯起眼睛 * squinting through the letter-box 从投信口向信箱里面看. scribble [?skrib?l] vt.潦草地写

heavily adv: a heavily loaded lorry 重载的卡车 * smoke/drink heavily 大量抽烟[饮酒] * be heavily taxed 被徵重税 * heavily armed terrorists 全副武装的恐怖分子 * rely heavily on sb 依赖某人 * He fell heavily and twisted his ankle. 他摔了一大跤, 扭伤了脚踝. * She lost heavily at cards. hoop / hu?p; hup/ n

circular band of wood, metal, etc (木头﹑ 金属等做的)箍, 圈, 环: a barrel bound with iron hoops 加有铁箍的桶. large ring used at a circus for riders or animals to jump through (马戏团中供骑手或动物穿越的)大圈. drench

/ drent?; dr?nt?/ v [esp passive 尤用於被动语态: Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p]

make (sb/sth) completely wet 使(某人[某物])湿透: We were caught in the

storm and got drenched (through/to the skin). 我们遇上大雨, 全都浇透了. * be drenched with rain 被雨浇透



Harry potter and the chamber of secrets

arrow n.箭头,指针 cross n.十字接头

Cater-pillar track) (propr 专利名)

endless belt passing round the wheels of a tractor or tank, enabling it to travel over rough ground 履带. (b) (also Caterpillar tractor, abbr 缩写 cat) tractor fitted with such a belt 履带拖拉机 droop [dru:p] v.低垂;下垂;枯萎 droop

/ dru?p; drup/ v [I, Ipr, Ip] bend or hang downwards through tiredness or

weakness (因疲倦或衰弱)弯曲或下垂; 发蔫: flowers drooping for lack of water 因缺水而发蔫的花 * Her head drooped sadly. 她悲伤地低着头. * (fig 比喻) His spirits drooped at the news, ie He became sad. 那消息使他情绪低落. > droopy adj (-ier, -iest).

stupor [?stju:p?] n.昏迷,不醒人事

smuglyadv: smile smugly at the failures of others 对别人的失败幸灾乐祸. smugness n [U]. superb [su:?p?:b, sju:-] a.极好的,高质量的 howl [haul]

vi./ n.嗥叫,呼啸;吼叫,哀号 squeal [skwi:l] n.& v.长而尖的叫声

belch n act or sound of belching 嗝; 打嗝声: give a loud belch 大声地打了一个嗝. slug 2

/ sl?g; sl?ɡ/ n

(a) bullet, esp of irregular shape 子弹(尤指形状不规则的). (b) (infml 口 esp US) any bullet 子弹.

(in printing) strip of metal with a line of type along one edge (印刷中的)大嵌条. hiss [his]


Stay away from me!' she hissed. ‘去你的

吧!’她带着愤怒的嘶嘶声嚷道. perturb

vt.干扰,扰动,使紊乱 perturb

/ p??t??b; p?ˋt?b/ v [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] (fml 文) make (sb) very worried; disturb 使(某人)烦恼﹑ 不安: perturbing rumours 令人不安的谣言 * We

were perturbed to hear of his

disappearance. 我们听说他失踪了, 都很不


> perturbation / ?p??t??be??n;

?p?t?ˋbe??n/ n [U] (fml 文) state of being perturbed; anxiety 不安; 烦扰; 忧虑. cauldron

n.海釜,锅底状木化石铸模 boulder

n.巨石,大块石,漂砾,漂砾,巨砾 treacle [?tri:k?l] n.糖浆,过分甜蜜的声调 fudge 1

/ f?d?; f?d?/ n [U] soft sweet made of sugar, butter and milk, often with added flavourings (由糖﹑ 奶油和牛奶, 有时加香料制成的)软糖: chocolate/walnut fudge 巧克力[核桃]软糖. gulp [g?lp]

vt.)吞咽;大口地吸(气) vi.哽住 n.吞咽 loath


Harry potter and the chamber of secrets

(also loth) / l?uθ; loθ/ adj [pred 作表语] (fml 文)

~ to do sth unwilling; reluctant 不愿意; 不情愿: He seemed somewhat loath to depart. 他似有不愿离去之意.

(idm 习语) ,nothing `loath quite willing; eager 很乐意; 心甘情愿; 巴不得. canopy n.防雨盖板 canopy

/ ?k?n?p?; ˋk?n?p?/ n

hanging cover forming a shelter above a throne, bed, etc (宝座或床等上面的)华盖, 罩篷. potion [?p?u??n] n.(药等的)一服;一剂 potion

/ ?p?u?n; ˋpo??n/ n (formerly) drink of medicine, poison or a liquid used in magic (旧时)(药物﹑ 毒物或有魔力的)饮料: a `love potion 春药饮剂 * The magician displayed his charms and potions. 魔术师展示了咒符和有魔力的饮品. shed n.车库

/ ?ed; ??d/ n (often in compounds 常用以构成复合词) one-storey building used for

storing things, sheltering animals, vehicles, etc or as a workshop (用以储物﹑ 关牲口﹑ 停车辆等或作车间的)平房, 棚: a

`tool-shed 工具房 * a `wood-shed 柴房 * a `coal-shed 煤库 * a `cattle-shed 牲口棚 * an `engine-shed 机车库 * a `bicycle-shed 自行车棚. => tone 1

/ t?un; ton/ n

[C] sound, esp with reference to its pitch, quality, strength, etc 声音; 音调; 音质: the ringing tones of an orator's voice

演说者宏亮的声音 * the alarm bell's harsh tone 刺耳的警钟的声音.

