Remember the Titans the friendship


Daniel 2010071112 Daniel 1 Sophomore Writing 2-2 D

RK Smith

May 10, 2012

Remember the Titans: True Friendship Is Shining

A black man becomes Titans? new coach, which appears to be a great shock for the football team and the whole community. Regardless of any potential obstacle, the new coach determines to make his team a mixture of black players and white players and the summer training camp becomes his first challenge. This is the very beginning of the movie Remember the Titans. The movie has beautifully illustrated different virtues which are essential parts of one?s whole life. Among those wonderful virtues, the most impressive one for me in the movie is the true friendship. True friendship is like a flower that also needs to be cared, to be protected before its blossom, which means it is not easy to have a true friendship. Therefore, in the following, I would like to talk about my feelings about the friendship that has not been split by different races, backgrounds and even age.

Remember the Titans is an American film adapted from real events and has enlightened many people in different aspects since it was released in 2000. The movie tells a story about how the members of the Titans football team have worked together in spite of all kinds of obstacles and finally achieved success. In the year of 1971, some changes have happened to the T.C William High school, particularly the football team. An African-American coach named Herman Boone was appointed to be the head coach of the school football team. Being removed from his previous position, the white coach Bill Yoast had to decide whether to leave or not. Not wanting to abandon his players, Yoast decided to stay and became the defense coordinator. Since the

Daniel 2 football team was made up of black players and white players, the most important thing for the coaches was to ease the racial tension among the teammates at the very beginning. Therefore, after an extremely tough and effective training camp, the football team held together for the first time. However, when the team returned to school for the coming games, the whole community was making an unfriendly response to the integration. Even though, nothing could stop the Titans. Despite all the problems, the football team has reinforced their spirit and friendship with the extraordinary victories. Not only the players have built up a strong and respectable relationship with each other, but also the coaches became friends at last. Finally, the Titans became undefeated during the whole season and achieved an enormous success. After the graduation, all the members still kept on the team spirit and continued to make a difference in their future life.

As we all know, racial discrimination was a severe social problem in the old America and people at that time would hardly think about a possible friendship between the black and the white. However, the skin colors didn?t matter a lot in the Titans football team, particularly the two leaders, Bertier and Julius. Although these two young men disliked each other at first, they finally became really good friends just like brothers. The most important reason I suppose would be the first talk which was forced by coach Boone. It was because the first talk that these two young leaders began to know each other. With more and more communications and interactions, Bertier and Julius have come to understand each other?s life in a way they never

Daniel 3 realized before. Therefore, a well understanding weighs far more in building up the true friendship than races.

In the film, the integration has enabled more and more black people to join in the football team, which meant that the players would find people who were from a variety of ethnic backgrounds. For example, the sunshine boy from California definitely possessed a different personal value or belief from other teammates who grew up in Virginia. However, this sunshine boy Ronnie soon got along with other teammates and brought them the new thought about equality as well as optimism. Besides, I have also impressed by the friendship between Louie and ?Rev?. Although they were from different backgrounds, they became good friends when the camp started. Both of them enjoyed singing and their singing would always make the team vigorous and energetic. What?s more, they even created a unique warm-up dance for the games. In their eyes, friendship would not be bothered by different backgrounds and what really matters is the mutual respect and trust, just like what Thomas Edison has said, “I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world.”

Finally, the little girl Sheryl has made friends with coach Boone and the age gap has not affected the true friendship between them. Sheryl was Yoast?s daughter and she loved her dad as well as football. At first, Sheryl did not like coach Boone for his taking up the position of head coach. However, as the season moved on, Sheryl gradually appreciated what the coach had done and enjoyed talking about football

Daniel 4 with Boone. Although Sheryl was much younger than coach Boone, they possess the same passion for the football and that built up the most precious friendship between them.

Julius hurried in the entrance, slowed down his pace, past the teammates and noticed the sorrow around the people. He went towards to coach Boone, unwillingly to know that Gerry was badly hurt. Hugged Gerry?s mother. To the patient?s room, tried to hide the tears and opened the door. He stayed still. Gerry was lying on bed, smiling to his brother, next to him was bunches of flowers and cards. A nurse stood beside Gerry and said, “Only kin?s allowed here.”. “Alice, are you blind? Don?t you see the family resemblance? That?s my brother.”, said by Gerry. Julius went close to the bed, talked to Gerry, made the fist to fist brotherhood, and witnessed the rarest friendship in the world.

Since the first release, the movie Remember the Titans has been making great influence not only in America, but also around the world. A lot of people have been inspired by this film and they are really trying to make a difference in their life. Although racial discrimination still exists in the world, it has slowed down its pace in interfering the friendship between different colors. Although different backgrounds might create misunderstanding, they cannot break through the defense of mutual respect. Although age might be a problem in making friends, it becomes weak in front of understanding. All in all, true friendship shines throughout the movie and drives away the darkness caused by races, backgrounds and age.

