篇一 :追风筝的人 英文读后感

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(2011-05-28 19:52:53)





This is a wonderful, beautiful epic of a novel. Set in Afghanistan and the United States between the 1970s to the present day, it is a heartbreaking tale of a young boy, Amir, and his best friend who are torn apart. This is a classic word-of-mouth novel and is sure to become as universally loved as The God of Small Things and The Glass Palace.

Twelve year old Amir is desperate to win the approval of his father Baba, one of the richest and most respected merchants in Kabul. He has failed to do so through academia or brawn, but the one area where they connect is the annual kite fighting tournament. Amir is determined not just to win the competition but to run the last kite and bring it home triumphantly, to prove to his father that he has the makings of a man. His loyal friend Hassan is the best kite runner that Amir has ever seen, and he promises to help him - for Hassan always helps Amir out of trouble. But Hassan is a Shi'a Muslim and this is 1970s Afghanistan. Hassan is taunted and jeered at by Amir's school friends; he is merely a servant living in a shack at the back of Amir's house. So why does Amir feel such envy towards his friend? Then, what happens to Hassan on the afternoon of the tournament is to shatter all their lives, and define their futures.

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篇二 :《追风筝的人》读书笔记 英文

Reading Report

Book: The Kite Runner

Author: Khaled Hosseini

Pages: 1-163

Brief introduction: Amir is the son of the famous merchant in Afghanistan. There are two servants in his house, Ali and his son Hassan. Amir plays with Hassan all the time in his childhood. Hassan is Hazara, while Amir is Pashtuns. Hazara is discriminated against by Pashtuns. So although Hassan believes that Amir is his friend, Amir does not agree. Amir tricks Hassan sometimes but Hassan never gets angry. Things go peacefully, until one night Amir sees three boys hit Hassan to the ground. Instead of help Hassan, Amir runs away. From that day on, Amir does not know how to face Hassan. In order not to be regretted every second, Amir finally makes Hassan and Ali leave his home. Just after that, Russian forces Amir’s country. Amir and his father have to move to America.

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篇三 :追风筝的人英文读后感

The Kite Runner

I read this book in the winter holiday,and now I am going to read it again ,for the good book deserve several reading.Well,The Kite Runner move me so much,and it make me think a lot.In this esssay,I just talk about two of them.

“For you,a thousand times over.”There is no double that friendship will be the first and the most important point.

We are easily moved by Hassan’s loyalty to Amir,that’s because we are difficult to meet someone who is willing to devote to us for a thousand times over without any complain. The friendship in our real world is companyde with benefit ,which is very differenr from the friendship described in the novel.

Althought I don’t think highly of the such unilaterally devotion ,I still appreciate Hassan’s devotion and magnanimity to his good friend.The real friendship is what Hassan give to Amir:when you are happy,I may be here to share your happiness; when you need me,I must be in your side to help you; and when you hurt me ,I am easily to forgive you; and even though you leave me, I still keep you in my mind.

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篇四 :追风筝的人读后感(英文)

The kite runner

After I finished this book, I can’t speak out one word . My heart was heavily depressed as same as when Amir heard that Hassan was his brother . I think it’s a sad story, but from some angles , it’s a turn.

Hassan was too loyal ,which shocked me many times at the when they were in Afghanistan. ’I won’t’ ,no matter how his master hit him, he won’t fight. ‘yes, I did.’ I was really annoyed when I read that Hassan admitted to stealing Amir’s watch, how can there be such a foolish man in the world ! I said to myself. ‘For you, a thousand times over.’ Three times in the whole novel, brief but

meaningful, kind and loyal. Every time I read the sentence, stayed at the page for a moment with a silent thinking, chewing the sentence over and over again. Hassan, he was willing to sacrifice for Amir no matter what has happened between them. He can lie to his respectful host in order to help Amir to plant himself, but we all know that he hasn't lied even once. He even can eat mud if he wants him to. He hadn't any complaints despite he knew Amir didn't come out when Amir has witnessed it all. What a pity that he and his wife was killed by gun of the local greedy officers, leading Sohrab to be an orphan.

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篇五 :追风筝的人读后感 英文

The Kite Runner

The Kite Runner (Shanghai People’s publishing house, 2006-5-1) Khaled Hosseini tells the story of Amir, a well-to-do Pashtun boy from the Wazir Akbar Khan district of Kabul, who was haunted by the guilt of betraying his childhood friend Hassan, the son of his father's Hazara servant.

Twelve year old Amir was desperate to win the approval of his father, one of the richest and most respected merchants in Kabul. He had failed to do so through academia, but the one area where they connected was the annual kite fighting tournament. Amir was determined not just to win the competition but to run the last kite and brought it home successfully, to prove to his father that he had the ability of a man. His loyal friend Hassan was the best kite runner that Amir had ever seen, and he promised to help him - for Hassan always helped Amir out of trouble. But Hassan was a Shi'a Muslim and this was 1970s Afghanistan. Hassan was taunted and jeered at by Amir's school friends; he was merely a servant living in a shack at the back of Amir's house.