[C] manner of expression in speaking 语气; 口气; 腔调: speak in an angry, impatient, entreating, etc tone 以愤怒﹑ 不耐烦﹑ 恳求等的语气说话 * a tone of command, reproach, regret, etc 命令﹑ 责备﹑ 抱歉等的口气 * Don't speak to me in that tone (of voice), ie in that unpleasant, insolent, critical, etc way. 别用那种腔调跟我说话. tapestry n.挂毯,绒绣 tapestry

/ ?t?p?str?; ˋt?p?str?/ n [C, U] (piece of) cloth into which threads of coloured wool are woven or embroidered by hand to make pictures or designs, used for

covering walls and furniture 绣帷; 织花帷; 壁毯; 挂毯.

> tapestried adj hung or decorated with tapestries 挂绣帷或挂毯的; 以绣帷或挂毯装饰的: tapestried walls 挂有绣帷的墙. dingy [?dind?i] a.肮脏的;昏暗的 dingy

/ ?d?nd??; ˋd?nd??/ adj (-ier, -iest) dirty-looking; not cheerful or bright; drab 肮脏的; 邋遢的; 无生气的; 无光泽的; 暗淡的; 昏黑的; 死气沉沉的: a dingy room in a cheap hotel 低级旅馆中又黑又脏的房间 * a dingy manufacturing town 污浊的工业小镇. > dingily adv. dinginess n [U]. retrieve [ri?tri:v]

vt.重新得到,收回;挽回,补救;检索 retrieve / r??tri?v; r?ˋtriv/ v

[Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (from sb/sth) (esp fml 尤作庄重语) get possession of sth again 重新获得某物; 取回某物: retrieve


Harry potter and the chamber of secrets

one's suitcase from the left luggage office 从行李寄存处取回衣箱 * (joc 谑) I must retrieve my credit card from the waiter. 我

得向服务员要回信用卡. poltergeist


a ghost that makes loud noises and throws objects poltergeist

/ ?p?lt?ga?st; ˋpolt??ɡa?st/ n type of ghost that makes loud noises, throws objects about, etc (弄出噪声﹑ 乱扔东西等的)鬼.

airborne [?e?b?:n]

a.空气传播的,(部队)空降的 airborne

/ ?e?b??n; ˋ?r?b?rn/ adj (a) [attrib 作定语] transported by the air 空运的; 空中传播的; 空气传播的; 风媒的: airborne seeds 空气传播的种子. (b) [pred 作表语] (of aircraft) in the air after taking off (指飞行器)起飞後在飞行中: Smoking is forbidden until the plane is airborne. 飞机升空时禁止吸烟. (

menace [?men?s]

vt./ n.有危险性的人(或物);威胁,威吓 menace

/ ?men?s; ˋm?n?s/ n

[U] threatening quality, tone, feeling, etc 威胁; 恐吓: in a speech filled with menace 在充满恫吓言词的演说中 * a film that creates an atmosphere of menace 一部营造威吓气氛的影片. havoc n.大破坏 havoc

/ ?h?v?k; ˋh?v?k/ n [U]

widespread damage; great destruction (大范围的)破坏; (巨大的)毁坏: The

floods created havoc. 洪水造成了巨大的灾

害. flick [flik]

vt./ n.轻弹(打,拍);(快轻地)移动

flick v

1 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ A (with B); ~ B (at A) strike (sb/sth) with a flick; give a flick with (sth) (用某物)轻打(某人[某物]): He

flicked the horse with his whip/flicked his whip at the horse. 他用鞭子轻轻抽马.

2 [Tn, Tn.p, Cn.a] ~ sth (off, on, etc) moves sth with a flick (用快而轻的动作)移动某物: flick the light switch (on), ie turn on the light 轻按电灯开关(开灯) * He flicked the knife open. 他轻触一下把刀刃弹出.

3 [Ipr, Ip] move quickly and lightly 快而轻地移动: The cow's tail flicked from side to side. 牛尾巴轻轻地左右摇摆. triumphant [trai??mf?nt] a.胜利的;洋洋得意的 pouch / paut?; pa?t?/ n

(esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) small (esp leather) bag carried in the pocket or attached to a belt (放在衣袋里或连在腰带上的)小袋(尤指皮制的): a to`bacco-pouch 烟袋 * an,ammu`nition-pouch 子弹袋.

dignified adj having or showing dignity 有尊严的; 高贵的; 显得高尚的; 高雅的; 庄严的: a dignified person, walk, bow 高贵的人﹑ 庄重的步态﹑ 高雅的鞠躬礼. grumpy [?gr?mpi] a.脾气暴躁的 grumpy