第二篇:小笨霖英语笔记本八十 看电影心得 (Remember the Titans)

小笨霖英語筆記本八十 看電影心得 (Remember the Titans)之前我曾嘗試過幾次把電影裏的對話寫成一集筆記, 諸如美國派 (American Pie) 和 Bring It On 這二集的筆記都得到讀者不錯的迴響. 這次小笨霖再接再勵, 把最近一部票房冠軍的片子 Remember the Titians 裏面一些值得學的句子整理給大家. 如果你沒看過這部電影也無所謂, 這些對話本身都非常實用, 不怕日常生活當中沒地方用.1. Hey bro! (Hey yo!)嘿, 你好.黑人見面很喜歡互相打招呼道 Hey bro! (brother 的簡稱) 或是 Hey yo! 這是黑人才獨有的一種文化, 像一般白人在打招呼時就不會說, Hey bro! 或 Hey yo! 在這部電影的背影年代種族歧視還很嚴重 (事實上這部電影主要也就是在探討黑白種族之間的歧視) 只因為白人隊員叫了某位黑人球員一聲 Brother. 他就很興奮地告訴其它人說 He called me brother! 另外有一幕很有意思, 當那位老黑要去探望出了車禍而躺在床上的隊長時, 護士小姐對他說這是 Family only. 結果這位隊長就說了一句很有意思的雙關語, Don't you see the family resemblance He is my brother. (妳沒看出我們之間的血緣關係嗎 他是我兄弟!)還有一幕笑料發生在那個白人大胖子身上, 由於他跟黑人隊友走的很近, 他們就戲稱他, He is just another white skin brother. (他不過是另一個白皮膚的兄弟), 結果有位黑人很不爽, 就說, Ok. Then I am just a black skin cracker. (好吧, 那我就是一個黑皮膚的白人了) 註 這個 cracker 在這裏跟 brother 押韻, 原指「餅干」但在俚語的用法中則是指「淺色的人種」而言. 另外 Brother! 這句話也可以當成一種怨嘆的語氣, 相當於 Come on. 通常是在別人作了什麼讓妳受不了的事情. 例如, Oh. Brother! How could you mess up all the time (拜託一下好不好, 妳怎麼能每次都把事情搞砸呢) 註 這樣的用法通常女生講得比男生多)2. A bunch of sissies, quit it.一堆沒出息的傢伙, 給我停手.Sissy 單照字面上的解釋就是指沒有男子氣概或是講話娘娘腔的男人. 其實單看 sissy 跟 sister 長得那麼像也不難猜出它是什麼意思. 不過電影當中連那麼有男子氣概的橄欖員球員都會被罵 sissy, 那我們豈不是 sissier 了嗎 所以我的解釋是, sissy 在這裏就是罵人家「沒有用, 沒出息」跟男子氣概本身並沒有太大的關係. 片中這些球員除了被罵過 sissy 之外, 還被罵過 jerk 和 bum. 這兩者都是常常用來罵人的話, 相常於中文裏的「混蛋」或是 「癟三」.3. You look like a bunch of sissies after the cat fight.你們打完架後, 看來就像一堆沒用傢伙.這句話是由主演黑人教練的 Denzel Washington 所講的. 這句話好在他拿 cat fight 跟 sissy 作對比. 所謂的 cat fight

就是指刻板印象裏的女人打架, 抓頭髮, 拿指甲刮人家. 所以他故意把他們的打架說成是 cat fight, 又把他們說成是 sissy, 言下之意就是對他們的行為跟女人沒什麼兩樣. 講到 cat fight, 就不能不提一下 cat call. 所謂的 cat call 是指為了吸引別人的注意而發出的聲音, 像是喝倒采時的噓聲就可以算是 cat call. 但 cat cal 通常特別是指一群男生看到美女走過時會大驚小怪時所發的怪聲. 4. Can you take this down No. It won't come down.你能把它拿下來嗎 不, 我不會把它拿下來. 在這部電影裏, 黑人教練為了讓黑白球員能更加相互認識, 相處更融洽, 所以安排黑白球員同住一個房間. 但這也會產生很多問題. 像這位白人老兄就不喜歡他室友的掛畫, 硬是要他把畫拿下來. Can you take this down 要是你是他的室友你會怎麼回答 我想你大概會說, I won't take it down. 吧! 但是他的回答卻是, It won't come down. 怎麼樣, 你就不會想到這樣說吧 諸如這樣子的例子還很多, 說明了我們和老美之間說話習慣的不同. 例如你去買洋蔥, 結果結帳後卻忘了把它放在袋子裏, 這句話我會說, I forgot to put the onion in the bag. (我忘了把洋蔥放在袋子裏了) 但我曾聽老美說, The onion didn't make it to the bag. 也就是說, 以 I 開頭的句子常常可以被替換成 It 開頭的句子. 這也是典型 Sitcom 的句子, 強調責任是在洋蔥, 是它不肯進袋子而非我我責任. 5. You got your priority messed up this time.這次你把你的優先次序弄錯了吧!Priority 這個單字的意思就是指事情的優先順序, 後面通常會加上 over 這個介系詞. 例如有一次我在機場排補位時聽到的 Don't hurry, I still have the priority over you. (不用急, 我還排在你前面呢!) 不過電影裏的用法也很有意思, You got your priority messed up this time. 這是一個女生對她男朋友講的話, 意思就是, 「是陪我重要呢 還是陪你朋友重要 」 你完全搞錯了. 6. Do you want to shoot some hoops要不要打籃球啊打籃球最常用的說法應讓是 play basketball, 不過在電影中我又學到另一個講法, shoot some hoops. (這個 hoop 就是籃框). 另外如果老美說的是, Do you want to shoot around 指的則是大家單投投籃, 而不比賽算分數. 不過 shoot something 這種用法最常用在打撞球上, 撞球叫 pool, 所打撞球就叫 shoot some pool. (pool 當撞球時為不可數名詞, 不必加複數) 因此如果你想邀請老美打撞球, 你就可以說, Do you want to shoot some pool (你要不要打撞球啊)7. I'm not playing with it. I'm accessorizing it.我不是跟洋娃娃玩, 我是幫它裝飾. 很多女生都喜歡玩洋娃娃, (play with doll) 但偏偏有些小女生, (就像是片中白人教練的女兒) 就不喜歡玩洋

