篇一 :英语影评《终结者2》


As with Aliens, director James Cameron has again taken a firstrate science fiction film and crafted a sequel that's in some ways more impressive - expanding on the original rather than merely remaking it. This time he's managed the trick by bringing two cyborgs back from the future into the sort-of present (the math doesn't quite work out) to respectively menace and defend the juvenile John Connor (Edward Furlong) - leader of the human resistance against machines that rule the war devastated world of 2029.

Arnold Schwarzenegger is more comfortable and assured here than the first time around, reprising a role so perfectly suited to the voice and physique that have established him as a larger-than-life film persona.

The story finds Connor living with foster parents, his mother Sarah (Linda Hamilton) having been captured and

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篇二 :如何写英语影评







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篇三 :英语影评写作格式

Film Review

1 A proper title

2 Beginning

2.1 Introduction to the film (within 2-3 sentences)

2.2 Main idea (general /critical view about the film)

3 Development

3.1 Analysis of the most striking/ impressive scenes

3.2 Inspirations from the film

3.3 Film-making stuff (background/

language/ setting/ music/ dressing …)with unique feature

4 Ending

Summary and reemphasis of personal view about the film

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篇四 :英语影评写作格式

1 Artificial Intelligence

2 Beginning

2.1 21世纪中期,由于温室效应,南北极冰川融化,地球上很多城市被淹没。此时,人类科技已经高度发达,人工智能机器人就是人类发明出来用以应对恶劣自然环境的科技手段之一,而且,机器人制造技术已经高度发达,先进的机器人不但拥有可以乱真的人类外表,还能感知自身的存在。

莫妮卡的儿子马丁重病住院,生命危在旦夕,为了缓解伤痛的心情,她领养了机器人小孩大卫(海利?乔?奥斯蒙特 饰),大卫的生存使命就是爱她。马丁苏醒,恢复健康,回到了家里,一系列的事情使大卫“失宠”,最后被莫妮卡抛弃。

在躲过机器屠宰场的残酷追杀后,大卫在机器情人乔(裘德?洛 饰)的帮助下,开始寻找自己的生存价值:渴望变成真正的小孩,重新回到莫妮卡妈妈的身边。谁也不知道他能否完成自己的心愿,脱胎换骨成为真正的人,等待他们的只是凶吉难料的


2.2 love

4 Ending

Summary and reemphasis of personal view about the film

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篇五 :英语写作影评作业格式.doc

The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement

2004 - G - 113 Mins.

Director: _____________________

Producer: _____________________

Written By: _____________________


Anne Hathaway, Julie Andrews,

Hector Elizondo, Callum Blue, Chris Pine

Review by: _____________________

NO:(班号) _____________________

I. Synopsis or summary of the plot:

II. Main characters:

III. Vocabulary: the words you have learnt chapter by chapter (be honest)

? pronunciation

? explanation in English

? a sentence in English (not copied from the dictionary)

IV: Conclusion: What message is being told? (if it is any) What was the director’s purpose or intention or the theme of the film? Compare with other realities you know (your country, historical fact or event, other film from the same director or genre…) What’s your opinion?

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篇六 :英语影评作品文档


The Running Life

--reviews on the film《Forrest Gump》

Rivers of our life maybe are both long and winding .However, insisting and confidence can bring us some surprising success, Forrest Gump did it!

The film 《Forrest Gump》 is one of the greatest films, I think perhaps, and the actor Tom Hanks who is well in the part is my favorite actor. I have already seen it many times, every time I saw it both touched by its touching plots and Gump's virtues of kindness, honest, brave and so on.

The film began with a beautiful and soft picture: under the vast sky, a white and light feather falls down. Later, Gump started to tell some people he didn't know his stories about his childhood, university, friends and something happened in the Vietnam War when waiting for the bus.

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篇七 :英文电影评论写作指导

A Short Guide to Writing about Film

Paragraph 1: Offer your overall impression of the film while mentioning the movie's title, director, and key actors. 当提到这部电影的影视字幕,导演,主要演员时出示你对电影的总体印象。 Paragraph 2: Summarize the plot of the film总结电影情节

Paragraph 3: How did the actors portray key character roles? Did they fulfill your expectations given your knowledge of the original novel or play (if one exists)?


Paragraph 4: Were any particular film techniques used in key scenes?


How did the film techniques and music enhance the setting and themes of the film? 电影的科技和音乐如何加强电影的背景和主题的?

You may need two paragraphs to explain this information.

Paragraph 5: Address how well the film the novel or play. 说出电影怎么很好的呈现出小说或剧本的Offer evidence for your opinion.对你的观点出示证明Remember to mention use of symbols and literary devices.记住象征和文学手法的使用

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篇八 :专业英语影评篇目






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