篇一 :英语旅游演讲稿

Good morning everyone, my name is ZhouChangsong and my partner YangWeijin and QiuShurong. Today, we will introduce the topic of travelling.

Ok, now my lecture has three parts. The first one is the history of traveling. The second is the ways of traveling and the last one is the impact of traveling.

Ok, it seems that traveling is a recent invention, but as a matter of fact, traveling exists since ancient times. And traveling activities rise in China as early as 22 century B.C. In the late Ming dynasty, a famous geographer and traveler—Xuxiake.When he was 22, he began traveling through all over the country. After 30 years, he traveled most cities and sight spots of China. The next one, Marco Polo, a famous traveler from Italian, his famous book ”The travels of Marco Polo” contains a large amount of information about an unknown world and its nations, have been described the flourish of Yuan dynasty.

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篇二 :关于旅行的英语演讲

Travel is a very good means of broadening a person's perspective.

Travel may relieve a person of boredom and gloom.

Travelers can choose different modes of transportation which have advantages and disadvantages.


Travel is a very good means of broadening a person's perspective. It makes you come into contact with different cultures, meet people of different colors and go through peculiar rites and ceremonies. Travelling much, you will not only enrich your knowledge and experiences, but also be aware of the vastness of nature.

Travel may also relieve person of boredom and gloom. Travel brings you enjoyment and attraction. It gives you a pleasant experience, which will disperse your boredom and make you forget whatever annoys you. Travel broadens your mind and leaves you good memories. Later,you may go over these memories and enjoy your past experiences, thus keeping a fresh and sunny mind.

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篇三 :英语旅游演讲稿

Good morning everyone, today, I will introduce something about travel.

As we all know, before we go traveling, we should make a careful plan. First, we should choose the place. There are four choices, the natural spot, the historic site, the countryside and big cities. Then we should plan how many days we travel, only several days or more than a week.

After we choose a place, we should choose the traffic to go travel. If the way is not very long, we can travel on foot, it is safe and easiness, but you should take enough food and water. If you have a car, you can drive it of course, it will be very exciting and you can enjoy the roadside scenery. If you travel abroad or a long distance, you can travel by ship or by plane.

Travel is very good for us. It can widen our knowledge of geography and the knowledge of cultures. And we can experience the lifestyles of different places and countries. What’s more, we can see many different beautiful scenery and it will be a good memory . Well, travel is take exercise and it can build up our body. We can make many different friends through traveling and it is a good way to free our life and relax after busy work and study.

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篇四 :backpacking 背包游 旅游英语演讲稿

Hello everyone ,today I will introduce the topic of my backpacking,includingDestination,Hotel,Vehicle&routes,and some essential things.

As to me,aboutdestination,I prefer to someplace not far away,notcrowded,and with local conditions and customs.Then,addingall these factors together I willpick several places.so I could choose the one I’m most interested in.

After choosing my place,I will procede to search some information about Hotels.There are some hotels I can choose. Youth hotel,LocalGuesthouse,Hanting express and Home inns.generally,I will reserve a dormitory at Youth hotel. Then,Ineed to learn about hotel’s position ,price,internetservice,bath facilities and curfew.Not all the hotels have online service,but you can call the reception dest for reservation.

Next,I should choose the traffic and make my routes. book a round-trip train ticket online.google the map and search for which bus I will take.then make a detailed routes.write these primary information on a memo.

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篇五 :旅游英语视听说之 柬埔寨 演讲稿

Today, I will introduce you something about Cambodia. The content include About Cambodia, Sihanoukville, KohRongSamloem Island,Siem Reap

Cambodia might be one of South East Asia’s smallest countries, but it is one of the most popular destination for all kinds of travellers. Though the nation was suffered a lot in the 1970s, it has recovered to become more and more prosperous. It’s a beloved spot for backpackers, because they can enjoy 50-cent beers.the striking magnificentAngkor

Templesattracts lots of travers all over the world.And the country’s ancient Khmer heritage, wild jungles, steamy cities is also impressive.

Approximately 2 million tourists visit the country each year. bars and hotels have set up in Cambodia’s main cities Siem Reap and Phnom Penh.thebeach town

Sihanoukvillehasmany laid back Asian beach.

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篇六 :英语3-5分钟演讲稿--关于与所在城市的感情

Keep on dancing on your stage—Kunshan

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen:

The title of my speech today is “Keep on dancing on your stage—Kunshan”. Several years ago, my parents took me to Zhouzhuang and Jinxi for a travel. Just at the first glance of the scenery, I was deeply fascinated by the dreamy water village. I like the historic old buildings and old bridges, I like the gurgling water flow along the winding river, I like the delicious local special snacks. Especially, I enjoying the peaceful feeling when I sitting in the floating boat. In one word, I really like the unique city very much.

After my graduation in 2013, I found my first job in Kunshan city, and worked as a Mechanical designer. I can never forget the day when I entered our corporation, my boss made a face to face talk with me. “Kunshan city like a large stage”, he said, “it can provide abundant oppertunities for all of us. If you want to be an excellent dancer on this stage, you need to keep on dancing and never give up”. I was deeply inspired by what he said and determined to contribute the rest of my life on the development of our company and Kunshan city.

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篇七 :旅游安全演讲稿

行者无疆,安全相伴 快乐旅游,安全护航






频繁发生的旅游安全事故,既造成了重大的游客人身财产损失,又严重地影响了旅游目的地的整体形象,阻碍了旅游业的正常发展。随着旅游社市场的不断开放,国内旅游社的竞争愈演愈烈,旅游安全形势将更加严峻,传统的旅游安全管理模式已经越来越不适应新形势的要求。旅游安全正在成为旅游业的重中之重,旅游安全已成为社会个方面关注的焦点。因此,要让旅游安全的事故敲响旅游安全的警钟! 然而我县作为一个旅游业才刚刚起步的县城,如果稍有不慎引发安全事故,就会造成难以挽回的不良影响,使多年发展旅游的成果毁于一旦,后果将不堪设想。因此,各有关部门、乡镇和景点一定要站在贯彻“三个代表”重要思想、落实科学发展观、构建社会主义和谐社会的高度,牢固树立“安全第一、预防为主”的思想,全面落实旅游安全生产责任,深入扎实地开展好全县的旅游安全工作。

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篇八 :旅游演讲稿

各位团友,大家好!欢迎大家参加我们***旅行社组织的这次海南双飞5天团。(这个团队名称要讲得很流畅,会给游客一种你很专业,很值得信任的感觉。) 首先,我先介绍一下自己。我是这次行程的全陪导游,叫______,大家可以叫我阿___或___(不要称某小姐或某先生,显疏远)。(在这里还可以拿自己的名字开个小玩笑,以加深印象并活跃气氛。)





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