篇一 :免推研究生面试自我介绍

Hello,Everyone, Good afternoon, It’s my honor to be here and introduce myself to you, My name is Li , come from South west university.


Because of the enthusiasm for the new knowledge, I went to the college 3years ago, since then, I have been working hard and try my best to grasp every chance to improve myself to make me better and stronger, not just in the class, but in the life. So, I came to Lanzhou Chemistry and Physics research institute, I hope it would be my new start point here.


During my college, I studied the public curriculums, like Politics, Advanced mathematics, College physics etc. and specialize in the classes of fundamental chemistry, Advanced organic chemistry, high polymer chemistry and Chemical principle etc. as the same time, I studied on the curriculums of experiment, such as Chemistry fundamental experiment, Organic chemistry experiment, Applied chemistry and instrumental

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篇二 :推免研究生自我介绍英语

Honorable professors, Good morning/afternoon,:

my name is baoxuejiao, 23 years old, and sephieya is my English name. I am open-minded, easy to adapt, compatible with my friends, and willing to help others.

In my spare time, I like reading books, collecting cards and coins, playing volleyball, communicating with friends, and so on.

In my family, there are fore members, my farther, my mother, my brother and I. My parents are workers, my father works very hard, and he is always fully occupied, so most of the housework is done by my mother, of course, while I am at home, I would help her. My brother is a graduate student.I love my parents and they love me, too. During my preparation for graduate examination, the support from my family is always my momentum. Parents’ love is unselfish; I am deeply affected, so I will do all what I can to repay them.

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篇三 :推免研究生自我介绍英语

Honorable professors, Good morning/afternoon,:

I am Da Fei, senior undergraduate majoring in Biotechnology. It is my great honor and pleasure to present myself here as an Candidate for Postgraduates Exempt from Admission Exam (Interview).

I was admitted to Fourth Military Medical University from Xin Jinag province in 2006, which at the same time realized both my dreams as a military man as well as a college student in my favorite subject Biotechnology. With a grateful and ambitious heart, I worked hard through the past 3.5 years to finally win this opportunity, standing here today to show you why I am qualified.

With an average score of 83.3, I rank the third in my class and I won the scholarship in 2008. I placed great importance on English learning and I successfully passed CET 4 and CET 6 as a Sophomore. Early in my junior year, I started and later mastered necessary experimental techniques in my specialty, and read many English literature to update and abroad my knowledge. I enjoyed every lab meeting because the pleasure of exploration and the fireworks during the exchange of ideas among professors and their graduate students had just made my enthusiasm for life science fulfilled. Most importantly, I saw the

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篇四 :研究生推免个人陈述

我是华东理工大学机械与动力工程学院材料及控制工程专业的一名大四学生。在华东理工大学 “勤奋求实,励志明德”校训的激励下,我不断努力进取,取得了优秀的学习成绩。如今我已获得了学校推荐免试直升研究生的资格。下面我从以下几方面对自己的情况进行简要介绍:

1. 学术背景



2. 大学期间的研究项目



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篇五 :推免中文自我介绍



科研方面,我并没有做过专门的科研项目,也没有发表过论文。但是,在三年的学习中,在老师的指导下,系统地进行过文献查阅、资料整理、文章撰写等训练,我在专业知识、科研能力和为人处事方面收获颇多。在《政治经济学》和《国际贸易理论》的课程中,我尝试着写过与家族企业、反倾销有关的课程论文。在这些不太成熟的经历中, 我体会到了做

研究的辛苦、困难和乐趣,而这些经历也激发了我对科研的热情,更坚定了我做科研的信心。 学习之余,我也积极参加学生工作,大二大三连续两年担任年级主席,目前担任着院系的团总支,我工作认真负责,积极为同学们服务,与同学、老师相处和睦,且获得一致好评。这些经历帮助塑造了我自信、严谨、踏实稳重、持之以恒的性格,也提升了我的责任感、团队意识和管理能力,这对我的学习和科研也是大有裨益的。



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篇六 :硕士推免生英文自我介绍

Dear professors, I feel so glad to meet all of you here.First of all, please allow me to express my appreciation for the opportunity that you give me to join this interview.

My name is ***,I am 22 years old.There are 3 people in my family. Both my father and mother are farmers.I am a third year master major in integrated circuit/??nt?gre?t?d ?s?:kit/ at Heilongjaing University, With tremendous interest in digital/?d?d??tl/ signal processing[?pr??ses]. I am writing to apply for acceptance into your Master graduate course.

During the three years in Heilongjiang University,I've been given the traditional education on Professional course.Such as Hardware Description Language,Digital signal processing and analysis[?'n?la?z??],Digital circuit[?s?:k?t],Digital integrated circuit design and so on. And I’m a commissary [?k?m?s?ri]in charge of studies,giving lessons like teachers before every examination. Moreover, I served as volunteers for many events held by the school and other organizations.for instance,Large fundraising['f?ndre?z??] events sponsored [?sp?ns?(r)]by the China foundation for poverty alleviation [??li:v?'e??n]Foundation.I love this job,and I feel satisfied and proud of helping others.In my spare time,I made some small projects.

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篇七 :推免研究生常见问题答疑大盘点




作为研究生培养机制改革的一项重要举措,接受免试推荐生成为各高校研究生招生工作的重要环节。对于考生而言,在获得学校免试推荐资格之后,准备资料,联系学校,成为免试推荐学生的重要工作。在这一过程中,充分了解“免试推荐学校”十分重要。获得免试推荐资格的学生要基于自己的兴趣、实力以及对方学校对学生的要求,有的放矢地联系学校。 结合专业兴趣选择学校


因此,免试推荐学生在选择申请学校与申请专业时,必须充分了解这所学校、这一专业的研究方向和研究特色,并与自己大学本科阶段的学习和研究进行对比分析。如此分析有两大好处:其一,可以根据学校的专业研究方向,准备自荐材料;其二,可以使面试准备更为充分。不少高校会在阅读材料确定初试名单之后,组织对获得复试资格学生进行面试考查。在面试中,学生若对这所学校以及申请的专业有所了解,会有助于更好地展示自我。 一般来说,了解一所学校某一专业的研究方向和研究特色并不困难。具体途径有:通过浏览学校网站,能够对学院、学科和专业有所了解;可向目标学校的有关教师进行咨询,通常每所学校都会有具体的联系人,可以回答学生的各种问题;向往年申请报考目标学校的师兄、师姐们取经,他们的经验指点,能提供较好的帮助。

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篇八 :推免生英语自我介绍


Good afternoon,my dear teachers! My dear professors! Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity. It’s such a great honor to have this interview. Now I’ll introduce myself briefly!

My name is lv jie, born in fu zhou, jiang xi Province. I’m 21 years old and I’m a senior student at south china University of Technology, and my major is public administration.

In the past 3 years, I have built up a solid foundation of

professional knowledge, as well as a rich experience of social activities. First, I gained School second-class scholarship when I was a freshman and national scholarship when I was a sophomore .Furthermore, I obtained School Merit Student and Outstanding Communist Youth League member for twice. Second, my first year in college, I passed Cet4 at a score of 623 and Cet6 at a score of 510, then, I passed national computer rank

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