篇一 :安娜卡列尼娜_英文读后感

Anna Karenina

Anna Karenina was a progeny of royalty, she had an honorable identity but her fate was unfortunate. Her parents both died when she was very young, and her aunt let her married with a government official named Alexey. He was false and had no love, what he concerned about was only official promotion. He only thought about how to defeat his political enemies, how to consolidate his official position. Undoubtedly it was a hellish suffering to Anna who regarded love as her life. Even so, Anna still suppressed her inner pain and live with him for eight years. She tried to love him but she found that he wasn’t worth loving. Until one day, Anna was asked to go to Moscow to deal with the affair between her brother and her sister-in-law. During the journey Anna met a charming man, Count Vronsky, who was graceful bearing, energetic and young. They both fell in love with each other and dated frequently and secretly. But one day Alexey founded their dishonorable relationship, for the sake of his fame he asked Anna not to divorce maintaining the surface marriage relationship. But Anna and Vronsky’s love was so deep, so they went abroad. They lived happily at the beginning, but with time going by Vronsky missed the life in high society, he thought he had sacrificed a lot for Anna, he couldn’t love her as she asked for. Because of the clandestine love affair Anna was looked down by those people in high society and she felt Vronsky had changed and didn’t love her anymore. After a quarrel with Vronsky, Anna was desperate. She went to a train station and lied on the rails waiting a train run over her body.

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篇二 :安娜卡列尼娜英语读后感


The story for "Anna Karenina" apparently came out of an episode in which Leo Tolstoy arrived at a railway station shortly after a young woman had committed suicide. She had been the mistress of a neighboring landowner, and the incident stuck in his mind

As Tolstoy biographer Henri Troyat writes, "A dreadful lesson was brought home to him He tried to imagine the existence of this poor woman who had given all for love, only to meet with such a trite, ugly death." Then, Troyat says, "Her image haunted him for a long time, but not specifically as material for a book."

When Tolstoy finally started the story of "Anna Karenina," his wife reported in a letter to her sister, "Yesterday Leo suddenly started to write a novel on contemporary life. The subject is the unfaithful wife and all the ensuing tragedy."

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篇三 :安娜卡列尼娜读后感




在写安娜时,多次通过旁人观察突出地提到安娜身上带着深藏的激情和摄人的活力,这也正是作者内心深处的力量。在安娜心中的爱情火花被沃隆斯基点燃的时候,作者持矛盾而偏于赞同的态度,安娜在观看赛马时流露出对沃隆斯基过分关注后,勇敢地向丈夫摊牌,她想的是“唉呀,多么光明啊!这是可怕的,但我爱看他的脸,我爱奇妙的幸福……我的丈夫! 啊!是的……哦,谢谢上帝! 同他一切都完了。”在犹豫中追求爱情的幸福终于压倒了道德上的内疚。安娜是托尔斯泰设想的自己,替他完成了抛弃家庭出走的假想行为。他为了抑制自己对这种假想的向往,便渲染了这种假想生活所面对的阻力——把爱情的困境,社会舆论压力,还有自己对于抛弃家庭孩子的心理谴责都详细地呈现出来。

列文是现实作者的影子,有着探索农村改革的激情与思考上帝与人关系的深邃性,他敏感易怒、天真又自卑,不过我们看到他的家庭表面很美满,他和吉蒂虽历经坎坷但终成眷属,虽然被安娜深深吸引但并未出轨,这比安娜所追逐的爱情更符合作者对于现实的要求。 《安》成功地塑造出安娜与列文的突出形象,也反映了作者对现实生活的思索,在现实与假想的交汇中对比,增强了作品的思想深度。

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篇四 :安娜卡列尼娜 英文读后感

Reflection on <<Anna Karenina>>

Anna Karenina was a progeny of royalty, she had a honorable identity but her fate was unfortunate. Her parents both died when she was very young, and her aunt let her married with a government official named Alexey. He was false and had no love, what he concerned about was only official promotion. He only thought about how to defeat his political enemies, how to consolidate his official position. Undoubtedly it was a hellish suffering to Anna who regarded love as her life. Even so, Anna still suppressed her inner pain and live with him for eight years. She tried to love him but she found that he wasn’t worth loving. Until one day, Anna was asked to go to Moscow to deal with the affair between her brother and her sister-in-law. During the journey Anna met a charming man, Count Vronsky, who was graceful bearing, energetic and young. They both fell in love with each other and dated frequently and secretly. But one day Alexey founded their dishonorable relationship, for the sake of his fame he asked Anna not to divorce maintaining the surface marriage relationship. But Anna and Vronsky’s love was so deep, so they went abroad. They lived happily at the beginning, but with time going by Vronsky missed the life in high society, he thought he had sacrificed a lot for Anna, he couldn’t love her as she asked for. Because of the clandestine love affair Anna was looked down by those people in high society and she felt Vronsky had changed and didn’t love her anymore.

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篇五 :安娜卡列尼娜英文观后感

"Anna·Karenina" views of feeling?

