For whom the bell tolls 丧钟为谁而鸣





For Whom the Bell Tolls

No man is an island,

Entire of itself.

Each is a piece of the continent,

A part of the main.

If a clod be washed away by the sea,

Motherland is the less.

As well as if a promontory were.

As well as if a manner of thine own

Or of thine friend’s were.

Each man’s death diminishes me,

For I am involved in mankind.

Therefore,send not to knew

For whom the bell tolls,

It tolls for thee. Background about this book Ernest Miller Hemingway:

Hemingway's fiction is sometimes said to express the anxiety of American men about their masculinity .

He was born in July 21th 1899in a wealthy and conservative Chicago family,the second child in he’s family,and the Nobel prize in literature.For Whom the Bell Tolls is one of the best famous novel to Hemingway..For whom the bell tolls, according to Hemingway in the early autumn of 1936 to the spring of 1939, the Spanish Civil War to write it.He spend 17months to writing this novel ,and completion every day.It creating that international column American volunteers, anti fascist fighter Robert Jordan in order to finish the action that fried bridge and courage inbattle, no fear of sacrifice touching story.The story is most great one in Hemingway's career ,considerably it must be overcome and get rid of the confusion, loneliness and pessimistic and integration himself into society ,showing the noble spirit of dedication for the cause of justice.Its one of the great ideological in Hemingway’s middle career.It has a great influence on American literature. The novel has been translated into dozens of languages, is a popular all over of the world masterpiece.

About story

In this story Robert Jordan who is a teacher in Spanish to teaching English,suffers from his grandfather,all of his life for the republican cause and love Spanish.So when the Spanish war break out ,he join the republican Spain without hesitation,in order to anti fascist and defend republican.In the government of the Republic of China army offensive in the organization,Jordan ordered into enemy lines,and blow up he bridge. This one is enemy must be

passed. Even though he know It was an extremely difficult and dangerous task,he also did it.He overcome many problems it from nature an human.He destroyed the bridge with the guerrilla in enemies help. Even though he sustained a serious wound in the retreated,he also say good by with his comrade -in-arms,and relent the foe of pursued left alone.The end without suspense republican triumph,Jordan used his last destroy and fearless mind of a warrior.All of he’s life and he’s dream,totally distilled for the last destroy.Even though Jordan died in final ,he must be happy and to be worth. In For whom the bell tolls Jordan who has all of the virtue.The first one about that he is a hardheaded,he love the work of the republican, even to the Republic to sacrifice he’s life.As compared with others,Jordan is the fighter with more sensible,most level-headed and most sophisticated.Even though he is young but not means naive,in many problems to solving,he was very level-headed and sophisticated.When he join the guerrillas with old Anselmo,and realize the problems,especially Pablo who is the captain of the guerrilla he has a heavy hostile to Jordan ,then Jordan wanted to change the relationship between he and Pablo.Jordan believe old Anselmo very much,the believe is a commander to an old soldier their relationship more like teacher and friend.Anselmo loyal to Jordan also he is a good staff.He knows that in order to victory he must kill an other people,but its not purpose or addiction.He believe that even victory people can’t killed an other people,but used labor to chang all of the militants feeling.From sense,Anselmo is the standards for humane of this story.

The novel still holds out hope for romantic love.Robert Jordan and Maria fall in love at first sight, and their love is grand and idealistic. Love endows Robert Jordan’s life with new meaning and gives him new reasons to fight in the wake of the disillusionment he feels for the Republican cause. He believes in love despite the fact that other-people-notably Karkov, who subscribes to the “purely materialistic” philosophy fashionable with the Hotel Gaylord set-reject its existence.This new acceptance of ideal, romantic love is one of the most important ways in which Robert Jordan rejects abstract theories in favor of intuition and action over the course of the novel.

In For whom the bell tolls Hemingway use the spacial ways ,brevity style and vivid language portrayed these four persons Jordan,Anselmo,Pablo, pilar and Maria.Around Jordan shore up many characters as if a biggest tree held up the heaven.Its the depict the characters directly also the core of this story.



《丧钟为谁而鸣》是以1936~19xx年期间西班牙内战为背景,描写美国志愿者罗伯特乔丹在执行炸桥任务的三天时间内的一系列惊心动魄的战斗经历。19xx年2月16日,以西班牙共 产 党、社会党左派等为中坚力量的人民阵线在西班牙国会选举中取的压倒多数的胜利,成立了联合政府。19xx年7月18日,西班牙军官弗朗哥在西属摩洛哥发动武装叛乱,很快得到西班牙各地驻军及法西斯组织长枪党等右派集团的响应,内战全面爆发,希特勒墨索里尼公然支持弗朗哥,将物资送给西班牙叛军,协助弗朗哥叛军作战,残酷屠杀西班牙人,激起了世界进步力量的公愤,以各国共 产 党人为中坚力量的工人阶级以及知识分子中的反战者纷纷奔赴马德里,三万多名来自54个国家的志愿者组成国际纵队,与西班牙人民并肩作战,共同抗击法西斯分子的疯狂反扑。19xx年5月,西班牙政府军司令戈尔兹将军计划向盘踞在马德里西北部的瓜达拉山区的叛军发动强攻。为了这次行动,罗伯特乔丹深入法西斯占领区寻找游击队,争取到游击队长巴勃罗妻子比拉尔的支持及时完成炸桥任务。








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