篇一 :曾达的囚徒 读后感

This is an adventure romance about a young, English gentleman named Rudolf Rassendyll who travelled all the way to a fictitious

kingdom called Ruritania to witness the coronation of the young king Rudolf the fifth of Ruritania. He was driven to this action filled thrilling journey by his anxious sister-in-law, Rose, who felt Rudolf was wasting his life doing nothing. On reaching Ruritania, Rudolf Rassendyll was shocked to learn that the young king was his carbon copy! This made him understand the astonishment of the customs officer and the forest guard in Zenda. The story unfolds with the plot to capture and kill King Rudolf by his half brother and Duke known as

Black Michael in Zenda. Black Michael drugs King Rudolf through his favourite wine. By doing so, King Rudolf is unable to attend his coronation in Strelsau, the next day. The Duke wanted to usurp the throne as well as marry Princess Flavia, who was already betrothed to King Rudolf. The army wanted Black Michael as King of Ruritania but Colonel Sapt and Fritz, who were loyal servants of King Rudolf wanted Rudolf Rassendyll to help King Rudolf from being imprisoned or killed by Black Michael. Since Rudolf Rassendyll resembled the King in every way he was to impersonate the King and be crowned as King Rudolf the Fifth in Strelsau. He was tutored by the two men on the protocol while the King lay motionless in the cellar at the hunting lodge of Black Michael. On the day of the coronation, Rudolf Rassendyll observes that the people of Ruritania were divided in their loyalty for King Rudolf. The '' New Town'' wanted Rudolf as the King while the ''Old Town'' favoured the Duke as King. The Duke had promised changes and reforms for the ''Old Town'' to win their support. During the coronation, Rudolf Rassendyll noticed the hostility of the people of the ''Old Town'', but his bravery in riding through the ''Old Town'' unescorted soon proved his courage that they began to cheer and accept him. It is during the coronation that Rudolf Rassendyll as King comes face to face with Princess Flavia and Duke Michael. Princes Flavia notices the slight difference in the King. However she cautions him against Black Michael. Rudolf Rassendyll falls in love with Princess Flavia but the gentleman in him commands him to take control of his innermost desires. Black Michael tries his best to woo Princess Flavia but fails. Antoinette de

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篇二 :读后感读后感读后感读后感


《宇宙与人》这部影片汲取了现代天文学、物理学、生物学、地质学、人类学和生命科学等诸多学科的最新研究成果,运用了大量科学数据、图像和实例,揭示了宇宙奥秘的真相,解答着一个个令人类曾经迷惘的问题。让我深刻领悟到了生命和人的自然本质。 在这部影片里,我们不仅能更仔细、更清晰、更完整地去观察这个创造了人类的物质系统,而且还能弄清楚这个物质系统是怎样操作的。这部影片中,我们可以看到人类是如何被创造出来的,可以了解这浩然的宇宙有着多少我们所不知道的神秘色彩。以前总是很疑惑,为什么人类的产生会与马克思的唯物精神有关系,可是在这部影片中,我们可以发现,人类的诞生是物质一点一滴的积累,通过一次又一次的量变从而形成的质变过程,一次次的进化,都为我们展现了唯物主义中,物质第一性的观点。从没有生命到产生地球这个生命星球,再到诞生了生物,诞生了人,上百亿年的宇宙物质运动的种种细节都被前所未有地"缝合"起来,并且始终追究着人类的存在和这些物质运动之间的千丝万缕的头绪。我们不难发现,事物都是联系的,这个世界上并没有一个可以单独存在的个体,事物之间都存在着不可分割的联系。一点一点的量变的积累,一次一次质变的飞跃,才造就了我们人类如此辉煌的今天。



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篇三 :英文读后感-飘英文读后感


Scarlett a very personality figures the two mans she love neither does she know about.To her I was compelled to admire admire her strong and brave admire her to lay down in the environment farm workers previously suffered education admire her to disregard the community to create their own expression of the cause .She is in the whole story all a person full of fighting will full of vitality . I appreciated most it is this " Tomorrow is another day of hers. " . Promising forever full of fighting will will never give up never desperate. I think I'm moved by her.So whenever I meet difficulty the mood is not good I will tell oneself : " Tomorrow is another day. " 'Gone with the Wind' is absolutely a good book that is worth sampling repeatedly the characters are graceful the plot rises and falls exciting boldly and unconstrainedly though the subjective factor because of the author among them the appraisal on U.S.A.'s Civil War is not objective and overall but as to angle of literature this one fine piece of writing generation definitely absolutely worth visiting.