/ ?gr?mp?; ˋɡr?mp?/ adj (-ier, -iest) (infml 口) bad-tempered; surly 脾气坏的; 脾气暴


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躁的. > grumpily / -?l?; -?l?/ adv. grumpiness n [U]. salamander

n.耐火保险箱,能耐高热的东西 taper 1

/ ?te?p?(r); ˋtep?/ n length of wax-covered thread like a very thin candle burned to give light or to light other candles, etc 蜡捻子, 细蜡烛(点燃後用以照明或引火): put a taper to the fire 用蜡捻儿引火. gaunt [g?:nt] a.憔悴的,瘦削的 wail [weil]

n.哀诉,呜咽;恸哭 vt.悲恸地发出 handsome

/ ?h?ns?m; ˋh?ns?m/ adj

(a) (of men) good-looking (指男子)好看的, 漂亮的, 相貌堂堂的, 英俊的. (b) (of women) having a fine figure and a strong dignified appearance (指女子)健美而端庄的, 标致的: I would describe her as handsome rather than beautiful. 我认为她是健美而不是貌美. (c) of fine

appearance 美观的: a handsome horse, building, car 漂亮的马﹑ 建筑物﹑ 汽车. =>Usage at


beautiful 用法见beautiful. bowtie structure n.蝴蝶结状构造 fungus

/ ?f??g?s; ˋf??ɡ?s/ n (pl -gi / -ga?, also -d?a?; -ɡa?,-d?a?/ or ~es / -g?s?z; -ɡ?s?z/) (a) [C] any of varioustypes of plant without leaves, flowers or green

colouring-matter, growing on other plants or decaying matter 真菌; 蕈: Mildew and mushrooms are fungi. 霉和蘑菇都是真菌. =>illus 见插图. (b) [U] such plants as a group 真菌类植物丛: The lawn was

covered with fungus. 草地上到处都是蘑菇. false

/ f??ls; f?ls/ adj

wrong; incorrect 错误的; 不正确的: sing a false note 唱错音符 * `A whale is a fish. True or false?' ‘鲸鱼是一种鱼. 对还是错?’

(a) not genuine; artificial 假的; 人造的: false hair, teeth, etc 假发﹑ 假牙. (b) sham; pretended 冒充的; 假装的: false modesty 假谦虚 * false tears 虚伪的眼泪. (c) [usu attrib 通常作定语] misleading; not what it appears 引起误会的; 与外观不符的: a false sense of security, ie feeling safe when one is really in danger 虚假的安全感 * false economy 不合算的节约 * give a false impression of great wealth 给人造成很富有的假像 * hounds following a false scent 沿着误入歧途的臭迹追踪的猎狗. (d) deliberately made incorrect in order to deceive 弄虚作假的; 伪造的 loop


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loop v

1 [I, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] form or bend (sth) into a loop or loops 使(某物)成环或圈:

strings of lanterns looping/looped between the branches of the trees 绕树穿枝回环成串的灯笼 * looped threads 打圈的线 * loop (up) a rope 把绳子挽成圈.

2 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] fasten or join (sth) with a loop or loops 打环扣系住(某物); 缠绕: loop the rope round the post 把绳子缠绕在柱子上 * loop the curtains back 卷起帘子. swoop [swu:p] vi.俯冲 rogue / r?ug; roɡ/ n

(dated 旧) dishonest or unprincipled man 不诚实或不道德的男子; 无耻之徒. (joc esp approv 谑, 尤作褒义 )

mischievous person 调皮捣蛋的人: He's a charming rogue. 他是淘气鬼. thicket

/ ?θ?k?t; ˋθ?k?t/ n mass of shrubs and small trees, etc growing close together 灌木丛. rogue / r?ug; roɡ/ n

(dated 旧) dishonest or unprincipled man 不诚实或不道德的男子; 无耻之徒. (joc esp approv 谑, 尤作褒义 )

mischievous person 调皮捣蛋的人: He's a charming rogue. 他是淘气鬼. wing n.翼,翼,气囊

C] part of a building that projects from the main part 建筑物突出的侧面部分; 侧厅; 耳房: the east/west wing of a house 一所房子的东[西]耳房 * build a new wing of a hospital 建一座与一医院一侧相连的楼房.


/ f?lθ; f?lθ/ n [U]

disgusting dirt 肮脏; 污物: Look at the filth on your trousers! 看你裤子上的脏东西! offensive and obscene words, literature, magazines, etc 下流的言语﹑ 文学﹑ 杂志等: How can you read such filth? 你怎麽能看这种乌七八糟的东西? > filthy adj (-ier, -iest)

1 (a) disgustingly dirty 污秽的; 肮脏的: a beggar dressed in filthy rags 衣衫肮脏褴褛的乞丐. (b) obscene 猥亵的; 淫秽的: filthy language猥亵的语言. beacon

n.信号,标志,标向波,灯塔,信标,固定导航设备 petrified


~ (of sth)

~ (that ...) extremely frightened triumphant [trai??mf?nt] a.胜利的;洋洋得意的 briskly [?briskli] ad.轻快地;活泼地 diversion

/ da??v???n; US da??v??r?n; da?ˋv???n/ n C] entertaining activity, esp one that turns the attention from work, study, etc 消遣, 娱乐(尤指使注意力从工作﹑ 学习等中转移开者): the diversions of city life 城市生活中的各种消遣 * It's difficult to

concentrate when there are so many diversions. 娱乐活动多了就很难集中精神.

