篇一 :利用labview实现磁化曲线和磁滞回线的测量实验报告














初始磁化曲线  在热退磁的磁中性状态下,当磁场绝对值单调增加时,样品的磁化强度M(或磁感应强度B)随磁场强度H的变化轨迹(如图1曲线中的o-f-a段)。

磁滞回线  当磁场强度在之间循环变化时,M或B的变化轨迹(如图1中的abcdefa曲线)。它是一条闭合曲线。

换向(正常)磁化曲线  将不同饱和磁场下得到的磁滞回线的顶点连接起来所得到的曲线(如图2所示)。测量该曲线前样品需要退磁。

理想磁化曲线(无磁滞的磁化曲线) 在获得换向磁化曲线的每一个恒定磁场上,再加上一个振幅自某一值变至零的交变磁场,由此得到的磁化强度M随恒定磁场变化的曲线成为理想磁化曲线。图3是理想磁化曲线和换向磁化曲线的比较。

饱和磁滞回线  在饱和磁场下的磁滞回线。


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篇二 :exercise sheet for 12 argumentative essay-2 reading and learning UNIVERSITY IN EVERY TOWN




Zoe Lei




Zoe Lei




Zoe Lei




Zoe Lei




Zoe Lei

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篇三 :Hamlet is a classical representative work of a great English playwright and poet


10英教(1) 1028010002 朱莉 Hamlet is a classical representative work of a great English playwright and poet-William Shakespeare. William Shakespeare is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon". His four great comedies are Twelfth Night、Midsummer Night's Dream 、The Merchant of Venice and As You Like It. His four representative tragedies are Hamlet、 Othello、 King Lear and Macbeth. While Hamlet is most popular and the best work in the four representative tragedies, because it is a philosophical exploration of life and death.

The hero of Hamlet is Prince Hamlet of Denmark, son of deceased King Hamlet.When he back the home in a hurry from Germany for his father's funeral ,he only to find his father death mysteriously and his mother remarriage with Claudius- his father’s brother hastily. He is doubt that his uncle killed his mother to rob his beautiful mother and his father throne. Suddenly a Ghost appears to lead Hamlet to a secluded place, claims that it is the actual spirit of his father. It tells hamlet a secret. His father was murdered by his brother Claudius pouring poison in his ear. In order to revenge on his uncle for killing his father, he pretend to be mad and suffered a series of misery. To this, he started the difficult revenge course, launched the life and death contest with Claudius. Finally, sent out sword the revenge to Claudius. Hamlet is a absolute tragedy,

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篇四 :定性研究和定量研究的区别论文The Difference and Combination of Quantitative and Qualitative Research

The Difference and Combination of

Quantitative and Qualitative Research

Abstract: Quantitative research and qualitative research are two basic paradigms and methods, each with different concept, nature, fundamental theory, and research process. Recently, there are more and more arguments about the tow methods and more and more scholars promote the combination of them in researches. This thesis demonstrates the differences between the two methods and also analyzes the combination of them and its significance in researches.

Key words: Quantitative research, qualitative research, difference, combination

Section One The Introduction of Quantitative Research and Qualitative Research

There are two paradigms in social science research. One is the positivist methodology and the other is the humanist methodology. The positivist methodology simulates the natural science and uses inductive method to discover new knowledge, uses the “hypothesis-deduction” mode to test theory (Kerlinger, 1964), uses the method of mathematical statistics to analyze quantizable empirical observation and to assure the cause-and-effect relationship. In comparison, the humanist methodology derives from humanist science and emphasizes collecting, comprehending and explaining documents.

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篇五 :The Main Difference Between My College Life And My Middle School Life

The Main Difference Between My College Life And My Middle School Life

It is generally accepted by college students that the main difference between middle school and college life lies in the degree of independence. As for me, I prefer the more independent life in university for the following three reasons. First and foremost, since the very day I entered the university, I have learned to live on my own and cultivated the habit of solving problems by myself. Without parents company, I have learned to arrange my daily meals for myself, wash clothes, set financial plans and make decisions relying on myself. Besides, college life is academically different from that in middle schools. Teachers in university only give students due guidance at due time, which renders college students more freedom to set academic goals. What’s more, we can choose any courses we are interested in and the teachers whose teaching styles are to our preference. Last but not least, we enjoy more free extracurricular time. We can make good use of the free time to broaden our views and make more friends.

