篇一 :雅思独立作文TASK2精讲精练

雅思独立作文task 2精讲精练


简介(PPT 7)

1. 要求300字左右(至少250)

2. 40分钟时间

3. 要求:以6.5-7分作文为标准:


4. 5个步骤(ppt)


4. 分类:



1、 Some people think that it is necessary to travel abroad to learn about other countries, while other people think that it is not necessary to travel abroad because all the information can be seen on TV and the Internet. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (11.01.27)

2、 Tourism is an excellent way to develop a country, but it can also cause harm. How can countries ensure that tourism benefits the development? (11.02.12)

3、Some people think that creative artists should be supported financially by the government of their county, while others believe that they should find financial support from other sources instead. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (11.02.17)

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篇二 :雅思写作范文100篇


好的东西,和大家分享,看这个帖子的人肯定比较多,大家别冒险背诵,了解一下范文的思路好了。 这样好的东西,可惜不是我整理的,是一个叫landfish姑娘收集的,厉害!


Some people claim that the disadvantages of the car are more than the advantages,do you agree or disagree?


The birth of cars has made an enormous change to our life. In the past, we travelled from one place to another only by foot, nowadays, cars can do the same job . It goes withour saying that the invention of cars bring great benefits to all of us. but as an ancient proverb goes, no garden without weeds. Car is no exception.

Owing a car has a lot of advantages. For one thing, car provides us the most convenient way of transportation. we can get around freely without spenting a lot of time. Emotionally, I always found driving is so exciting. For another , it is comfortable to drive a car.in winter.Drivers always can stay warm and dry even in rainy weather .In addition, drivers are safer in their cars when they are out at night.

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篇三 :雅思写作范文

Topic: Memorization of information by frequency repetition(rote learning) plays a role in education system to what extend do you agree or disagree.

Learning is a complex process that involves different strategies and stages. As a key approach of learning, memorization of information by repetition contributes to the overall effectiveness of an education system. But we should also admit that rote learning has a number of limitations.

Learning by repetition is an effective strategy in learning. For example, Chinese people believe that one will get the gist of a book after reading it for a hundred times. Researchers have found that rote learning is particularly useful for young learners. When teaching children how to use a computer, instructors show them over and over again until they can perform tasks correctly. Moreover, for certain kinds of learning at early stage, the understanding involved is often minimal. Naturally rote learning assumes an important role.

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篇四 :雅思写作范文: Youth Unemployment

 A large number of young people can not find a job after leaving shool. what problems will youth unemployment cause for individuals and society? what measures should be taken to reduce the level of unemployment among young people?
  The world is in for a worsening youth unemployment, with its causes resembling their consequences. It goes without saying that youth unemployment needs to be tackled urgently, but this important task is anything but easy. However, if the microeconomic theory is of any use at all, it must include explanations, but also solutions to such problems as are affecting school leavers as individuals and society as the labor market.
  In a time of the economic recession, there is always a high jobless rate among young people, compared to the overall unemployment rate. This may explain in part why a large number of young people who are leaving school find it difficult to get a job. Particularly, youth unemployment spells a variety of hardships in a society that is powerless to create jobs. As unemployment balloons, competition among young individuals for jobs also rises, hence further pushing the society in general to tighten its belt, among other unpopular measures. Being part of a vicious economic cycle , massive unemployment carries an emotional toll, often too complex to define and too heavy a burden for the so-called 'scarred generation' to bear with hope and dignity. In view of this situation, if little or nothing could be done soon enough to reduce the unemployment level, the society's law and order would be at risk, referring, as an example, to a link between youth unemployment and youth crime.
  Unfortunately, ways to create jobs for young people seem to be mostly slow and often ineffective, and worse still, widely divided as an economic issue. For instance, some governments decide to take austerity measures, contrary to the argument that to cut public spending in the presence of high unemployment would be to ignore the lessons of history that are specifically not in favor of young people looking for jobs. At another point, the expectation that private employers would be able to hire enough to bring youth unemployment down remains only an expectation and not a cure-all for graduate unemployment. Neither is entrepreneurship a promising option for graduate employment because the precarious character of working for oneself does not suit everybody. On the other hand, not every school leaver acquires sufficient skills needed for the labor market, which implies that part of the long-term pro-job campaign should begin at school in the first place. Further, the supply and demand of jobs for young people are apparently out of steps, as seen in some societies that face a lack of personnel in technology and natural sciences, but have a surplus of students in human and social sciences.
  All in all, those are challenges for individuals and the society as a whole in the light of the current economic recession in which young graduates are being severely affected. Accordingly, efforts from all sectors should lead to the assurance that the next decade would be one of growth and not of high unemployment. Here are the problems, and it seems that the last thing to do is to embrace nature's cure and wait them out. (Essay created by Jeenn Lee Hsieh)

