

(女)Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the 2013 English fun and talent competition held by school of xingdian


(女)First of all, please allow me to introduce myself, your host for today. I’m wangxi (男)我们很荣幸担当此次比赛的主持人,我是刘和宇。

(女)The competition is supported by the leaders and teachers, let’s introduce today’s honorable leaders, teachers and guest.



(女)The meaning of this contest is give us a chance to challenge ourselves, and the contest is supposed to offer a good atmosphere for us to learn English and to improve students' English speaking ability.

(女)Tonight, we hope all of the audience here will enjoy this exciting competition and benefit from what we hear and what we see.

(男)今天我们将为大家提供一个轻松快乐的平台,让我们秀出自我,秀出英语。 (女)Thank you for being a part of this competition.

(男)同时感谢各班的积极参与,本次比赛共分四个环节,1,我形我Show,(女)2小试牛刀,一分钟单词记忆,(男)3心有灵犀,你来比划,我来猜。(女)4 英语类文艺表演。

(女)Show me, show English. 现在我荣幸的向大家宣布英语趣味比赛



(女)Let’s have a brief of the rules.

(男)每组成员以自己独特的形式对自己的队伍进行介绍,要求有创意,有活力,内容积极向上,并以PPT作为辅助材料介绍,时间限时3分钟。该局由评委评分,1—5分不等。 (女)Every team will present their prepared Speech. You should introduce yourself first and then give us a-three-minute prepared speech.




(女)有请第三支队伍自动122,super man




(女)有请第七支队伍电信121 big band

(男)有请第八支队伍自动122,spring up

(女)有请第九支队伍电气123,start from here

(男)有请第十支队伍电科121,english show

(女)有请第十一支队伍电气121, for us

(女)Every team has excellent performance that all make us impressed.


(女)小试牛刀—— 一分钟单词记忆 ,每个队伍中出三名选手参赛,限时一分钟对屏幕上的60个单词进行记忆,在两分钟以内尽量背出单词多,每背对一个单词记0、5分。 (女)Wow,what a challenging game!





(女)有请第三支队伍自动122,super man




(女)有请第七支队伍电信121 big band

(男)有请第八支队伍自动122,spring up

(女)有请第九支队伍电气123,start from here

(男)有请第十支队伍电科121,english show

(女)有请第十一支队伍电气121, for us

(女)Wow ,everyone is strong, very good in memory, let us admire!


(男)小曦, 你看我




(女)心有灵犀—— 你来比划,我来猜





(女)有请第三支队伍自动122,super man




(女)有请第七支队伍电信121 big band

(男)有请第八支队伍自动122,spring up

(女)有请第九支队伍电气123,start from here

(男)有请第十支队伍电科121,english show

(女)有请第十一支队伍电气121, for us



(女)Ok ,it is show time !let’s look forward to all the brilliant performances! Wish them good luck!

(女)Let’s welcome contestant no.1. no.2,please get ready.

Thank you! Well , I did not expect that she could perform so well ,so amazing!



(女)Now , welcome no.3,no.4 please get ready.

(女)Thank you so much for your wonderful performance, now let’s welcome no.4



(女)有请 上台颁奖



(女)Congratulations!有请 上台颁奖



(男)有请 朱光上台颁奖







(女)Well ,Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we had a wonderful time together. Do you enjoy yourself tonight?

(男)Ladies and 乡亲们,今晚你们过得愉快吗?

(女)But now I have to say, Thank all of you to join us, thank you for excellent performance, and thank you for coming! bye!






Good evening ,everyone.In order to raise our intresets in learning English and make us know more about the English cultrue,we hold this English competition now.First of all,thanks to your attend and please allow me to introduce our teachers there:miss peng ,miss__,miss__.let’t clap for their support to this competition.