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篇六 :The Main Difference between My College Life and My Middle School Life

The Main Difference between My College Life and My Middle School Life

Before students enter the university, they all want to know the main difference between college life and middle school life. According to my experience, college life has more freedom than the life in middle school. As for me , I prefer the more free life in university for the following three reasons. First, our studying becomes unconstrained. At the middle school, we spend most of our time studying. We have many courses and a lot of work waiting for us to complete. We try our best to study because we all want to go to better universities. But in university, it’s different. We have more time not only for studying but also for many other things. Scores are not the only standard for our life. Besides, we have more freedom in our daily life. In middle school, we always controlled by our parents and teachers. However, we can arrange our time without parents’ company in college life. Last but not least, we enjoy more free extracurricular time. The only thing we can do in middle school is studying. We have no spare time to do what we want to do. But it’s totally different in our college life. We have more free time to take part in various kinds of activities, such as dancing, playing different kinds of balls, which make our life more colorful and meaningful.

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篇七 :范文4The Main Difference Between My College Life and My Middle School Life

The Main Difference Between My College Life and My Middle

School Life

As we all know, life in college differs from that in the middle school in many aspects. From where I stand, I would say that the main difference between my college life and my middle school life lies in the fact that college provides a more flexible study environment while the latter a rather stereotype style.

Owing to the sharp differences between the two styles, certainly I prefer the college life to the middle school one. There are two major causes resulting in my viewpoint. For one thing, college life makes ampler room for me to study, to entertain myself, and to communicate with other students, which undoubtedly does great good to enhance my knowledge. For another, it is the flexible study model that gives me a great deal of time to touch on other studies, such as arts, history, linguistics and so on, which will help me broaden my horizon and further improve my understanding about society and life.

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篇八 :Marilyn Monroe Biography 玛丽莲梦露简介 Marilyn Monroe captivated the world with her beauty

Marilyn Monroe Biography 玛丽莲梦露简介 Marilyn Monroe captivated the world with her beauty, glamour, and unabashed sex appeal. 玛丽莲梦露用她的美丽,魔魅和毫不加以掩饰的性感征服了整个世界。 Born with mousey brown hair and the non-distinct name of Norma Jean Mortenson, Marilyn re-invented herself and rose to fame in the 1950s portraying bubbly, sometimes ditzy and always curvaceous blonde bombshells in Hollywood films. 曾生就一头老鼠灰的头发,有着不起眼的名字诺玛.简.贝克的玛丽莲,由于在19世纪50年代初的好莱坞电影中不断塑造肤浅呆滞但无疑都是性感美女的角色而声名鹊起。 She overcame a childhood of foster homes, an absent father, and a disturbed mother to become a model, singer and award-winning actress. 她在一家接一家的寄居生活中度过了童年时光,童年记忆里没有父亲,只有一个精神失常的母亲,然后长大成为了一名模特,歌手和名演员。 But her sex kitten persona left her pigeonholed in shallow roles and alone. 但是她天生性感尤物的形象把她局限于出演肤浅银幕角色中。 Having sacrificed her first marriage to pursue an acting career, the failure of her second marriage to baseball great Joe DiMaggio would be blamed on her demanding career and increasing sexual image. 在追求演艺事业的过程中她牺牲了她的第一次婚姻,第二次与棒球健将乔·迪·马吉奥的结合也因她演艺事业和日益热辣的形象宣告终结。 Her third marriage to playwright Arthur Miller ended when career frustrations, self-doubt, and depression began to consume her. 她的第三次婚姻对象是剧作家阿瑟米勒,在她的事业低潮、自我怀疑等负面情绪开始影响她的时候也走向了终途。 Marilyn Monroe is a 20th century icon representing the glamour, sexuality and tragedy of fame in Hollywood. 玛丽莲梦露作为20世纪偶像,代表了魔魅、性感,同时也是好莱坞的悲剧代表人物。

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