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篇五 :雅思写作9分范文


来源:考试大 2009-05-19 16:46:41

以下范文是根据08年考题精心打造,无论从结构,用词,句式,论证都非常值得烤鸭们学习和模仿的。 Some people believe that it is beneficial for children to spend time on TV, video and PC games, while some hold the opposite view. Talk about these two views and give your own opinion.

When it comes to whether children shall spend their spare time watching TV, video and playing PC games, people’s opinions diverse greatly. Some say it is basically a waste of children’s time, while others argue that children can benefit a lot from such activities.

It is firmly maintained by many parents and teachers that children’s main purpose is to pursue outstanding academic achievements at school. To beat their competitors, they must make the best use of every precious minute. Therefore, they can not afford to indulge themselves before the “idiot box” as TV or in playing the senseless virtual games. Moreover, watching TV and playing PC games are addictive for many poorly-disciplined children, consuming their interest in study and eroding their academic aspirations.

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篇六 :雅思写作九分作文范文欣赏


There is no doubt that helping students find a job is one of the primary functions of university education, but universities do exist for other purposes such as improving students’ analytical skills and raising students’ moral standards.

A university education can be seen as a process of improving students’ analytical thinking. The variety of courses offered at university inspires students in various ways,therefore improving their analytical ability. For example, science courses such as math and biology help students develop a rational way of thinking whereas arts courses such as literature may let students ponder over issues from a logical, multi- dimensional perspective; and courses in social sciences force students to recognize the ideas that have been traditionally assumed to be acceptable and unproblematic.

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篇七 :托福+TOEFL和雅思独立写作的区别

托福和雅思独立写作部分存在很多共性,也存在差异。 雅思大作文要求在约40分钟内完成一篇250字的文章,小作文如果写的快可以把多余时间用在大作文上。体裁主要有argumentation和report。而argumentation里面又包含几个小类。作文是从任务完成,连贯,词汇和句式结构多样性等四个方面严格考察的。最后取四个小方面的平均分作为最后成绩。考试形式为笔试。

托福独立写作要求在30分钟内完成一篇300-400字的文章,时间很固定,其他部分考试多余的时间不能利用。体裁只有一种,和雅思作文中agree or disagree非常相似。采用综合评分的方法,也就是考官读完后给出一个综合的印象分作文总分。考试形式为机试。 雅思写作要求单词多样,准确和而且要有一些难词,要求句式要富于变化,而托福写作则要求表达意思精准,句子通畅流利就好。雅思写作举例点到为止,但是托福写作中我们的例子一定要注意detail,做到specific。


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篇八 :雅思写作范文(1)

核心词汇:life expectancy, aging individuals
Benefiting from the demographic bonus, China is confronting an unremarkable crisis that many developed countries have already encountered. The problem is the old age boom. With the number of the old generation increasing, the pressure has become more and more irresistible. The following essay will analyze the effects from both individual and public aspects. What the old age boom brings about to individuals can be divided into two parts.
For one thing, it is impossible for all the old generations to follow the new trends of society; therefore a generation gap will appear between the old and the young. For another, if a family consists of more old people and fewer young ones, it will face a pressing economic burden of living and health care. In addition, to a society, the old age boom is not a good sign for the modernization as well. Firstly, each society whose vigor is endless demands more and more people to work as labor force for a certain period of time. However, with the number of old people growing, the loss and lack of labor force will be a huge crisis for those nations. Secondly, with a certain number of residents, the nation will develop and maintain a certain number of companies and factories in accordance with the demands of society. With a high mortality rate but a low birth rate, the local government has no other choices but to diminish the local scale of production, which will cause unemployment at the same time. In conclusion, the old age 'boom is a huge social problem for both developing and developed countries. To deal with this problem, governments and individuals should collaborate as much as possible.

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