mayhem [?meihem] n.严重伤害罪,混乱 mayhem

/ ?me?hem; ˋmeh?m/ n [U]

violent disorder or confusion; havoc 大


Harry potter and the chamber of secrets

混乱; 大破坏: There was absolute

mayhem when the cow got into the village hall. 那牛闯进村会议厅, 造成一片混乱.

duel [?dju:?l] n.决斗;争论 dream team

dream team noun [C usually singular] a group of people who have been specially chosen to work together and are

considered to be the best at what they do:

a dream team of lawyers/heart specialists/baseball players


/ ?ɑ?ft?mθ; ɑrit also -mɑ?θ; ˋ?ft?m?θ/ n (usu sing 通常作单数) circumstances that follow and are a consequence of an event, etc (esp an unpleasant one) (尤指不幸的)事件的余波, 余殃, 後果: the rebuilding

which took place in the aftermath of the war 在战後余殃中的重建.

blizzard n.雪暴,暴风雪 blizzard

/ ?bl?z?d; ˋbl?z?d/ n severe snowstorm 暴风雪.

a ,high/,low `profile

noticeable/inconspicuous way of behaving, so as to attract/avoid public attention 极力[避免]显示自己的做法; 高[低]姿态:

adopt/keep/maintain a low profile 采取[保持/维持]低姿态 * [attrib 作定语] high-profile politicians 引人注目的政治家们. pigtail

(BrE) (also braid AmE, BrE) noun

hair that is tied together into one or two bunches and twisted into a PLAIT or PLAITS, worn either at the back of the head or one on each side of the head: She wore her hair in pigtails.



/ l??k; l?k/ v [Ipr, Ip]

(a) be or stay hidden, esp when

waiting to attack 埋伏; 潜伏: a suspicious-looking man lurking in the shadows 潜伏在暗处的一个形迹可疑的人. (b) wait near a place trying not to attract attention 隐藏; 隐匿: He's usually lurking somewhere near the bar. 他通常出没在酒吧附近. curt

/ k??t; k?t/ adj (derog 贬) (of a speaker, his manner, what he says) rudely brief; abrupt (指说话者﹑ 态度﹑ 话语)简单粗暴的, 唐突无礼的: a curt answer, rebuke, etc 唐突无礼的回答﹑ 责难等 * He's

rather curt when he's angry. 他生气时不免有些失礼. * I was a little curt with him, ie spoke sharply to him. 我有点冒犯了他(言语尖刻). > curtly adv. curtness n [U]. gargoyle

/ ?gɑ?g??l; ˋɡɑrɡ??l/ n stone or metal spout in the form of a grotesque human or animal figure, for carrying rain-water away from the roof of a church, etc (作怪异人形或动物形的)滴水嘴; (疏导雨水的)凸饰漏嘴. somber [?s?mb?] a.暗色的;黯然的 sad and serious = balaclava

/ ?b?l??klɑ?v?; ?b?l?ˋklɑv?/ n

(also ,Balaclava `helmet) closely-fitting hat that covers the head and neck but not the face 巴拉克拉瓦帽(紧紧罩住头部和颈部而只露出脸部的帽子). disembodied

/ ?d?s?m?b?d?d; ?d?s?mˋbɑd?d/ adj [usu attrib 通常作定语]

(of a soul or spirit) separated from the

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body (指灵魂或魂魄)从躯体中脱离出来的, 出窍的, 游荡的.

(fig 比喻) (of sounds) lacking any

obvious source; eerie (指声音)没有明确来源的, 怪异的: disembodied voices,

screams, groans, etc 神秘可怖的人声﹑ 尖叫﹑ 呻吟等. stampede

/ st?m?pi?d; st?mˋpid/ n

sudden rush of frightened animals (指动物的)惊逃, 乱窜.

sudden wild rush or mass movement of people (指人)突然的大规模移动, 蜂拥:

There was a stampede towards the stage when the singer appeared. 歌手出现时观

众向台前涌去. coldly [?k?uldli] ad.冷淡地 wail [weil]

n.哀诉,呜咽;恸哭 vt.悲恸地发出 wail / we?l; wel/ v

(a) [I, Ipr] ~ (about/over sth) cry or complain (about sth) in a loud (usu shrill) voice (大声)哭, 诉苦(通常指尖声地): wail with grief 恸哭 * The sick child was wailing miserably. 那个患儿难受得连哭带喊. * heir [e?] n.继承人

ludicrous [?lu:dikr?s] a.荒瘳的 ludicrous

/ ?lu?d?kr?s; ˋlud?kr?s/ adj causing laughter; ridiculous; absurd 可笑的; 荒唐的; 愚蠢的: a ludicrousidea 荒谬的想法. > ludicrously adv: His trousers

wereludicrously short. 他的裤子短得可笑. ludicrousness n [U].

aggravating adj (infml 口) irritating; annoying 激怒的; 惹恼的: Constant

interruptions are very aggravating when you're trying to work. 要工作的时候, 接连不断的干扰就使人非常恼火.


/ ?p?mp?s; ˋpɑmp?s/ adj (derog 贬) feeling, or showing that one feels, that one is much more important than other people 自大的; 自负的; 浮夸的: a pompous official 自命不凡的官员 * pompous language, ie full of high-sounding words 浮夸的语言.

> pomposity / p?m?p?s?t?; pɑmˋpɑs?t?/

n (a) [U] being pompous 自大; 自负; 浮夸.

