篇一 :新航道独家解读《剑桥雅思10》写作部分






20xx年4月30日,《剑桥雅思10 》终于发布跟大家见面。雅思考生有了新的备考练习书,老师也有了新的教学参考书。而作为雅思考试最难拿分的部分和中国考生的短板,我们到底要做什么来提高写作成绩?笔者亲历众多烤鸭头疼写作单科5.5差0.5分递交大学申请,6.5差0.5申请牛津剑桥等名校、PR(澳洲移民)。套模板?背素材?用机经?还是些其他玄之又玄的方法?本文笔者将结合自身数年雅思写作教学经验、近年考试真题和之前剑桥雅思书籍(1-9)对剑10中作文部分进行浅析,并努力用较短的文字给烤鸭指明备考方向。




笔者将小作文分为数据类(线、饼、柱、表及综合图)和非数据类(通常为流程图和地图)。柱图作为近年来在考试中考查频次最多的数据类小作文(13,14年均最多),它连续出现在剑9/10中是与其在考试中地位相匹配的;表格作为这两年重点考察的图形出现也是实至名归,上次在剑桥系列书籍中出现表格,还要追溯到20xx年剑8Test1的饼+表综合图中;倒是饼图连续在剑7/8/9/10中出现颇为意外,原因是在这两年考试中出现频次大幅下降,20xx年全年48次考试出现6次,20xx年仅2次,20xx年到笔者写这篇文章之前的16场考试更是没出现,流程图的出现说明非数据类小作文在雅思考试中的地位将会得到继续巩固(连续出现在剑8/9/10),实际上去年48场考试中非数据类占到13次(7次地图和6次流程),已经与数据类小作文分庭抗礼之势。值得一提的是,剑10前3套练习中小作文均为两个图(Test1两个饼,Test2两个表和Test3两个柱),这似乎也在传递一个讯号就是以后数据类小作文的考察将会以图形提供更多的数据信息为主要形式,更加看重考生们对数据的总结归纳技巧而不是单纯的数据和趋势描述。跟以往的剑桥真题类似,剑10在后面答案提供了Test2和Tes4两篇小作文范文(Sample Answer)供考生研读,其中笔者认为流程图这篇范文学习意义非常之大,虽然之前剑桥在剑6中给出过流程图范文(蚕的一生和制丝过程),但这篇关于三文鱼一生的范文更具代表性,文中用了很多表示过程演进的衔接词,如begin, after, by the time等,清晰地交代了变化,给考生仿写做了一个非常好的演示,帮助解决流行在中国烤鸭中的流程地图恐惧症。

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篇二 :20xx年10月22日雅思作文题目+原创范文


Anyone can post information on the internet even if it is incorrect , as a result most of the information we read is inaccurate 。To what extent do you agree or disagree?

From personal releases of emotions among the public, profit-oriented activities in businesses, to the official announcement from the government, information on the internet is now bombarding us once we are online. Although some information release may be partial, it is irrational to doubt the inaccuracy for the majority.

Only when the information is correct, can it enjoy a lasting attraction to readers. With an expectation to have more loyal fans, the author will be encouraged to provide the latest and trustworthy report about the activities he is involved in, which in turn, will result in more readers to obtain the accurate information. Otherwise, when the audience are aware of their being cheated or misled, it will be a once-only practice, or even arouse their complaints and condemns, which is against any information-releasers.

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篇三 :剑桥雅思小作文

The chart and table above compile the emission of CO2 per passenger and show arrangement of the Europe Union funds on numerous ways of transport.

Obviously,it was the air traveling that releases that greatest quantity of Carbon dioxide-550 grams each person approximately .In contrast, coaches,with the emission of merely less than 50, could be considered as a kind of green communication.However,the most common viechel among Europeans-the passenger cars-discharges from 100 to 150 grams of gas which is three times as much as any of the public transport including buses and rail.

