篇一 :《红与黑》英文读后感


The writer writing unfolds, first is entire French society's one typical window -----small city Varriale's political pattern. The aristocrat is born German Switzerland that mayor is restores the dynasty in here highest representative, the maintenance restoration political power, prevents the bourgeoisie free party member is in power in politics regards as the inherent responsibilities. Poor collection post manager Valno the promise originally is the petty bourgeois, as a result of hires oneself the church secret organization saint can obtain the now the fat difference, thus oneself with restoration political power hitch in same place. Transcription hall Father Maslon is the spy which the church sends, all people's words and deeds all under his surveillance, the time which mutually supports in this king place and the sacrificial altar, is person which wields great power with great arrogance. These three people constitute " Three heads Politic ", reflected the restoration influence the aspect which you the city arrogated all powers to oneself in Varriale.But their opposite, is a large number, has the huge economic potentiality aggressive bourgeoisie free party member. Stendhal describes to the people guarantees king party member's be domineering and tyrannical, on the one hand again let the people draw such conclusion: Grasps has the economic potentiality the bourgeoisie, also will decide in politics is the final victor. 《 The Red and the Black 》 the book in circulation revolutionized in July, 1830 before, takes charge of soup reaches unexpectedly picture is understands clearly historical movement this one inevitably tends to.

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篇二 :红与黑读后感-英文版

The book I read this week entittled the Red and the Black, which is undoubtedly among the best liturature works. As a person who haven’t had much knowledge in literature, any comments on this work seem to be rather naive and even sort of reckless. But this is the only book I have access to recently. With much deliberation, I would like to write down following words.

The book mainly tells a story about a man named Julien, who came from a carpenter’s family and got a shrewd father and two elder brothers characterized by huge size and rudeness. Though he wasn’t quite athletic, he got talent with his memory. He could recite the whole contents of the Bible, which made him admired by people around him and win him a job as a family teacher. And this is the part where our story begins. Under his gorgeous face, there exists a relentless lust for fortune, power and status, all of which derive from his persuit of happiness, dignity and freedom and finally contributed to his downfall. He worshiped Nepolen the most, and he is willing to die a thousand times to win his success. He desires for love, yet sometimes he used it as a tool to obtain his status and power. However, he had never given up showing his sympathy for the poor and contempt to the Noble. His pureness blended together with ambition and felt self-abased and conceited at the same time. As a young man, he ignored what’s really important for him—being loved. And he just realized this until death was around the corner. The story is a tragedy, for he hasn’t got what he wanted in the end and he sacrificed too much for his

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篇三 :红与黑英文读后感



Read the red and black 'is a time too long process, because time already gave writers and works most selfless and impartial judge, I like reading attitude to bestseller since can’t, and can’t be like that unbridled fiction was noncommittal on that. I’m in with the mind talking with that era, the key is in history outside of the inquiry and thinking

Lead me finish the book is gnaw its own great charm. The authors from a paper simple criminal case showed that time data broader social screen, turn an ordinary criminal improve to early nineteenth century French bourgeoisie social system, make the level of the research history and philosophy. Novel makes me see history books in curt inability to feel, that France and bourgeois big noble alternating the key period of ruling the condition. I learn realistic works of another kind of artistic characteristics of the world of people - 1783 stendhal 'soul dialectics'; This and I had from the high old man ', 'ouye ni ? lattice lang sets of Balzac in' the experience 'caused a person’s circumstances' very different.

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篇四 :《红与黑》英文读后感

The Book Report about The Red and the Black

The Red and the Black is the representative work of the Franch writer Stendhal. Since published in 1830, it has won the hearts from many youngsters in every country.

According to the name of this book, The Red and the Black, I think that “the red” means the ambition of Julien, and “the black” means the dark social reality of that age. In the end of the book, the darkness ruined Julien’s ambition.

In my opnion, Julien’s life was as short as fireworks, but was also as splendid as the shooting shostars. He had experienced two unordinary tragic love affairs, each of which had changed his life deeply. Although he was not a perfect person, neither a great man, he was the embodiment of his class. He was clever and aspiring; he seemed Napoleon as his director in spirit; and he had a strong will to achieve his goal. When I read the words that describe the scene of his death, I feel deeply pitiful to him.

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篇五 :《红与黑》英语读后感


The writer writing unfolds, first is entire French society's one typical window -----small city Varriale's political pattern. The aristocrat is born German Switzerland that mayor is restores the dynasty in here highest representative, the maintenance restoration political power, prevents the bourgeoisie free party member is in power in politics regards as the inherent responsibilities. Poor collection post manager Valno the promise originally is the petty bourgeois, as a result of hires oneself the church secret

organization saint can obtain the now the fat difference, thus oneself with restoration political power hitch in same place.