(b) [C] instance of this 自大; 自负; 浮夸. pompously adv. positive


~ (about sth/that...) (of a person) confidently holding an opinion; convinced (指人)有把握的, 确信的: Are you

absolutely positive that it was after

midnight? 你是否有绝对把握认为那事是在午夜以後发生的? * She was quite positive about the amount of money involved. 她对所涉及的钱数十分肯定.

magnificent [m?g?nifis?nt] a.壮丽的,宏伟的;华丽的;极好的 magnificent

/ m?g?n?f?snt; m?ɡˋn?f?snt/ adj splendid; remarkable; impressive 壮丽的; 宏伟的; 壮观的: a magnificent Renaissance palace 文艺复兴时期的宏伟宫殿 * her

magnificent generosity 她那豪爽的慷慨. > mag-nificence / -sns; -sns/ n [U]: the

magnificence of the ceremonies 仪式的壮观. magnificently adv.



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/ ?m?slt?u; ˋm?sl?to/ n [U] evergreen plant with small white berries that grows as a parasite esp onapple trees and is hung indoors as a Christmas decoration槲寄生(常青植物, 尤寄生於苹果树, 结白色小浆果, 用作圣诞节室内悬挂的饰物): the tradition of kissing under the mistletoe 在槲寄生树下接吻的传统. helping [?helpi?] n.一份或一客食物 helping


~ (of sth) an amount of food given to sb at a meal: a small / generous helping ◆ We all had a second helping of pie. usher [????]

n.引座员,迎宾员 vt.引,领,陪同 stupefy [?stju:pifai] v.(使)茫然,吓呆 stupefy

/ ?stju?p?fa?; US ?stu?-; ˋstup??fa?/ v (pt, pp -fied) [esp passive 尤用於被动语态: Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (with sth)

dull the mind or senses of (sb) 使(某人)神志不清或失去知觉: stupefied with drink 醉得迷迷糊糊 * (fig 比喻) the

stupefying boredom of this repetitive work

这种重复性工作造成的昏沉乏味之感. overcome (sb) with astonishment;

amaze 使(某人)大为惊奇; 使目瞪口呆: I was stupefied by what I read. 我读到的内容把我惊呆了. relish / ?rel??; ˋr?l??/ n

[U] ~ (for sth) great enjoyment of food, etc; zest (美食等的)享受; 滋味; 美味; 乐趣: eat, drink with (great) relish 津津有味地吃﹑ 喝 * She savoured the joke with relish. 她对这个笑话很感兴趣. [U] (used esp in negative sentences 尤

用於否定句中) attractive quality; appeal 兴趣; 吸引力; 感染力: Tennis loses its relish when one gets old. 人老了就觉得打网球没意思了. * Routine office jobs have no relish at all for me. 我对坐办公室那种刻板的工作毫无兴趣. flush 2 / fl??; fl??/ v

(a) [La, I] (of a person's face) become red because of a rush of blood to the skin; blush (指人的面部)变红, 发红: Mary flushed crimson with embarrassment. 玛丽羞得脸红了. (b) [Tn] (of illness, feelings, etc) cause (the face) to become red (指疾病﹑ 情感等)使(面部)变红: Fever flushed his cheeks. 他发烧满脸通红. (a) [Tn] clean (esp a toilet or drain) with a rush of water (用水)冲洗(尤指马桶或下水道): Please flush the toilet after you've used it. 便後请冲水. (b) [I] (of a toilet) be cleaned in this way (指马桶)被冲洗: The toilet won't flush properly, ie it is blocked. 马桶冲不下去了(堵塞了). culprit

n.犯罪者,事故的原因 culprit

/ ?k?lpr?t; ˋk?lpr?t/ n person who has done sth wrong; offender 犯过者; 犯罪者:

Someone broke a cup: who was the culprit? 有人把杯子打碎了, 是谁干的? * Police are searching for the culprits. 警方

正在搜捕罪犯. valiant

/ ?v?l??nt; ˋv?lj?nt/ adj (rhet 修辞) brave or determined 勇敢的; 英勇的; 坚定的: valiant resistance, efforts 顽强的抵抗﹑ 努力 * She made a valiant attempt to laugh. 她放大了胆笑了起来. > valiantly adv:

Tom tried valiantly to rescue the drowning man. 汤姆勇敢地抢救那个溺水的男子.



Harry potter and the chamber of secrets

/ drent?; dr?nt?/ v [esp passive 尤用於被动语态: Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p]

make (sb/sth) completely wet 使(某人[某物])湿透: We were caught in the

storm and got drenched (through/to the skin). 我们遇上大雨, 全都浇透了. * be drenched with rain 被雨浇透