According to the pie chart, roads still have a profound effect on the transportation in Europe since more than a half of the budget is spent on them.Nevertheless, the percentages of ports and airports are much poorer.Besides,this chart also indicates that the government will pay one third of the budget on the construction of Inland modal.Meanwhile they also distribute 10% of the expense into the development of Intermodal。

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篇四 :雅思小作文剑桥范文 Monica


The graph compares the unemployment rates in the U.S. and in Japan over a span of 6 years from March 1993 to March 1999.

As can be seen from the graph, during this period of time, the unemployment rate in U.S. revealed a trend of gradual decline, whereas that in Japan witnessed an opposite tendency, namely, a steady rise.

Obviously, there was a dramatic increase with the unemployment rate in Japan between 1993 and 1994, rising from about 2.5% to 3.75%. Nevertheless, the following year experienced a slight fluctuation. From March 1995 to the middle of 1998, there was a stable growth accompanied by occasional fluctuations. Particularly in 1998, it peaked at approximately 5.3% and afterwards began to show minor drop before finally ending up at 5%.

On the other hand, the unemployment rate in U.S. was totally different from that in Japan. As is shown from the graph, US unemployment rate fell significantly from the original 7.0% to the final 5.1%. The lowest rate, which appeared in 1998, reached about 4.7%, almost drew even to the highest rate in Japan.

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篇五 :新东方雅思VIP写作教研组-朱瑞红-考试范文:20xx.10.26 city-country gap(1)



一、考试时间:2013.10.26 二、考试整体概述: Task 1: 表格 Task 2: report题型








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篇六 :新东方雅思VIP写作教研组-朱瑞红-考试范文:20xx.10.26 city-country gap



一、考试时间:2013.10.26 二、考试整体概述: Task 1: 表格 Task 2: report题型








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篇七 :剑桥雅思3—6 小作文

3.1 The chart below show the number of Japanese tourists travelling abroad between 1985 and 1995and Australia's share of the Japanese tourist market题目

The chart and the graph respectively show the number of Japanese tourists traveling abroad and the number of Japanese tourists to Australia from 1985 to 1995.

To begin with, from 1985 to 1995, the number of Japanese tourists traveling abroad was tripled, growing from just about 5 million to more than 15 million. The only exception was the year of 1991, when there was a slight decline as compared with the previous year. By contrast, all the other years witnessed a gradual increase.

Second, the graph displays that during the first three years, the percentage of Japanese tourists to Australia rocketed from 2% to 4.8%. This is an increase b y 2.8%. Nonetheless, in the following year, we see a slight drop. Surprisingly, between 1989 and 1993, there appeared a significant rise from 4.2% to 6.2%, which was the peak in the designated decade, and it ended up at 6% in 1994

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篇八 :剑桥雅思考官范例作文之对于雇用孩子打工的看法

剑桥雅思考官范例作文之对于雇用孩子打工的看法 剑桥雅思考官范例作文:对于雇用孩子打工的看法 小编今天为给位烤鸭带来了剑桥雅思考官范例作文:对于雇用孩子打工的看法,供大家参考学习。雅思写作的提高不能心急,需要长期的积累和练习,赶快随小编一起学起来吧。

Topic:In many countries children are engaged in some kind of paid work. Some people regard this as completely wrong, while others consider it as valuable work experience, important for learning and taking responsibility. What are your opinions on this?

The issue of children doing paid work is a complex and sensitive one. It is difficult to say who has the right to judge whether children working is 'wrong' or 'valuable'. Opinions will also differ as to 'learning' benefits; no doubt teachers and factory owner, for example, would have varying concerns.

An important consideration is the kind of work undertaken. Young children doing arfuous and repetitive tasks ona factory production line, for example, areless likely to be 'learning' than older children helping in an old people's home. There are health can safety issues to be considered as well. It is an unfortunate fact that many employers may prefer to use the services of children simply to save money by paying them less than adults and it is this type of exploitation that should be discouraged.

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