

However, there are questions the movie does not answer. the duality of human beings severely violates our demand for "consistency" (a term used in psychology to describe a harmonious uniformity or agreement among things or parts), to put it in a simpler way, it is hard for people to live with total opposite code of ethics, or outlook on life. In both the novel "Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" and the movie "Fight Club", the narrators fail to figure out how to deal with the problem and they end the contradiction by the destruction of lives.

Dilemma as it is, while stepping out of cinemas and putting down books, we are still one of the ordinary beings proceeding our normal lives, preoccupied with daily stuff and too engaged to worry about the duality of human beings. This ultimate problem of human is frequently mentioned in the creative works of artists. Somehow after stating the dilemma in various artistic form, those woks seldom present us the solution. Nevertheless, when resorting to religious thoughts, it seems that the duality of human beings is the priority of almost every religion. When people feel harassed by the endless transforms between goodness and evil and the forever lack of consistency, those devout men and women turn to God for help and restrain their evil sides by believing in goodness from the depths of their hearts. Although not every one of us is religious, I content it is okay to resort to religion at the mention of the topic so as to talk about the solution of the problem. According to Catechism of the Catholic Church, every one commits sins ever since born. The very first thing we should do against our sins is to confess. Jack in Fight Club would never try to kill his evil side if he is not ready to face it. That reminds me of another famous novel the scarlet letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. A women named Hester Prinne taken in Adultery and has to wear a scarlet letter A in her bosom for all her life. While her mysterious lover, Arthur Demmsdale never confess to the public until his death although both of them are tortured by deep guilty in heart. In the end, Hester Prinne, the one who confess the sin to God and to the public at very begining survived the publishment her guilty and gain the strength again to start a new life, while Mr Arthur Demmsdale get reduced by the sin day by day and only feel a light of God after his confession. The story told us whenever feel guilty for sinful deeds, confess it and start again with hope for goodness, because people are born with evil side.

To draw a conclusion, for the question inspired by the novella Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, "Are the morality of human beings absolute black and white or they could navigate their lives with both goodness and evil?", my answer is that every one of us live among the struggle and transition process of goodness and evil, and we can't simply "kill" another side of us while both of them are parts of human nature. And whenever our evil side make it's appearance, we are not supposed to be fearful or feel inimical to admit it. We should face them and confess our sin, then go on our lives with the desire for goodness, just like in the end of the movie, Jack finally wakes up to find that he has just gone through "a very strange time" of his life.



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