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篇四 :羊脂球英文读后感和老人与海英文读后感


Suet ball is a hero to live in the bottom of society, discrimination of prostitutes. Different authors to describe her as a positive character, and with a group of "gentleman" as the person's upper-class bourgeois figures for comparison, which reveals the appearance of pretend, the selfish and hypocritical patriotism even the most basic are certainly No deposit dirty mind. I was particularly impressed that the identity of those with a noble person before and after the interests of the great changes in attitude. When the count of those noble, rich suet ball bosses need help to the detained military officers from Germany, they "amiable.跟她讲calmly reason, touched with the feelings of her, very attentive to compliment her, love her to discuss . praised the sacrifices she will help us all very busy, we would be grateful to her how. "Then, when the ball did not make use of the value of suet, and these people" as if by prior agreement to swap the other way round, it seems like she did not see. "noble Count roll up his wife, "She might be able to avoid much of the" arrogance of the boss's wife to "stare at her," "We all are far away from her, and as her skirts like with any infectious diseases." concise language, a strong contrast to the identity of those with noble benevolence of people pretending to leave, hypocritical affectation and accurate portrait of such a profound manner, the elegance of these people, Yong-rong appearance under cover to expose the ugly face of relentless out so that the reader can not help each of us give a snort of these hypocrites. Maupassant's novel reveals humanity美与丑. When we described that in their世态炎凉, weak social relationships sad at the same time, will naturally think of their own. We are now in the 19th century, social and of course a far cry from the French society, but from those who leave jen Maupassant described the hypocrites who pretend, and that is absolutely merciless, full of bourgeois society hierarchy, made us feeling among people in good faith, how the value of treatment! Full of mutual love and help each other how the social atmosphere of warmth! We are lucky, we do not live in Maupassant described the kind of hierarchy, only the interests of the people are far apart in a sad society. But if we do not know how to treasure them, all to get along with others wearing "masks" of doing things have been wondering whether or not profitable, then surrounded by the Cities around us will also be变淡, in the end we will also live in a cold world. If you planted the seeds of false, it may only be the fruit of薄情寡义. After all, treat people with sincerity is mutual. Will work sincerely to really harvest. I believe in good faith towards each side of the talent will be the happiest, and that you are a small community will be the warmest. Each composed of small community where a large community. Master Maupassant castigate bourgeois hierarchy and cold interpersonal relationships, a correct call on the passion of the society? As long as each of us strive to create a warm small community, it will not even into a bright, beautiful world of passion. Wearing a mask, consisting mainly of a pecuniary interest in interpersonal relationships is suffocating even feel terrible, and we sincerely need to reduce barriers to treatment with the sincerity of friends, such a social environment can people think of warm, like a big family 老人与海英文版读后感

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篇五 :草房子读后感712A4曹文轩读书卡电子小报成品,好书推荐手抄报模板,书香满园快乐读书简报语文读后感板报



小说的故事发生在油麻地,故事中的五 个孩子,桑桑、秃鹤、杜小康、细马、纸月 和油麻地的老师蒋一轮、白雀关系的纠缠和 孩子们的苦痛的成长历程。通过主人公男孩 桑桑刻骨铭心而又终身难忘的六年小学生

活。六年中,他亲眼目睹或直接参与了一连串看似寻常但又催人泪下、感动人心的故事:少男少女之间毫无瑕疵的纯情,不幸少年与厄运相拼时的悲怆与优雅,垂暮老人在最后一瞬间所闪耀的人格光彩,在体验死亡中对生命的深切而优美的领悟,大人们之间扑朔迷离且又充满诗情画意的情感纠葛??这一切,既清楚又朦胧地展现在少年桑 桑的世界里。这六年,

是他接受人 生启蒙教 育的六年。


印象。书中,桑桑是一个聪明、调皮、爱捣蛋的孩子,整天满 脑子胡思乱想,做出奇怪的事情来。桑桑他们班的班长杜小康,家里的条件本是油麻地小学还算富裕的,可是因为家里的突变,使他不能上学,而要离开油麻地,去400公里以外的地方养鸭?..在杜小康走之前,他撕心裂肺的喊声:“我要上学。”我被深深的感动了。读了这本书,我懂得了很多做人的道理;使我认识了许多天真可爱的孩子;我看到了令人落泪的真情;我明白了同学之情应该互相帮助;我知道了师生之间,应该友好相处?.想想他们我们是多 么幸福啊。从今以后,我一定会学习杜小康爱读书的好 精神,发奋读书;一定学习“秃鹤”有一颗自信 的心,相信自己就会成功。我一定会学习纸

