篇一 :The King(国王的演讲 观后感)英文版

The King's Speech

I just watched the film The King's Speech several days ago. It told us a quite touching and inspiring story about King George VI ,overcame his stuttering problem.He is the bravest person I have known. Because of the stuttering

problem ,he was afraid of speech in the public places, Fortunately,with the help of a little-known Australian speech therapist named Lionel ,he finally found his voice .What impress me most is the king's giving the speech to the British Nation,which had just inspired all of his people.

The king tried his best to overcome his weakness and improve himself. What we can learn from the king is that we should defeat ourselves and try our best to to seek our dreams .When the life choose you,you can not give up,just go ahead ,then you will be successful .Whatever the difficulties you'll face ,you should believe yourself .

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篇二 :《国王的演讲》英语影评

The King's Speech

It is a quite inspiring story about a man, psychologically scarred, and trapped in a situation from which he could have no escape and facing it with immense courage. The movie starts off with a stammering speech and signs off with a staggering one, with hardly any glitches in between. The basic premise of the movie is fairly simple. A king with a stutter is helped by a maverick speech therapist to overcome his problem and become an inspiring orator. That sounds like a very known territory to most movie goers. But few minutes into the movie, and you realize that this one simply pushes the bar a notch higher.

The film conveyed very powerfully in the opening scene, the enormity of what was required of him. As the film develops, the complexities of the character are revealed. The acting is superb, especially from the three principals, and the development of the troubled and spark relationship at the heart of the film is a joy to watch. The film is very funny and the characters have warmth and humanity. The film is well paced, and carries you along to the emotional climax, so that, even though I knew the story, it had me holding my breath. If you don't need lots of action or special effects in your film, and enjoy seeing top-notch actors at the very peak of their craft, this will be for you. You might also, as I did, gain a bit more insight into the human drama behind a significant, but relatively unexplored period of British history.

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篇三 :国王的演讲观后感







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篇四 :英语演讲-国王的演讲观后感

Next is my speech about a movie called The King’s Speech. I saw it about two weeks ago. Actually, it’s a biopic about how King George Ⅵ,the father of Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ,overcame his dumb.

You know, as a King of British,especially when his brother, the famous Duke of Windsa, was forced to abdicate because of love, it is necessary for him to shout out his voice against Adolph Hitler’s powerful speech. But unfortunately every people know that it is impossible because George have stuttering problem.

Thank god,thank Lionel Logue, the Australian speech therapist.He helped George overcame his problem.

I find that many people think Lionel Logue is the most important for this movie like Aarthi Modoo for Notre Dame de Paris. I admit that he is important .But what i want to say is George is the man who is worthy of our respect. We can see his try, his hope, his hopelessness in this movie. He lived in the shadow of his father and his brother. He is mute because of nervous. But anyway,he stick it out till the end with trust. “I have a voice !” Yes,yes.he do did it. He has the most beautiful and powerful voice in the world.

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篇五 :国王的演讲 英文观后感

King speech

This is a biopic about how King George VI, the father of Queen Elizabeth II, overcame his stuttering problem. Widely considered by all but his father unfit to be king, George is reluctantly thrust unto the throne and into the spotlight after his brother is forced to abdicate. Overshadowed on the global stage by powerful orators like Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini, the King relies on the help of a little-known Australian speech therapist named Lionel Logue to find his voice and courageously lead his people into the most devastating war humanity has ever faced.

This is a powerful, hilarious and deeply moving story, told against the backdrop of a critical juncture in modern history, of the emergence of a deep friendship out of a professional relationship between two men who would otherwise never have socially interacted. The screenplay, written by David Seidler (who also wrote Tucker: The Man and his Dream), is excellent. The dry British wit is hilarious. I was literally slapping my knee during some of the scenes. Tom Hooper (Elizabeth I) does a superb job directing this movie. The buildup to the climactic finale is skillfully executed and prompted the audience to erupt into spontaneous applause. (Apparently, this also happened at the Roy Thomson Hall premiere.) Geoffrey Rush (Elizabeth: The Golden Age) does a fantastic job as Lionel Logue and Colin Firth (A Single Man) is excellent as King George VI. I saw the second public screening of this movie at the Ryerson Theater during the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). Tom Hooper was present to introduce the movie. He was joined by Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush after the movie ended for a brief Q&A.

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篇六 :国王的演讲 英文读后感

The King’s Speech

32013100028 孟雨

This is a biopic about how King George VI, the father of Queen Elizabeth II, overcame his stuttering problem. Widely considered by all but his father unfit to be king, George is reluctantly thrust unto the throne and into the spotlight after his brother is forced to abdicate. Overshadowed on the global stage by powerful orators like Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini, the King relies on the help of a little-known Australian speech therapist named Lionel Logue to find his voice and courageously lead his people into the most devastating war humanity has ever faced.

This is a powerful, hilarious and deeply moving story, told against the backdrop of a critical juncture in modern history, of the emergence of a deep friendship out of a professional relationship between two men who would otherwise never have socially interacted. The screenplay, written by David Seidler (who also wrote Tucker: The Man and his Dream), is excellent. The dry British wit is hilarious. I was literally slapping my knee during some of the scenes. Tom Hooper (Elizabeth I) does a superb job directing this movie. The buildup to the climactic finale is skillfully executed and prompted the audience to erupt into spontaneous applause. (Apparently, this also happened at the Roy Thomson Hall premiere.) Geoffrey Rush (Elizabeth: The Golden Age) does a fantastic job as Lionel Logue and Colin Firth (A Single Man) is excellent as King George VI.

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篇七 :国王的演讲观后感







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篇八 :国王的演讲观后感



约克郡公爵(科林?费斯 Colin Firth 饰)因患口吃,无法在公众面前发表演讲,这令他接连在大型仪式上丢丑。贤惠妻子伊丽莎白(海伦娜?伯翰?卡特 Helena Bonham Carter 饰)为了帮助丈夫,到处寻访名医,但是传统的方法总不奏效。一次偶然的机会,她慕名来到了语言治疗师莱纳尔罗格(杰弗里?拉什 Geoffrey Rush 饰)的宅邸,传说他的方式与众不同。虽然公爵对罗格稀奇古怪的招法并不感兴趣,首次诊疗也不欢而散。但是,公爵发现在聆听音乐时自己朗读莎翁竟然十分流利。这让他开始信任罗格,配合治疗,慢慢克服着心理的障碍。乔治五世驾崩,爱德华八世继承王位,却为了迎娶寡妇辛普森夫人不惜退位。艾伯特临危受命,成为了乔治六世。他面临的最大挑战就是如何在二战前发表鼓舞人心的演讲…… (他是约克公爵,他是艾伯特王子,他是乔治五世和玛丽王后的第二个儿子,在家人眼里,他还是那个长不大的“伯蒂”(科林·菲斯)。伯蒂有个聪明过人且十分受欢迎的哥哥,按大英皇室的继承顺位来排,怎么看伯蒂也不太可能插队成为国王。这对自幼就害羞孱弱的伯蒂来说,反倒是件好事,正因为这样,他被允许在第一次世界大战时在英国皇家海军服役,娶到了梦中情人伊丽莎白·鲍斯-莱昂(海琳娜·伯汉·卡特)为妻,并且有了两个活泼可爱的小女儿伊丽莎白和玛格利特。如果不是哥哥爱德华八世为了美人而放弃江山的话,伯蒂也许永远过着自由自在的生活。然而,他毕竟还是躲不过宿命,19xx年5月12日,伯蒂在威斯敏斯特大教堂登基,改名为乔治六世。

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