篇一 :gre北美范文满分范文

下面是一篇GRE官方给出满分的ARGUMENT范文,我们来一起赏析,看看它为何能scored six (先读文章,再看我的点评)

  The following appeared as part of an article in a daily newspaper:

  "Most companies would agree that as the risk of physical injury occurring on the job increases, the wages paid to employees should also increase. Hence it makes financial sense for employers to make the workplace safer: they could thus reduce their payroll expenses and save money."

  Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument. In your discussion be sure to analyze the line of reasoning and the use of evidence in the argument. For example, you may need to consider what questionable assumptions underlie the thinking and what alternative explanations or counterexamples might weaken the conclusion. You can also discuss what sort of evidence would strengthen or refute the argument, what changes in the argument would make it more logically sound, and what, if anything, would help you better evaluate its conclusion.

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篇二 :GRE argument官方满分范文分析









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篇三 :GRE Argument 满分范文5篇


Sample 1

In this argument the author employs a variety of evidence about Paleans, including their geographical isolation and the discovery of a basket, to argue that Palean baskets could have been made by non-Palean cultures. We may accept part of the author’s claim regarding the Paleans, but in the absence of some critical evidence, we cannot accept the conclusion that the Paleans have no means of transporting one of their baskets to other region.

In the first place, the author assumes that the Paleans could not have reached Lithos because no Palean boat has been found. However, the author is treating a lack of proof that the Paleans could have possessed some kind of boat as sufficient proof that they did not possess any such vehicles at all. From the passage we are only informed that Palean boats “were not found”, but the mere fact that no boat found currently could not fully illustrate that the Paleans did not have boats. We need concrete evidence to show that the Paleans did not master the skill of shipbuilding.

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篇四 :gre 写作复习策略


gre 写作复习策略


  公元20##年11月,被勤劳智慧的中国考生折磨得恼羞成怒的ETS推出了Analytical Writing Section,打破了中国学生机考时代以来对GRE高分的垄断地位,在接下来的两次GRE考试中,中国学生的写作平均成绩远远低于世界其他地区的考生。GRE写作成为横在中国学生的理想和现实之间的一大障碍,因此,如何攻克写作这道屏障,成为摆在我们面前的首要任务。

  一. Analytical Writing Section简介

  逻辑写作是General GRE Test考试的三个必考部分之一,它的前身是ETS设计的写作单项考试AWA(Analytical Writing Assessment)。ETS从20##年10月份开始,正式将写作单项考试并入GRE考试,取代原有的GRE逻辑部分(Analytical Section)。它用于评价考生的逻辑思维和英文写作能力,即分析问题,阐述立场,论证观点的能力和独立的完成一篇中心明确逻辑严谨的英文文章的能力。在这里请注意:逻辑写作不测试学生所掌握的具体知识,以确保对于有不同教育背景的考生的公平性。


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篇五 :GRE写作argument范文



The following appeared in a memorandum from the general manager of KNOW radio station:

"KNOW should shift its programming from rock-and-roll music to a continuous news format. There are a number of reasons why: the number of older people in our listening area has increased dramatically, while the total number of our listeners has recently declined, music stores in our area report decreased sales of recorded music and continuous news stations in neighboring cities have been very successful. Furthermore, a survey taken just before the recent election shows that locals are interested in becoming better informed about politics."


This memo recommends that KNOW radio station shift from rock-and-roll (R&R) music programming to all-news programming based on a number of reasons. As the manager indicates, the total number of KNOW listeners are decreasing in number while the number of older people in KNOW's listening area is increasing. The manager also points out that area sales of music recordings are in decline. Furthermore, the manager cites a recent survey that indicates local residents are interested in becoming better informed about politics. The manager also points out

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篇六 :太傻留学北美gre范文精讲




  fundamental objectivesand nature of research 研究的基本目标和本性

  research is the exploration of the unknownfor true answers to our questions, and for lasting solutions to our enduringproblems. Research is also the chief means by which we humans attempt to satisfyour insatiable appetite for knowledge, and our craving to understand ourselvesand the world around us.

  explore unchartedand unpredictable territory 探索未知和不可预见的领域

  Indisputably不可否认的 , the many complex technological marvels 科学奇迹 that are significant of our lives are the result ofthe extraordinary cumulative累积的 efforts of ourengineers, entrepreneurs, and others . and such achievements always call forthe courage to risk failing in a large way.

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篇七 :GRE写作Argument高分范文



“The Mozart School of Music should obviously be the first choice of any music student. First of all, the Mozart School stresses intensive practice and training, so students typically begin their training at a very young age. Second, the school has ample facilities and up-to-date professional equipment. Also, its faculty includes some of the most distinguished music teachers in the world. Finally, many Mozart graduates have gone on to be the most renowned and most highly paid musicians in the nation.”


This argument concludes that the Mozart School should be the first choice of any music student based on (1) its intensive practice requirements for students of all ages, (2) its outstanding facilities, up-to-date equipment, and distinguished faculty, and (3) the accomplishments of its graduates. The evidence provided indicates that the Mozart School of Music should, in fact, be the first choice but the argument has several fatal flaws.

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篇八 :GRE写作Argument范文1



1. In this article, the author concludes that the decline in arctic deer population must be due to global warming, which has led to the melting of ice.

2. Her conclusion is mainly based on the following evidence. (1)Local hunter reports that deer number is decreasing; (2) arctic deer needs to travel on ice from island to island in order to find food; (3) global warming has caused ice to melt.

3. However, the above evidence is insufficient for the author to draw the conclusion, unless she provides more relevant information.



1. First of all, the author clearly assumes that the global warming trend is significant enough to impact the thickness of ice over the region where arctic deer live.

2. However, granted that much ice is beginning to melt, it may happen in places relatively warmer than where the deer reside. In fact, this area may still be quite cold

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