/ ?f?nt?m; ˋf?nt?m/ n

(a) (also phantasm) ghostly image or figure; ghost 幽灵; 鬼魂: the phantom of his dead father 他亡父的幽灵 * [attrib 作定语] the legend of the phantom ship 鬼船的传说. (b) [esp attrib 尤作定语] (joc 谑) person whose actions are known about, but whose identity is (supposedly) not known 知其行为而不知其身分的人: The phantom cake-eater has been here again! 那神出鬼没的偷吃蛋糕的人又来过这儿了! unreal or imagined thing, as seen in a dream or vision; illusion 不真实的或想像的事物; 梦幻之物; 幻觉: frantic [?fr?ntik]

a.慌乱不安的,紧张纷乱的;发疯似的 frantic

/ ?fr?nt?k; ˋfr?nt?k/ adj

in an extreme state of emotion, esp fear or anxiety 情感的极度状态(尤指恐惧或焦急); 发狂的; 发疯的: The child's

parents were frantic when she did not

return home on time. 那孩子没有按时回家, 她父母都要急疯了. * frantic with worry, anger, grief, etc 愁得要命﹑ 气得要死﹑


tumultuous [tju:?m?lt?u?s, tu:-] a.乱哄哄的,喧哗的 devastated


extremely upset and shocked: His family is absolutely devastated. devastate

/ ?dev?ste?t; ˋd?v?s?tet/ v [Tn] (a) completely destroy (sth); ruin 彻底毁坏(某事物); 毁灭; 摧毁: a house

devastated by a bomb 被炸弹炸毁的房子 * War devastated the country. 战争摧毁了这个国家. (b) (infml 口) shock (sb);

overwhelm 令(某人)震惊; 使(某人)难以承受: She was devastated by his death. 她因他去世而悲痛欲绝. * I was

devastated by the news of the crash. 我获悉失事的消息感到十分震惊. infirmary [in?f?:m?ri] n.医务,医务室 infirmary

/ ?n?f??m?r?; ?nˋf?m?r?/ n

hospital 医院.

(in a school or some other institution) room used for people who are ill or injured (学校或其他机构的)医务室. culprit

n.犯罪者,事故的原因 culprit

/ ?k?lpr?t; ˋk?lpr?t/ n person who has done sth wrong; offender 犯过者; 犯罪者:

Someone broke a cup: who was the culprit? 有人把杯子打碎了, 是谁干的? * Police are searching for the culprits. 警方

正在搜捕罪犯. bowler

/ ?b?ul?(r); ˋbol?/ n

person who bowls in cricket (板球)投球手: a fast, slow, etc bowler 投球快﹑ 慢等的投球手 * a left-arm spin bowler 投左手旋转球的投球手. =>illus at cricket 见cricket之插图.

person who plays bowls 玩滚木球戏的人. bar 1


Harry potter and the chamber of secrets

bar 2

/ bɑ?(r); bɑr/ v (-rr-)

[Tn] fasten (a door, gate, etc) with a bar1(1b) or bars 闩上(门等).

[Tn] obstruct (sth) so as to prevent progress 阻碍(某事物): Soldiers barred the road so we had to turn back. 士兵挡住了去路, 我们只好折回. * (fig 比喻)

Poverty bars the wayto progress. 贫穷妨碍了进步. cauldron

n.海釜,锅底状木化石铸模 subdue [s?b?dju:]

vt.制服,使顺从,征服;抑制,克制 subdued / s?b?dju?d; US -?du?d; s?bˋdud/


1 not very loud, intense, noticeable, etc 不太响亮﹑ 强烈﹑ 显着等的; 缓和的; 有节制的: a subdued conversation 细声的交谈 * subdued lighting 柔和的灯光 * a note of subdued excitement in her voice 她声音中流露出克制的兴奋之情. pudgy

/ ?p?d??; ˋp?d??/ adj (-ier, -iest) (infml 口) short and fat; podgy 矮胖的; 短而粗的: pudgy fingers 短而粗的手指 * a pudgy child 胖乎乎的小孩. > pudginess n [U]. shear

/ ???(r); ??r/ v (pt ~ed, pp shorn / ???n; ??rn/ or ~ed)

[Tn] cut the wool off (a sheep) with shears 剪 (羊)的毛: sheep shearing time 剪羊毛的时节. livid

/ ?l?v?d; ˋl?v?d/ adj

[usu attrib 通常作定语] of the colour of lead; bluish-grey 铅色的; 青灰色的: a livid bruise 青肿.

[usu pred 通常作表语] (infml 口)

furiously angry 大怒: livid with rage 狂怒 *

He'd be livid if he found out what you're doing. 要是他知道了你干的事, 他准得大发雷霆. > lividly adv.


?p?ns?(r); ˋp?ns?/ n

[C] either of the pair of curved claws of certain types of shellfish, eg lobsters,crabs, etc (甲壳动物的)螯(如龙虾﹑ 蟹等的).

pincers[pl] tool made of two crossed pieces of metal and used for pulling nails, etc out of wood 钳子: a pair of pincers 一把钳子. =>illus 见插图. fretful / -fl; -f?l/ adj irritable or

complaining, esp because unhappy or worried 烦躁的, 发牢骚的(尤指因不愉快或烦恼): a fretful child 烦躁的孩子. fretfully adv. screech [skri:t?]

n./ v.尖叫;(发出)刺耳的声音 loom [lu:m]

n.织布机 vi.阴森地逼近;即将来临 loom 2

/ lu?m; lum/ v (a) [Ipr, Ip] appear in an indistinct and often threatening way 隐现(常令人生畏): an enormous shape

looming (up) in the distance, out of the darkness, through the mist, etc 自远处﹑

从黑暗中﹑ 透过雾霭等森森然逼临的庞然大物. ajar

/ ??d?ɑ?(r); ?ˋd?ɑr/ adj [pred 作表语] (of a door) slightly open (指门)微开着, 半开着: The door was/stood ajar. 那扇门半开着. * leave the door ajar 让门半开着. hubbub [?h?b?b] n.嘈杂