月尊敬长辈?..总之,这本书中的每个人 曹文轩是中国作家富豪榜当红

身上都有值得我们学 上榜作家,我国当代著名作家,精擅

习的闪光点,我一 儿童文学,任北京作家协会副主席,

定会努力的向它 主要小说有《草房子》、《青铜葵花》、

们靠近的,争 《山羊不吃天堂草》、《根鸟》等。

做一个优秀 20xx年12月5日,2013第八届中国

作家富豪榜主榜在成都发布,曹文轩以380的四好少年。 万元的版税收入荣登第27位,引发广泛关注。

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篇六 :夏洛的网读后感+72A4读书卡电子小报成品好书推荐手抄报模板,书香满园快乐读书简报,小学生语文读后感板报






班级 姓名

寒假里我读了一本好书。我捧着这本书,有时会开怀大笑, 有时会暗自流泪,这是一本让妈妈也感动的书,是一本充满爱的书。这本书就是《夏洛的网》。

《夏洛的网》是一部关于动物之间友情的童话,讲述了一个关于友爱的故事。在朱克曼家的谷仓里,住着一群快乐的小动物,其中小猪威尔 伯和蜘蛛夏洛建立了真挚的友谊。 然而,威尔伯未来的命运却是成为 熏肉火腿。作为一只猪,威尔伯只能悲痛绝望地接受这命运了,好朋友夏洛却坚信它能救小猪。它吐出一根根丝在猪栏上织出了“王牌猪”“了不起”“光彩照人”“谦卑”等夸耀小猪威尔伯的词语。这让威尔伯在集市上赢得了特别奖,拥有了一个美好的未来。 小猪终于得救了。而这时,夏洛的生命却走到了尽头。它是一只多么可爱的蜘蛛呀!为了朋友而死,威尔伯却只能在寒冷的冬天静静的看守着夏洛的孩子们、孙女们、重孙女们虽然它们都很优秀,但没有一个能取代夏洛在威伯心中的位置,因为夏洛永远是他最真诚的朋友,永远。

夏洛为了真挚的友谊,而牺牲自 己的精神值得我们学习。在生活中, 我也要像夏洛那样,对朋友多关 心、多爱护,特别是在别人遇到 困难的时候,更要尽自己的全 力去帮助他们,这样,我们 的生活才会更加美好。

1. 为什么因为弱小就应该被杀掉,可怜 的刚刚来到这个世界的小猪,又要返回 阴曹地府了。善良的弗恩大声说:“这 不公平!!!”是啊,不公平。难道我们生存的这个社会也是这样的吗?因为弱小就要被无视掉,被排挤掉吗?像小弗恩说的那样:“我听过很多很多不公平的事,这件是最最不公平的。” 2.早起的人终究是有好处的。(勒维) 3.“我独自一个去闯世界,实在还太小。”(威尔伯) 4.“你自个儿去玩吧!反正我不跟猪玩。”(小羊羔) 5.“这跟幸运没有关系,这是精心照料和辛苦工作的结果。”(母鹅说)



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篇七 :獾的礼物读后感128A3读书卡电子小报成品好书推荐手抄报模板,书香满园快乐读书简报,小学生语文读后感板报











图,所以,很自然的,在完成义务教育后,便选择到曼彻斯特综合技术学院学习插画专业。四年的学院生涯,由于良师益友环绕,对她日后的发展,带来了决定性的影响。獾的礼物19xx年,当她还是一名学院学生时,就完成了第一本图画书《獾的礼物》[1] (就是上面所介绍的)。此书一出,即一鸣惊人,轰动了整个艺术界。苏珊·华莱不仅获得了鹅妈妈新人奖的首奖,还在法国获得了数座奖项。仅在日本它的销售数字就超过了五十万册。她后来又陆续创作了《土拨鼠的礼物》(Badger’s Bring

Something Party,1994)等一系列以獾为主角的故事,成 为风靡日本的童书。她的主要作品还有《妖怪的床》(The Monster Bed,1986)等。

她现在是英国最著名的图画书画家之一,目前居住 在曼彻斯特,为安徒生出版公司画图画书。



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篇八 :安徒生童话读后感822A4读书卡电子小报成品,好书推荐手抄报模板,书香满园快乐读书简报,小学生语文读后感






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