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篇六 :追风筝的人读后感

题目:《追风筝的人》读后感 正文:

《追风筝的人》(The Kite Runner),又译《追风筝的孩子》,是旅美阿富汗裔作家卡勒德·胡赛尼的第一部小说,也是第一部来自阿富汗作家出版的英文小说。小说《追风筝的人》由第一人称视角,讲述了一个身在美国的阿富汗移民阿米尔的童年往事和他成人后对儿时过错的心灵救赎过程。儿时的美好和友情,因为一个懦弱的疏忽而毁于一旦,如果再给你一次机会,你愿意不顾一切地去重新找回那个曾经的自己吗?该小说的主人公阿米尔在坦然面对自己曾犯下的罪恶之后,他以赎罪般的努力,最终令人感动的完成了一个男人的成长。



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篇七 :追风筝的人读后感




小说以第一人称的角度讲述了阿米尔的故事。阿米尔生于19xx年喀布尔的一个富人社区中的一个富裕家庭。其父亲是普什图人,一名法官的儿子,成功的地毯商人。阿米尔家的仆人阿里的儿子哈桑则出身哈扎拉人。阿米尔和哈桑是好玩伴,哈桑是一个特别忠实,正直,一心只为阿米尔少爷着想的人,两个人经常一起游戏。阿米尔是出色的“风筝斗士”,即善于用自己的风筝切断别人的风筝的线;哈桑也是杰出的“风筝追逐者”,因为阿富汗的传统是线被切断而落下的风筝归追到它的人所有。爸爸对两个孩子都很喜爱,但嫌阿米尔过于怯懦。两个孩子和人打架时总是哈桑出头。阿米尔展露出写作的才华,但爸爸并不看重。 书的开头,作者那温和轻巧的笔调,描写出了阿米尔记忆中阿富汗,展示了一个鲜为人知温馨幸福的喀布尔。平日里,我们听到关于阿富汗的,都是跟恐怖主义扯上关系,总以为那是一个人们从出生到死亡都活在枪声中的地方。那份和谐美好,与今日的落魄战乱的鲜明对比,令人震撼!也正是因为这样我一开始就被它深深吸引,因为这是一个温暖的故事,但心里往往又有一丝不安,生活不可能永远那么平静,小说中的就更不可能了。而本文的作者其实一开始就给我们埋下了伏笔,阿米尔的父亲是一个十分强势的人,而阿米尔有从小没有了母亲,所以阿米尔在生活中十分仰仗父亲,甚至父亲对于它来说就是神一样的存在,因此在不知不觉中,就造就了他懦弱的性格。而父亲将这一切看在眼里,不知不觉中就对那个于自己性格较相似的哈桑产生了更多的好感。此时的阿米尔自然是不愿意,在他的心里,父亲是自己的,不容任何人染指,哪怕是自己最好的玩伴也不可以,所以他对哈桑的感情开始有了变化,变得不那么纯粹了。

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篇八 :《追风筝的人》读后感


《追风筝的人》(The Kite Runner),又译《追风筝的孩子》,是旅美阿富汗裔作家卡勒德〃胡赛尼的第一部小说,也是第一部来自阿富汗作家出版的英文小说。小说《追风筝的人》由第一人称视角,讲述了12岁的阿富汗富家少爷阿米尔与他父亲仆人儿子哈桑之间的友情故事,作者并没有很华丽的文笔,她仅仅是用那淡柔的文字细腻的勾勒了家庭与友谊,背叛与救赎,却给我以震撼。当仆人哈桑——阿米尔最好的伙伴,被其他富家少爷围困在角落里施以暴力时,阿米尔——哈桑最信任的朋友,却蜷缩在阴暗的角落里默默注视,直到泪流满面却仍不敢挺身帮助哈桑时,我听到了心碎的声音。可命运的指针并没有停止,阿米尔因为懦弱而极端害怕直至惭愧不已,无法面对哈桑。最后甚至栽赃他,让他永远离开了这个家。到后来阿米尔获悉哈桑竟是自己同父异母的兄弟时,悔恨与伤痛纠结。当中年的阿米尔偶然得知哈桑的消息时,他却不顾危险,前往家乡阿富汗,开始了救赎。但时间是可怕的,因为它可以让一切都改变。终于回到家乡的阿米尔,目睹了家乡的变化,战乱不断,民不聊生。同时也见到了儿时的老管家,见到了荒废的家,也得知了,哈桑的死讯。哈桑死了,阿米尔的救赎却没有停止,哈桑唯一的儿子索拉博落入了阿米尔儿时的宿敌手中,儿时的懦弱和愧疚缠绕着中年的阿米尔……,一场救赎再次开始。儿时的美好和友情,因为一个懦弱的疏忽而毁于一旦,如果再给你一次机会,你愿意不顾一切地去重新找回那个曾经的自己吗?该小说的主人公阿米尔在坦然面对自己曾犯下的罪恶之后,他以赎罪般的努




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