篇一 :最后一片叶子读后感

Nerver give up

-----The impressions after reading The Last Leaf

Recently, I read a book The Last Leaf. I really love this story.

In a city, many people infected with pneumonia. One of the poor student pneumonia Qiaoanxi. looked out of the window on the wall opposite the ivy leaves constantly ,with out the courage to live. She said when the last leaf falls on behalf of their death. In this city, have a great painter Behrman. After listening to sue easy to tell the story Qiaoanxi roommate really want to help her .So in a stormy night , he USES his mind to draw a piece of never-fallen leaf. Madea white lie, Let Qiaoanxi with confidence, but he suffering from pneumonia and died.

The last leaf of ivy leaf still stay in the ancient wall. The great painter Behrman will be remembered forever in the heart of the people.

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篇二 :最后一片树叶读后感




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篇三 :最后一片树叶。佳作欣赏










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篇四 :《最后一片叶子》读后感







人生是主动地,不是被动的,遇到困难何不放手一搏,琼西就是在这生与死的抗争中,树立起信心,作出努力,果然枯萎的生命终于又重新勃发了生机,她完完全全康复了。一片叶子,如果害怕烈日,风雨,怎能遮风挡雨。:每一个人都会遇到困难和挫折,关键是看自己有没有信心,能不能去面对它,克服它。 在我的心中,就有一片这样的叶子,我看着它,看着它在我的身体内升华,做一片充满爱的叶子,做一片为他人而奉献的叶子,去坚定自己和别人的信念吧。

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篇五 :英语读后感(最后一片叶子)

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

After reading The Last Leaf, I was deeply moved. I suddenly thought of the movie- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, so I chosed this topic.

The novel tells us: Suffering from pneumonia, Johnsy chose the Ivy leaves out of window as her own spiritual support,however, at the same time, she was disappointed because she learned that the Ivy leaves was falling and would some day die out, without any leaf hanging on the tree. She thought that if the last one fell, she would also go with the leaf. Behrman, an old painter who also suffered from pneumonia, lived in the neighborhood. One day he happened to know of Johnsy’s situation, and the doctor said that there was 20% chance to survive if she had belief to live. So Behrman had made up his mind to help her keep enthusiasm with her own life. Finally, he come up with a really good idea.

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篇六 :最后一片叶子读后感

? 1AAfter reading the last leaf , I am strongly mo

ved by O.Henry's story and initiative to give his readers great surprise in the end.

? 1B I think of something else. I wonder what give

s people power and strength to keep on in bad conditions. Well, sometimes, this stuff won't be significant or else, just an usual leaf, an ordinary thing one peers at that deciding moment, namely, we're so deeply affected by surroundings. Which character do you like best in The Last Leaf

? 2A I can't help showing my respect to Old Behrm

an, right, he never succeeded with a masterpiece in his career, but it won't eliminate the nobleness of his character, and saving others, is of no doubt, a more wonderful masterpiece in his life.

? 2BOne may be puzzled what drives a person to d

evote himself to others. In terms of Behrman, I consider it a fairly wide chest and mind, a hopeful dream for youngsters, maybe also his thought to continue his artist life by their young hands. He has al

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篇七 :最后一片叶子


山东淄博市临淄四中 刘鹏


一、 导入新课

史铁生的小说《命若琴弦》。故事讲一个瞎子乐师,他的师傅在临死前告诉他:你只有弹断一千根弦以后才可以打开琴槽里的药方,然后可以看见世界。一千根弹断时,他已经老了,他打开琴槽,别人却告诉他,那纸上什么都没写。然后,他又去骗他的瞎子徒弟:我记错了,师傅跟我说是1200根,我已经不行了,你还年轻,你只要弹断1200根琴弦,你就可以用这药方去买药以看见这世界。 结论: 善意的谎言播种希望,希望支撑生命。


二、 复习有关欧·亨利的文学常识


三、 概述故事情节,明确小说中的人物、人物之间的关系及小说的情节线索,确立一个主要人物。

人物:琼西、苏、贝尔门 主要人物:贝尔门


四、 让学生就自己感受最深的地方谈谈自己的理解与感悟,以突出作品所体现的人性美。


贝尔门:善良、博爱、具有献身精神,“最后一片叶子”融进了他的爱、 善和宝贵的生命。

苏: 有爱心、重感情、善良。

五、 文学鉴赏





六、 启示


1、 琼西明白真相后她会如何想,如何做?以此为内容写一个300左右的片段。

2、 20年过去了,琼西成了著名的画家,有了自己的孩子。也是一个风雨交加的晚上,她回忆起“最后一片树叶”的故事,对自己的孩子说了一番话。她会说什么呢?通过联想和想象写一段300字左右的片段。

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篇八 :最后一片叶子的英语小论文 大学英语作业 长春理工大学

My feeling after reading The Last Leaf

Abstract:When a poor paintress Johnsy fell seriously ill,she seemed to lose the will to hang on to life with the thought “When the last leaf on the ivy vine falls I must go,too.”On the chilly stormy night that the last leaf fell,the old painter Behrman sacrificed his life to paint a green ivy leaf onto the brick wall.I have been deeply affected by the greatness and fraternity of Behrman since I read the Chinese version of The Last Leaf and I also appreciate the profound friendship between the two young paintress Sue and Johnsy.

Old Behrman was looked down upon as a failure in art.For forty years he had been always about to paint a masterpiece,but had never yet begun it.He was past sixty,earned a little by serving as a model,drank gin to excess,and still talked of his coming masterpiece.Nevertheless,it was such a pitiful creature who saved Johnsy’s life with his masterpiece which did not appear until the death approached.

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