篇一 :刮痧电影观后感



《刮痧》一部优秀的电影作品 >故事情节至真至纯 让人感念 催人泪下。影片演绎了人世间的亲情、爱情、友情以及对社会和谐地渴求、向往 同时 由于文化的差异而导致的跨文化交际的失败也表现得淋漓尽致。故事发生在圣路易斯——美国中部密西西比河畔的城市 男主角许大同来美八年 事业有成 家庭美满 作为一位游戏开发人员 新研制开发游戏销路畅通 在年度行业颁奖大会上 他激动地告诉大家我爱美国 我的美国梦终于实现了。然而接下来的发生的一件事却使他梦中惊醒 儿子丹尼斯发烧肚子疼 刚来美国的爷爷由于看不懂药瓶上的英文说明而采用中国传统的中医疗法“刮痧”给孙子治病 而这恰恰成了许大同一次小小意外事故后虐待孩子的证据 法庭上一个又一个意想不到的证人和证词使他百口难辩 最终失去了对儿子的监护权。为了能让即将回家的老父亲见上孙子一面 许大同触犯法律把儿子从儿童福利院“偷”了出来为了让儿子回到>幸福的家而被迫与妻子分居为了抢回给儿子的>礼物而近乎疯狂的与强盗大打出手为了圣诞夜和家人团聚而冒着被摔死的危险毅然顺着管道爬上位于九楼的家??一幕一幕 让人心潮澎湃 久久回味 深深思索。

影片在表现中美差异的同时也表达了对文化趋同、文化融合的一种向往。从昆兰走过唐人街的瓷器店亲身尝试“刮痧”中 从许大同摆脱险情楼下警察、居民爆发出雷鸣般的掌声中从他爬上九楼的家昆兰一家和儿童福利院的领导向他祝贺圣快乐欢迎回家中观众好象看到了西方人传过了中西文化的壁垒开始接近中国的>传统文化最终还是人间的真情战胜了一切。故事的结局固然完美但是也决不能忽视文化差异性的一面这就要求我们加强交流和沟通希望在不久的将来一个“大同”的世界真的会出现在我们面前。



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篇二 :刮痧电影观后感

Some thoughts about the movie “Gua Sha”

The movie called “Gua Sha” reflects the difference between American and Chinese culture.In the film,the character named Xu Datong who made great efforts in America finally succeeds in his career and own a happy family. So he decided to let his old father come to the USA ,who lived in Beijing for a long time.One time ,Xu’s six-year-old son Daniel got stomachache,Xu’s father used the traditional therapy “Gua Sha” to treat his grandson.Unluckily,Daniel met an accident and been sent to the hospital.In the hospital, the doctor saw the Sha mark on the little boy’s back, doubt whether the child has been abused at home for a long time.This led to a series of lawsuits.Then,I will talk about the cultural differences in concrete.

At the beginning of the movie,Xu’s son called Daniel had conflicts with his little buddy.When Xu knew this ,he commanded his son to apologized for his behavior.Daniel refused to obey then Xu even slapped him on the face. But from the view of Xu’s boss ,children should solve the problems by themselves.

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篇三 :刮痧电影观后感

《刮痧》观后感 《刮痧》这部电影大一时看过一次,英语老师以其为主题为大家讲述文化差异的现实问题。忍不住又看了一遍,当大同因为不能走正门去完成与儿子共度圣诞节的许诺而不得不在无任何保护措施的情况下徒手带着给儿子的猴子礼物爬上九楼的呢一刻,我忍不住为之动容感慨,泪水决堤······

电影讲述了电脑游戏设计师许大同与妻子简宁在美国奋斗了8年,事业有成。一次意外却令美好的家庭变得愁云惨雾:5岁的儿子生病了,老父亲用传统的中国民间刮痧帮孙子治病。大同夫妻继而被控告虐待儿童,一个又一个物证人证令夫妻俩百口莫辩,西医根本无法了解这种传统中国疗法。因为这件事,父子与夫妻都不得已的分开了。大同伤心欲绝,面对儿子与妻子,在现实面前,他几度情绪失控,最终他为了完成对儿子的许诺,顺着楼外的水管爬上九楼只为给儿子惊喜,让人不禁潸然泪下。电影中,丹尼斯的可爱以及孩童的幽默让人对他不得不爱,大同作为一个在美国打拼多年的传统中国人也表现出了中国人孝顺父母、爱家庭、肯吃苦的品质,只是在特殊情况下不能控制自己的情绪,但从一个父亲的角度考虑,都是可以理解的。 电影情节不论从哪一方面讲,都是有道理的,爷爷为给爱孙治病而用中国古老的传统中医疗法以求孩子早日康复,美国儿童福利局为保护一个普通的儿童远离虐待不辞辛苦保护孩子,父亲为与孩子在一起以身试法,我看到了一个真正地中国人,约翰问简宁说,为什么大同不愿意承认刮痧是老父亲所为,简宁回答:“因为他是中国人”。约



