篇一 :中英文主持稿

Honorable leaders, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon!

It is a clash of brilliant minds about the management both in Chinese and western enterprises. It is an intimate handshake of international trade cooperation between China and the western countries. And it is also a grand China-Europe business gathering that has far-reaching influence. Yes, it is the grand “Shanshan” Cup 2010 China -Europa SME Forum and Ningbo Entrepreneur Summit Forum. It finally meets you here as scheduled.

Ningbo, one of the gateways to the world in China, has met millions of European entrepreneurs with their dreams over the past years. At present, some of them may be on the move to all parts in China, some of them may be occupied with international conferences and some of them may just sit here. All in all, they are always trying their best to make contribution to the cooperation and development of China-Europe economy. And Ningbo entrepreneurs with cooperative, enterprising, initiative and innovative spirit also sincerely hope that they can have a deeper communication with their European counterparts. At the same time, the annual Ningbo Entrepreneur Summit Forum is held here and it is the grand meeting for the Ningbo entrepreneurs with their spirit to exchange their management thoughts. The forum is held under the auspices of中欧社会论坛基金会、中国民(私)营经济研究会、中国中小企业协会、《经济观察报》、宁波市外经贸局Ningbo Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau、宁波市经济委员会、《东南商报》, and it is also undertaken by 宁波市甬商发展研究会、宁波市职业经理人协会、宁波市企业文化研究会、宁波市公共关系协会. We believe that the forum will be an important and magnificent gathering among Chinese and European entrepreneurs who care for the environment, care for the enterprises and care for the future.

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篇二 :晚会主持稿英文

Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished leaders, teachers and students, Good evening! I am the host Liang Chen, I am Christine. Firstly, please allow me to introduce the distinguished leaders and guests in the evening party, they are ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? While we are still enjoying ourselves in the New Year Festival, tonight we are more delighted to be here with the students and teachers from the State University of New York. And it is such a great pleasure to have friends coming from afar, now I’d like to extend our warm welcome to the students and teachers of State University of New York, It’s cold outside in winter, but we have passion inside. Dear friends, let’s just light our passion and enjoy this wonderful evening! When China suffered from 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake disasters in 2008, State University of New York offered lots of help to us, We really appreciate it! In order to express our gratitude, the eight students who studied a year in State University of New York will sing a beautiful song, "take me home, country road" .Now please enjoy it !

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篇三 :元旦文艺晚会中英文主持稿

英文:Dear leaders


英文: teachers


英文: students


英文: students

Good evening,


英文: Time flies, the youth are bloom here, we fight for our ideals.


英文:As year by year, our dream are still bright, the beautiful ideals are flying here. 中文:岁月更迭,梦想依旧灿烂,美好的理想在这里放飞

英文:The situation now is full of beautiful, sweet and passion


英文:We are meeting here, enjoying the beautiful time of the fate.


英文:We are here, using the love to drive away the cold, to feel the true love. 中文:我们相约在这里,用爱来驱散严寒,一起用心来感受真情

英文:We are together here, let’s make the loud happiness become a happy sea. 中文:我们相聚在这里,让响彻云霄的快乐在这里汇成为欢乐的海洋



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篇四 :毕业晚会中英文主持稿

(First of all, thank you very much for your great song, Marie.)

Ladies and gentlemen, good evening! I am Phoebe, it is a great pleasure to be here as your host tonight. I’m so glad to see so many of you here.

Tonight we will spend a wonderful and memorable time together as we celebrate the graduation of some UN students


大家晚上好。我是主持人Leo。首先,非常感谢美女Marie刚才为我们演唱的英文歌曲the day you went away。



Well, it’s time to welcome our graduates. However, before they come to the stage, we would like to invite school students, and study advisors to erect a "graduation arch for the graduates.


Now let’s welcome our graduates! And allow me to introduce them to you, they are: Richard, Yvonne, Lisa, Mark, Tulip, Teina,

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篇五 :英语风采大赛中英文双语主持稿

L: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 20## Graduate English talent competition held by School of Law

H: 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家晚上好!欢迎来到20##年中南财经政法大学法学院研究生英语风采大赛的演出现场。

L: We are honored to co-host here.I’m liuzheng.

H: 我是法学院12级火晶。

L: Cosponsored by the Student Union of Graduate School of Law, this Performance Show is participated by Grade 20## of the Graduate School of Law, the School of Laws Master, and the School of Intellectual Property Law.

H: 本届英语风采大赛由法学院研究生会主办,来自法学院、法硕中心、知识产权学院20##级研究生广泛参与。

L: The Competition is supported by the leaders and teachers. Let's introduce today's honorable leaders, teachers and guests.

H: 本届英语风采大赛离不开法学院领导和老师们的关怀与鼓励,他们也来到了晚会的现场。光临今天晚会现场的领导、老师和嘉宾有:XXX



L: We are honored to have you here, and we hope you can enjoy yourselves today. Now I have the great privilege of presenting today’s judges.

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篇六 :元旦主持稿中英文Cindy


A:(尊敬的各位家长,各位来宾,以及我们最可爱的小朋友们:) Dear our lovely kids, Ladies and Gentlemen.

合:(大家下午好!)Good afternoon.

(A,B,C 我是主持人。。。。)

We are the Party Hostess of New Year’s Day .


Brilliant 2012 will be away from us, the 2013 is full of hopes and challenges that comes to us with smile.


Let’s sing together, let’s dance together.


Singing a beautiful tomorrow, dancing a happy future.


At the moment, we have felt the breath of spring already . This is our spring. This is Only--our big family’s spring. This is also the spring of everyone.


Let us give warm hands to every teacher for your work hard on our kids , we wish you happy new year, good health and work happily!

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篇七 :主持稿 中英文 周年晚会 台词




ABCD:大家 晚上好!

B: In June, as we entered the Summer, we gaze at the beautiful season in the mood of looking forward to a harvest.


B: With Morning reading in the ear, seeds of hope budding, school bell ringing, our learning life has been unveiled.


B:Where there is love, there is a dream. On the road full of hope, Only International School has gone through five seasons.

A:有爱的地方就有梦想 有梦想的地方就有希望 在充满希望的道路上,昂立外语走过了五个春夏秋冬。

C:Let our love condense in here. Let our dreams come true.


B: Our youth, blends in this fertile soil, and sprinkles it with passion and sincerity.


B:昂立的收获,离不开全体师生的努力和付出,更离不开家长的支持与帮助。 A:在昂立成立五周年庆典之际,我们很荣幸的邀请到了各位学生和家长。

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篇八 :圣诞晚会中英文主持稿


First of all, let’s welcome our principal, Mr. Yang, to give us a welcome speech.


Thank you Mr. Yang.


Next, our first program, all the students sing the song ‘happy new year’ with your teachers together, please.


What a beautiful song! Good job, everybody. Now, let’s welcome Mr.to read the Letter of Commitment.


Ok, here comes the first exciting moment, boys and girls, the lucky draw! During this round, 8 of you will be awarded with 50 RMB and a nice gift for the third prize.


Have you heard the story of Snow White? I think every little girl must have ever dreamed to be snow white, am I right? But I am sure, you have never seen the story being played by your classmates, now,let’s enjoy, the snow white, played by sixth grade students.

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