Book Report of Botchan夏目漱石 哥们儿 读后感


BookReport of Botchan

Botchanis a very interesting, intriguing and amusing novel, which is written by a Japanese novelist NatsumeSoseki, who is the one of the greatest writers of Japan and is widely considered the foremost Japanese novelist of the Meiji Era.The book is written in an autobiographical style which described the life of a son born in Tokyo, hot-blooded, simple-hearted, pure as the crystal and sturdy as a towering rock, honest and straight to a fault, intolerant of the least injustice and a volunteer ever ready to champion what he considers right and good and kneel down even to a child if he acknowledge his wrong.

The story concentrates on the time when the hero teaches mathematics in a middle school in a distant and undeveloped town after he graduated. In the middle school, there are a gang of instructors of dark character who are always playing their annoying intrigues. The hero of the story is also a victim of their plots, but he finally comes out triumphant by smashing the petty red shirt, knocking down the sham pretentions and by actual use of the fist on the Head Instructor and his henchman.Some peoples think that the story is a biting sarcasm on a hypocritical society because the author himself was an English teacher in a middle school somewhere about the same part of the country described in the story on his younger days.

There are seven main characters in the story. The hero “botchan” is pure, straight, brave but quick-temper, dashing-spirit and saucy teacher. There are old maid servant Kiyo who is devoted to the hero and four faculties in that school whothe hero nicknames them separately, ?Badger? for the principal who is full of hypocritical morals, ?Red Shirt? for the head-teacher who is a bastard, ?Hubbard Squash? for the teacher of English who is very coward, ?Porcupine? the teacher of mathematics who is rather wise andalways ready to help others, and ?Clown? for that of drawing who is scheming.

On a scene in the story, all their characteristics are vividly manifested. On the farewell dinner party for ?Hubbard Squash?, the principal and the Red Shirt make an address firstly in which they praise the Hubbard Squash in a lavish terms, express

their regret, and say his departure is a great loss not only to the school but to them in person; however, what the truth is that they played a trick to make Hubbard Squash transferred.And then Porcupine make a speech to satire those dark characters , in which it expresses the Nebeoka where Hubbard is going to teach is a place where the customs are simple and untainted and the people there still strong in the

straightforward characteristics of old days.In contrast to what Porcupine do, Hubbard himself behaves rather cowardly; he also makes an address, buthe is too

?good-naturedness? because he just respectfully thanks the principal and the head-teacher who fooled him.

There are many bright virtues I should learn from the hero. He is a greatest warrior against hypocritical society. He treats the raise of salary nothing when he realizes that it has broken his principles; he feels sympathy for and indignant to Hubbard Quash? suffer; he defends for his friend Porcupinewhen he was treated injustice. He is very brave to challenge the authority, to defend the justice.He is so pure, and I love him very much.

Beside my favor for the hero, I also have a preference to Kiyo and Porcupine. Kiyo treats his master with all her heart. While the family of the hero shows an indifference to him, Kiyo was almost blindly fond of him (according to the hero). I think that is why the hero has such good trait.And porcupine is a man of wisdom, perseverance, and sharp-minded. When he knows he has blamed the hero wrongly, he makes a lengthy apology to him.He helps the hero a lot; he helps the hero with the house-holding and many other things. What?s more, it?s him who comes up with the idea to knock down the sham pretentions and hypocrisy of Red Shirt.

Although it is a Japanese novel, I read the translation by YasotaroMorri. The translated version is worthy reading, it almost vividly passes on the humor and satire tone to us. It is a light, amusing, and instructive story, with no tangle of love affairs, no scheme of blood-curdling scenes or nothing startling or sensational in the plot or character. The story, however, once you start to read it, you can not drop it until you finished it.





小说一开始“先生”便常常与“我”谈论到人性的问题。“我”虽然觉得“先生”有满脑的伟大的思想,但他却不想把这些公诸于世,并且常会在不经意间说出一些让“我”觉得无法理解的结论,我认为这是与先生的过往有关的。“先生”曾经说过“我被人欺骗过,而且是骨肉至亲欺骗的。我决不会忘记。他们在我父亲面前装作好人,父亲刚闭眼就变成了不可饶恕的没有良心的坏蛋。他们家给我的屈辱与损害,我从孩子时起一直背负到今天,大概要背负到死吧。这时我至死也不会忘记的。但是我又不能去报仇,说起来,我现在要做的是超出个人的仇恨。我不仅憎恶他们,而且憎恶一切他们所代表的人,这样的人太多了。”人性本善,但是金钱却经常蒙蔽我们的双眼,就像先生这样被自己的骨肉至亲欺骗也是常有的。人都是虚伪的动物,在社会这个大熔炉里每个人都把自己伪装起来了,在利益面前每个人都想伸出自己的魔爪,于是在美丽的微笑背后或许隐藏着一个天大的阴谋,但是在这糖衣炮弹下你却无法分辨这到底是真是假,就像“先生”所说你永远不知道他们会在什么时候从好人变成坏人。而在经历了巨大变故之后人往往会变得沉默和不信任,就像“先生”那样。 每看到一个笑脸都要怀疑这背后的真实性,让自己宁愿把自己封闭在一个狭窄的空间里也不愿意与人过多的接触,并且再也没有办法真诚的接受所谓的关心与爱护,或者就必须在即将失去的时候才会幡然醒悟,更有可能会做出另自己终身遗憾的事情。人或许都是脆弱的,我们都太容易受伤,我们都希望得到别人的关怀,但有的时候当这奢求已久的关怀到来时你已经失去了接受它的能力了。 小说中“K先生”和“先生”最后是以自杀收场。他们同时爱上了房东的女儿,但却是“先生”使诈先行一步向房东提亲了。得知真相的“K先生”接受不了这样的事实于是选择了自杀来结束自己的生命。从此“先生”活在了永远的自责里,虽然他成功迎娶了小姐,但他却永远觉得自己是卑鄙的、可恶的。当初是的他是如此的憎恨欺骗,是欺骗让他一无所有并且必须得远走他乡,但现在的自己却用同样的方式去对待自己的朋友,这让他对人、对社会产生了厌恶,他把自己封闭了,他的性情大变,他的内心除了自责就是孤独。他每个月去给“K先生”扫墓,但这却仍然无法让他摆脱心里的阴影,并且这些事情又都是无法跟妻子启齿的,最后“先生”也自杀了。这是深受明治精神影响的知识分子的悲哀。


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