











心得体会就是一种读书、实践后所写的感受文字。Experience is a kind of reading and practice writing words after feeling.读书心得同学习礼记相近;Book learning ceremonies.from with near;实践体会同经验总结相类。Practical experience with similar experience. 学习的方法每个人都有,并且每个人都需要认真地去考虑和研究它。The way of learning everyone, and everyone needs to seriously consider and study it.心得体会这种学习方法对于一个人来说也许是优秀的,但没有被推广普及的必要。


Comments such a study to one person may be good, but were not expand the necessary.因


为学习的方法因人而异,方法的奏效是它与这个人相适应的结果。Because the way of learning is different from person to person, the method with the person it is working to adapt results.方法,也是个性化的。Method, also is the personalized.借鉴他人的学习方法并不是不可以,但找寻适用于自己的学习方法才是最重要的。Reference of others learning methods is not may not, but look for used in his study method is the most important. 目录directory

基本概念Basic concept

心得体会就是一种读书、实践后所写的感受文字。Experience is a kind of reading and practice writing words after feeling.读书心得同学习礼记相近;Book learning ceremonies.from with near;实践体会同经验总结相类。Practical experience with similar experience. 学习的方法每个人都有,并且每个人都需要认真地去考虑和研究它。The way of learning everyone, and everyone needs to seriously consider and study it.心得体会这种学习方法对于一个人来说也许是优秀的,但没有被推广普及的必要。Comments such a study to one person may be good, but were not expand the necessary.因为学习的方法因人而异,方法的奏效是它与这个人相适应的结果。Because the way of learning is different from

person to person, the method with the person it is working to adapt results.方法,也是个性化的。Method, also is the personalized.借鉴他人的学习方法并不是不可以,但找寻适用于自己的学习方法才是最重要的。Reference of others learning methods is not may not, but look for used in his study method is the most important.

详细释义Detailed definitions 心得experience

xīndéX ī nde

[what one has learned from work, study, etc.] 在实践中体验或领会到的知识、技能等[25, learned of PPC's schools, etc.] show: study of, in practice experience or understand to the knowledge, skills, etc


tǐhuìT ǐ hui

[understand;realize appreciate] 体验领会['ll appreciate] experience; am comprehended

心得体会一般分为学习体会,工作体会,教学体会,Comments are generally learning experience, work experience, the teaching experience读后感The feeling after reading,观后感About it, 心得体会范文Comments model essay

一、学习需要目标和计划A, learning goals and plans to

一个有理想的人一定会有自己的奋斗目标,并为此而努力。A good man will have their own goals, and to work hard.想使理想最终得以实现,需要不断为自己设定具体的目标。Want to make ideal finally able to realize, we need to constantly to set myself specific goals.每日审视自己,找出与目标间的差距,你会从中获得动力。Look at yourself and find out and daily, the gap between the target, you will gain momentum.

制定适当的计划是必要的,它能提醒你下一个目标是什么,此刻应做些什么。Making proper plan is necessary, it can remind you of the next what the object is, what should be done at this moment.它能使你有紧迫感,每当你有些倦怠时,看一眼你的计划书,提醒自己:此刻付出的一切努力,都是为了自己的将来,辛苦定会有回报。It can make you have a sense of urgency, whenever you some burnout, look at your plan,

and remind yourself: this moment for trying, all is for the sake of his own future, hard work will pay off in the end.

有些人的计划会制定得相当具体,例如可以具体到某一个知识点等。Some people plan will work quite specific, for example can be specific to a certain knowledge, etc.但也许你并不习惯于制定过于具体的计划,这也没有关系,你可以根据自己的需要做。But maybe you are not used to formulate specific plan, which is also have no relation, you can need according to oneself do.计划应该是个性化的。Plan should be personalized.

计划要具有可操作性。Plan to be operable.应尽量将计划制定得适合自己,并且应该务实。Should as far as possible will plan drawn up for yourself, and should be practical.

二、学习需要兴趣Second, the study need interest

老师能在教学中提起学生的兴趣,使学习显得不枯燥,同时也使学习显得更容易。The teacher can mentioned in teaching students'

interest, make learning is not boring, but also make learning appears more easily.这个过程也需要学生自己的积极参与,学生不应该基于自己对人的喜恶而排斥某位教师的课程或教师本人。This process is also require students to their active participation in that students should not be based on their likes and dislikes of people and a rejection of the course or teachers the teacher himself.试着使自己有一点耐心,也许你会有新的发现。Try to make your have a little patience, maybe you'll have the new findings.

如果你对自己所必须学习的东西不感兴趣,那么你将会极为痛苦。If you must learn not interested in anything, then you will be very painful.与其天天生活在苦闷中,倒不如主动地对自己所学的东西培养兴趣。And every day, in anguish than life on my own initiative to things raises the interest.这样做,你会渐渐感到学习变得轻松了。In so doing, you will gradually relaxed feel learning.