I like Anna· Karenina’s name, see the beginning of this name that it is a beautiful name, in the movie her actor Kayla? Knightley is to let a person shine at the moment, a beautiful woman.

The film tells the story of the traditional deep Russian senior senator Kalenin, and a beautiful wife and between Anna handsome Colonel Vladimir Lenski's love hate. Anna to take the train to discourage marriage between his brother and sister-in-law, first met F Lenski, Anna's sister Kitty is deeply in love with Flenski, but refused to deep feeling generous pursuit (eh~ I forget the name). Anna started with a series of rules of upper class society, later she fell in love with Lenski. Kalenin for his wife, extramarital love was very angry, and repeatedly warned her. But Anna was in pursuit of the heart of love, went away with Flenski. When love is not as secure cable. The passage of time, Anna finally in Lenski tired, society, its expulsion of love for her husband's jealousy and guilt dropped head. FLenski Anna, he is to bring happiness and true love angel, but he is shallow love, make Anna life into the infinite pain, pushed her into hell entangled life. In his love do not to Anna only sometimes, Anna against the spirit of the old society was becoming exhausted power, she collapsed this has be reduced to fragments in the heart of the way the old social ethic that be besieged on all sides. Anna snow in despair and pain, a smile, and finally lay in the icy tracks, free full of worry, fraud, sorrow and evil life. The last moment of his life, Anna with "God, please forgive my everything" as the world farewell, which is critical of her reason and conscience of your own behavior the most real. Desertion from the family, she sticks bravely pursue true love, but because of the old social moral law, let the shameful depravity and sin, so evil consciousness have injected Anna fragile soul. The source of her soul full of endless life base --, also at the end of life, the flash of bright light than any moment, as she lit up all the original in the dark, "with a sound wave" dim down, extinct forever

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篇六 :外国文学安娜卡列尼娜读后感


—读《安娜卡列尼娜》 “伸冤在我,我必报应”是安娜卡列尼娜开篇题词。十分冷峻的一句话,引自《新约》。似乎一开始托尔斯泰就在告诉我们,这是一部悲剧。








书中这样写到渥伦斯基对安娜的感觉 “但是感到他非得再看她一眼不可,当他回过头来看的时候,她也掉过头来了,她那双在浓密的睫毛下下面显得阴暗了的、闪耀着的灰色眼睛亲切而留意地盯着他的脸、似乎是在寻找什么人似的”两位主人公就这样一见钟情,爱情的萌芽悄然滋长。继而在赛马场上安娜的失控表露了他们的恋情,安娜生下了他的孩子,卡列宁的宗教宽容让安娜感谢又愤怒,爱情让安娜不顾一切,儿子、名誉、金钱……都可以抛弃,即使失去一切也要捍卫自己的爱情,也要为爱情疯狂一次。但是,出国旅游归来后安娜遭到了社交界以及家庭的抛弃没有人愿意和她多说一句话,她对爱情回应的要求也越来越高,越来越苛刻,以至她对渥伦斯基的爱恋以不可逆转的情势演化成了不顾死活的狂热和偏执,而渥伦斯基却重新踏进社交圈,醉心于自己美好的前途,悬而未决的离婚协议、肝肠寸断的念子之情、自私深沉的爱情独占心理,这一切既让安娜体会到了八年的无爱婚姻里丧失已久的爱情,又让她平静的心灵经历了一场喜怒哀怨的风暴。尤其到了后面,安娜被孤独与嫉妒折磨得生不如死,没有人倾述、没有人理解时,我终于能稍微明白为什么安娜选择死亡,她太痛苦了,死亡才能摆脱一切。

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篇七 :安娜卡列尼娜读后感



在托尔斯泰全部作品中,《战争与和平》、《安娜·卡列尼娜》、《复活》是三个重要的里程碑,也是他的三部代表作品。《安娜·卡列尼娜》在这三部代表作中有着极其特殊的重要性,它是三部巨著之中艺术上最为完整的一部,并且体现了托氏思想和艺术发展道路的过渡与转变,可以称之为代表作中的代表作。 据了解,托尔斯泰写《安娜·卡列尼娜》的社会背景是在新旧交替的历史时期。那个时期关于家庭的悲剧层出不穷,一幕幕残忍的画面接连展现在他眼前,而一个妇女因为爱情问题而卧轨自杀的消息,更是使他感到震惊和难过,这也是他创作《安娜·卡列尼娜》的原因之一。

在课上我们了解了托尔斯泰的几部作品,当老师在讲解《安娜·卡列尼娜》这部小说时,还让我们看了由美国华纳兄弟影片公司出品并由美国女星苏菲·玛索主演的电影《安娜·卡列尼娜》。 但是电影毕竟是电影,不能像文字一样将人物的思想与心理描写的特别细致,所以我特意又找来《安娜·卡列尼娜》这部作品来细细品味。



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篇八 :《 安娜卡列尼娜》读后感









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