Then ,please let our contestants introduce themselves to us.The first team :Class 6 ,please!(之后以相同的英语让其他班的选手介绍自己)


OK, everyone. I believe that all of us have kown our competitors.So, let’s start our English competition right now! 比赛开始:

Section 1:Answer whatever been asked

Rules are that:in this part ,we’ll prepare fifteen subjects for our contestants , which are divided into five groups ABCDE.And there are three different kinds of subjects .We’ll put this subjects into five envelops,every team should chose one of them and every competitors in the team should answer one question in the envelop after a preparation.The time every

team have is one minute.Each kind of subject is ten scores.If your answer is wrong ,you’ll got none .Besides,if the player can’t answer the question,he can ask for help from his classmates.Every team has only one chance.OK , Ready? Let’s start !(之后比赛开始,主持人负责主持读出其选择的题目组,由工作人员播放题目,选手回答)

比赛环节过程中有可能用到的话语:1,Hey , which group have you chose? 2, Do you need asking for your classmates’ help? 3,OK,time is out.next group .4,Please mind your behavior.(在每组选手结束答题的时候,主持人兑答案,此时工作人员团会把正确答案打出,支持人照读即可,判断选手回答正误)

比赛环节结束后要用到的英语:Right,all teams have answer their questions.then ,let’s see how many scores each team of them have got . Class 6,____.(之后用英语报出每个班的分数,该分数会有工作人员递呈上去)。Let’s claps for them! Now ,after the must answer subjects,let’s enter the next section---Section 2 :the lighting round.(之后进入第二环节,趣味抢答)

In this part ,we’ll prepare thirty qustions for you and the rules are simple . Use your quiz buzzer to loot the chance for asking the question but you must wait for the host reading over the question!Each of them is ten scores.The time is limited

in 30 secondsIf your answer is wrong ,you’ll lose ten scores.Ofcouese,each team have a chance asking for the ptotect card which can protect you from losing scores and each team have only one chance too.(之后开始抢答环节,由工作人员播放题目,主持人迅速读出题目,读完后说,READY?GO! 看是哪一组抢到题目,让该组选手回答,之后说出正确答案。此时,工作人员会将答案打出,主持人照读即可。如果回答错误,主持人需问他们:Do you use your protect card ?选手回答即可。若该组已用过一次保护机会,则不需要再询问)

抢答结束后需用到的英语:Ok ,Time is over .let’s see how many scores each team of them have got . Class 6,____.(之后用英语报出每个班的分数,该分数会有工作人员递呈上去)Then,after the gruelling match,let’s have some intreseting subjects.ENTER Section 3:Listen and retell.

This time we have prepare 10 songs and 10 movies for you .Each team should chose one song and one movie to retell.After your chose,we’ll play the song and the movie by turn that you have chosed.After listening it ,you have 30 seconds to prepare for your retell.then retell the song or the movie .your behaveior will be judged by the judges .The highest scores is 20 scores.And if you can’t retell ,you also can ask help from your calssmates .Each team only have one chance.

比赛过程中能用到的英语:1,Which song or movie do you chose?2,Do you ask help from your classmates?3,OK,Let’s go ahead.比赛环节结束能用到的英语:Ok ,This part is over .let’s wait for minutes and then see how many scores each team of them have got .OK, Class 6 have got____.(之后用英语报出每个班的分数,该分数会有工作人员递呈上去)thanks for our competitors’ show .Then,the next part ,your comprtitors need your paticipation.they’ll describ one sentence of Chinese byword.After their describtion you should guess what the byword is and say it to others.This section is section3-- Export in chapter

Ofcourse,if your answer is true your class’ team can got 30 scores and you’ll got a little prize.But your answer is not true ,the chance to answer will change to other class’ students.then if he’s answer is true his class team can got 15 scores.Understand? Ok,let’t go!(之后每个班的选手选择谚语,并按照班级的顺序进行,对本班的同学进行复述。一个代表队结束后,主持人说,NEXT TEAM,进行下一支队的复述与猜测) 比赛环节结束能用到的英语:Ok ,This part is over .let’s wait for minutes and then see how many scores each team of them have got .OK, Class 6 have got____.(之后用英语报出每个班的分数,该分数会有工作人员递呈上去)



OK everyone,by now ,our English comprtition has over and let’s see which team has got the highest scores!(之后报出各班的总分数,宣布最高分的队伍)then ,let our teacher give the diploma to them .then,there two other diplomas .one is for the most active student of you ,the other is for the most valuable competitor.(之后 有请三位老师逐次给他们颁奖)

最后:Everyone ,thanks for your attend again ,the competition is over.See you!Good night every one!

















英语歌曲大赛 主持稿






英语技能大赛 主持稿

