


My Hometown

My hometown is a small village not far from Shijiazhuang. It is a beautiful place. I like it very much.

The air here is very fresh because there are no factories or cars. There is a river in the village, and there is a bridge over the river. Near the river, there are many flowers in the green grass. The flowers smell sweet. Many trees are on both banks of the river. The birds in the trees sing in the daytime. There are cuckoos and many other kinds of birds. They sing so wonderfully.

In the evening, I often enjoy the quiet view of the countryside. At night, it is so quiet that you can hear nothing. The animals are asleep. Everyone is fast asleep. It is really a world of quietness.

What a wonderful world!

A free Market

With a shopping bag in my hand, I entered the gate of the free market near my home. Suddenly a terrible smell reached my nose and I could not help feeling nauseated. Looking around I found that the foul smell came from the poultry stalls on the left side of the street. There, every small cage was packed with hour or five chickens. Occasionally, the chickens crowed sadly as if they knew they were going to be cooked. The feed stank under the hot summer sun. I put a handkerchief to my nose and hurried away.

“Live fish! Fresh and cheap!” a husky voice of a man was heard. In front of his stall, there stood a big canvas bag. Inside, a lot of fish were struggling in the turbid water. They opened their mouths widely to have their last breath of air. Terrified at the price, I left for other stalls. Just then a young fellow stopped me and tried to persuade me to buy a chain of garlic in his hand. He was disappointed to see me shaking my head.

Then I came to the vegetable and fruit stalls which made up the busiest section of the market. A good variety of vegetables and fruits could be found here at summertime. Red tomatoes, green cucumbers and peppers were put at the most conspicuous places. The sweet smell of the fruits — peaches, plums, muskmelons, and purple-colored grapes — had drawn many customers. The sellers were praising their produce in strong provincial accents and competing with each other by offering lower prices. Housewives would certainly drive a good bargain with the sellers before they really bought anything.

At the far end of the market were the clothing stalls. Colorful clothes were hung up high to attract people’s attention. There were quite a number of people but only few bought any clothes. A girl had stood at one of the stalls for a long time. Obviously she desired to have that fashionable skirt which was said to be made in Hong Kong. But finally she left, for she was unwilling to pay almost her monthly wage of 80 yuan for it.

After hours of shopping — choosing and bargaining, I left the noisy market, exhausted but quite satisfied, my bag full of vegetables and fruits.


Description of a person

A fellow student

It was my first day at the university. I walked into the building where I was going to live, and looked at door after door for my name. At last I found it. In the room there was already a student making his bed.

After we said “How do you do” to each other, he continued his work, paying no more attention to me. “What a stuck-up fellow,” I thought. I examined the room. It was not different in the fittings and furnishings from any other room I had seen, but it had been thoroughly cleaned — by my new roommate, no doubt.

I looked at him. He was thin, short, and dark. His hair was like a bundle of straw. His dirty clothes and tired look were clearly signs of a long travel. His clothes were made of cheap cloth. The coat was too short and the trousers too loose. And he wore a pair of rubber shoes, which were very unfashionable. He did not look like a smart freshman at. “A yokel,” I concluded.

The second time he spoke, his accent told me he was from the south. “Shall I help you to get your luggage from the office?”

I did not refuse since I really needed help. He was quick in movement. He walked out of the room and was soon far ahead of me in the corridor.

“A good guy.” I said to myself. “I will make friends with him.” I hurried and caught up with him.

















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