娃娃. 本片的一個笑點就是, 人家要她去陪另一個黑人小女孩玩洋娃娃, 她一口就拒絕了, I hate to play with doll. (我討厭玩洋娃娃) 而那個黑人小女生就反唇相譏, I'm not playing with it. I'm just accessorizing it. 這個 accessory 如果當名詞用, 就是指女生除了衣著以外的一些配件, 例如皮包、耳環等等都算是 accessory. 所以這裏她用 accessorize it 就是強調我不只是單純跟洋娃娃玩, 我是在幫她打扮裝飾. 8. I need a water break.我需要休息喝水.受到中文母語影響的關係, 講到「休息」這個概念, 我們直覺的反應都會用 rest. 不過如果是指短暫的休息, 老美比較常用的是另一種說法 break. 例如別人邀請你跳舞, 你很累想休息一下 (其實是嫌人家長得不夠帥啦!) 妳就可以回答說, Sorry, but I want to take a break. 電影裏有用到 water break 這樣的說法, 不知有沒有人的直覺反應是「水破了」 我還快要生了哩. ^__^ 其實某某 break 就是指小憩片刻去作某件事的意思. 例如 coffee break 就是喝咖啡的休息時間, lunch break 就是指吃午餐的時間. 9. No bother go back to the camp. If you get lost, just hitchhike home.如果你迷路了, 就不用麻煩再回來了, 直接攔便車回家吧!No bother. 是個俚語的講法, 正式的講法應該是, Don't bother, 所以把 No bother 改成 Don't bother. 這句話就變成了 Don't bother going back to the camp.No bother. 或是 Don't bother. 指的都是「不用麻煩了」例如別人問你要不要喝水, 你如果不想喝, 就可以說 No. Thanks. 或是再強調一下, Don't bother, really. (真的不用麻煩了.) 而另一個很類似的片語 Why bother 則是說「不必麻煩了」,但這句話不太有禮貌. 例如別人邀你去作直銷, 告訴你賺錢有多容易, 你就可以一口回絕說, Why bother I'm not desparate for money right now. (幹麼那麼麻煩, 我現在又不是真的很缺錢用.) 10. I'll take your mom to the prom.我要帶你媽媽去畢業舞會. 許多人剛來美國時都有同感, 就是老美一般日常的對話大致上都還能了解, 可是每次講到好笑的地方就只能看著別人笑, 自己常不知道到底好笑在哪裏. 像是這部片中最好笑的地方是發生在更衣間裏的一段開別人媽媽的玩笑, 我想就不是很容易了解. 為了避免讓各位下次去看電影時有遺珠之憾, 我把我記得的部份寫下來, 讓大家看看老美有多低級, 居然這樣子亂開別人媽媽的玩笑. 先是有人說, He and your mom went out of town last night. (他和你媽媽昨晚出城狂歡作樂去了.) 另一人就反唇相激, I'll take your mom to the prom. (放心好了, 我會帶你媽媽去畢業舞會的.) 另一人又說了, I know he and your mom slept on a nasty bed. (我知道他跟你媽媽睡在一張骯髒的床上.) 最後那個開心

果大胖子進來了, 一手還扶著腰, 大家連忙問他怎麼了, 他說, I saw your mom pee two times and she twisted my back. (我偷看妳媽媽出恭兩次, 結果被她擰了一把.) 語畢, 只見全場的老美全部笑翻, 只剩下一堆老中在交頭接耳, 互相問說到底發生了什麼事. D小笨霖 10292000[上一集] [回英語筆記] 小笨霖英語筆記本八十 [參加討論] [下一集]

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