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篇四 :《刮痧》电影观后感资料搜集








一天,五岁的丹尼斯闹肚发烧,在家的大同父亲因为看不懂药品上的英文说明,便用中国民间流传的刮痧疗法给丹尼斯治病。第二天晚上,大同父亲和在美国偶遇的老朋友老霍相邀去赌船夜游,不料回家途中老霍在公共汽车上心脏病发猝然去世 ??简宁外出谈生意还没有回家,小丹尼斯刚刚入睡,在家的许大同接到警察局的电话,急忙赶去接老父亲,回到家时却发现小丹尼斯跑下床磕破了头,忙又送小丹尼斯去医院急诊。认真的美国大夫在给孩子做全面检查的时候,发现了孩子后背刮痧时留下的紫痕,以为孩子是受到了虐待,直接打电话报了警。儿童福利院更是认定许大同有暴力倾向,在医院当场禁止大同夫妇接近儿子,并试图以法律手段剥夺其对孩子的监护权。


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篇五 :电影刮痧英文观后感



Gua Sha is a movie about the differences between American and Chinese culture. Xu datong is a video games designer in St. Louis. When his father visits from China, he performs Gua Sha (a Chinese traditional treatment) on his grandson, which leaves bright red marks on the skin and causes a lawsuit of child abuse. In the court, Datong loses his mind so that finally he loses custody of his son. I think this scene is shocking and thought-provoking to most of the Chinese audiences. But the most impressing scene to me is the ending. Datong wants to see his son in Christmas eve, he has to climb a pipe to the ninth floor which his son lives. I think the pipe is not only a pipe, but also a gap, a deep gap between American and 5000-year Chinese culture. He wants to climb over the gap and he will never succeed, perhaps no Chinese people really could succeed.

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篇六 :电影刮痧英文观后感


Gua Sha is a movie about the differences between American and Chinese culture. Xu datong is a video games designer in St. Louis. When his father visits from China, he performs Gua Sha (a Chinese traditional treatment) on his grandson, which leaves bright red marks on the skin and causes a lawsuit of child abuse. In the court, Datong loses his mind so that finally he loses custody of his son. I think this scene is shocking and thought-provoking to most of the Chinese audiences. But the most impressing scene to me is the ending. Datong wants to see his son in Christmas eve, he has to climb a pipe to the ninth floor which his son lives. I think the pipe is not only a pipe, but also a gap, a deep gap between American and 5000-year Chinese culture. He wants to climb over the gap and he will never succeed, perhaps no Chinese people really could succeed.

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篇七 :电影《刮痧》英文读后感

The movie, The Treatment, reveals several aspects of difference between Chinese culture and Western culture.

The first difference is the laws on child protection. Although Chinese laws about the interests and rights of children have been improved, it is not systematicallydiscuss the problem of child abuse. In America, however, if child have been found that he/she is threatened by domestic violence, related departments will take measures immediately. They will take the child to child protection agencies to prevent him/her from being abused and investigate whether parents had abused their child. If parents are found guilty of abusing their child, they will face not only being put into prison and losing their child custody.

The second difference is family education. In China, many parents think that,sometimes, it is inevasible to educate children by scolding and hitting. When child is naughty or making mistakes, instead of finding the reason and help the child to correct, parents’ first reaction is to ‘fix’ their child. While in America, no matter what kind of domestic violence, is not allowed, especially scolding and hitting child. In the movie, Da tong’s American boss not understood that Da tong hitting his son was show respect for him. It is the different logic and behavior custom between Chinese culture and Western culture.

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篇八 :英语电影刮痧观后感

Class Number: Number: Name:

A Review of“The Treatment”

Movie“The Treatment”was directed by Zheng Xiaolong.Chinese famous actor Liang Jiahui was the hero,and his partner is Jiang Wenli.The story center on the difference between Chinese Culture and America Culture. And the main thread of the movie is the misconception about the“ Gua sha treatment”.It reflects the conflicts caused by the cultural differences between the east and west ,which lead chinese into all kinds of troubles,but finally,sincere and love solve all the affairs well. The movie is shocking and thought-provoking to me,indeed i really felt angry when i saw the scene that the American lawyer defame the classic——<Pilgrimage to the west> and the personification of justice Sun Wukong.China is a country with 5000 years of civilization,so no one could stand the insult to our culture.Xu of course gets irritated,but the patriotism be used by the lawyer.Xu finally lose the case,the judge announce that Xu was not allowed to meet with his son and deprive the his custody. Let us look the first scene at the begining of the movie:Xu Datong was rewarded because his achievement on game development.His family was perfection and his career was successful,“one day I will become one of you,a truly successful American,today this award proved that America is a true land of opportunity and I am the living proof of that”he said proudly. But not everything goes perfectly,at the dinner party,Xu hit his son Denis because Denis hit his boss's son.Xu's boss of course could not understand the behaviour,but Xu said that he hit his son was to show the respect to his boss.And from the American's perspective,it was ridiculous,they thought that everyone is equal and hit children to show respect to others is totally inconceivable.

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