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/ ?h?b?b; ˋh?b?b/ n [sing, U] (a) loud confused noise, eg of many voices; din 喧嚷; 喧闹; 嘈杂声. (b) disturbance; uproar 混乱; 骚乱; 闹哄哄 squeal

/ skwi?l; skwil/ n high-pitched cry or sound, shin

??n; ??n/ n front part of the leg below the knee 胫; 胫部: get kicked on the shin 小腿上被踢了一脚. =>illus at 见human插图. pregnant

longer and louder than a squeak (often indicating terror or pain) 长而尖的叫声或响声(常因惊恐或痛苦所致): the squeal of brakes, eg on lorries 刹车发出的嘎的一声 * There were squeals of excitement from the children. 孩子们兴奋得大声尖叫. jerky

adjective, noun adjective

making sudden starts and stops and not moving smoothly

jerkily adverb: The car moved off jerkily. noun [U] (AmE) meat that has been cut into long strips and smoked or dried: beef jerky

jerky adj (-ier, -iest) making abrupt starts and stops; not moving or talking smoothly 忽动忽停的; 颠簸不稳的; 结结巴巴的: The toy robot moved forward with quick jerky steps. 玩具机器人一颠一颠地走得很快. * his jerky way of speaking 他讲话时结结巴巴的样子. jerkily / -?l?; -?l?/

adv. jerkiness n [U].


/ ?n?kredjul?s; US -d?u?l-; ?nˋkr?d??l?s/

adj not willing or able to believe; showing

disbelief 不肯轻信的; 不能相信的; 表示怀疑的: an incredulous look, stare, gaze, etc 怀疑的神情﹑ 注视﹑ 逼视等. > incredulity / ???kr??dju?l?t?; US -?du?-; ??nkr?ˋdul?t?/ n [U]: an expression of

shock and utter incredulity 愕然而十分怀疑的神情. incredulously adv.

/ ?pregn?nt; ˋpr?ɡn?nt/ adj

idm 习语) a pregnant `pause/`silence pause/silence full of unexpressed meaning or significance 耐人寻味的或意味深长的停顿[沉默]: There was a pregnant pause before she answered my question. 她耐人寻味地停顿了一下才回答我的问题. * His only reaction was a pregnant silence. 他唯一的反应是一阵意味深长的沉默. bend

n.河曲,弯头,硬粘土 bend 2 / bend; b?nd/ n

curve or turn, esp in a road, racecourse, river, etc 弯, 拐角(尤指道路﹑ 赛场跑道﹑ 河流等): a slight, gentle, sharp,

sudden, etc bend 一个小小的﹑ 平缓的﹑ 急转的﹑ 突然出现的...弯. basilisk

/ ?b?z?l?sk; ˋb?s??l?sk/ n

small tropical American lizard (热带美洲的)小蜥蜴.

mythical reptile said to be able to cause death by its look or breath (神话中的)蛇怪(传说其目光或气息可致命). pillar n.柱,柱状物,墩 ?p?l?(r); ˋp?l?/ n

(a) upright column of stone, wood, metal, etc used as a support or an

ornament, a monument, etc 柱子; 支柱. =>illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page viii.


Harry potter and the chamber of secrets

(b) thing in the shape of this 柱形物: a pillar of cloud, fire, smoke, etc 云柱﹑ 火柱﹑ 烟柱. duel [?dju:?l] n.决斗;争论 duel

/ ?dju??l; US ?du??l; ˋdu?l/ n

(formerly) formal fight between two men, using swords or pistols, esp to settle a point of honour (旧时)两男子的决斗(用剑或手枪, 尤指关系到名誉问题): challenge sb to a duel 向某人挑战进行决斗.

infirmary [in?f?:m?ri] n.医务,医务室 infirmary

/ ?n?f??m?r?; ?nˋf?m?r?/ n

hospital 医院.

(in a school or some other institution) room used for people who are ill or injured (学校或其他机构的)医务室. consort 2

/ k?n?s??t; k?nˋs?rt/ v (fml 文)

[Ipr, Ip] ~ with sb/together (esp derog 尤作贬义) spend time with

sb/together; associate with sb 与某人交往; 结交: He'd been consorting with known criminals. 他一直与那些臭名昭着的罪犯有交往.

[Ipr] ~ with sth go well with sth; be in harmony with sth 与某事物相符; 与某事物协调: dubious practices which consort ill with (ie contradict) his public statements on morality 与其满口仁义道德大相径庭而令人生疑的行为. ordeal [?:?di:l]

n.苦难经历,折磨,煎熬 ordeal

/ ???di?l, ???di?l; ?rˋdil, ˋ?rdil/ n difficult or painful experience (esp one that tests a person's character or powers of endurance) 苦难经历; (尤指对品格﹑ 耐力的)严峻考验: the ordeal of divorce 离婚的痛苦 *

The hostages went through a dreadful ordeal. 个个人质都经历了可怕的折磨.