Transcription hall Father Maslon is the spy which the church sends, all people's words and deeds all under his surveillance, the time which mutually supports in this king place and the sacrificial altar, is person which wields great power with great arrogance. These three people constitute " Three heads Politic ", reflected the restoration influence the aspect which you the city arrogated all powers to oneself in Varriale.But their opposite, is a large number, has the huge economic potentiality aggressive bourgeoisie free party member. Stendhal describes to the people guarantees king party member's be domineering and tyrannical, on the one hand again let the people draw such conclusion: Grasps has the economic potentiality the bourgeoisie, also will decide in politics is the final victor. 《 The Red and the Black 》 the book in circulation revolutionized in July, 1830 before, takes charge of soup reaches unexpectedly picture is understands clearly historical movement this one inevitably tends to.

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篇六 :红与黑读书笔记 英文

1124030103 广告一班 张聪

The feeling after reading The Red and the Black

----------------a tragedy of an ambitious man Just as Napoleon said, “Every French soldier carries a marshal\’s baton in his knapsack”, Julien had an ambition in his heart. He was born in a peasant family, but he believed that he didn’t belong here. His background made him feel ashamed, and he decided never to give in to the fate. He always thought that he should be proud and he always behaved so. Actually, this is the symbol of his inferiority. The more inferior he felt, the more proudly he behaved, and he just wanted to hide his inferiority complex for his background. With these thoughts, he always wanted to conquer himself to get stronger, so he always imagined lots of battles and enemies. The love with Mrs. de Renal was one of his battles. The poor Mrs. de Renal was just a sacrifice. Having been loved with Mrs. de Renal just for a few months, Julien forgot her completely and decided to marry Mathillde. Even such a proud woman as Mathilde fell to Julien’s feet. But both Mrs. de Renal and Mathilde were too innocent, even ignorant, and they were both hurt deeply for the breaking of love. Maybe you can never judge a person only by his appearance, and remember never to give your priceless love to a person who has nothing but a handsome face.

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篇七 :《红与黑》读后感






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篇八 :《红与黑》读后感





读到这里,我不禁深深地为于连的命运感到惋惜。毋庸讳言,于连这段内心独白从一定程度上揭示了他自己的人生经历:快19岁时到德·莱纳先生家当家庭教师;21岁左右进德·拉莫尔府作秘书;23岁前后左右入狱,两个月后死。从出场到被处决,也就四年左右的时间,正午时光尚未完全领略,又何谈理解“夜”这个字呢。 作为文章的主人公,于连被刻画得聪明、干连、敏感、倔强,具有火一样的炽烈的性格、奔放的热情、高傲的脾气和强烈的自尊心。虽然出身卑微,但在个人英雄主义的理想驱使下,野心勃勃,立志要创造一番事业,在世上扬眉吐气。今天看来,于连的这些观点无可厚非。然而,至少在主人公所处的时代,要想实现他的抱负,读过《红与黑》之后,你会发现这一切就如同雾中花水中月一般,那美好的愿望,对于连来说,只能是“可远观而不可亵玩焉”。


一个停滞、萎缩、丧失了生机与活力的社会。封建等级制度森严,于连生于这样的社会,只能说是他的不幸。按照习惯势力和传统观点,居于社会上层的人属于“龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠生来会打洞”之类的,社会地位低下的于连想跻身上流社会,无疑是极为艰难的。 我们应该珍惜和把握现在的社会环境和工作环境,在我们企业中,遵循的是“能者上、多劳多得”的工作指导思想,鼓励员工为企业开动脑筋、出谋划策、竭尽所能,企业也会根据员工能力和贡献给予相应的回报。

然而,于连又是一个不安于现状的人。他有着一棵极为强烈的上进心。他喜欢读自己的“可兰经”:卢梭的《忏悔录》、拿破仑的《圣赫勒那岛回忆录》及大军公报。不仅如此,拿破仑的榜样“给自以为极不幸的他带来安慰,又使他在快乐的时候加倍的快乐”。他向往自由和快乐,在摆脱了父兄的欺侮和虐待,到德·莱纳先生家作家庭教师,虽然还不是离开维里埃,但已差不多是“飞黄腾达”的第一步了。更为主要的是,他甚至憧憬拿破仑摧枯拉朽式的大革命,希望所处的社会能够重新经受一番大革命的洗礼。在初出茅庐时,他曾经幻想做维里埃的市长,去伸张正义,铲除罪恶。他要建立伟大的事业,像拿破仑那样成为世界的主人。然而,在步入巴黎后,他就发现时代不允许他实现他的雄心。他对自己说:“像我这样一个可怜的乡下人,我,被判定永远地穿着这套愁苦的黑衣服!假如我早生二十年,我也会像他们一样穿着军服。在那时候,像我这样的人,不是被杀,便是在三十岁上做了将军。” 我们也要怀有着一棵极为强烈的上进心,努力上进,积极进取,不想要做将军的士兵不是好士兵,努力为企业为社会

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