

heating device10. The control device for heat treatment temperature is composed of temperature measuring element, and

control devicePassage 9 Business and risks

1. The work Capitalism is written by Carl Marx

2. For 20% profit, capital will take risks

3. For 100%, capital dares to break any human laws

4. For 200%, capital dares to commit any crime and even risks being hanged.

5. The pursuit of profits forces human beings to take any risks.

6. The pursuit of profit is much more encouraged than the pursuit of friendship

7. There are two ownerships existing in Chinese economy.

8. Only bright manufacturer or manager can predict the future of his enterprises

Passage10 Electricity

1. Electricity is not dangerous as people think

2. Dry wood can carry electricity to the ground. u

3. Conductors like metal or water can carry electricity to the ground

4. Human body is a good conductor because it has 90% water in the body

5. You can use a hairdryer far from bath and water

6. Wet hands are good conductors for transmitting electricity7. The best tool to push a shocked person away from the power is to use a non-conductorPassage 11 Undersea Life

1. Everything under the sea becomes blue and green.

2. Now people can dive into the water to explore the secrets of the sea

3. You can stay in deep blue sea for a long time if you have bottles of air on your back.

4. It is warm but dark in deeper water.5. Under about 3000 feet, there is no light at all.6. Many fish under deep water have eyes like normal fish in water.7. The sea is a dangerous place for all organisms8. Deep sea animals must follow the rule: to eat or be eatenPassage 12 Advice on Friendship

1. People can’t live well if they have no friends.

2. If you want to keep a friend forever, you should greet him with a smile

3. Cooking some soup for a sick neighbour makes you’re the sick neighbour feel much better4. If you have a close friend, It doesn’t matter to be rude to him.5. If you want to be a loyal friend, you should understand their ideas and learn from them.Passage 13 Australia

1. Australia is a large country and has a relatively large population.2. The majority of people living in Australia are city dwellers.3. The delivery of education services to people living in remote areas is unimaginable for

4. The attempt to provide educational services to distant dwellers did not take place until 19165. The schoolwork was delivered and retumed through sealed roads, regular bus routes and air

services in the beginning.Passage 14 Biomass

1. As a source of energy, biomass can bring the best possible profits for the lowest possible costs.

2. One of the advantages of using biomass is that it is a convenient medium to store energy.

3. Biomass doesn't produce enough carbon dioxide and is harm less to the environment.

4. Despite its advantages, biomass is not suitable for commercial uses.

5. Only trees and crops can be used as biomass-fuels.

Passage 15 Nuclear radiation

1. The mystery about nuclear' radiation may come from the fact that it cannot be detected

2. We cannot sense radio activity without a radio receiver.

3. Common radio waves are harmless to human beings and other things.

4. Even at the lowest levels, radiation will cause cancer by killing the healthy cells.

5. Victims of nuclear radiation may die of cancer years later.

Passage 16 Livestock's Long Shadow

1. With the increase of human population over the last century, every thing around us is increasing.

2. It was not until the publication of a new report, called “Livestock's Long Shadow" that we

know how big the number of livestock is.

3. Rain forests are decreasing as a result of expanding grazing land.

4. The global livestock contribute more to the global warming than transportation.

5. According to the passage, the only solution to global warming is reducing cars.

Passage 17 Pain management

1. Pain is a natural part of aging and the older patients have to leain to live with it.

2. Today, it is believed that chronic pain can cause depression.

3. To provide a comprehensive therapy, the work of many professionals is involved.

4. Our respect for pairi management has led to the wealth and health ofpeople.

5. The drugs which helped patients relieve the pain used to have serious side effects.

Passage 18 The Obama administration's bank rescue proposal

1. The Obama administration’s bank rescue proposal is criticized because the amount of money

2. The word “float” means “to move without an aim”

3. According to the author ordinary Americans don’t have much cash these days.

4. The bailout plan is so complex and risky that the world’s major banks utterly misjudged them.

5. The last paragraph indicates that the bailout plan needs support from big investors.








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