/ ?d?s?m?b?d?d; ?d?s?mˋbɑd?d/ adj [usu attrib 通常作定语]

(of a soul or spirit) separated from the body (指灵魂或魂魄)从躯体中脱离出来的, 出窍的, 游荡的.

(fig 比喻) (of sounds) lacking any

obvious source; eerie (指声音)没有明确来源的, 怪异的: disembodied voices,

screams, groans, etc 神秘可怖的人声﹑ 尖叫﹑ 呻吟等. disgruntled

/ d?s?gr?ntld; d?sˋɡr?ntld/ adj ~

(at/about sth); ~ (with sb) resentful because sth has happened to displease one 不高兴的; 不满的: a disgruntled look, frown, scowl, etc 不悦的样子﹑ 因不满而皱眉﹑ 怒容 * She's still disgruntled about missing the party. 她因错过了这一聚会而仍耿耿於怀.

resentful / -fl; -fl/ adj feeling or showing resentment感到或表示愤恨的; 憎恨的: a resentful silence, stare, comment 充满怨恨的沉默﹑ 凝视﹑ 评语 * He was deeply resentful of/at her interference. 他非常讨厌她从中干预.

sulky adj (-ier, -iest) having or showing a tendency to sulk 生闷气的: a sulky person, look, mood 生着闷气的人﹑ 样子﹑ 心情. dodge [d?d?]

vi.闪身躲开 vt.回避,逃避 n.托辞;躲闪


Harry potter and the chamber of secrets

dodge 1 / d?d?; dɑd?/ v

[I, Ipr, Ip, Tn] move quickly and suddenly to one side in order to avoid (sb/sth) 闪开; 躲开; 躲避: He dodged to

left and right as the gunman opened fire. 持枪歹徒开火时他东躲西闪. * She dodged round the corner. 她在角落处躲躲闪闪. * (fig 比喻) I'll leave early so as to dodge the rush-hour. 我要早早动身以 避过交通

拥挤时间. forsake [f??seik]

vt.遗弃,抛弃;舍弃,放弃 forsake

/ f??se?k; f?ˋsek/ v (pt forsook / f??suk; f?ˋs?k/, pp forsaken / f??se?k?n; f?ˋsek?n/) [Tn]

(fml 文) give (sth) up; renounce 抛弃, 放弃(某事物): forsake one's former habits 抛弃旧习惯.

leave (sb), esp when one should be helping him; abandon or desert 离开(某人)(尤指应予帮助时); 遗弃; 舍弃: forsake one's family and friends 舍弃家人和朋友 * a dreary forsaken beach in winter 冬季人迹罕至的海滨. filth [filθ]


filthy adj (-ier, -iest)

1 (a) disgustingly dirty 污秽的; 肮脏的: a beggar dressed in filthy rags 衣衫肮脏褴褛的乞丐. (b) obscene 猥亵的; 淫秽的: filthy language猥亵的语言. culprit

n.犯罪者,事故的原因 culprit

/ ?k?lpr?t; ˋk?lpr?t/ n person who has done sth wrong; offender 犯过者; 犯罪者:

Someone broke a cup: who was the

culprit? 有人把杯子打碎了, 是谁干的? * Police are searching for the culprits. 警方

正在搜捕罪犯. blush / bl??; bl??/ v

[I, Ipr] ~ (with sth) (at sth) become red in the face (because of sth) (因某事物)脸红: blush with shame,

embarrassment, etc 因羞愧﹑ 难堪等而脸红 * the blushing bride 羞赧的新娘 * She

blushed at (the thought of) her stupid mistake. 她因(想到)自己干的蠢事而脸


[It] (fig 比喻) be ashamed 羞愧: I blush to admit/confess that... 我羞愧地承认[供认].... sorcerer

/ ?s??s?r?(r); ˋs?rs?r?/ n (fem 阴性作 sorceress/ ?>s??s?r?s; ˋs?rs?r?s/) person who is believed to practise magic, esp with the help of evil spirits; magician 方士(尤指运用妖术者); 施魔法者: sorcerers in old-fashioned fairy-tales 传统童话中的术士.

> sorcery / ?s??s?r?; ˋs?rs?r?/ n [U] art, use or practice of magic, esp with evil spirits; witchcraft 魔法; 妖术; 魔法的施用. filthy adj (-ier, -iest)

1 (a) disgustingly dirty 污秽的; 肮脏的: a beggar dressed in filthy rags 衣衫肮脏褴褛的乞丐. (b) obscene 猥亵的; 淫秽的: filthy language猥亵的语言. foul 1 / faul; fa?l/ adj

having a bad smell or taste; dirty and disgusting 难闻的; 有恶味的; 污秽的; 令人厌恶的: foul stagnant ponds 臭烘烘的死水塘 * a foul rubbish dump 又脏又臭的垃圾堆 * This medicine tastes foul! 这药味让人恶心! pillar


Harry potter and the chamber of secrets


/ ?p?l?(r); ˋp?l?/ n

(a) upright column of stone, wood, metal, etc used as a support or an

ornament, a monument, etc 柱子; 支柱. =>illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page viii. (b) thing in the shape of this 柱形物: a pillar of cloud, fire, smoke, etc 云柱﹑ 火柱﹑ 烟柱.

enchant [in?t?ɑ:nt]



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