三、学习要专心Three, to concentrate on learning

专心是效率的保证。Concentration is the guarantee of efficiency.人不容易像计算机一样高效率地执行多线程任务,不专心往往会使你的People don't like computer easily as performed smoothly

multithreaded task is not to concentrate, often can make you学习效率The learning efficiency不高。Is not high.

也许学习并不是你一天之中最愿意做的事,但为了你的理想,你需要学习。Maybe learning and not of a day you most want to do, but for the sake of you of ideal, you need to learn.每个人都有自己想做的

事情,但你应该暂时将它们放在一边,先不让它们分散你学习时的注意力。Everyone has the things they want to do, but you should put them aside, first make it not to distract you from the study the attention.注意力不很集中时,你的学习效率会降低,出错率会上升。The attention is not very concentrated, you of the learning efficiency can be reduced, error rates will rise.这样,你的学习效果就不会很明显,辛苦付出的努力也很难得到回报。So, your study the effect is not very obvious, hard and it is hard to get the effort returns.

假如你以前学习有时不是很专心,我建议你试着强迫自己专心一些。If you used to study is not very attentively, sometimes I suggest you try to force yourself to concentrate on some.你会发现这样做会使你的学习效率提高,效果变得明显起来。You will find that this can cause your learning efficiency, the effect becomes apparent up.

四、学习要刻苦Four, study hard

"学习要刻苦。""Work hard."可能你曾听过无数人讲这句话,可能你并不喜欢这句话。Maybe you have heard the countless people who speak this sentence, you may not like it.但从很多人的经验来看,你需要这句话。But from a lot of people experience, you need to this sentence. 刻苦会使你的学习成果很扎实。Hard work will make you learning results is very solid.也许在有些人眼里,刻苦读书的人是书呆子,但刻苦学习的人脚踏实地,这样做的好处会慢慢显现出来。Perhaps in some people's eyes, hard to read is a nerd, but study hard people their feet on the ground, the advantage of this will slowly revealed.它会带来成绩的稳定性,并继而带来较好的心理素质。It will bring results, and then the stability of bring good psychological quality. 总之,耐心地再听一遍这句老话,对你应该是有好处的。In short, patiently listen again this saying goes, you should be good for. 其它other

高中阶段的High school stage of the学习需要Learning needs老师的指引The teacher's guidance

有些处于高中年龄段的人可能会表现出与长辈的相处障碍,他们不愿意或不屑于听从长辈的建议或要求,这种抵触有时是毫无原因的。Some in the high school age paragraph the person it may show and elder get along obstacles, they don't want to listen to the advice of elders or disdain or request, this conflict is sometimes for no reason. 这种现象反映到学校中时,就显得有些尴尬。This reflects the to the school where, appear awkward.学生习惯性地不理睬老师给出的建议,老

师有时会因此而变得十分愤怒。Students habitually ignore the teacher gave the advice, the teacher sometimes thus become very angry.于是,学生更加不理睬老师给出的建议,老师会更加感到一种莫名的愤怒??So, students more ignore the teacher gave the advice, the teacher will be more felt a sense of anger......在这个过程中,老师最多是感到愤怒,而学生则忽略了大量本应注意的东西。In this process, the teacher is the most angry, and students have ignored a lot this should pay attention to things. 若学生能放弃偏见,耐心地听课,那么,课堂的气氛会变得轻松一些,而更重要的是,学生能从课堂中获取足够的知识。If students can give up prejudice, patient listening to lectures, so, the classroom atmosphere will become easier, and more important, the students from the class can get enough of knowledge. 扩展阅读:Extended reading:

? 11

? 22

中学生作文描写词典Middle school students' composition description dictionary

? 33

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挣点生活费减轻家庭经济负担,这个作为最原始最根本推动着我去勤工的动机,随着我勤工俭学工作的逐渐深入,对我而言,它也已经不仅仅是物质层面上让我获点生活费那样简单了,它给予我可能更多的便是精神层面上的宝贵财富! 勤工俭学的过程使我深深地认识到作为已成年人的责任意识,通过课余时间的适当劳动取得理所当然的劳动报酬,这不仅仅使我认识到自身对于家庭的责任,同时也让我认识到了我有能力去减轻父母的负担,强化了我自身的自立自强意识。这种责任的担当和自立自强意识的强化可能是我在工作中的最大收获。 在勤工的过程中,也极大地增强了我的个人能力,增强了我融入校园生活的能力,增强了我今后参加工作后的能力。在勤工过程中,**老师的亲切指导,同学们之间的相互帮助,日常的到班下班,便逐渐使得我开始适应这种与在学业中单打独斗几乎大相径庭的工作方式:对人礼貌、工作守时、态度诚恳、言行举止落落大方。这无疑为我以后的工作形成一种和谐的过渡,使我逐渐接受以后社会中可能面临的工作方式。


























